numerot 9:13



13 Mutta joka puhdas on, ja ei ole matkalla, ja unhottaa pitää pääsiäistä, hänen sielunsa pitää hävitettämän kansoistansa. Sentähden ettei hän ole kantanut uhrinansa Herralle määrätyllä ajallansa, sen pitää itse syntinsä kantaman.

이 구절에 대한 주석  

작가: Henry MacLagan

Verse 13. But he who is neither in a state of temptation, nor of instruction, and yet neglects, to appropriate good in externals as well as internally is in danger of the separation of good from truth entirely; and if he does not acknowledge the Lord by ascribing all good to Him in his conduct, then evil and falsity together will be confirmed in him.

SWORD version by Tero Favorin (tero at favorin dot com)