

Jona 1


1 Und das Wort Jehovas geschah zu Jona, dem Sohne Amittais (S. 2. Kön. 14,25,) also:

2 Mache dich auf, gehe nach Ninive, der großen Stadt, und predige wider sie; denn ihre Bosheit ist vor mich heraufgestiegen.

3 Aber Jona machte sich auf, um von dem Angesicht Jehovas hinweg nach Tarsis (Eine phönizische Andiedlung in Spanien) zu fliehen; und er ging nach Japho (Joppe) hinab und fand ein Schiff, das nach Tarsis fuhr; und er gab sein Fährgeld und stieg in dasselbe hinab, um mit ihnen nach Tarsis zu fahren von dem Angesicht Jehovas hinweg.

4 Da warf Jehova einen heftigen Wind auf das Meer, und es entstand ein großer Sturm auf dem Meere, so daß das Schiff zu zerbrechen drohte.

5 Und die Seeleute fürchteten sich und schrieen, ein jeder zu seinem Gott; und sie warfen die Geräte, welche im Schiffe waren, ins Meer, um sich zu erleichtern. Jona aber war in den unteren Schiffsraum hinabgestiegen, und hatte sich hingelegt und war in tiefen Schlaf gesunken.

6 Und der Obersteuermann trat zu ihm hin und sprach zu ihm: Was ist mit dir, du Schläfer? Stehe auf, rufe deinen Gott an! vielleicht wird der Gott unser gedenken, daß wir nicht umkommen.

7 Und sie sprachen einer zum anderen: Kommt und laßt uns Lose werfen, damit wir erfahren, um wessentwillen dieses Unglück uns trifft. Und sie warfen Lose, und das Los fiel auf Jona.

8 Da sprachen sie zu ihm: Tue uns doch kund, um wessentwillen dieses Unglück uns trifft! Was ist dein Geschäft, und woher kommst du? Welches ist dein Land, und von welchem Volke bist du?

9 Und er sprach zu ihnen: Ich bin ein Hebräer; und ich fürchte Jehova, den Gott des Himmels, der das Meer und das Trockene gemacht hat.

10 Da fürchteten sich die Männer mit großer Furcht und sprachen zu ihm: Was hast du da getan! Denn die Männer wußten, daß er von dem Angesicht Jehovas hinwegfloh; denn er hatte es ihnen kundgetan.

11 Und sie sprachen zu ihm: Was sollen wir dir tun, damit das Meer sich gegen uns beruhige? denn das Meer wurde immer stürmischer (O. stürmte fort und fort; so auch v 13.)

12 Und er sprach zu ihnen: Nehmet mich und werfet mich ins Meer, so wird das Meer sich gegen euch beruhigen; denn ich weiß, daß dieser große Sturm um meinetwillen über euch gekommen ist.

13 Und die Männer ruderten hart (W. wollten durchbrechen,) um das Schiff ans Land zurückzuführen; aber sie vermochten es nicht, weil das Meer immer stürmischer gegen sie wurde.

14 Da riefen sie zu Jehova und sprachen: Ach, Jehova! laß uns doch nicht umkommen um der Seele dieses Mannes willen, und lege nicht unschuldiges Blut auf uns; denn du, Jehova, hast getan, wie es dir gefallen hat.

15 Und sie nahmen Jona und warfen ihn ins Meer. Da ließ das Meer ab (Eig. Da stand das Meer still) von seinem Wüten.

16 Und die Männer fürchteten sich vor Jehova mit großer Furcht, und sie schlachteten Schlachtopfer und taten Gelübde dem Jehova.



Exploring the Meaning of Jonah 1

作者: Helen Kennedy

Billy Graham once said that the whole of Jesus' ministry could be summed up in two words; Come and Go.

COME to me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)

GO and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19)

In the beginning of the Book of Jonah, chapter 1, we have a story about what happens when you do the first step, but not the second. Jonah was supposed to go preach the gospel -- the monotheistic worship of Jehovah -- to the people of Ninevah. Swedenborg tells us that the verses in Jonah 1:1-2 are about the people of Israel, who had received the Word - but wouldn't go out and share it amongst the nations.

In Jonah 1:4-6, peoples' spiritual knowledge declines, and begins to perish. It happens both in the land of Israel, and in the wider world.

Here are some key symbolic elements in this account:

- A ship represents the knowledge of good and truth useful for life (a church). (Apocalypse Revealed 406)

- A sea, storm and wind represents Hell and its influence. (Apocalypse Revealed 343[4])

- To be asleep means to be deluded by our own glory. (Arcana Coelestia 147)

In Jonah 1:7-9, the people who lived outside the land of Israel had some perception that their own spiritual knowledge was lacking, and they it had led to a collapse of their spiritual state. As Swedenborg puts it, "the state of the church was perverted among themselves".

