


By John Odhner (მანქანაში ნათარგმნი 中文)

Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, aerial view




“不要判断,不要谴责您。为什么您要看哥哥眼中的斑点,却不考虑您自己眼中的木板?” (马太福音7:1, 3

门徒詹姆士这样说:“有一个律政者,谁能拯救和毁灭。你是谁来审判另一个?” (雅各书4:1


耶稣不鼓励这种态度。祂曾经与一些“信任自己”的人说话,他们得救了,其他人则没有。他请他们考虑两个祈祷:“上帝,我感谢你,我不像其他人。”和“上帝,怜悯我,一个罪人!”耶稣称赞那个自以为是罪人的人。 (路加福音18:9-14



圣经清楚地表明,决定一个人是否去天堂的是人的生活方式,而不仅仅是他的信仰。耶稣说:“不是每个对我说'主啊,主'的人都要进入天国,但要奉行我父在天上的旨意。 (马太福音7:21

再一次,“他将根据自己的工作奖励每一个人。” (马太福音16:27

他说:“行善的人会复活,而行恶的人会死刑。” (约翰福音5:29


“那天有许多人对我说:'主啊,主啊,我们岂不是以你的名预言,以你的名驱赶魔鬼,以你的名行了许多奇事?”然后我向他们宣告:“我从不认识你:离开我,你们这是行不通的!””(马太福音27:22-23, 路加福音13:25-27

非基督徒可以得救的一个原因是,他可以爱他的邻居。真正爱他的邻居的人也爱基督,尽管他可能没有意识到。耶稣说:“因为你照管了我弟兄中最少的一个,你就对我做了。” (马太福音25:40


“尽管我有全部信念,所以我可以摘山,但没有爱,我什么都不是。” (哥林多前书13:2


“爱相信一切。” (哥林多前书13:7

“行善的人是上帝的,但行恶的人却没有看见上帝。” (约翰三书1:11

“让我们彼此相爱,因为爱是上帝的爱,每个相爱的人都是上帝所生,并且认识上帝。上帝就是爱,任何恪守爱心的人都恪守上帝,上帝也奉行上帝。” (约翰一书4:7-11




有关新基督教教会教义的一些参考资料: 天堂与地狱318-328, 天命326

经非常有用的网站的作者John Odhner的许可使用:http://whatthebiblesays.info/Introduction.html

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The "Big Spiritual Questions" videos are produced by the General Church of the New Jerusalem. Link: newchurch.org



马太福音 7:1



1 你们不要论断人,免得你们被论断。

სვედენბორგის ნაშრომებიდან


Conjugial Love # 453

შეისწავლეთ ეს პასაჟი.

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453. 8. A lust to fornicate is serious in the measure that it looks to adultery. People caught up in the lust of fornication all look to adultery who do not believe adulteries to be sins, and who think the same of marriages as they do of adulteries, with the sole difference that one is allowable and the other not. Such people also take all evils and make of them one evil, mixing them together like filth with edible foods in one dish, or like refuse with wine in one cup, and thus eating and drinking. That is what they do with love for the opposite sex, fornication, resorting to a courtesan, adultery in its milder, serious and more serious forms, even debauchery or defloration. Moreover, they not only mix these things together, but they also mix in marriages and pollute them with the same concept of them. After their accustomed promiscuities with the opposite sex, people who do not distinguish even marriages from those other relationships are overtaken with states of coldness, loathing and revulsion, first toward their married partner, then toward others of the sex, and finally toward the entire sex.

It is evident in itself that such people do not have in them a good or chaste purpose, intention or end to exonerate them, nor a separation of evil from good, or of what is unchaste from what is chaste, to enable them to be purified, as there is in those who from a state of fornication look to conjugial love and prefer it (as described in the preceding article, no. 452).

[2] I am able to corroborate these assertions by the following new confirmation from heaven. I have met many spirits who, in the world, had lived like others in outward appearances - dressing grandly, dining elegantly, doing business like others at a profit, attending theatrical performances, joking about the actions of lovers in a seemingly lustful manner, and other like things. And yet angels attributed these things to some as sinful evils, and to others as not evil, declaring the former guilty, but the latter innocent. Upon my asking the reason for this, when the people had done the same things, the angels replied that they regard everyone in the light of his purpose, intention or end, and make distinctions accordingly; and that they therefore excuse or condemn those whom the end excuses or condemns, since an end for good is the end of all in heaven, and an end for evil the end of all in hell. This, too, they said, and nothing else, is meant by the Lord's words, "Judge not, that you be not condemned." 1 (Matthew 7:1)


1. The text here follows the translation of Sebastian Schmidt, Biblia Sacra, Argentorati (Strasburg), 1696.

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Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.