스웨덴보그의 저서에서


하나님의 섭리 #210

해당 구절 연구하기

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210. Ⅶ. 사람은 스스로 생각하고 스스로 모든 것을 지시한다는 가상이 들지 않으면 이 모든 일은 하나도 이루어질 수 없는 것.

[1] 앞에서 충분히 입증한 것은 사람은 자기 스스로 사는 것이 그에게 보이지 아니하면, 그러므로 그 스스로 생각하고 뜻하고 말하고 행동하는 듯 보이지 아니하면 사람일 수 없을 것이라 하였다. 이로써 사람은 그 자신의 분별력으로 그의 직업과 생활에 속한 모든 것을 지시하는 듯 보이지 아니하면, 그는 하나님의 섭리에 의해서 인도되거나 지시를 받을 수 없는 것이 분명하다. 왜냐하면 그는 축 늘어진 손을 하고, 입은 벌린 채, 눈을 감고, 숨은 들이마시고, 줄 것이나 기다리고 우두커니 서 있는 사람과 같을 것이기 때문이다. 이리하여 그는 스스로 살고, 생각하고, 뜻하고 말하고, 행동하는 듯 보이는 지각과 느낌을 갖는 인간성을 스스로 포기할 것이다. 그는 또 그것이 있어 짐승과 구분되는 자유성과 합리성의 두 기능까지도 포기할 것이다. 이 가상이 없으면 사람에게는 받아들이고 협력하는 어떠한 기능 곧 영혼불멸도 갖지 못할 것이라는 것은 이 책 위와 <하나님의 사랑과 하나님의 지혜> 안에서 입증한 바 있다.

[2] 그러므로 여러분이 만일 하나님의 섭리를 따르려 한다면 주인의 선을 착실하게 실천하는 종과 하인처럼 분별력을 쓰시기만 하면 될 것이고, 이 분별력은 그것을 가지고 장사하라고 하였으나 그 빚을 갚아야 하는 달란트인 것이다 (누가복음 19:13-25; 마태복음 25:14-31).

분별력 자체는 사람에게는 그의 것같이 보인다. 그리고 그는 하나님과 하나님의 섭리에 그것을 자기 것같이 믿는다. 이것은 나면서부터 모든 사람의 내성에 자리 잡고 있다. 만일 여러분이 그것을 알아차리지 못한다면 (그것은 알려지려 하지 않기 때문에) 그것은 안전하게 거처하여 사람이 그 문을 열거나 그리하여 주께서 그것을 밖으로 내던져버리지 않도록 문을 잠그고 있는 것이다. 사람은 그가 주님으로부터 한다는 인식 아래 스스로 하는 듯 악을 죄로 알고 끊음으로써 이 문을 열어젖힐 수 있다.

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주소 : 서울시 은평구 은평로 21길 31-12 (녹번동 75-21) 서울새교회 주문 : 02-389-1366 (교회) , 010-3687-1050 (양규대) 서적담당 : 010-5755-8765 (김승길) 인터넷 : www.newchurch.or.kr



누가복음 19



1 예수께서 여리고로 들어 지나가시더라

2 삭개오라 이름하는 자가 있으니 세리장이요 또한 부자라

3 저가 예수께서 어떠한 사람인가 하여 보고자 하되 키가 작고 사람이 많아 할 수 없어

4 앞으로 달려가 보기 위하여 뽕나무에 올라가니 이는 예수께서 그리로 지나가시게 됨이러라

5 예수께서 그 곳에 이르사 우러러 보시고 이르시되 `삭개오야, 속히 내려오라 내가 오늘 네 집에 유하여야 하겠다' 하시니

6 급히 내려와 즐거워하며 영접하거늘

7 뭇사람이 보고 수군거려 가로되 `저가 죄인의 집에 유하러 들어갔도다' 하더라

8 삭개오가 서서 주께 여짜오되 `주여 보시옵소서 내 소유의 절반을 가난한 자들에게 주겠사오며 만일 뉘 것을 토색한 일이 있으면 사 배나 갚겠나이다'

9 예수께서 이르시되 `오늘 구원이 이 집에 이르렀으니 이 사람도 아브라함의 자손임이로다

10 인자의 온 것은 잃어버린 자를 찾아 구원하려 함이니라'

11 저희가 이 말씀을 듣고 있을 때에 비유를 더하여 말씀하시니 이는 자기가 예루살렘에 가까이 오셨고 저희는 하나님의 나라가 당장에 나타날 줄로 생각함이러라

