


By John Odhner (მანქანაში ნათარგმნი 中文)

Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, aerial view




“不要判断,不要谴责您。为什么您要看哥哥眼中的斑点,却不考虑您自己眼中的木板?” (马太福音7:1, 3

门徒詹姆士这样说:“有一个律政者,谁能拯救和毁灭。你是谁来审判另一个?” (雅各书4:1


耶稣不鼓励这种态度。祂曾经与一些“信任自己”的人说话,他们得救了,其他人则没有。他请他们考虑两个祈祷:“上帝,我感谢你,我不像其他人。”和“上帝,怜悯我,一个罪人!”耶稣称赞那个自以为是罪人的人。 (路加福音18:9-14



圣经清楚地表明,决定一个人是否去天堂的是人的生活方式,而不仅仅是他的信仰。耶稣说:“不是每个对我说'主啊,主'的人都要进入天国,但要奉行我父在天上的旨意。 (马太福音7:21

再一次,“他将根据自己的工作奖励每一个人。” (马太福音16:27

他说:“行善的人会复活,而行恶的人会死刑。” (约翰福音5:29


“那天有许多人对我说:'主啊,主啊,我们岂不是以你的名预言,以你的名驱赶魔鬼,以你的名行了许多奇事?”然后我向他们宣告:“我从不认识你:离开我,你们这是行不通的!””(马太福音27:22-23, 路加福音13:25-27

非基督徒可以得救的一个原因是,他可以爱他的邻居。真正爱他的邻居的人也爱基督,尽管他可能没有意识到。耶稣说:“因为你照管了我弟兄中最少的一个,你就对我做了。” (马太福音25:40


“尽管我有全部信念,所以我可以摘山,但没有爱,我什么都不是。” (哥林多前书13:2


“爱相信一切。” (哥林多前书13:7

“行善的人是上帝的,但行恶的人却没有看见上帝。” (约翰三书1:11

“让我们彼此相爱,因为爱是上帝的爱,每个相爱的人都是上帝所生,并且认识上帝。上帝就是爱,任何恪守爱心的人都恪守上帝,上帝也奉行上帝。” (约翰一书4:7-11




有关新基督教教会教义的一些参考资料: 天堂与地狱318-328, 天命326

经非常有用的网站的作者John Odhner的许可使用:http://whatthebiblesays.info/Introduction.html

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The "Big Spiritual Questions" videos are produced by the General Church of the New Jerusalem. Link: newchurch.org



马太福音 16:27



27 人子要在他父的荣耀里,同着众使者降临;那时候,他要照各人的行为报应各人。

სვედენბორგის ნაშრომებიდან


A Brief Exposition of New Church Doctrine # 110

შეისწავლეთ ეს პასაჟი.

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110. A. To everyone after death is imputed the evil in which he is, and in like manner the good. In order that this may appear in some measure evident, it shall be set forth as follows:

1. Everyone has a life peculiar to himself.

2. Everyone's own life remains with him after death.

3. To the wicked is then imputed the evil of their life, and to the good the good of their life. First.-That everyone has a life peculiar to himself, thus distinct from that of another's, is well known. For there is perpetual variety; no two things are the same. Hence it is that everyone has his own proprium. 1 This appears clearly from people's faces; no one face is exactly like another's, nor ever can be to eternity, because there do not exist two minds alike, and the face is according to the mind. For the face, as is said, is an image of the mind, and the mind derives its origin and form from the life. Unless a man had his own life, just as he has his own mind and face, he would not have any life after death distinct from another's; nay, heaven could not exist. For heaven consists of a perpetual variety of others; its form proceeds solely from the variety of souls and minds disposed into such an order that they make a unity; and they make a unity from that One Whose life is in each and everything there, as the soul is in man. Unless this were so, heaven would be dispersed, because its form would be dissolved. The ONE from Whom the life of each and everyone proceeds, and from Whom that form coheres, is the Lord.

[2] Second: That everyone's own life remains with him after death is known in the Church from the Word, and from these statements therein:

The Son of Man shall come...and then He shall reward every man according to his works. Matthew 16:27.

I saw the books opened ...and all were judged according to their works. Revelation 20:12-13.

In the day of judgment God will render to everyone according to his works. Romans 2:6; 2 Corinthians 5:10.

The works according to which everyone will be recompensed are the life; for the life performs the works, and these are according to the life. Since it has been granted me for many years to associate with angels and to speak with newcomers from the world, I can testify for certain that everyone there is examined as to the quality of his past life, and that the life which he has contracted in the world remains with him to eternity. I have spoken with those who lived many ages ago, whose life was known to me from history, and I have found them to be similar to the way they had been described. I have also heard from angels that no one's life can be changed after death because it is organised according to his love and faith, hence according to his works; and that if it were changed the organisation would be disrupted; but this can never be done. I have also been told that a change of organisation can take place only when in the material body, and by no means when in the spiritual body, after the former has been laid aside.

[3] Third: To the wicked is then imputed the evil of their life, and to the good the good of their life. The imputation of evil after death is not accusation, blame, censure, or passing judgment as in the world, but evil itself does this. For the wicked of their own freedom separate themselves from the good, because they cannot be together. The delights of the love of evil are averse to the delights of the love of good, and delights exhale from everyone there as odours from every plant on earth. For delights are not absorbed and concealed by the material body as before, but flow forth freely from their loves into the spiritual atmosphere. And because evil is there sensed, as it were, in its own odour, it is this which accuses, blames, finds guilty and judges, not before any particular judge, but in the presence of everyone who is in good; this is what is meant by imputation. The imputation of good is similar, and takes place with those who in the world had acknowledged that all the good in them was and is from the Lord, and none from themselves. These, after they have been prepared, are let into the interior delights of their own good, and then a way is opened for them into heaven, to the society where the delights are akin to their own. This is done by the Lord.


1. The Latin word Proprium means "what is one's own," Swedenborg uses it in a special sense involving "what is of the self."

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.