

以西结书 44



1 他又带我回到圣地朝东的外;那关闭了。

2 耶和华对我:这必须关闭,不可敞开,谁也不可由其中进入;因为耶和华以色列的已经由其中进入,所以必须关闭

3 至於王,他必按王的位分,在其内,在耶和华面前饼。他必由这的廊而入,也必由此而出。

4 他又我由来到殿前。我观,见耶和华的荣光充满耶和华的殿,我就俯伏在地。

5 耶和华对我:人子啊,我对你所耶和华殿中的一切典章则,你要放在上,用眼,用耳,并要留殿宇和圣地一切出入之处。

6 你要对那悖逆的以色列耶和华如此以色列家啊,你们行一切可憎的事,当够了罢!

7 你们把我的食物,就是脂油和血献上的时候,将身未受割礼的外邦人领进我的圣地,玷污了我的殿;又背了我的约,在你们一切可憎的事上,加上这一层。

8 你们也没有看守我的物,却派别人在地替你们看守我所吩咐你们的。

9 耶和华如此以色列中的外邦人,就是身未受割礼的,都不可入我的圣地。

10 以色列人走迷的时候,有利未人远离我,就是走迷离开我、随从他们的偶像,他们必担当自己的罪孽。

11 然而他们必在我的圣地当仆役,照管殿,在殿中供职;必为民宰杀燔祭牲和平安祭牲,必站在民前伺候他们。

12 因为这些利未人曾在偶像前伺候这民,成了以色列家罪孽的绊脚石,所以我向他们起誓:他们必担当自己的罪孽。这是耶和华的。

13 他们不可亲我,给我供祭司的职分,也不可挨我的一件物,就是至的物;他们却要担当自己的羞辱和所行可憎之事的报应。

14 然而我要使他们看守殿宇,办理其中的一切事,并做其内一切当做之工。

15 以色列人走迷离开我的时候,祭司利未人撒督的子孙仍看守我的圣所。他们必亲近我,事奉我,并且侍立在我面前,将脂油与血献给我。这是耶和华的。

16 他们必进入我的圣所,就近我的桌前事奉我,守我所吩咐的。

17 他们进内院必穿细麻衣。在内院和殿内供职的时候不可穿羊毛衣服

18 他们上要戴细麻布头巾,腰穿细麻布裤子;不可穿使身体出汗的衣服。

19 他们出到外院的民那里,当脱下供职的衣服,放在屋内,穿上别的衣服,免得因衣使民成圣

20 不可剃,也不可容发绺长长,只可剪发。

21 祭司进内院的时候都不可喝酒

22 不可娶寡妇和被休的妇人为妻,只可娶以色列後裔中的处女,或是祭司遗留的寡妇。

23 他们要使我的民知道俗的分别,又使他们分辨洁净的和不洁净的。

24 有争讼的事,他们应当站立判断,要按我的典章判断。在我一切的节期必守我的律条例,也必以我的安息日为日。

25 他们不可挨近尸沾染自己,只可为父亲母亲儿子、女儿、弟兄,和未嫁的姊妹沾染自己。

26 祭司洁净之,必再计算日。

27 当他进内院,进所,在所中事奉的日子,要为自己献赎祭。这是耶和华的。

28 祭司必有产业,我是他们的产业。不可在以色列他们基业;我是他们的基业。

29 素祭、赎祭,和赎愆祭他们都可以以色列中一切永献的物都要归他们。

30 首先初熟之物和一切所献的供物都要归祭司。你们也要用初熟的麦子磨面祭司;这样,福气就必临到你们的家了。

31 无论是,凡自死的,或是撕裂的,祭司都不可






'North,' in Isaiah 14:31, signifies hell. 'The North,' as in Jeremiah 3:12, signifies people who are ignorant of truth, and yet have the life of good. 'North' signifies people in obscurity regarding truth.

(Notae: Arcana Coelestia 3708 [1-23])



Jeremiah 4



1 "If you will return, Israel," says Yahweh, "if you will return to me, and if you will put away your abominations out of my sight; then you shall not be removed;

2 and you shall swear, 'As Yahweh lives,' in truth, in justice, and in righteousness. The nations shall bless themselves in him, and in him shall they glory."

