

以西結書 27



1 耶和華的又臨到我說:

2 人子啊,要為推羅作起哀歌

3 :你居住口,是眾民的商埠;你的交易通到許多耶和華如此:推羅啊,你曾:我是全然美麗的。

4 你的境界在中,造你的使你全然美麗

5 他們用示尼珥的松樹做你的一切板,用利巴嫩的香柏樹做桅杆,

6 用巴珊的橡樹做你的槳,用象牙鑲嵌基提海的黃楊木為坐板(或譯:艙板)。

7 你的篷帆是用埃及繡花細麻布做的,可以做你的大旗;你的涼棚是用以利沙藍色紫色布做的。

8 西頓和亞發的居民作你盪槳的。推羅啊,你中間的智慧人作掌舵的。

9 迦巴勒的老者和聰明人都在你中間作補縫的;一切泛隻和水手都在你中間經營交易的事。

10 波斯人、路德人、弗人在你軍營中作戰士;他們在你中間懸盾牌和頭盔,彰顯你的尊榮。

11 亞發人和你的軍隊都在你四圍的牆上,你的望樓也有勇士;他們懸盾牌,成全你的美麗

12 他施人因你多有各類的財物,就作你的客商,拿、鉛兌換你的貨物。

13 雅完人、土巴人、米設人都與你交易;他們用人口和銅器兌換你的貨物。

14 陀迦瑪族用戰馬並騾兌換你的貨物。

15 底但人與你交易,許多作你的碼頭;他們拿象牙烏木與你兌換(或譯:進貢)。

16 亞蘭人因你的工作很多,就作你的客商;他們用綠寶石、紫色布繡貨、細麻布、珊瑚、紅寶石兌換你的貨物。

17 猶大以色列的人都與你交易;他們用米匿的麥子、餅、蜜、、乳香兌換你的貨物。

18 大馬色人因你的工作很多,又因你多有各類的財物,就拿黑本酒和白羊毛與你交易。

19 威但人和雅完人拿紡成的線、亮、桂皮、菖蒲兌換你的貨物。

20 底但人用高貴的毯子、鞍、屜與你交易。

21 亞拉伯人和基達的一切首領都作你的客商,用羔、公綿、公山與你交易。

22 示巴和拉瑪的商人與你交易,他們用各類上好的香料、各類的寶,和黃兌換你的貨物。

23 哈蘭人、干尼人、伊甸人、示巴的商人,和亞述人、基抹人與你交易。

24 這些商人以美好的貨物包在繡花藍色包袱內,又有華麗的衣服裝在香柏木的箱子裡,用捆著與你交易。

25 他施的隻接連成幫為你運貨,你便在中豐富極其榮華。

26 盪槳的已經把你盪到大水之處,東中將你打破

27 你的資財、物件、貨物、水手、掌舵的、補縫的、經營交易的,並你中間的戰士和人民,在你破壞的日子必都沉在中。

28 你掌舵的呼號之聲一發,郊野都必震動。

29 凡盪槳的和水手,並一切泛掌舵的,都必登岸。

30 他們必為你放聲痛,把塵土撒在上,在灰中打滾;

31 又為你使頭上光禿,用麻布束腰,號咷痛哭,苦苦悲哀。

32 他們哀號的時候,為你作起哀歌哀哭,說:有何城如推羅﹖有何城如他在中成為寂寞的呢﹖

33 你由上運出貨物,就使許多國民充足;你以許多資財、貨物使上的君豐富。

34 你在深水中被打破的時候,你的貨物和你中間的一切人民,就都沉下去了。

35 居民為你驚奇;他們的君都甚恐慌,面帶愁容。

36 各國民中的客商都向你發嘶聲;你令人驚恐,不再存留於世,直到永遠


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属天的奥秘 #2967

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2967. “商人通用” 表适合他们的状态. 这从 “商人”, 因而 “商人通用” 的含义清楚可知. 在圣言中, “商人” 表示那些拥有良善与真理的认知之人, 而他们的货物则表示那些认知本身. 因此, “商人通用的银子” 表示尽管可能被接受的真理, 或也可说, 适合各人状态和能力的真理. 谁都能看出, 所加上的这个词含有某种奥秘.

