Exploring the Meaning of Genesis 7

ეს არის ორიგინალური ტექსტი: Exploring the Meaning of Genesis 7 მიერ New Christian Bible Study Staff, Joe David


Exploring the Meaning of Genesis 7

ამ თარგმანის შესახებ:

In Genesis 7, we have the heart of the Noah and the Ark story. Noah and his family go into the ark, and bring the animals with them, two by two. The flood comes, and the world is drowned, but the ark is safe, floating on the flood.

In the internal sense, the flood signifies the destruction of the Most Ancient Church - a stage in human history that was characterized by a simple monotheism and a high degree of spiritual awareness, until it became corrupt. A flood of corruption - evil and falsity - wash it away, but the Lord preserves the remnants of good and truth that still exist, to provide a seed for the beginning of a new church - as meant by the ark and its preservation.

შექმნილი ან თარგმნილია: New Christian Bible Study Staff, Joe David

შექმნის თარიღი: 2019

All rights reserved.

ლიცენზია: Used with permission - იხილეთ ტერმინები

შემოთავაზებული ციტირება:

Exploring the Meaning of Genesis 7. Retrieved from: newchristianbiblestudy.org
