

Genesis 33



1 Jokūbas, pakėlęs akis, pamatė ateinantį Ezavą su keturiais šimtais vyrų. Jis paskirstė vaikus tarp Lėjos, achelės ir abiejų tarnaičių:

2 sustatė tarnaites ir jų vaikus pirmoje eilėje, Lėją ir jos vaikus už jų, o achelę ir Juozapą paskutinėje eilėje.

3 Jis pats nuėjo pirma jų ir septynis kartus nusilenkė iki žemės, kol susitiko su broliu.

4 Ezavas bėgo prie jo, apkabino jį ir bučiavo, puolęs jam ant kaklo, ir jie abu verkė.

5 Pamatęs žmonas ir vaikus, jis klausė: “Kas šitie?” Tas atsakė: “Vaikai, kuriais Dievas apdovanojo tavo tarną”.

6 Tada priartėjusios tarnaitės su savo vaikais nusilenkė.

7 Paskui priartėjo Lėja ir jos vaikai ir nusilenkė. Pagaliau priartėjo Juozapas ir achelė ir taip pat nusilenkė.

8 Ezavas toliau klausė: “Kam tie būriai, kuriuos sutikau?” Jis atsakė: “Kad rasčiau malonę savo valdovo akyse!”

9 Ezavas atsakė: “Mano broli, aš turiu užtektinai, pasilaikyk, ką turi!”

10 Jokūbas tarė: “O ne! Jei radau malonę tavo akyse, tai priimk iš manęs šią dovaną. Aš matau tavo veidą, tarsi matyčiau Dievo veidą, ir tu esi man malonus.

11 Prašau, priimk palaiminimą, kurį tau atnešiau. Nes Dievas buvo man maloningas, ir aš visko turiu”. Jokūbui prašant, brolis priėmė dovaną.

12 Tada Ezavas tarė: “Dabar keliaukime­aš eisiu tavo priešakyje!”

13 Bet Jokūbas atsakė: “Mano valdovas žino, kad vaikai gležni ir kad dalis avių bei galvijų yra jaunikliai; jei juos per greitai varysime nors vieną dieną, jie išgaiš.

14 Mano valdove, eik pirma savo tarno, o aš pamažu toliau judėsiu, kaip įstengia eiti gyvuliai ir vaikai, kol nueisiu pas savo valdovą į Seyrą”.

15 Tada Ezavas sakė: “Leisk man palikti su tavimi dalį savo žmonių!” Bet tas atsakė: “Kam to reikia? Kad tik surasčiau malonę savo valdovo akyse!”

16 Ezavasdieną sugrįžo į Seyrą,

17 o Jokūbas judėjo toliau į Sukotą. Ten jis pasistatė namus, o gyvuliams­ pastoges. Todėl pavadino tą vietą Sukotu.

18 Jokūbas, keliaudamas iš Mesopotamijos, laimingai atvyko į Sichemą, kuris yra Kanaano krašte, ir apsistojo šalia miesto.

19 Sklypą, kuriame pasistatė palapinę, jis nusipirko iš Sichemo tėvo Hamoro sūnų už šimtą monetų.

20 Jis ten pastatė aukurą ir jį pavadino: “Izraelio Dievo galybė”.


სვედენბორგის ნაშრომებიდან


Arcana Coelestia # 4364

შეისწავლეთ ეს პასაჟი.

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4364. 'He said, What do you mean by all this camp which I met?' means the specific things which came from the good of truth. This is clear from the meaning of 'camp' here as things that are specific, for these are meant by the animals mentioned in verses 14, 15 of the previous chapter - two hundred she-goats and twenty he-goats, two hundred sheep and twenty rams, thirty milking camels and their colts, forty young cows and ten young bulls, twenty she-asses and ten foals. By these are meant the goods and truths together with the things that are subservient, by means of which the instillation was to be effected, see 4263, 4264, and so mean those that are specific. The specific ones meant here are nothing other than those which serve to prove that truths really are truths and forms of good really are forms of good. They support a person's thoughts and affections - that is, the things he knows and the things he loves - which lead him to favour an idea and maintain that it is true. The gifts which in the Church of old were made to kings and to priests also held the same meaning It is well known that another is led to one's own way of thinking - that is, to the things which one says are good and true - both by the use of rational arguments and by the appeal to affections. It is the actual supporting proofs to which the term 'specific' applies and that are meant at this point by 'this camp'. This is the reason why the words 'to find favour in the eyes of my lord' appear, explaining why 'the camp' was sent, and after that, 'If now I have found favour in your eyes, then take my gift from my hand'.

