

Richter 19



1 Zu der Zeit war kein König in Israel. Und ein levitischer Mann war Fremdling an der Seite des Gebirges Ephraim und hatte sich ein Kebsweib genommen von Bethlehem-Juda.

2 Und da sie hatte neben ihm gehurt, lief sie von ihm zu ihres Vaters Haus gen Bethlehem-Juda und war daselbst vier Monate lang.

3 Und ihr Mann machte sich auf und zog ihr nach, daß er freundlich mit ihr redete und sie wieder zu sich holte; und hatte einen Knecht und ein Paar Esel mit sich. Und sie führte ihn in ihres Vaters Haus. Da ihn aber der Vater der Dirne sah, ward er froh und empfing ihn.

4 Und sein Schwiegervater, der Dirne Vater, hielt ihn, daß er drei Tage bei ihm blieb; sie aßen und tranken und blieben des Nachts da.

5 Des vierten Tages erhoben sie sich des Morgens früh, und er machte sich auf und wollte ziehen. Da sprach der Dirne Vater zu seinem Eidam: Labe dein Herz zuvor mit einem Bissen Brot, darnach sollt ihr ziehen.

6 Und sie setzten sich und aßen beide miteinander und tranken. Da sprach der Dirne Vater zu dem Mann: Bleib doch über Nacht und laß dein Herz guter Dinge sein.

7 Da aber der Mann aufstand und wollte ziehen, nötigte ihn sein Schwiegervater, daß er über Nacht dablieb.

8 Des Morgens am fünften Tage machte er sich früh auf und wollte ziehen. Da sprach der Dirne Vater: Labe doch dein Herz und laß uns verziehen, bis sich der Tag neigt. Und aßen also die beiden miteinander.

9 Und der Mann machte sich auf und wollte ziehen mit seinem Kebsweib und mit seinem Knechte. Aber sein Schwiegervater, der Dirne Vater, sprach zu ihm: Siehe, der Tag hat sich geneigt, und es will Abend werden; bleib über Nacht. Siehe, hier ist Herberge noch diesen Tag; bleibe hier über Nacht und laß dein Herz guter Dinge sein. Morgen steht ihr früh auf und zieht eures Weges zu deiner Hütte.

10 Aber der Mann wollte nicht über Nacht bleiben, sondern machte sich auf und zog hin und kam bis vor Jebus, das ist Jerusalem, und sein Paar Esel beladen und sein Kebsweib mit ihm.

11 Da sie nun nahe bei Jebus kamen, sank der Tag sehr dahin. Und der Knecht sprach zu seinem Herrn: Komm doch und laß uns in diese Stadt der Jebusiter einkehren und über Nacht darin bleiben.

12 Aber sein Herr sprach zu ihm: Wir wollen nicht in der Fremden Stadt einkehren, die nicht sind von den Kindern Israel, sondern wollen hinüber gen Gibea.

13 Und sprach zu seinem Knecht: Gehe weiter, daß wir hinzukommen an einen Ort und über Nacht zu Gibea oder zu Rama bleiben.

14 Und sie zogen weiter und wandelten, und die Sonne ging ihnen unter, hart bei Gibea, das liegt in Benjamin.

15 Und sie kehrten daselbst ein, daß sie hineinkämen und über Nacht zu Gibea blieben. Da er aber hineinkam, setzte er sich in der Stadt Gasse; denn es war niemand, der sie bei Nacht im Hause herbergen wollte.

16 Und siehe, da kam ein alter Mann von seiner Arbeit vom Felde am Abend, und er war auch vom Gebirge Ephraim und ein Fremdling zu Gibea; aber die Leute des Orts waren Benjaminiter.

17 Und da er seine Augen aufhob und sah den Gast auf der Gasse, sprach er zu ihm: Wo willst du hin? und wo kommst du her?

18 Er aber antwortete ihm: Wir reisen von Bethlehem-Juda, bis wir kommen an die Seite des Gebirges Ephraim, daher ich bin; und bin gen Bethlehem-Juda gezogen und ziehe jetzt zum Hause des HERRN, und niemand will mich beherbergen.

19 Wir haben Stroh und Futter für unsre Esel und Brot und Wein für mich und deine Magd und für den Knecht, der mit deinem Diener ist, daß uns nichts gebricht.

20 Der alte Mann sprach: Friede sei mit dir! Alles was dir mangelt findest du bei mir; bleibe nur nicht über Nacht auf der Gasse.

21 Und führte ihn in sein Haus und gab den Eseln Futter, und sie wuschen ihre Füße und aßen und tranken.

22 Und da ihr Herz nun guter Dinge war, siehe, da kamen die Leute der Stadt, böse Buben, und umgaben das Haus und pochten an die Tür und sprachen zu dem alten Mann, dem Hauswirt: Bringe den Mann heraus, der in dein Haus gekommen ist, daß wir ihn erkennen.

