

何西阿書 5



1 祭司啊,要我的話!以色列家啊,要留心!王家啊,要側耳而!審判要臨到你們,因你們在米斯巴如網羅,在他泊山如鋪張的

2 這些悖逆的人肆行殺戮,罪孽極深;我卻斥責他們眾人。

3 以法蓮為我所知;以色列不能向我隱藏。以法蓮哪,現在你行淫了,以色列被玷污了。

4 他們所行的使他們不能歸向;因有淫心在他們裡面,他們也不認識耶和華

5 以色列的驕傲當面見證自己。故此,以色列以法蓮必因自己的罪孽跌倒;猶大也必與他們一同跌倒。

6 他們必牽著牛尋求耶和華,卻尋不見;他已經轉去離開他們。

7 他們向耶和華行事詭詐,生了私子。到了朔,他們與他們的地業必被吞滅。

8 你們當在基比亞吹角,在拉瑪吹號,在伯亞文吹出大聲,說:便雅憫哪,有仇敵在你頭!

9 在責罰的日子,以法蓮必變為荒場;我在以色列支派中,指示將來必成的事。

10 猶大的首領如同挪移地界的人,我必將忿怒倒在他們身上,如一般。

11 以法蓮因樂從人的命令,就受欺壓,被審判壓碎。

12 我使以法蓮如蟲蛀之物,使猶大家如朽爛之木。

13 以法蓮見自己有病,猶大見自己有傷,他們就打發人往亞述去見耶雷布王,他卻不能醫治你們,不能治好你們的傷。

14 我必向以法蓮如獅子,向猶大家如少壯獅子。我必撕裂而去,我要奪去,無人搭救。

15 我要回到原處,等他們自覺有罪(或譯:承認己罪),尋求我面;他們在急難的時候必切切尋求我。




撒母耳記上 7:16



16 他每年巡行到伯特利吉甲、米斯巴,在這幾處審判以色列人





The idea of a "prophet" is very closely tied to the idea of the Bible itself, since the Bible was largely written by prophets. At a lower level, prophets represent people who teach from the Bible. At a higher level, they represent the Lord as He reveals himself through the Bible. Viewed in a abstract way, prophets represent the holy parts of the Bible themselves, and also represent doctrine drawn from the Bible. The reason we say "largely written by prophets" and "the holy parts of the Bible" is that not all of the books currently included in the Bible have a complete and continuous internal sense. Some -- like Job, Ruth, and Song of Solomon -- are wonderful literary pieces that got included, but which lack the systematic meanings for words and phrases. Others -- the Acts and Epistles, primarily -- are really doctrinal works, the first attempt by others to extract meaning from Jesus' life and words.