12 가라사대 `어떤 귀인이 왕위를 받아 가지고 오려고 먼 나라로 갈때에

13 그 종 열을 불러 은 열 므나를 주며 이르되 내가 돌아오기까지 장사하라 하니라

14 그런데 그 백성이 저를 미워하여 사자를 뒤로 보내어 가로되 우리는 이 사람이 우리의 왕 됨을 원치 아니하노이다 하였더라

15 귀인이 왕위를 받아 가지고 돌아와서 은 준 종들의 각각 어떻게 장사한 것을 알고자 하여 저희를 부르니

16 그 첫째가 나아와 가로되 주여 주의 한 므나로 열 므나를 남겼나이다

17 주인이 이르되 잘 하였다 착한 종이여 네가 지극히 작은 것에 충성하였으니 열 고을 권세를 차지하라 하고

18 그 둘째가 와서 가로되 주여 주의 한 므나로 다섯 므나를 만들었나이다

19 주인이 그에게도 이르되 너도 다섯 고을을 차지하라 하고

20 또 한 사람이 와서 가로되 주여 보소서 주의 한 므나가 여기 있나이다 내가 수건으로 싸 두었었나이다

21 이는 당신이 엄한 사람인 것을 내가 무서워함이라 당신은 두지 않은 것을 취하고 심지 않은 것을 거두나이다

22 주인이 이르되 악한 종아 내가 네 말로 너를 판단하노니 너는 내가 두지 않은 것을 취하고 심지 않은 것을 거두는 엄한 사람인 줄을 알았느냐

23 그러면 어찌하여 내 은을 은행에 두지 아니하였느냐 그리하였으면 내가 와서 그 변리까지 찾았으리라 하고

24 곁에 섰는 자들에게 이르되 그 한 므나를 빼앗아 열 므나 있는 자에게 주라 하니

25 저희가 가로되 주여 저에게 이미 열 므나가 있나이다

26 주인이 가로되 내가 너희에게 말하노니 무릇 있는 자는 받겠고 없는 자는 그 있는 것도 빼앗기리라

27 그리고 나의 왕 됨을 원치 아니하던 저 원수들을 이리로 끌어다가 내 앞에서 죽이라 하였느니라'

28 예수께서 이 말씀을 하시고 예루살렘을 향하여 앞서서 가시더라

29 감람원이라는 산의 벳바게와 베다니에 가까이 왔을 때에 제자 중 둘을 보내시며

30 이르시되 `너희 맞은편 마을로 가라 그리로 들어가면 아직 아무 사람도 타 보지 않은 나귀 새끼의 매여 있는 것을 보리니 풀어 끌고 오너라

31 만일 누가 너희에게 어찌하여 푸느냐 ? 묻거든 이렇게 말하되 주가 쓰시겠다 ! 하라' 하시매

32 보내심을 받은 자들이 가서 그 말씀하신 대로 만난지라

33 나귀 새끼를 풀 때에 그 임자들이 이르되 `어찌하여 나귀 새끼를 푸느냐 ?'

34 대답하되 `주께서 쓰시겠다 !' 하고

35 그것을 예수께로 끌고 와서 자기들의 겉옷을 나귀 새끼 위에 걸쳐 놓고 예수를 태우니

36 가실 때에 저희가 자기의 겉옷을 길에 펴더라

37 이미 감람산에서 내려가는 편까지 가까이 오시매 제자의 온 무리가 자기의 본 바 모든 능한 일을 인하여 기뻐하며 큰 소리로 하나님을 찬양하여

38 가로되 `찬송하리로다 주의 이름으로 오시는 왕이여 ! 하늘에는 평화요 가장 높은 곳에는 영광이로다' 하니

39 무리 중 어떤 바리새인들이 말하되 `선생이여, 당신의 제자들을 책망하소서' 하거늘

40 대답하여 가라사대 `내가 너희에게 말하노니 만일 이 사람들이 잠잠하면 돌들이 소리지르리라' 하시니라

41 가까이 오사 성을 보시고 우시며

42 가라사대 `너도 오늘날 평화에 관한 일을 알았더면 좋을 뻔하였거니와 지금 네 눈에 숨기웠도다

43 날이 이를지라 네 원수들이 토성을 쌓고 너를 둘러 사면으로 가두고

44 또 너와 및 그 가운데 있는 네 자식들을 땅에 메어치며 돌 하나도 돌위에 남기지 아니하리니 이는 권고 받는 날을 네가 알지 못함을 인함이니라' 하시니라

