

Исход 40



1 И сказалъ Іегова Моисею сими словами:

2 въ первый мјсяцъ, въ первый день мјсяца, поставь скинію собранія.

3 И поставь въ ней ковчегъ откровенія, и закрой ковчегъ завјсою;

4 и внеси столъ, и расположи на немъ всј вещи его, и внеси свјтильникъ и поставь на немъ лампады его;

5 и поставь золотой жертвенникъ для куренія предъ ковчегомъ откровенія, и повјсь завјсу у дверей скиніи.

6 И поставь жертвенникъ всесожженія предъ дверьми скиніи собранія,

7 и поставь умывальницу между скнніею собранія, и между жертвенникомъ, и влей въ нее воды.

8 И поставь дворъ кругомъ, и повјсь завјсу во вратахъ двора.

9 И возьми елея помазанія и помажь скинію и все, что въ ней, и освяти ее и всј принадлежности ея, и будетъ свята.

10 Помажь жертвенникъ всесожженія и всј принадлежности его, и освяти жертвенникъ, и будетъ жертвенникъ святыня великая.

11 И помажь умывальницу и основаніе ее, и освяти ее.

12 Потомъ приведи Аарона и сыновъ его къ дверямъ скиніи собранія, и омой ихъ водою.

13 И облеки Аарона въ священныя одежды, помажь его и освяти его, чтобъ онъ священнодјйствовалъ Мнј.

14 Также сыновъ его приведи и одјнь ихъ въ хитоны,

15 и помажь ихъ, такъ какъ помазалъ ты отца ихъ, дабы они священнодјйствовали Мнј, и помазаніе ихъ посвятитъ ихъ въ вјчное священство въ роды ихъ.

16 И сдјлалъ Моисей все, какъ повелјлъ ему Іегова, такъ и сдјлалъ.

17 Такимъ образомъ въ первый мјсяцъ втораго года, въ первый день мјсяца, поставлена скинія.

18 И поставилъ Моисей скинію, положилъ подножія ея, поставилъ брусья ея, положилъ шесты ея, и поставилъ столпы ея,

19 распростеръ покровъ надъ скиніею, и положилъ покровъ поверхъ сего покрова, какъ повелјлъ Іегова Моисею.

20 Взялъ и положилъ откровеніе въ ковчегъ, вложилъ шесты въ кольца ковчега, и положилъ очистилище на ковчегъ сверху.

21 И внесъ ковчегъ въ скинію и повјсилъ завјсу, и закрылъ ковчегъ откровенія, какъ повелјлъ Іегова Моисею.

22 И поставилъ столъ въ скиніи собранія, на сјверной сторонј скиніи внј завјсы.

23 И разложилъ на немъ въ порядкј хлјбы предъ Іегоеою, какъ повелјлъ Іегова Моисею.

24 И поставилъ свјтильникъ въ скиніи собранія противъ стола, на южной сторонј скиніи.

25 И поставилъ лампады предъ Іеговою, какъ повелјлъ Іегова Моисею.

26 И поставилъ золотой жертвенникъ въ скиніи собранія предъ завјсою.

27 И воскурилъ па немъ благовонное куреніе, какъ повелјлъ Іегова Моисею.

28 И повјсилъ завјсу въ дверяхъ скиніи.

29 И жертвенникъ всесожженія поставилъ у дверей дома скиніи собранія, и принесъ на немъ всесожженія и приношеніе хлјбное, какъ повелјлъ Іегова Моисею.

30 И поставилъ умывальницу между скиніею собранія и жертвенникомъ, и налилъ въ нее воды для омовенія.

31 И омывали изъ ней Моисей и Ааронъ и сыны его руки свои и ноги свои.

32 Когда они входили въ скинію собранія, и подходили къ жертвеннику, тогда омывались, какъ повелјлъ Іегова Моисею.

33 И поставилъ дворъ около скиніи и жертвенника, и повјсилъ завјсу во вратахъ двора; и симъ окончилъ Моисей оное дјло.

34 И покрыло облако скинію собранія, и слава Іеговы наполнила скинію.

35 И не могъ Моисей войдти въ скинію собранія, потому что облако покоилось на немъ, и слава Іеговы наполняла скинію.

36 Когда поднималось облако отъ скиніи. тогда отправлялись въ путь сыны Израилевы во все путешествіе свое.

37 Если же не поднималось облако, то и они не отправлялись въ путь, пока не поднимется.

38 Ибо облако Іеговы стояло надъ скиніею днемъ, ночью же огнь былъ въ немъ, предъ очами всего дома Израилева, во все путешествіе ихъ.




#151 Seeing the Lord in the Cloud

Po Jonathan S. Rose

Title: Seeing the Lord in the Cloud

Topic: Second Coming

Summary: Why do so many passages in the Bible mention a cloud and glory at the same time? What do they have to tell us about the Second Coming and how we see the Lord?

Use the reference links below to follow along in the Bible as you watch.

Genesis 9:11, 13
Exodus 16:9-10; 24:16-17; 40:33-34, 38
Numbers 16:41-42
Isaiah 4:5; 6:1, 4; 6:5, 8
Ezekiel 1:26, 28; 10:1-4
Matthew 24:30
Mark 13:26
Revelation 15:8
Matthew 5:8
Ephesians 1:15, 18
Exodus 14:19-20
Hebrews 12:1
Luke 17:20
Isaiah 25:9

Reproduciraj video
Spirit and Life Bible Study broadcast from 8/28/2013. The complete series is available at:



Ephesians 1


1 Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus through the will of God, to the saints who are at Ephesus, and the faithful in Christ Jesus:

2 Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ;

4 even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and without blemish before him in love;

5 having predestined us for adoption as children through Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his desire,

6 to the praise of the glory of his grace, by which he freely bestowed favor on us in the Beloved,

7 in whom we have our redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace,

8 which he made to abound toward us in all wisdom and prudence,

9 making known to us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he purposed in him

10 to an administration of the fullness of the times, to sum up all things in Christ, the things in the heavens, and the things on the earth, in him;

11 in whom also we were assigned an inheritance, having been foreordained according to the purpose of him who works all things after the counsel of his will;

12 to the end that we should be to the praise of his glory, we who had before hoped in Christ:

13 in whom you also, having heard the word of the truth, the Good News of your salvation--in whom, having also believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise,

14 who is a pledge of our inheritance, to the redemption of God's own possession, to the praise of his glory.

15 For this cause I also, having heard of the faith in the Lord Jesus which is among you, and the love which you have toward all the saints,

16 don't cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers,

17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him;

18 having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope of his calling, and what are the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,

19 and what is the exceeding greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to that working of the strength of his might

20 which he worked in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and made him to sit at his right hand in the heavenly places,

21 far above all rule, and authority, and power, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age, but also in that which is to come.

22 He put all things in subjection under his feet, and gave him to be head over all things for the assembly,

23 which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all.