

에스겔 28



1 여호와의 말씀이 또 내게 임하여 가라사대

2 인자야 너는 두로 왕에게 이르기를 주 여호와의 말씀에 네 마음이 교만하여 말하기를 나는 신이라 내가 하나님의 자리 곧 바다 중심에 앉았다 하도다 네 마음이 하나님의 마음 같은 체 할지라도 너는 사람이요 신이 아니어늘

3 네가 다니엘보다 지혜로와서 은밀한 것을 깨닫지 못할 것이 없다하고

4 네 지혜와 총명으로 재물을 얻었으며 금 은을 곳간에 저축하였으며

5 네 큰 지혜와 장사함으로 재물을 더하고 그 재물로 인하여 네 마음이 교만하였도다

6 그러므로 나 주 여호와가 말하노라 네 마음이 하나님의 마음 같은 체 하였으니

7 그런즉 내가 외인 곧 열국의 강포한 자를 거느리고 와서 너를 치리니 그들이 칼을 빼어 네 지혜의 아름다운 것을 치며 네 영화를 더럽히며

8 또 너를 구덩이에 빠뜨려서 너로 바다 가운데서 살륙을 당한 자의 죽음 같이 바다 중심에서 죽게 할지라

9 너를 살륙하는 자 앞에서 네가 그래도 말하기를 내가 하나님이라 하겠느냐 너를 치는 자의 수중에서 사람뿐이요 신이 아니라

10 네가 외인의 손에서 죽기를 할례 받지 않은 자의 죽음 같이 하리니 내가 말하였음이니라 나 주 여호와의 말이니라 하셨다 하라

11 여호와의 말씀이 또 내게 임하여 가라사대

12 인자야 두로 왕을 위하여 애가를 지어 그에게 이르기를 주 여호와의 말씀에 너는 완전한 인이었고 지혜가 충족하며 온전히 아름다왔도다

13 네가 옛적에 하나님의 동산 에덴에 있어서 각종 보석 곧 홍보석과, 황보석과, 금강석과, 황옥과, 홍마노와, 창옥과, 청보석과, 남보석과, 홍옥과, 황금으로 단장하였었음이여 네가 지음을 받던 날에 너를 위하여 소고와 비파가 예비되었었도다

14 너는 기름 부음을 받은 덮는 그룹임이여 내가 너를 세우매 네가 하나님의 성산에 있어서 화광석 사이에 왕래하였었도다

15 네가 지음을 받던 날로부터 네 모든 길에 완전하더니 마침내 불의가 드러났도다

16 네 무역이 풍성하므로 네 가운데 강포가 가득하여 네가 범죄하였도다 너 덮는 그룹아 그러므로 내가 너를 더럽게 여겨 하나님의 산에서 쫓아 내었고 화광석 사이에서 멸하였도다

17 네가 아름다우므로 마음이 교만하였으며 네가 영화로우므로 네 지혜를 더럽혔음이여 내가 너를 땅에 던져 열왕 앞에 두어 그들의 구경거리가 되게 하였도다

18 네가 죄악이 많고 무역이 불의하므로 네 모든 성소를 더럽혔음이여 내가 네 가운데서 불을 내어 너를 사르게 하고 너를 목도하는 모든 자 앞에서 너로 땅 위에 재가 되게 하였도다

19 만민 중에 너를 아는 자가 너로 인하여 다 놀랄 것임이여 네가 경계거리가 되고 네가 영원히 다시 있지 못하리로다 하셨다 하라

20 여호와의 말씀이 또 내게 임하여 가라사대

21 인자야 너는 낯을 시돈으로 향하고 그를 쳐서 예언하라

22 너는 이르기를 주 여호와의 말씀에 시돈아 내가 너를 대적하나니 네 가운데서 내 영광이 나타나리라 하셨다 하라 내가 그 가운데서 국문을 행하여 내 거룩함을 나타낼 때에 무리가 나를 여호와인 줄 알지라

23 내가 그에게 염병을 보내며 그의 거리에 피가 흐르게 하리니 사방에서 오는 칼에 상한 자가 그 가운데 엎드러질 것인즉 무리가 나를 여호와인 줄 알겠고

24 이스라엘 족속에게는 그 사면에서 그들을 멸시하는 자 중에 찌르는 가시와 아프게 하는 가시가 다시는 없으리니 그들이 나를 주 여호와인 줄 알리라

25 나 주 여호와가 말하노라 내가 열방에 흩어 있는 이스라엘 족속을 모으고 그들로 인하여 열국의 목전에서 내 거룩함을 나타낼 때에 그들이 고토 곧 내 종 야곱에게 준 땅에 거할지라