45 성전에 들어가사 장사하는 자들을 내어 쫓으시며

46 저희에게 이르시되 `기록된 바 내집은 기도하는 집이 되리라 하였거늘 너희는 강도의 굴혈을 만들었도다' 하시니라

47 예수께서 날마다 성전에서 가르치시니 대제사장들과 서기관들과 백성의 두목들이 그를 죽이려고 꾀하되

48 백성이 다 그에게 귀를 기울여 들으므로 어찌할 방침을 찾지 못하였더라


스웨덴보그의 저서에서


Apocalypse Explained #840

해당 구절 연구하기

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840. (Verse 17) And that no man should be able to buy or sell, save he that hath the mark of the beast. That this signifies prohibition lest any one should learn or teach anything else but what is acknowledged and thence received in doctrine, is evident from the signification of buying and selling, as denoting to acquire knowledges and to communicate them, thus also to learn and to teach, concerning which we shall speak presently; prohibition is signified by that no one may do those things; and from the signification of mark, as denoting a witness and sign of acknowledgment that those belong to the church who are in the so-called truths and the goods of that faith (concerning which see above, n. 836). It is therefore evident, that by lest any one should buy and sell, if he has not the mark of the beast, is signified prohibition, lest any one should learn and teach anything else but what is acknowledged, thus also what is received in doctrine.

The reason why buying and selling signifies to acquire knowledges of truth and good from the Word, and to communicate them, or, what amounts to the same, to learn and teach is, that by wealth and riches, in the Word, are signified the knowledges of truth and good; and by silver and gold, by means of which buying and selling are transacted, are signified the truths and goods of heaven and the church. This is why buying and selling are spoken of in many parts of the Word, also merchandise and business. By those expressions spiritual buying, selling, merchandise, and business are signified.

[2] Thus in Isaiah:

"Every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money, come ye, buy and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price" (55:1).

Every one may see that to buy wine and milk is not here meant. And because to buy signifies to acquire for themselves those things that conduce to the spiritual life of man, it is evident that each thing there mentioned is to be understood spiritually. Thus by the waters to which every one that thirsts might go, are signified truths for those who desire them; waters denote truths from the Word, and to thirst is to desire them. That they should be given freely from the Lord, is signified by, "he that hath no money," likewise "without money and without price." To eat signifies to appropriate; wine and milk signify spiritual truth and natural truth thence, both from good.

[3] In Matthew:

The prudent virgins said to the foolish, "Go rather to them that sell, and buy" oil "for yourselves"; "but whilst they went to them to buy, the bridegroom came" (25:9, 10).

By the prudent virgins are signified those in the church with whom faith is conjoined to charity and by the foolish are signified those in the church with whom faith is separated from charity; for lamps signify the truths of faith, and oil signifies the good of love. Hence by going to them who sell and buying, is signified to those who teach, and to learn or acquire for themselves. But because they had not procured for themselves the good of love, and thereby vivified the truths of faith, while they lived in the world, but afterwards indeed procured these things for themselves - and because no one can procure the good of love after death, and retain it - therefore those foolish virgins, by whom are signified all who separate the good of love or the good of charity from the truths of faith, were not admitted to the marriage, and received by the bridegroom. The marriage signifies heaven; and the bridegroom, the Lord.

[4] In the Evangelists:

"Jesus entered into the temple, and cast out all that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the money-changers and the seats of them that sold doves" (Matthew 21:12; Mark 11:15; Luke 19:45).

By the sellers and buyers are here signified those who make gain for themselves out of holy things; by the tables of the money-changers is signified - from holy truths; and by the seats of them who sold doves is signified - those who [make this gain for themselves] from holy goods. Therefore it is afterwards said, that they made the temple a den of thieves; thieves denoting those who lay waste the truths and goods of the church, and thence make to themselves gain.

[5] In Luke:

"As it was in the days of Lot," so shall it be in the days of the Son of man, "they ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built" (17:28).

By eating and drinking is there signified to live to themselves and the world, and to appropriate to themselves evils and falsities. By buying and selling is signified to procure those things for themselves and to communicate them to others. By planting and building is signified to confirm themselves therein, and to live in them.

[6] In the same

Jesus said, "Now he that hath a purse let him take it, and likewise his scrip; but he that hath not, let him sell his garments, and buy a sword" (22:36).

What is meant here by these words is evident from what follows in the same chapter, that is, that everything written must be fulfilled in the Lord, thus that He was about to suffer the passion of the cross. And because this must necessarily distract the minds of those who then lived, and also the minds of the disciples, and cause them to have doubts concerning Him, and His kingdom, and so bring them into temptations; and since these can be shaken off only by means of truths, therefore the Lord says, "He that hath a purse and a scrip, let him take them," that is to say, he who possesses truths from the Word in which it is foretold that Christ should suffer such things, let him take heed lest he put them away. For the purse and the scrip signify the same as the coins and the money contained in them, or the knowledges of truth and good from the Word. But he who hath not, let him sell his garments and buy a sword, signifies, let those who have not truths reject everything of their own, and get truths for themselves, with which to fight against falsities. A sword signifies the combat of the truth against falsity and the destruction of the latter.