[2] It is similar with spiritual things or matters of faith, when these are being joined to the good of charity. People believe that goods and truths flow in immediately from heaven, and so without any intermediate agents in man; but in this they are much mistaken. The Lord leads everyone through the agency of his affections and in so doing bends him by means of a Providence working silently; for He leads people by means of their freedom, 1937, 1947. All freedom entails a person's affection or love, see 2870, 2873. Consequently every joining together of good and truth takes place in freedom and not under compulsion, 2875-2878, 2881, 3145, 3146, 3158, 4031. When therefore a person has been brought in freedom to good, truths find acceptance and are implanted. That person also starts to be stirred by an affection for them and is in this manner introduced little by little into heavenly freedom. One who is regenerate, that is, who loves the neighbour - more so one who loves the Lord - will discover, if he reflects on his life before then, that he has been led to that point by many ideas present in his thought and many impulses of his affection.

[3] What exactly is meant here by the things which came from the good of truth may be seen more easily from examples. Let truth which has to be introduced into good be exemplified by the truth that man has life after death. Unless this is supported by specific truths, it does not find acceptance, that is, not unless it is supported by the following: Man is able to think not only about the things he sees and perceives with the senses but also about those which he does not see or perceive with the senses. Also his affection can be stirred by them; and through his affection he can become linked to them and therefore to heaven, indeed to the Lord Himself. And those who are able to be linked to the Divine can never die. These and many more like them are the specific truths which present themselves before that truth is instilled into good, that is, before it is believed fully. That truth does indeed submit itself first, yet these specific truths nevertheless cause it to find acceptance.

[4] Take as another example the truth that man is a spirit and that he is clothed with a body while he lives in the world. This also is a truth that has to be instilled into good, for if it is not instilled he has no concern for heaven, in which case he looks on himself in the same way as he does on animals. But this truth cannot be instilled except by means of specific ones such as the following: The body which a person carries around ministers to uses in the world; that is to say, it enables him by means of material eyes to see things that are in the world, and to perform actions by means of material muscles, which give him power that is sufficient to lift heavy objects. Nevertheless some more interior part of him exists which thinks and wills, and for which the body is the instrumental or material organ. Also his spirit is his true self, or the person himself, who performs actions and has sensory perception through these organic forms. And there are many other personal experiences by which he can prove that truth to be so once he believes it. All of these are specific truths which are put forward first and which cause that truth itself to be instilled into good and also to come from it. It is these and other things like them that are meant here by 'a camp'.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.





'Shechem,' as in Genesis 37:12, signifies earliest basics of the doctrine concerning faith. The earliest basics are also the common, or general, principles of doctrinal things. These common, or general, principles are what are received first. Special, or particular, principles follow afterwards.

In Genesis 12:6, 'Abram's passing through the land unto the place Shechem' signifies a new state of the Lord when the celestial aspects of love first appeared to Him which is what Shechem signifies. This is the first stop in the land of Canaan, when coming from Syria, or Haran.

'Shechem' the son of Hamor in Genesis 34:2 signifies the truth of the church from ancient times.

In Genesis 33:17-20, Psalms 60:6-8 and 108:7-9, Shechem signifies the first dawn of light.

(რეკომენდაციები: Arcana Coelestia 1441, Genesis 2, 6, 12, 17, 33, 34, 37; Joshua 1, 7, 20, 20:7, 21, 21:21, 24, 24:1, 24:25; Psalms 6, 60)