26 그들이 그 가운데 평안히 거하여 집을 건축하며 포도원을 심고 그들의 사면에서 멸시하던 모든 자를 내가 국문할 때에 그들이 평안히 살며 나를 그 하나님 여호와인 줄 알리라




전도서 7



1 아름다운 이름이 보배로운 기름보다 낫고 죽는 날이 출생하는 날보다 나으며

2 초상집에 가는 것이 잔치집에 가는 것보다 나으니 모든 사람의 결국이 이와 같이 됨이라 산 자가 이것에 유심하리로다

3 슬픔이 웃음보다 나음은 얼굴에 근심함으로 마음이 좋게 됨이니라

4 지혜자의 마음은 초상집에 있으되 우매자의 마음은 연락하는 집에 있느니라

5 사람이 지혜자의 책망을 듣는 것이 우매자의 노래를 듣는 것보다 나으니라

6 우매자의 웃음 소리는 솥 밑에서 가시나무의 타는 소리 같으니 이것도 헛되니라

7 탐학이 지혜자를 우매하게 하고 뇌물이 사람의 명철을 망케 하느니라

8 일의 끝이 시작보다 낫고 참는 마음이 교만한 마음보다 나으니

9 급한 마음으로 노를 발하지 말라 노는 우매자의 품에 머무름이니라

10 옛날이 오늘보다 나은 것이 어찜이냐 하지 말라 이렇게 묻는 것이 지혜가 아니니라

11 지혜는 유업같이 아름답고 햇빛을 보는 자에게 유익하도다

12 지혜도 보호하는 것이 되고 돈도 보호하는 것이 되나 지식이 더욱 아름다움은 지혜는 지혜 얻은 자의 생명을 보존함이니라

13 하나님의 행하시는 일을 보라 하나님이 굽게 하신 것을 누가 능히 곧게 하겠느냐

14 형통한 날에는 기뻐하고 곤고한 날에는 생각하라 하나님이 이 두가지를 병행하게 하사 사람으로 그 장래 일을 능히 헤아려 알지 못하게 하셨느니라

15 내가 내 헛된 날에 이 모든 일을 본즉 자기의 의로운 중에서 멸망하는 의인이 있고 자기의 악행 중에서 장수하는 악인이 있으니

16 지나치게 의인이 되지 말며 지나치게 지혜자도 되지 말라 어찌하여 스스로 패망케 하겠느냐

17 지나치게 악인이 되지 말며 우매자도 되지 말라 어찌하여 기한 전에 죽으려느냐

18 너는 이것을 잡으며 저것을 놓지 마는 것이 좋으니 하나님을 경외하는 자는 이 모든 일에서 벗어날 것임이니라

19 지혜가 지혜자로 성읍 가운데 열 유사보다 능력이 있게 하느니라

20 선을 행하고 죄를 범치 아니하는 의인은 세상에 아주 없느니라

21 무릇 사람의 말을 들으려고 마음을 두지 말라 염려컨대 네 종이 너를 저주하는 것을 들으리라

22 너도 가끔 사람을 저주한 것을 네 마음이 아느니라

23 내가 이 모든 것을 지혜로 시험하며 스스로 이르기를 내가 지혜자가 되리라 하였으나 지혜가 나를 멀리하였도다

24 무릇 된 것이 멀고 깊고 깊도다 누가 능히 통달하랴

25 내가 돌이켜 전심으로 지혜와 명철을 살피고 궁구하여 악한 것이 어리석은 것이요 어리석은 것이 미친 것인 줄을 알고자 하였더니

26 내가 깨달은즉 마음이 올무와 그물같고 손이 포승같은 여인은 사망보다 독한 자라 하나님을 기뻐하는 자는 저를 피하려니와 죄인은 저에게 잡히리로다

27 전도자가 가로되 내가 낱낱이 살펴 그 이치를 궁구하여 이것을 깨달았노라

28 내 마음에 찾아도 아직 얻지 못한 것이 이것이라 일천 남자 중에서 하나를 얻었거니와 일천 여인 중에서는 하나도 얻지 못하였느니라

29 나의 깨달은 것이 이것이라 곧 하나님이 사람을 정직하게 지으셨으나 사람은 많은 꾀를 낸 것이니라


from the Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg


The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings #51

Studere hoc loco

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51. The worldly knowledge and spiritual knowledge that serve for the opening of our inner spiritual self. "Worldly knowledge" refers to the knowledge we have in our outer or earthly self and its memory, but not to the knowledge we have in our inner or spiritual self: 3019, 3020, 3293, 3309, 4967, 9918, 9922. Since worldly knowledge belongs to the outer or earthly self it is relatively menial. This is because the outer or earthly self is made to serve the inner or spiritual self the way the world serves heaven: 5077, 5125, 5128, 5786, 5947, 10272, 10471. The outer self is like the world because the laws of the divine design that prevail in the world are written into it; and the inner self is like heaven because the laws of the divine design that prevail in heaven are written into it: 4523, 4524, 5368, 6013, 6057, 9278, 9279, 9283, 9709, 10156, 10472; [see also] Heaven and Hell 51-58.