[7] Because Tyre, in the Word, signifies the church with respect to the knowledges of truth and good, and thence also the knowledges of truth and good which the church has and which are also serviceable for its doctrine, therefore, where Tyre is treated of in the Word, her tradings are also treated of, by which is signified their acquisition, and also communication to others.

As in Ezekiel:

"All the ships in the sea were for trading thy trading; Tarshish was thy trader in silver, iron, tin, and lead; they gave thy markets. Javan, Tubal, and Meshech, these were thy merchants; with the persons of men and vessels of brass they gave thy trading. The sons of Dedan were thy merchants; many islands the merchants of thy hand. Syria was thy trader with chrysoprasus. But thy wealth and thy tradings, thy markets, and they who trade thy trading, shall fall into the heart of the seas in the day of thy fall" (27:1, to the end).

In Isaiah:

"Howl, ye ships of Tarshish, because Tyre is laid waste, whose merchants are princes, her traders the honoured of the earth" (23:1, 8).

Who cannot see that by the tradings and merchandise here are not meant tradings and merchandise? For what has the Word in common with such things, which in itself is Divine and heavenly, and teaches man about God, heaven and the church, eternal life, and similar things? Who cannot see, then, that all the particulars there signify spiritual things, pertaining to heaven and the church; not only the names of the places there with which trading was carried on, but also the special kinds of merchandise? But what the particulars in the spiritual sense signify it would be too tedious to unfold in this place. It is sufficient to know, that tradings there signify the acquisition and communication of the knowledges of truth and good; and the merchandise or wares those knowledges, which are multifarious.

[8] That such things are signified is evident also from theses words in Ezekiel:

In thy wisdom and in thine intelligence thou hast gotten thee wealth, and hast gotten gold and silver in thy treasures; by the abundance of thy wisdom in thy trading, thou hast multiplied to thee wealth (28:4, 5).

This treats of the prince of Tyre, by whom are meant knowledges (cognitiones) of truth from the Word, by which intelligence and wisdom are procured. And because these same knowledges are signified by wealth, and procuring them is meant by trading, therefore, it is said, "by the multiplication of thy wisdom in thy trading thou hast multiplied to thee wealth."

[9] From these things it is evident,

why the Lord compared the kingdom of the heavens "to a merchantman seeking goodly pearls, who, when he had found one precious pearl, went and sold all that he had, and bought it" (Matthew 13:45, 46).

By pearls are signified knowledges, also truths themselves; and by one precious pearl is signified the acknowledgment of the Lord. By selling all that he had is signified to banish everything of one's own love; and by buying it is signified to procure that Divine truth for himself.

[10] The same is also meant by the treasure hid in a field,

"which a man, having found, hid it, and for joy went and sold all that he had, and bought the field" (Matthew 13:44).

By the treasure is signified the Divine truth in the Word; by the field is signified the church and its doctrine; and by selling all that he had and buying the field is signified, in this case as above, to banish what is one's own and procure for oneself the Divine truth which is in the Lord's church.

[11] Because trading signified the acquisition and possession of truths, therefore the Lord spoke by a parable

Of a man going a journey and giving to his servants talents, that they might trade with them and make gain (Matthew 25:14-20).

And of another:

Who gave to his servants ten pounds, that they might trade with them (Luke 19:12-26).

Similar things are also signified by trading, matters of trade, and traders, in other parts of the Word. So also in the opposite sense, in which the receptions and appropriations of falsities are signified; as in Isaiah 48:15; Ezekiel 16:3; Nahum 3:14; Apoc. 18:3, 11-24. Hence the church in which such things prevail is called

A land of trading (Ezekiel 16:29; 21:30, 31 2 ; 29:14).

Moreover, by selling and being sold is signified to banish truths, and to be alienated from them, and, instead of them, to accept falsities and be captivated by them, as in Isaiah 50:1; 52:3; Ezekiel 30:12; Joel 3:6, 7; Nahum 3:4; Zech. 13:5; Psalm 44:11-13; Deuteronomy 32:30.

From these things it is evident what is properly signified by being redeemed and by redemption, where the Lord is treated of.

As in Isaiah:

"Ye have sold yourselves for nought; therefore ye shall be redeemed without money" (Isaiah 52:3);

and in many other passages.

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Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.