2 Konger 10:19



19 Kald derfor alle Ba'als Profeter, alle, der dyrker ham, og alle hans Præster hid til mig, ikke een må udeblive, thi jeg har et stort Slagtoffer for til Ære for Ba'al; enhver, der udebliver, skal bøde med Livet!" Men det var en Fælde, Jehu stillede, for at udrydde Ba'alsdyrkerne.

კომენტარი ამ ლექსზე  

By Henry MacLagan

Verse 19. And therefore it further appears that Divine Truth desires the presence of all natural truths perverted by self-worship, of all natural affections, and of all sensual affections without distinction, because self-worship is worthy of the highest devotion, so that without it none seems to have life. But these things are the fallacies of the senses, Divine Truth really desiring the destruction of self-worship.

The Project Gutenberg Association at Carnegie Mellon University