When they perceived this, they also came to understand that they needed to reject falsified truths that they were getting from the Jewish church at that time, and pray to the Lord for salvation, to try to restore real worship, real spiritual love and wisdom.

Drawing lots, or playing a game of chance, represents pulling truths apart. (Arcana Coelestia 9942.13)

In Jonah 1:10-13, throwing Jonah into the sea represents the rejection of that hollowed-out church, to make way for a new church. Then, in Jonah 1:14-16, when the people in the boat pray unto the Lord for salvation -- it works! They are saved from foundering and drowning.

What's the takeaway for us? If we're getting false ideas from our neighbors, we need to perceive it, and stop. We need to identify our false beliefs, and reject them -- throw them into the sea. Then, we need to pray for salvation -- and then a new "church" can start in us, too, personally, with renewed spiritual life. And, when we come to the Lord, and experience spiritual "rest", then we can also go share our new true ideas and good loves with our neighbors -- coming, and going.

Here's a link to an interesting (audio) sermon on this chapter, by Rev. Todd Beiswenger.

Finally, here's a link to Rev. McCurdy's Study Guide for the Book of Jonah, which is available for free as a .pdf, for your use.



Apocalypse Revealed#406


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406. And a third of the ships were destroyed. This symbolically means that concepts of goodness and truth from the Word that are serviceable for application to life, in them had all been destroyed.

A third means, symbolically, all, as in nos. 400, 404, 405 above. Ships symbolize concepts of goodness and truth from the Word that are serviceable for application to life. Ships have this symbolism because ships travel the sea and bring back the necessities that the natural self needs for its every endeavor, and concepts of goodness and truth are the necessities that the spiritual self needs for its every endeavor. For out of them is formed the doctrine of the church, and in accordance with that a person's life.

Ships symbolize these concepts because they are vessels, and in many places in the Word a vessel is used to express what it contains, as a cup for wine, a dish for food, the Tabernacle or Temple for the sacred objects in it, the Ark for the Law, altars for worship, and so on.

[2] Ships symbolize concepts of goodness and truth in the following places:

Zebulun shall dwell by the seashore, and serve as a haven for ships... (Genesis 49:13)

Zebulun means the conjunction of goodness and truth.

Your builders (O Tyre) have perfected your beauty. They made all your planks of fir trees from Senir; they took a cedar from Lebanon to make you a mast. Of oaks from Bashan they made your oars; they made your beam of ivory, your deck of pines from the isles of Kittim... Inhabitants of Sidon and Arvad were your oarsmen; your wise men were... your shipmasters... All the ships of the sea and their sailors were in you to market your merchandise... Ships of Tarshish were your companies in your commerce, by which you were filled and honored greatly in the midst of the seas. (Ezekiel 27:4-9, 25)

This is said of Tyre, because Tyre in the Word symbolizes the church in respect to its concepts of truth and goodness, as can be seen from the particulars about it in this chapter, and in the following one, chapter 28, understood in its spiritual sense. Moreover, because the church's concepts of truth and goodness are symbolically meant by Tyre, therefore the ship is described in its various parts, and each part symbolizes some aspect of those concepts leading to intelligence. What does the Word have in common with ships of Tyre and its commerce?

[3] The devastation of that same church is afterward described in the following way:

The common-land will shake at the sound of the cry of your shipmasters, and all who handle the oar will come down from your ships; all the sailors and shipmasters of the sea... because of you will cry bitterly... (Ezekiel 27:28-30; see also Isaiah 23:14-15)

The devastation of Babylon is similarly described in respect to all its concepts of truth in the following verses in the book of Revelation:

...in one hour such great riches were devastated. Every shipmaster, and everyone traveling on ships, and sailors... cried out... saying, "Alas, alas, the great city (Babylon), in which all became rich who had ships on the sea...." (Revelation 18:17, 19)

See below for the exposition.

[4] Ships symbolize concepts of truth and goodness also in the following places:

My days have been swift...; they fled away, they saw no good. They passed by with ships of longing... (Job 9:25-26)

Those who go down to the sea in ships, doing work on many waters, they see the works of Jehovah, and His wonders in the deep. (Psalms 107:23-24)

...the coastlands shall trust in Me, and ships of Tarshish will be first to bring your sons from afar... (Isaiah 60:9)

...the kings assembled...; fear took hold of them... With an east wind You will break the ships of Tarshish. (Psalms 18:4, 6-7)

Wail, you ships of Tarshish! (Isaiah 23:1, 14)

And so on elsewhere, as in Numbers 24:24, Judges 5:17, Psalms 104:26, Isaiah 33:21.

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Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.