下面会说明 “商人” 和 “货物” 的具体含义, 不过, 整个词语总的含义乃是这样: 凡正被改造和重生的人都被主赋予仁与信, 但各人照自己的能力和状态来接受. 因为人从小所吸收的邪恶与虚假使得一个人接受被赋予之物的方式不同于其他人的. 在人能被重生之前, 这些邪恶与虚假必须先被消磨掉. 消磨后剩余的属天和属灵生命的量就决定了剩下的东西能被真理照亮, 并富含良善的程度. 这就是余留, 也就是主储存在人里面, 那时接受生命的良善与真理. 这些良善与真理是从婴幼儿甚至直到改造之时所获得的, 并且在这个人身上可能多一些, 在那个人身上可能少一些. 它们被保存在他的内在人里面, 无法被带出来, 除非他的外在人被带入与内在人相对应的状态, 这种对应状态主要通过试探, 以及多种多样的消磨实现. 事实上, 在违背良善与真理 (这就是构成我欲和物欲的渴望的性质) 的渴望沉寂之前, 属于对良善与真理情感的属天和属灵的渴望无法流入进来. 这就是为何各人照自己的状态和能力被改造的原因. 这也是主针对往国外去的人以比喻所教导的:

他就叫了仆人来, 把他的家业交给他们; 按着各人的才干, 一个给了五千, 一个给了二千, 一个给了一千. 那领五千的拿它们做买卖, 另外赚了五千; 那领二千的也照样另赚了二千. (马太福音 25:14-17等)

对于十个仆人, 也是这样教导的: 他交给他们十锭银子, 好叫他们拿去作生意 (路加福音 19:12-13等).

“商人” 表那些拥有良善与真理的认知之人, “货物” 表这些认知本身. 这从刚才所引用的马太福音和路加福音的经文, 以及下面这些经文明显看出来. 以西结书:

对推罗说, 推罗啊, 你居住海口, 是众民的商埠, 交易通到许多海岛, 他施人因你多有各类的财物, 就作你的客商, 拿银, 铁, 锡, 铅兑换你的货物. 雅完人, 土巴人, 米设人都与你交易; 他们用人口 (soul of man) 和铜器兑换你的货物. 底但人与你交易; 许多海岛作你手下的码头. 亚兰人因你的手工品很多, 就作你的客商. 犹大和以色列地都与你交易; 他们用米匿的麦子, 饼, 蜜, 油, 乳香兑换你的货物. 大马色人因你的手工品很多, 又因你多有各类的财物, 就拿黑本酒和白羊毛与你交易. 威但人和雅完人拿纺成的线兑换你的货物. 底但人用骑马的坐垫与你交易. 亚拉伯人和基达的一切首领都作你手下的客商, 用羊羔, 公绵羊, 公山羊与你交易. 示巴和拉玛的商人与你交易, 他们用各类上好的香料跟你交易. 亚述人, 基抹人与你交易. 这些商人以美好的货物与你交易. (以西结书 27:3, 12-13, 15-24).

这几节经文论及推罗, “推罗” 表示良善与真理的认知 (参看1201节), 这从所有细节明显看出来. 此处所提到的 “交易”, “货物” 和 “器物” 无非是指这些认知, 推罗因此被称为 “居住海口” 的 (“水” 表认知, “海” 表这些认知的汇集, 参看28节). 推罗还被称为 “众民的商埠, 交易通到许多海岛”, 也就是说, 甚至延伸到那些在敬拜上更遥远的人那里, “海岛” 表示更遥远的敬拜形式 (参看1158节). 至于 “他施” 表示什么, 这在前面已解释过 (1156节). 他施的 “银, 铁, 锡, 铅” 表甚至直到最后的感官真理都井然有序的真理. 从前文可以看出 “银子” 表示什么 (1551, 2048节), “铁” 表示什么 (425, 426节), 以及 “雅完人, 土巴人, 米设人” 又表示什么 (1151-1153, 1155节). “人口” (soul of man) 和那些地方的铜器表示与属世生命有关的事物, “灵魂” (soul) 表来自主的一切生命 (参看1000, 1040, 1436, 1742节); “铜器” 表示从那生命所接受的属灵良善 (425, 1551节). 前面解释了 “底但” (参看1172节) 和 “亚兰” (Syria, 参看1232, 1234节) 的含义. “犹大和以色列地用米匿的麦子, 饼, 蜜, 油, 乳香与你交易” 表示来自主的属天和属灵之物. 所提到的其它民族及其货物则表示真理与良善的各种属和种类, 因而表示 “推罗” 所指的那些人具有的认知.

