5 Mózes 7:9



9 És [hogy] megtudjad, hogy az Úr, a te Istened, õ az Isten, a hívséges Isten, a ki megtartja a szövetséget és az irgalmasságot ezeríziglen azok iránt, a kik õt szeretik, és az õ parancsolatait megtartják.

이 구절에 대한 주석  

작가: Alexander Payne

Verse 9. And has given them a clear perception that the Lord Jesus Christ is the only God, the incarnation of the Divine Love, whose only desire is to conjoin to Himself and to bless all those who will receive the spiritual good that flows from Him, and strive to conform their lives to His will, with the greatest blessings they can receive to eternity.