3 For thus says Yahweh to the men of Judah and to Jerusalem, "Break up your fallow ground, and don't sow among thorns.

4 Circumcise yourselves to Yahweh, and take away the foreskins of your heart, you men of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem; lest my wrath go forth like fire, and burn so that none can quench it, because of the evil of your doings.

5 Declare in Judah, and publish in Jerusalem; and say, 'Blow the trumpet in the land!' Cry aloud and say, 'Assemble yourselves! Let us go into the fortified cities!'

6 Set up a standard toward Zion. Flee for safety! Don't wait; for I will bring evil from the north, and a great destruction."

7 A lion is gone up from his thicket, and a destroyer of nations; he is on his way, he is gone forth from his place, to make your land desolate, that your cities be laid waste, without inhabitant.

8 For this clothe yourself with sackcloth, lament and wail; for the fierce anger of Yahweh hasn't turned back from us.

9 "It shall happen at that day," says Yahweh, "that the heart of the king shall perish, and the heart of the princes; and the priests shall be astonished, and the prophets shall wonder."

10 Then I said, "Ah, Lord Yahweh! Surely you have greatly deceived this people and Jerusalem, saying, 'You shall have peace;' whereas the sword reaches to the heart."

11 At that time shall it be said to this people and to Jerusalem, "A hot wind from the bare heights in the wilderness toward the daughter of my people, not to winnow, nor to cleanse;

12 a full wind from these shall come for me. Now I will also utter judgments against them."

13 Behold, he shall come up as clouds, and his chariots [shall be] as the whirlwind: his horses are swifter than eagles. Woe to us! For we are ruined.

14 Jerusalem, wash your heart from wickedness, that you may be saved. How long shall your evil thoughts lodge within you?

15 For a voice declares from Dan, and publishes evil from the hills of Ephraim:

16 "Tell the nations; behold, publish against Jerusalem, 'Watchers come from a far country, and raise their voice against the cities of Judah.

17 As keepers of a field, they are against her all around, because she has been rebellious against me,'" says Yahweh.

18 "Your way and your doings have brought these things to you. This is your wickedness; for it is bitter, for it reaches to your heart."

19 My anguish, my anguish! I am pained at my very heart; my heart is disquieted in me; I can't hold my peace; because you have heard, O my soul, the sound of the trumpet, the alarm of war.

20 Destruction on destruction is cried; for the whole land is laid waste: suddenly are my tents destroyed, [and] my curtains in a moment.

21 How long shall I see the standard, and hear the sound of the trumpet?

22 "For my people are foolish, they don't know me. They are foolish children, and they have no understanding. They are skillful in doing evil, but to do good they have no knowledge."

23 I saw the earth, and, behold, it was waste and void; and the heavens, and they had no light.

24 I saw the mountains, and behold, they trembled, and all the hills moved back and forth.

25 I saw, and behold, there was no man, and all the birds of the sky had fled.

26 I saw, and behold, the fruitful field was a wilderness, and all its cities were broken down at the presence of Yahweh, [and] before his fierce anger.

27 For thus says Yahweh, "The whole land shall be a desolation; yet will I not make a full end.

28 For this the earth will mourn, and the heavens above be black; because I have spoken it, I have purposed it, and I have not repented, neither will I turn back from it."

29 Every city flees for the noise of the horsemen and archers; they go into the thickets, and climb up on the rocks: every city is forsaken, and not a man dwells therein.

30 You, when you are made desolate, what will you do? Though you clothe yourself with scarlet, though you deck you with ornaments of gold, though you enlarge your eyes with paint, in vain do you make yourself beautiful; [your] lovers despise you, they seek your life.

31 For I have heard a voice as of a woman in travail, the anguish as of her who brings forth her first child, the voice of the daughter of Zion, who gasps for breath, who spreads her hands, [saying], "Woe is me now! For my soul faints before the murderers."