

何西阿書 8



1 你用口吹角罷!敵人如來攻打耶和華的家;因為這民違背我的約,干犯我的律法。

2 他們必呼叫我說:我的啊,我們以色列認識你了。

3 以色列丟棄良善(或譯:福分);仇敵必追逼他。

4 他們立君王,卻不由我;他們立首領,我卻不認。他們用為自己製造偶像,以致被剪除。

5 撒瑪利亞啊,耶和華已經丟棄你的犢;我的怒氣向拜犢的人發作。他們到幾時方能無罪呢?

6 犢出於以色列,是匠人所造的,並不是撒瑪利亞犢必被打碎。

7 他們所種的是,所收的是暴;所種的不成禾稼,就是發苗也不結實;即便結實,外邦人必吃。

8 以色列吃;現今在列國中,好像人不喜悅的器皿。

9 他們投奔亞述,如同獨行的野驢;以法蓮賄買朋黨。

10 他們雖在列邦中賄買人,現在我卻要聚集懲罰他們;他們因君王和首領所加的重擔日漸衰微。

11 以法蓮增添祭壇取罪;因此,祭壇使他犯罪。

12 我為他了律萬條,他卻以為與他毫無關涉。

13 至於獻給我的祭物,他們自食其耶和華卻不悅納他們。現在必記念他們的孽,追討他們的罪惡;他們必歸回埃及

14 以色列忘記造他的主,建造宮殿猶大多造堅固城,我卻要降焚燒他的城邑,燒滅其中的宮殿





by Mask: anonymous, Photo: Andreas Praefcke

Gold means good, and just as gold was the most precious metal known to ancient mankind so it represents the good of the highest and wisest of the angels. These angels foremostly love the Lord, and because they do they act from that love at all times. So the things they do are from love or as the writings for the new church often say, their acts are "goods of love". This is what gold represents. As soon as God planted the garden of Eden, He created a river in it, to water it. This river went out and branched into four, the first branch mentioned, Pishon, encompassed the "…land of Havilah, where there is gold… and the gold…is good". Another mention of gold comes in Exodus where the Lord is telling Moses how to make the Tabernacle. If you pay attention you will see that inside the tabernacle the main thing you see is gold, the boards of the wall are covered with it and all the furniture is either wood covered completely with gold, or is made of solid gold. Then at the end of the Word the holy city descends from God and it is made of gold, "gold like unto clear glass" good of love that can be clearly and completely understood. And it has its river. This is a promise from the Lord that we can come into a state similar to that of the garden of Eden, if we follow Him so as to come into love for Him, and act from that love.