

Exodus 13:19



19 καί-C λαμβάνω-VBI-AAI3S *μωυσῆς-N1M-NSM ὁ- A--APN ὀστέον-N2N-APN *ιωσηφ-N---GSM μετά-P ἑαυτοῦ- D--GSM ὅρκος-N2--DSM γάρ-X ὁρκίζω-VAI-AAI3S *ιωσηφ-N---NSM ὁ- A--APM υἱός-N2--APM *ἰσραήλ-N---GSM λέγω-V1--PAPNSM ἐπισκοπή-N1--DSF ἐπισκέπτω-VF--FMI3S σύ- P--AP κύριος-N2--NSM καί-C συν ἀναφέρω-VF--FAI2P ἐγώ- P--GS ὁ- A--APN ὀστέον-N2N-APN ἐντεῦθεν-D μετά-P σύ- P--GP



Exodus 12:15



15 ἑπτά-M ἡμέρα-N1A-APF ἄζυμος-A1B-APN ἐσθίω-VF--FMI2P ἀπό-P δέ-X ὁ- A--GSF ἡμέρα-N1A-GSF ὁ- A--GSF πρῶτος-A1--GSFS ἀπο ἀναἵζω-VF2-FAI2P ζυμή-N1--ASF ἐκ-P ὁ- A--GPF οἰκία-N1A-GPF σύ- P--GP πᾶς-A3--NSM ὅς- --NSM ἄν-X ἐσθίω-VF--FMI2S ζυμή-N1--ASF ἐκὀλεθρεύω-VC--FPI3S ὁ- A--NSF ψυχή-N1--NSF ἐκεῖνος- D--NSF ἐκ-P *ἰσραήλ-N---GSM ἀπό-P ὁ- A--GSF ἡμέρα-N1A-GSF ὁ- A--GSF πρῶτος-A1--GSFS ἕως-P ὁ- A--GSF ἡμέρα-N1A-GSF ὁ- A--GSF ἕβδομος-A1--GSF

სვედენბორგის ნაშრომებიდან


Arcana Coelestia # 923

შეისწავლეთ ეს პასაჟი.

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923. 'And he offered burnt offerings on the altar' means all worship stemming from those goods and truths. This is evident from what has been stated up to now. Burnt offerings were the chief features of the worship of the representative Church, as at a later time were sacrifices. These will in the Lord's Divine mercy be dealt with later on. That burnt offerings taken as a whole mean representative worship is also clear from the Prophets, as in David,

Jehovah will send your help from the Sanctuary, and give you support from Zion. He will remember all your offerings, and accept your burnt offering as fat. Psalms 20:2-3.

And in Isaiah,

Whoever keeps the sabbath from profaning it, I will bring them to My holy mountain. Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be accepted on My altar. Isaiah 56:6-7.

Here 'burnt offerings and sacrifices' stands for all worship, 'burnt offerings' for worship stemming from love, 'sacrifices' for worship stemming from faith derived from love. As is common in the Prophets, internal things are here being described by those that are external.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.