[2] There are bodies of knowledge of an earthly nature that have to do with our civic condition and our civic life; there are bodies of knowledge that have to do with our moral condition and our moral life; and there are bodies of knowledge that have to do with our spiritual condition and our spiritual life: 5774, 5934. For clarity's sake, though, I refer to knowledge about our spiritual condition and our spiritual life as "spiritual knowledge," which mainly consists of theological teachings: 9945.

[3] It is important for us to become steeped in worldly and spiritual knowledge, because it is through this that we learn to think, then to understand what truth and goodness are, and eventually to be wise-that is, to live by what we have learned: 129, 1450, 1451, 1453, 1548, 1802. Worldly and spiritual knowledge are basic things on which our life is built and founded-both our civic and our moral life as well as our spiritual life; but they need to be learned with the goal of living a useful life: 1489, 3310. Spiritual knowledge opens a pathway to the inner self and then joins the inner and the outer self together according to our usefulness: 1563, 1616. Our rationality is born by means of worldly and spiritual knowledge (1895, 1900, 3086), yet it is not born through that knowledge itself, but through and according to our desire to put it to use (1895). The inner self is opened and gradually perfected through worldly and spiritual knowledge if we seek good and useful goals, especially goals related to eternal life: 3086. Then spiritual insights from the heavenly and spiritual self encounter the knowledge of worldly and spiritual things that is in the earthly self and adopt what is suitable: 1495. Then from the knowledge about worldly and spiritual things that is in our earthly self the Lord, by means of our inner self, draws out, refines, and raises up what is useful for heavenly life (1895, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 5871, 5874, 5901), but information that is incompatible or conflicting is pushed aside and excluded (5871, 5886, 5889). The sight of our inner self calls forth from the worldly and spiritual knowledge in our outer self only those things that relate to what we love: 9394. Our worldly and spiritual knowledge is arranged in bundles and bound together according to the type of love that drove us to learn it: 5881. Then to the eye of our inner self the information that relates to what we love is at the center and in bright light, while the information that does not relate is off to the sides and in darkness: 6068, 6085. Worldly and spiritual knowledge is gradually sown in our loves and takes up residence there: 6323. If we were born loving the Lord and loving our neighbor we would be born into all knowledge and understanding, but since we are born loving ourselves and the world we are born into total ignorance: 6323. Knowledge, intelligence, and wisdom are the offspring that are born of love for the Lord and love for our neighbor: 1226, 2049, 2116.

[4] Since knowledge of worldly and spiritual things belongs to the outer or earthly self, it is in this world's light, but truths that have become matters of love and faith and therefore have been applied to life are in heaven's light: 5212. Even so, earthly concepts are needed to help us understand the truths that we are applying to life: 5510. There is a spiritual inflow through the inner self into the knowledge of worldly and spiritual things that is in the outer self: 1940, 8005. Knowledge of worldly and spiritual things is a container and vessel for the truth and goodness that belong to the inner self: 1469, 1496, 3068, 5489, 6004, 6023, 6052, 6071, 6077, 7770, 9922. That is why "vessels" in the Word, spiritually understood, means knowledge of worldly and spiritual things: 3068, 3069, 3079, 9394, 9544, 9723, 9724. Our worldly knowledge is like a mirror in which we can see and perceive in a kind of image things that are true and things that are good in the inner self (5201); all three meet together there on the outermost level (5373, 5874, 5886, 5901, 6004, 6023, 6052, 6071, 6077). Since worldly information is in this world's light, it is tangled and dark compared to things that are in heaven's light, which means that the same holds true for the contents of the outer self in comparison to those of the inner self: 2831. In fact, in the Word "a thicket" (2831) and "clouds" and "darkness" (8443, 10551) mean worldly knowledge.

[5] We need to make our start from the truths of a body of teaching from the Word and acknowledge them first, and then it is allowable to turn to worldly knowledge in order to find support for them and verify them: 6047. So if people have a positive attitude toward the truths that belong to religious faith, it is all right for them to look to worldly knowledge for intellectual support, but it is not all right for people who have a negative attitude to such truths, because a positive attitude as a starting point pulls everything in a positive direction, but a negative attitude as a starting point pulls everything in a negative direction: 2568, 2588, 3913, 4760, 6047. There is an affirmative way of doubting and a negative way of doubting, the former being characteristic of the good and the latter characteristic of the evil: 2568. Engagement with worldly knowledge on the basis of the truths that belong to religious faith accords with proper order; but the reverse, engaging on the basis of worldly knowledge with the truths that belong to religious faith, is contrary to proper order: 10236. Since inflow is spiritual and not physical or earthly it is a flow from the truths that belong to religious faith (because these are spiritual) into worldly knowledge (because this is earthly): 3219, 5119, 5259, 5427, 5428, 5479, 6322, 9109, 9110.