智慧和聪明就出自这类认知, 这明显可见于以西结书, 在那里, 经上如此说:

人子啊, 你对推罗君王说你靠自己的智慧聪明得了资财, 得了金银财宝, 收入库中. 你靠自己的大智慧和贸易增添资财, 又因资财心里高傲. 所以, 看哪, 我必使外邦人, 就是列族中凶暴的人临到你这里. (以西结书 28:2, 4-7)

显然, 他们交易的货物表示良善与真理的认知, 因为智慧和聪明由此而来, 并非出自其它源头. 故经上说 “你靠自己的智慧聪明得了资财, 得了金银财宝, 收入库中”. 不过, 若出于自私的目的寻求这些认知, 如为了显赫, 为了赚取名声或财富, 那么它们就没有任何生命可言, 那些拥有它们的人也会完全丧失它们. 在世时, 他们通过信奉虚假而非真理, 信奉邪恶而非良善丧失这些认知, 在来世甚至会完全推动那些真实事物. 这就是为何经上说 “又因资财心里高傲, 所以, 看哪, 我必使外邦人 (即虚假), 就是列族中凶暴的人 (即邪恶) 临到你这里”.


推罗就像在海中沉寂的一座城; 你由海上运出货物, 就使许多国民充足; 你以许多资财, 货物, 使地上的君王丰富. 你在深水中被海浪打破的时候, 你的货物和你中间所有的同伴, 就都沉下去了; 各民中的客商都向你发嘶声. (以西结书 27:32-34, 36)


关于推罗的预言. 沿海的居民当静默无言; 西顿的商人横渡洋海的人充满了你; 在大水之上, 西曷的种, 尼罗河的庄稼是她的进项, 作列族的商埠. 谁策划这事来攻击推罗呢? 她是赐自己冠冕的, 她的商人是王子. (以赛亚书 23:2-3, 8)


“交易” 和 “货物” 同样用来论及 “巴比伦”, 不过, 它们是被玷污的良善的认知和被歪曲的真理的认知. 如启示录:

巴比伦使列族喝她邪淫大怒的酒, 地上的君王与她行淫, 地上的客商因她极度奢华就发了财. 地上的客商也都为她哭泣悲哀, 因为没有人再买他们的货物了; 这货物就是金, 银, 宝石, 珍珠, 细麻布, 紫色料, 绸子, 朱红色料. 这些物件的商人藉着她发了财, 因怕她的折磨, 必远远地站着哭泣悲哀. (启示录 18:3, 11, 15)

“巴比伦” 表敬拜, 其外在看似神圣, 但内在却是污秽的 (参看1182, 1283, 1295, 1304, 1306, 1326节). 由此明显可知其 “交易” 和 “货物” 是什么.

“商人” 表示为自己获取真理与良善的认知, 并由此获得聪明和智慧的人. 这可从主在马太福音中的话明显看出来:

天国又好像商人寻找好珠子, 遇见一颗重价的珠子, 就去变卖他一切所有的, 买了它. (马太福音 13:45-46);

“好珠子” 就是仁爱, 或信之良善.

一切良善与真理的认知皆来自主, 这在以赛亚书中有所教导:

耶和华如此说, 埃及劳碌得来的和古实的货物必归你, 身量高大的西巴人必过来归你, 也要属你. 他们必随从你, 又向你下拜, 向你祈求你说, 神真在你们中间, 此外再没有别神! (以赛亚书 45:14)


综上所述, 可以看出 “交易”, 也就是买卖, 是什么意思; 也就是为自己获取良善与真理的认知, 并利用它们获得良善本身 . 这良善唯独从主那里获得, 这清楚可见于同一先知书:

你们一切干渴的都当就近水来, 没有银钱的, 你们也来买了吃; 你们要来, 买酒和奶, 不用银子, 也不用付钱. (以赛亚书 55:1-2)

此处 “买” 表为自己获取; “酒” 表属灵的真理 (1071, 1798节); “奶” 表属灵的良善 (2184节). 谁都能看出, “就近水来” 在此并不是指就近水, “买” 不是指购买, “银子” 不是指银子, “酒和奶” 也不是指酒和奶, 这些事物各自表示在内义上与其相对应的某种事物. 因为圣言是神性, 其中所用的一切表述尽管都来自尘世和人的感官印象, 但都具有与其相对应的神性属灵和属天之物. 圣言是以这种方式而非其它方式成为神性启示的.

