

以西结书 9



1 他向我耳中声喊:要使那监管这城的中各拿灭命的兵器前来。

2 忽然有从朝的上,各拿杀的兵器;内中有身穿细麻衣,腰间带着墨盒子。他们进,站在铜祭坛旁。

3 以色列的荣耀本在基路伯上,现今从那里升到殿的门槛。将那身穿细麻衣、腰间带着墨盒子的召来。

4 耶和华对他:你去走遍耶路撒冷全城,那些因城中所行可憎之事叹息哀哭的人,画记号在额上。

5 我耳中见他对其馀的人:要跟随他走遍全城,以行击杀。你们的眼不要顾惜,也不要可怜他们。

6 要将年老的、年少的,并处女、婴孩,和妇女,从圣所起全都杀尽,只是凡有记号的不要挨他。於是他们从殿前的长老杀起。

7 他对他们:要污秽这殿,使院中充满被杀的人。你们出去罢!他们就出去,在城中击杀。

8 他们击杀的时候,我被留下,我就俯伏在地,:哎!耶和华啊,你将忿怒倾在耶路撒冷,岂要将以色列所剩下的人都灭绝麽?

9 他对我以色列家和犹大家的罪孽极其重。遍有流血的事,满城有冤屈,因为他们耶和华已经离弃这,他不见我们。

10 故此,我眼必不顾惜,也不可怜他们,要照他们所行的报应在他们上。

11 那穿细麻衣、腰间带着墨盒子的将这事回覆:我已经照你所吩咐的行了。






Like most numbers in the Bible, "six" can have various meanings depending on context, but has a couple that are primary. When used in relation to time -- six days, six hours, six years, etc. -- six generally represents a state of labor, struggle and conflict, especially the conflict involved with spiritual growth. The six days of creation, for instance, represent the stages we go through in our lives, working toward the peaceful seventh day, in which our evil desires are removed from us and we can rest. In most other references, six represents all desires for good and all the true ideas that come from those desires for good -- or in the contrary sense, all evil and all the resulting false thinking.