

Esodo 23



1 Non spargere alcuna voce calunniosa e non tener di mano all’empio nell’attestare il falso.

2 Non andar dietro alla folla per fare il male; e non deporre in giudizio schierandoti dalla parte dei più per pervertire la giustizia.

3 Parimente non favorire il povero nel suo processo.

4 Se incontri il bue del tuo nemico o il suo asino smarrito, non mancare di ricondurglielo.

5 Se vedi l’asino di colui che t’odia steso a terra sotto il carico, guardati bene dall’abbandonarlo, ma aiuta il suo padrone a scaricarlo.

6 Non violare il diritto del povero del tuo popolo nel suo processo.

7 Rifuggi da ogni parola bugiarda; e non far morire l’innocente e il giusto; perché io non assolverò il malvagio

8 Non accettar presenti; perché il presente acceca quelli che ci veggon chiaro, e perverte le parole dei giusti.

9 Non opprimere lo straniero; voi lo conoscete l’animo dello straniero, giacché siete stati stranieri nel paese d’Egitto.

10 Per sei anni seminerai la tua terra e ne raccoglierai i frutti;

11 ma il settimo anno la lascerai riposare e rimanere incolta; i poveri del tuo popolo ne godranno, e le bestie della campagna mangeranno quel che rimarrà. Lo stesso farai della tua vigna e de’ tuoi ulivi.

12 Per sei giorni farai il tuo lavoro; ma il settimo giorno ti riposerai, affinché il tuo bue e il tuo asino possano riposarsi, e il figliuolo della tua serva e il forestiero possano riprender fiato.

13 Porrete ben mente a tutte le cose che io vi ho dette, e non pronunzierete il nome di dèi stranieri: non lo si oda uscire dalla vostra bocca.

14 Tre volte all’anno mi celebrerai una festa.

15 Osserverai la festa degli azzimi. Per sette giorni mangerai pane senza lievito, come te l’ho ordinato, al tempo stabilito del mese di Abib, perché in quel mese tu uscisti dal paese d’Egitto; e nessuno comparirà dinanzi a me a mani vuote.

16 Osserverai la festa della mietitura, delle primizie del tuo lavoro, di quello che avrai seminato nei campi; e la festa della raccolta, alla fine dell’anno, quando avrai raccolto dai campi i frutti del tuo lavoro.

17 Tre volte all’anno tutti i maschi compariranno davanti al Signore, l’Eterno.

18 Non offrirai il sangue della mia vittima insieme con pane lievitato; e il grasso dei sacrifizi della mia festa non sarà serbato durante la notte fino al mattino.

19 Porterai alla casa dell’Eterno, ch’è il tuo Dio, le primizie de’ primi frutti della terra. Non farai cuocere il capretto nel latte di sua madre.

20 Ecco, io mando un angelo davanti a te per proteggerti per via, e per introdurti nel luogo che ho preparato.

21 Sii guardingo in sua presenza, e ubbidisci alla sua voce; non ti ribellare a lui, perch’egli non perdonerà le vostre trasgressioni; poiché il mio nome è in lui.

22 Ma se ubbidisci fedelmente alla sua voce e fai tutto quello che ti dirò, io sarò il nemico de’ tuoi nemici, l’avversario de’ tuoi avversari;

23 poiché il mio angelo andrà innanzi a te e t’introdurrà nel paese degli Amorei, degli Hittei, dei Ferezei, dei Cananei, degli Hivvei e dei Gebusei, e li sterminerò.

24 Tu non ti prostrerai davanti ai loro dèi, e non servirai loro. Non farai quello ch’essi fanno; ma distruggerai interamente quegli dèi e spezzerai le loro colonne.

25 Servirete all’Eterno, ch’è il vostro Dio, ed egli benedirà il tuo pane e la tua acqua; ed io allontanerò la malattia di mezzo a te.

26 Nel tuo paese non ci sarà donna che abortisca, né donna sterile. Io farò completo il numero de’ tuoi giorni.

27 Io manderò davanti a te il mio terrore, e metterò in rotta ogni popolo presso il quale arriverai, e farò voltar le spalle dinanzi a te a tutti i tuoi nemici.

28 E manderò davanti a te i calabroni, che scacceranno gli Hivvei, i Cananei e gli Hittei dal tuo cospetto.

29 Non li scaccerò dal tuo cospetto in un anno, affinché il paese non diventi un deserto, e le bestie de’ campi non si moltiplichino contro di te.

30 Li scaccerò dal tuo cospetto a poco a poco, finché tu cresca di numero e possa prender possesso del paese.

31 E fisserò i tuoi confini dal mar Rosso al mar de’ Filistei, e dal deserto sino al fiume; poiché io vi darò nelle mani gli abitanti del paese; e tu li scaccerai d’innanzi a te.