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Arcana Coelestia #2162

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2162. 'Wash your feet' means that they were to take on something natural so that during the state He was then passing through His perception might be improved. This becomes clear from the meaning of 'feet' as natural things, and also in a like manner from the train of thought. That arcana lie concealed here becomes clear to a certain extent from the fact that Abraham besought the three men to take a little water and wash their feet, and to relax under a tree, even though he knew that it was the Lord or Jehovah; also from the fact that if it was not so such details would not have been mentioned.

[2] That 'feet' means natural things becomes clear from the representatives in the next life, and consequently from representatives derived from these that existed among the most ancient people and so occur in the Word. Celestial and spiritual things are represented by 'the head' and the parts of the head; by 'the breast' and the parts of the breast are represented rational concepts and aspects of these; by 'the feet and the parts of the feet are represented natural things and the different kinds of these. Consequently 'the sole' and 'the heel' of the foot mean the lowest natural things, regarding which see 259, while 'a shoe' means the lowest things of all, which are filthy, regarding which see 1748.

[3] Similar things are meant by the representations in the dreams and visions in the Prophets, such as the statue seen by Nebuchadnezzar, the head of which was fine gold, the breast and arms were silver, the belly and thighs were bronze, the legs were iron, and the feet were partly iron and partly clay, Daniel 2:32-33. In this case 'the head' means celestial things, which are inmost and are 'gold', as shown in 113, 1551, 1552; 'the breast and arms' spiritual or rational things, which are 'silver', as shown in 1551; but 'the feet' means lower things, which are natural, the truths of which are meant by 'iron' and the goods by 'clay' or mud. As regards 'iron' meaning truth, see 425, 426, and 'clay' good, 1300, both of which in the present case are natural. These things come in the same order in the Lord's kingdom in heaven, and in the Church which is the Lord's kingdom on earth, and also in every individual who is a kingdom of the Lord.

[4] It is similar with the vision which Daniel himself saw, of which the following is said,

I lifted up my eyes and saw, and behold, a man clothed in linen whose loins were girded with gold of Uphaz and whose body was like tarshish, 1 and whose face was like the appearance of lightning, and whose eyes were like fiery torches, and whose arms and feet like the shine of burnished bronze. Daniel 10:5-6.

Specifically these words mean the interiors of the Word as to goods and truths. 'The arms and feet' are its interiors, which constitute the sense of the letter, for natural things occur there, since natural things are the source from which the exteriors of the Word are drawn. What further is meant by each of these parts, namely the loins, body, face, eyes, and many others in man, becomes clear from the representatives in the next life, which will in the Lord's Divine mercy be spoken of when the Grand Man - which is the Lord's heaven - and the representatives that originate in heaven but occur in the world of spirits are dealt with.

[5] That which one reads about Moses, Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, and the seventy elders seeing the God of Israel, under whose feet there was so to speak a paved work of sapphire stone, like the substance of the sky for pureness, Exodus 24:9-10, means that they saw, represented in natural things, merely the external features of the Church, and also the literal sense of the Word, in which too, as has been stated, external things are represented by natural things. And these external things are 'the feet' under which there is so to speak 'a paved work of sapphire stone, like the substance of the sky itself'. It is clear that it was the Lord whom they saw, though only in those lower or natural things, since He is called 'the God of Israel', whom all things of the Church represented and whom all things of the Word in the internal sense meant. For the Lord is presented visually in accordance with the things that are meant at the time. When, for example, in John, He was seen as a Man on a white horse, the Word was in this case meant by Him, as is explicitly stated in Revelation 19:11, 13.

[6] The living creatures seen by Ezekiel, which were cherubs, are described as regards celestial and spiritual things by their faces and wings, and also many other things. But as regards natural things they are described as follows, by their feet, a straight foot, and the soles of their feet being like the sole of a calf's foot, and sparkling like the shine of burnished bronze, Ezekiel 1:7. The reason their feet, that is, natural things, are said to have sparkled like burnished bronze is that 'bronze' means natural good, dealt with in 425, 1551. It was similar when the Lord appeared to John as the Son of Man: His eyes were like a flame of fire and His feet were like burnished bronze, Revelation 1:14-15; 2:18.