23 Aber der Mann, der Hauswirt, ging zu ihnen heraus und sprach zu ihnen: Nicht, meine Brüder, tut nicht so übel; nachdem dieser Mann in mein Haus gekommen ist, tut nicht eine solche Torheit!

24 Siehe, ich habe eine Tochter, noch eine Jungfrau, und dieser ein Kebsweib; die will ich herausbringen. Die mögt ihr zu Schanden machen, und tut mit ihr, was euch gefällt; aber an diesen Mann tut nicht solche Torheit.

25 Aber die Leute wollten ihm nicht gehorchen. Da faßte der Mann sein Kebsweib und brachte sie zu ihnen hinaus. Die erkannten sie und trieben ihren Mutwillen an ihr die ganze Nacht bis an den Morgen; und da die Morgenröte anbrach, ließen sie sie gehen.

26 Da kam das Weib hart vor morgens und fiel nieder vor der Tür am Hause des Mannes, darin ihr Herr war, und lag da, bis es licht ward.

27 Da nun ihr Herr des Morgens aufstand und die Tür auftat am Hause und herausging, daß er seines Weges zöge, siehe, da lag sein Kebsweib vor der Tür des Hauses und ihre Hände auf der Schwelle.

28 Er aber sprach zu ihr: Stehe auf, laß uns ziehen! Aber sie antwortete nicht. Da nahm er sie auf den Esel, machte sich auf und zog an seinen Ort.

29 Als er nun heimkam, nahm er ein Messer und faßte sein Kebsweib und zerstückte sie mit Gebein und mit allem in zwölf Stücke und sandte sie in alle Grenzen Israels.

30 Wer das sah, der sprach: Solches ist nicht geschehen noch gesehen, seit der Zeit die Kinder Israel aus Ägyptenland gezogen sind, bis auf diesen Tag. Nun bedenkt euch über dem, gebt Rat und sagt an!


from the Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg


Divine Providence #278

Studere hoc loco

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278a. 2. Evils cannot be set aside unless they come to light. This does not mean that we have to act out our evils in order to bring them to light but that we need to look carefully not only at our actions but also at our thoughts, at what we would do if it were not for our fear of the laws and of ill repute. We need to look especially at which evils we see as permissible in our spirit and do not regard as sins, for eventually we do them.

It is for this self-examination that we have been given discernment, a discernment separate from our volition, so that we can know, discern, and recognize what is good and what is evil. It is also so that we can see what the real nature of our volition is--that is, what we love and what we desire. It is to enable us to see this that our discernment has been given both higher and lower thought processes, both more inward and more outward thought processes. It is so that we can use the higher or more inward thoughts to see what our volition is up to in our lower or outer thoughts. We see this the way we see our face in a mirror; and when we see and recognize what a sin is, then if we want to and ask the Lord for help, we can stop intending it, abstain from it, and later act against it. If we cannot go through this process easily, we can still make it happen by trying to go through it so that finally we reject that evil and detest it. Then for the first time we actually sense and feel that evil is evil and good is good.

This is what it means to examine ourselves, to see and acknowledge our evils, and to confess them and then refrain from them. However, there are so few who know that this is the essence of the Christian religion (because the only people who do so are ones who have charity and faith and are led by the Lord and do what is good in his strength) that I need to say something about the people who do not do this and still think that they are religious. They are (a) people who confess that they are guilty of all sins but do not look for any single sin in themselves; (b) people who for religious reasons do not bother to look; (c) people who for worldly reasons do not think about sins and therefore do not know what they are; (d) people who cherish their sins and therefore cannot know what they are. (e) In all these cases, the sins do not come to light and therefore cannot be set aside. (f) Finally, I need to expose a previously unrecognized reason why evils could not be set aside apart from this examination, this bringing to light, this recognition, this confession, and this resistance.

278b. These items need to be looked at one at a time, though, because they are the basic elements of the Christian religion on our part.

(a) They are people who confess that they are guilty of all sins but do not look for any single sin in themselves. They say, "I am a sinner! I was born in sins; there is no soundness in me from head to toe! I am nothing but evil! Gracious God, look on me with favor, forgive me, purify me, save me, make me walk in purity, in the way of the righteous," and the like. Yet they do not look into themselves and therefore do not identify any particular evil; and no one who does not identify an evil can abstain from it, let alone fight against it. They think that they are clean and washed after these confessions when in fact they are unclean and unwashed from their heads to the soles of their feet. This blanket confession is nothing but a lullaby that leads finally to blindness. It is like some grand generalization with no details, which is actually nothing.