[6] People who doubt in a truly negative way, and say that they will not believe until they are convinced by objective evidence, will never believe: 2094, 2832. People who do this become insane in regard to matters of the church and heaven: 128, 129, 130. They fall prey to false beliefs and evil cravings (232, 233) in the other life when they think about spiritual matters they become like drunks (1072). More about what they are like: 196. Some examples illustrating the fact that spiritual matters cannot be grasped if they are approached from the wrong direction: 233, 2094, 2196, 2203, 2209. Many scholars are more insane in spiritual matters than ordinary people because they are resolutely negative and have an abundant supply of facts to support their denial: 4760. An example of a scholar who was incapable of understanding anything about spiritual life: 8629. People who use worldly knowledge to dispute the truths that belong to religious faith do so with vehemence, since their arguments are based on the deceptive impressions of the five senses. These impressions, being hard to dispel, are arresting and persuasive: 5700. People who understand nothing of what is true and who are also given to evil are able to reason about the truths and the good actions taught by faith, and yet they have no enlightenment: 4214. Simply confirming a dogma is not a sign of intelligence, because a dogma that is false is as easy to confirm as one that is true: 1017, 2477, 2490, 4741, 5033, 6865, 7012, 7680, 7950, 8521, 8780. People who reason about the truths of the church by asking whether something is so or not are completely in the dark about truths and have no spiritual light yet: 1 215, 1385, 3428.

[7] There are types of knowledge that support divine truths and types that do not: 5213. Empty facts have to be eliminated from our minds: 1489, 1492, 1499, 1500. Facts are empty if they intend and support our love for ourselves and the world and lead us away from loving the Lord and our neighbor, because this kind of thing closes the inner self so completely that we can then not accept anything from heaven: 1563, 1600. Worldly knowledge is a means to both wisdom and madness; by it the inner self is either opened or closed and our rational functioning is either developed or destroyed: 4156, 8628, 9922.

[8] Worldly learning means nothing after death except what we have gained through it for our understanding and life: 2480. Nevertheless, all our worldly knowledge remains intact after death, though it is dormant: 2476-2479, 2481-2486.

[9] The same facts that are false for evil people because they are used for evil purposes are true for good people because they are used for good purposes: 6917. The truths that evil people know are not actually true no matter how true they may seem when they say them, because there is something evil within those truths and they are falsified as a result; not even the knowledge they have deserves to be called knowledge, because it has no life within it: 10331.

[10] It is one thing to be wise, another to be intelligent, another to be knowledgeable, and another to act; all the same, for people engaged in a spiritual life, these follow in order and correspond to each other, and they are all present together in the doing and in the deeds: 10331. It is also one thing to know the truth, another to acknowledge it, and still another to believe it: 896.

[11] An example of the kind of craving for information that spirits have: 1973. Angels have an immense desire for knowledge and wisdom because knowledge, intelligence, and wisdom are spiritual food: 3114, 4459, 4792, 4976, 5147, 5293, 5340, 5342, 5410, 5426, 5576, 5582, 5588, 5655, 6277, 8562, 9003.

[12] Among the ancients the most important field of study was knowing correspondences, but nowadays that body of knowledge has been erased: 3021, 3419, 4280, 4844, 4964, 4965, 6004, 7729, 10252. There was a knowledge of correspondences among the people of the Near East and in Egypt: 5702, 6692, 7097, 7779, 9391, 10407. This was the source of their hieroglyphics: 6692, 7097. Through their knowledge of correspondences the ancients gained access to spiritual knowledge of various kinds: 4749, 4844, 4966. The Word was written in pure correspondences, and that is the source of its inner or spiritual meaning. Without a knowledge of correspondences we cannot know that this meaning exists or know what the nature of the Word is: 3131, 3472-3485, 8615, 10687. How superior a knowledge of correspondences is to other forms of knowledge: 4280.


1. For an example of such people, see the dialog in Marriage Love 232 between Swedenborg and some "reasoners. " Asked what must be the religion by which people could be saved, their response is to break this down into component questions, the first being whether religion actually is anything. This, they say, would require so much research that it could not be settled within a day, a year, or according to one, a hundred years. [GFD]

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.