32 Non farai alleanza di sorta con loro, né coi loro dèi.

33 Non dovranno abitare nel tuo paese, perché non t’inducano a peccare contro di me: tu serviresti ai loro dèi, e questo ti sarebbe un laccio.


from the Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg


Arcana Coelestia #9278

Studere hoc loco

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9278. 'Six days you shall do your work' means a state of labour and conflict, when a person is governed by external delights that must be joined to things that are internal. This is clear from the meaning of 'six days' that come before the seventh, as states of labour and conflict, dealt with in 737, 900, 8510, 8888, 8975, the labour and conflict during them being meant by 'the work' that will be done on those days. 'The work' done during the six days and 'the rest' on the seventh day mean the things experienced by a person in his first state and in his second while being regenerated, and also those experienced by him after he has been regenerated. Regarding a person's first and second states while he is being regenerated, see above in 9274; and regarding the things experienced by him after he has been regenerated, 9213. The purpose of these experiences is that external things may be joined to internal ones; for there is an external man, which is also called natural, and there is an internal man, which is called spiritual. The external man is in contact with the world, and the internal with heaven.

[2] Divine order demands that heaven should rule the world with a person and not the world rule heaven with him; for when heaven rules a person, the Lord rules him, but when the world rules a person, the hells rule him. The natural disposition which a person is born with is such that he loves the world and self more than heaven and the Lord; and since this is the opposite of Divine order, an inversion must take place through regeneration. It takes place when the things that belong to heaven and the Lord are loved more than those which belong to the world and self. This is the reason why a person who has been regenerated, and also one who is in heaven, passes through two states that alternate with each other, in one of which external things prevail and in the other internal ones prevail; for by means of this alternation of states the external things are brought into agreement with the internal and at length made subordinate to them.

[3] When the external things prevail the person experiences labour and conflict; for he is immersed in the kind of life which savours of the world and into which the hells enter from every side, unceasingly endeavouring to engage in molestation, indeed to exercise control over the things of heaven with the person. But the Lord unceasingly protects and delivers him. This is the reason for the labour and conflict which are meant by the six days of the week in which work must be done. When however the internal things prevail, then - because the person is in heaven with the Lord - the labour and conflict come to an end, and he enjoys peace and serenity, in which also a joining together takes place. These blessings are what are meant by 'the seventh day'. The more internal aspects of the human being have been created in the image of heaven and the more external in the image of the world, so that the human being is a miniature form of heaven, also of the world, thus a microcosm, as the ancients called him, see 6057. So it is that Divine order demands that the Lord coming by way of heaven should rule the world with a person, and not at all vice versa.

[4] The nature of the labour and conflict experienced by the person when external things prevail may be recognized from this, that his state at that time is such that he is stirred by the world and indifferent towards heaven, unless it appears to him as the world does. But then the light by which he sees is so dim that he can only suppose that external things flow into internal ones, consequently that the eye sees or the ear hears by itself, that objects seen or heard by them are what produce thoughts and shape the understanding part of the mind, and that this gives him the ability to believe in and love God all by himself, and so to see heaven from the world. He cannot be easily led away from this illusion until he has been raised from external things to internal ones, and so to the light of heaven. Then he begins to perceive that things belonging to the world with him, thus those belonging to the body and its senses, see and act by means of influx from heaven, that is, from the Lord coming by way of heaven, and not at all by themselves. This goes to show why it is that a person thinking on the level of the senses supposes that his life is derived entirely from the world and the natural order, that there is no hell nor any heaven, and finally that there is no God. As a consequence he derides everything of the Church so far as he himself is concerned but is all in favour of it so far as the simple are concerned, as the means in addition to laws to keep them in check.

[5] From all this people may know what is meant by a situation in which external things prevail and not at the same time internal ones, and that when external things prevail a person feels indifferent towards what belongs to heaven or what belongs to the Lord and sees it in only dim light. They may also know who exactly in the world are the intelligent and wise, namely those who are governed by the Church's truth and good because they are recipients of wisdom from heaven, and who exactly are the stupid and foolish, namely those who are not governed by the Church's truth or good because the world is their only source of knowledge. And those among them who use worldly knowledge to set themselves firmly against the Church's truth and good are more foolish and stupid than the rest, no matter how much they suppose themselves to excel others in intelligence and wisdom and call people simple if they lead a good life based on the truths taught by doctrine. But such people's simplicity is wisdom in angels' eyes; and after death they are raised by the Lord into angelic wisdom.

[6] The Lord also teaches that this is so, in Matthew,

Therefore I speak in parables, because those who see do not see, and those who hear do not hear, nor do they understand. Matthew 13:13-14.

In John,

I will send the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. Yet a little while, the world will see Me no longer. John 14:17, 19.

The world's inability to receive the Spirit of truth 'because it neither sees Him nor knows Him' means that it will not acknowledge the Lord with faith in the heart, because external things belonging to the world will obscure [Him]. This being so, is there anyone at the present day who worships Him as the Lord of the whole of heaven and of earth, Matthew 28:18? Yet all who are in heaven, and so with whom internal things prevail, see the Lord as their only God.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.