[2] (b) They are people who for religious reasons do not bother to look. These are primarily people who separate charity from faith. They say to themselves, "Why should I ask whether something is evil or good? Why should I ask about evil when it does not damn me? Why should I ask about goodness when it does not save me? It is my faith alone, the faith that I have thought about and proclaimed with trust and confidence, that justifies me and purifies me from all sin; and once I have been justified I am whole in God's sight. Of course I am immersed in evil, but God wipes this away the moment it happens so that it is no longer present," and more of the same sort.

Can anyone whose eyes are open fail to see that these are meaningless words, words that have no content because they have no worth in them? Anyone can think and talk like this, and can do so "with trust and confidence," when thinking about hell and eternal damnation. Do people like this want to know anything further, whether anything is really true or good? As to truth, they say, "What is truth other than whatever reinforces my faith?" As to goodness, they say, "What is good other than what I have because of my faith? In order to have it within me, though, I do not need to do it as though I were doing it myself, because that would be for credit, and good done for credit is not truly good." So they skip over the whole subject so completely that they do not know what evil is. What will they look for and see in themselves, then? What is their state but a fire of obsessions with evil that is confined within them, devouring the inner substance of their minds and destroying everything right up to the door? All they are doing is guarding the door so that no one can see the fire; but the door is opened after death, and then everyone can see.

[3] (c) They are people who for worldly reasons do not think about sins and therefore do not know what they are. These are people who love the world above all and will not give a hearing to any truth that might deflect them from the false principles of their religion. They say to themselves, "What do I care about this? This is not the way I think." So they reject it as soon as they hear it; or if it does get through at all, they suppress it. They do much the same thing when they hear sermons, retaining only a few words and no substance.

Since this is how they treat truths, they do not know what good is, since the two act in unison; and there is no way to identify evil on the basis of any good that is not based on truth. All they can do is call evil "good" by rationalizing it with their distortions.

These are the people meant by the seeds that fell among thorns. The Lord said of them, "Other seeds fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up and choked them. These are people who hear the Word, but the cares of this world and the deceptiveness of riches choke the Word so that it becomes unfruitful" (Matthew 13:7, 22; Mark 4:7, 14 [4:7, 18, 19]; Luke 8:7, 14).

[4] (d) They are people who cherish their sins and therefore cannot know what they are. These are people who believe in God and worship him with the usual rituals and yet rationalize for themselves that some evil that is a sin is really not a sin. They camouflage it with disguises and cosmetics that conceal how grotesque it is; and once they have accomplished this they cherish it and make it their friend and constant companion.

I have said that these people believe in God because only people who believe in God are capable of regarding evil as sin: all sin is sin against God.

But some examples may make this clear. When people who are bent on profit make different kinds of cheating permissible by inventing rationalizations, they are saying that an evil is not a sin. People who rationalize taking vengeance on their enemies are doing the same thing, as are people who rationalize plundering people who are not their enemies in times of war.

[5] (e) In these cases, the sins do not come to light and therefore cannot be set aside. Any evil that is not brought to light feeds on itself. It is like fire in wood buried in ashes. It is like poison in a wound that has not been lanced; for any evil that is shut away keeps growing and growing until everything has been brought to an end. So to prevent any evil from being shut away, we are allowed to think in favor of God and against God, in favor of the holy practices of the church or against them, without being punished for it in this world.

The Lord speaks of this in Isaiah:

From the soles of the feet to the head there is no soundness; there is wound and scar and fresh beating, not squeezed out or bound up or anointed with oil. Wash yourselves, purify yourselves. Take away the evil of your deeds from before my eyes. Stop doing evil, learn to do good. Then if your sins have been like scarlet, they will be white as snow; if they have been ruddy as a purple robe, they will be like wool. If you refuse and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword. (Isaiah 1:6, 16, 18, 20)

"Being devoured by the sword" means being destroyed by our malicious distortions.

[6] (f) There is a previously unrecognized reason why evils could not be set aside apart from this examination, this bringing to light, this recognition, this confession, and this resistance. I have already mentioned [62, 65, 217] that heaven overall is arranged in communities according to [people's desires for what is good, and that hell overall is arranged in communities according to] desires for what is evil that are opposite to those desires for what is good. As to our spirits, each of us is in some community--in a heavenly one when our good desires are in control, and in a hellish one when our evil desires are in control. We are unaware of this while we are living in this world, but in spirit that is where we are. We could not go on living otherwise, and that is how the Lord is guiding us.

If we are in a hellish community, the only way the Lord can lead us out is under the laws of his divine providence. One of them says that we must see that we are there, must want to get out, and must ourselves make an effort with what seems to be our own strength. We can do this while we are in this world but not after death. Then we stay forever in the community we joined in this world. This is why we need to examine ourselves, see and acknowledge our sins, repent, and remain constant for the rest of our lives.

I could support this with enough experience to warrant complete belief, but this is not the place to bring in proofs from experience.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.