

阿摩司書 5



1 以色列家啊,要我為你們所作的哀歌

2 以色列民(原文是處女)跌倒,不得再起;躺在地上,無人攙扶。

3 耶和華如此以色列家的城發出一兵的,只剩一;發出一的,只剩個。

4 耶和華以色列家如此:你們要尋求我,就必存活。

5 不要往伯特利尋求,不要進入吉甲,不要過到別是巴;因為吉甲必被擄掠,伯特利也必歸於無有。

6 尋求耶和華,就必存活,免得他在約瑟家像發出,在伯特利焚燒,無人撲滅。

7 你們這使公平變為茵蔯、將公丟棄於的,

8 尋求那造昴星和參星,使死蔭變為晨光,使白日變為黑夜,命水來澆在上的─耶和華是他的名;

9 他使力強的忽遭滅亡,以致保障遭遇毀壞。

10 你們怨恨那在城門口責備人的,憎惡那正直話的。

11 你們踐踏貧民,向他們勒索麥子;你們用鑿過的石頭建造房屋,卻不得在其內;栽種美好的葡萄園,卻不得所出的酒。

12 知道你們的罪過何等多,你們的惡何等大。你們苦待人,收受賄賂,在城門口屈枉窮乏人。

13 所以通達人見這樣的時勢必靜默不言,因為時勢真惡。

14 你們要求善,不要求惡,就必存活。這樣,耶和華─萬軍之必照你們所的與你們同在。

15 要惡惡善,在城門口秉公行義;或者耶和華─萬軍之向約瑟的餘民施恩。

16 耶和華─萬軍之如此:在一切寬闊處必有哀號的聲音;在各街市上必有人:哀哉!哀哉!又必農夫來哭號,善唱哀歌的來舉哀。

17 在各葡萄園必有哀號的聲音,因為我必從你中間經過。這是耶和華的。

18 想望耶和華日子來到的有禍了!你們為何想望耶和華的日子呢?那日黑暗沒有明,

19 景況好像躲避獅子遇見,或是進房屋,就被咬。

20 耶和華的日子不是黑暗沒有明麼?不是幽毫無輝麼?

21 我厭惡你們的節期,也不喜悅你們的嚴肅會。

22 你們雖然向我獻燔祭和素祭,我卻不悅納,也不顧你們用肥畜獻的平安祭;

23 要使你們歌唱的聲音遠離我,因為我不你們彈琴的響聲。

24 惟願公平如大滾滾,使公如江滔滔。

25 以色列家啊,你們在曠野四十年,豈是將祭物和供物獻給我呢?

26 你們抬著為自己所造之摩洛的帳幕和偶像的龕,並你們的

27 所以我要把你們擄到大馬色以外。這是耶和華、名為萬軍之的。




Apocalypse Revealed#501


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501. And their bodies will lie in the street of the great city. (11:8) This symbolically means that these two essential elements of the New Church have been utterly rejected by people inwardly caught up in the doctrinal falsities connected with justification by faith alone.

The bodies of the two witnesses symbolize the two essential elements of the New Church, namely, an acknowledgment of the Lord as the only God of heaven and earth, and conjunction with Him by a life in accordance with the Ten Commandments (nos. 490ff.). The street of the great city symbolizes doctrinal falsity connected with justification by faith alone - the street symbolizing falsity, as we shall see next, and the city symbolizing doctrine (no. 194). It is called a great city because the doctrine is the prevailing doctrine throughout the Protestant Reformed Christian world among the clergy, though not in the same way among the laity.

Streets in the Word have almost the same symbolic meaning as ways, because streets are a city's ways. Still, streets symbolize doctrinal truths or falsities, because a city symbolizes doctrine (no. 194), while ways symbolize a church's truths or falsities, because the earth symbolizes the church (no. 285).

[2] That streets symbolize doctrinal truths or falsities can be seen from the following passages:

Justice has been rejected, and righteousness stands afar off, for truth has stumbled in the street, and rectitude cannot enter. (Isaiah 59:14)

The chariots raced madly in the streets, they rushed in every direction in the town squares. (Nahum 2:4)

In the days of Jael, the ways were deserted... The town squares were deserted... in Israel... (Judges 5:6-7)

How the glorious city is forsaken...! Therefore her young men shall fall in her streets... (Jeremiah 49:25-26, cf. 50:30)

Those who ate delicacies are devastated in the streets... Darker than black is the appearance (of the Nazirites); they go unrecognized in the streets... They wandered blind in the streets... They tracked our steps so that we could not go into our streets. (Lamentations 4:5, 8, 14, 18)

I will cut off nations, their corners will be devastated; I will make their streets desolate... (Zephaniah 3:6)

(After) sixty-two weeks, the street (of Jerusalem) shall be built again..., but in distressful times. (Daniel 9:25)

...the street of the city (New Jerusalem) was pure gold, like transparent glass. (Revelation 21:21)

In the middle of its street... on this side and that, was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits... (Revelation 22:1-2)

And so on elsewhere, as in Isaiah 15:3; 24:10-11; 51:20.

As streets symbolize the church's doctrinal truths, therefore they taught in the streets (2 Samuel 1:20). And we are told,

We ate and drank in Your presence, and You taught in our streets. (Luke 13:26)

For this reason also hypocrites prayed on street corners (Matthew 6:2, 5). And for this reason the master of the house in Luke 14:21 ordered his servants to go out into the streets and squares and bring people in.

For the same reason, too, anything false or falsified is called mire, filth and excrement in the streets (Isaiah 5:25; 10:6, Micah 7:10, Psalms 18:42).

Prophets who prophesied falsely were cast out into the streets of Jerusalem, and no one buried them (Jeremiah 14:16).

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Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.