[7] That 'feet' means natural things is further evident from the following places: In John, who saw,

A mighty angel coming down out of heaven, wrapped in a cloud, and a rainbow around his head, his face was like the sun and his feet like pillars of fire. In his hand he had a little book opened, and he set his right foot on the sea and his left on the land. Revelation 10:1-2.

This angel in a similar way means the Word. The nature of the Word in the internal sense is meant by 'the rainbow around his head' and by 'his face being like the sun'; but the external sense, or sense of the letter, is meant by his 'feet'. 'The sea' is natural truths, 'the land' natural goods, from which it is clear what is meant by his setting his right foot on the sea and his left on the land.

[8] Reference is made in various places in the Word to 'a footstool', but no one knows what is meant by this in the internal sense; as in Isaiah,

Jehovah said, The heavens are My throne and the earth My footstool. Where is this house which you are going to build for Me and where is this place of My rest? Isaiah 66:1.

'The heavens' means the celestial and spiritual things, and so the inmost things, both of the Lord's kingdom in heaven and of the Lord's kingdom on earth, which is the Church. Also meant by 'the heavens' are those same things as they exist with every individual who is a kingdom of the Lord or a Church. Thus 'the heavens' also means the celestial and spiritual things regarded in themselves which are matters of love and charity and of faith that springs from these, and so means all things that belong to internal worship and similarly all things that belong to the internal sense of the Word. These things are meant by 'the heavens' and are called 'the Lord's throne', but by 'the earth' are meant all lower things corresponding to those meant by 'the heavens'. By 'the earth' lower rational and natural things are meant, which from correspondence are likewise referred to as celestial and spiritual things, such as those that exist in the lower heavens and also in the Church, and those things which belong to external worship and also those present in the literal sense of the Word. In short, all things that stem from internal things and manifest themselves in external are, being natural things, called 'the earth' and 'the Lord's footstool'. What heaven and earth mean in the internal sense of the Word, see also 82, 1733. What the new heaven and new earth mean, see 2117, 2118 (end). And that man is a miniature heaven, see 911, 978, 1900.

[9] Similarly in Jeremiah,

In His anger the Lord covers the daughter of Zion with a cloud, He has cast down from heaven to earth the splendour of Israel, and has not remembered His footstool on the day of His anger. Lamentations 2:1.

Also in David,

Exalt Jehovah our God, and bow down at His footstool. Holy is He! Psalms 99:5.

Elsewhere in the same author,

We will enter His dwelling-places, we will bow down at His footstool. Psalms 132:7.

People in the representative Church - and thus the Jews - imagined that God's house and the temple were His footstool. They did not know that by the Lord's house and the temple was meant external representative worship. What the internal features of the Church were, meant by 'heaven' or God's throne, they had no knowledge at all.

[10] In the same author,

Jehovah said to my Lord, Sit at My right hand till I make your enemies a stool for your feet. Psalms 110:1; Matthew 22:44; Mark 12:36; Luke 20:42-43.

Here 'footstool' in a similar way means natural things - both sensory impressions and factual knowledge, and man's rational ideas formed from these - which are called 'enemies' when worship is perverted by them (which is done from the literal sense of the Word). As a result worship exists solely in things that are external, and no internal worship - or rather only internal worship that is defiled - exists, concerning which see 1094, 1175, 1182. When these have became perverted and defiled in this manner they are called 'enemies'; but because, regarded in themselves, they have reference to internal worship, when this is restored, they become - both the things that belong to external worship and those that belong to the sense of the letter of the Word - 'a footstool', as stated already.

[11] In Isaiah,

The glory of Lebanon will come to you, the fir, the pine, and the box tree together, to beautify the place of My sanctuary; and I will make the place of My feet glorious. Isaiah 60:13.

This refers to the Lord's kingdom and Church, the celestial-spiritual things of which are meant by 'the glory of Lebanon', that is, cedar trees, but the celestial-natural things of it by 'the fir, the pine, and the box', as also in other places in the Word. Thus it is the external aspects of worship that are referred to when it is said that 'I will make the place of My feet glorious'; and this cannot he made glorious by the fir, the pine, and the box, but by the things meant by these.

[12] That 'feet' means these things is also clear from the representatives in the Jewish Church, for example, by the requirement that Aaron and his sons were to wash their hands and feet before entering the tabernacle, Exodus 30:19-20; 40:31-32. No one is able to see that arcana were represented by this, for what is such washing of the hands and feet but some external act which does not do anything at all if the internal is not pure and clean? Nor can the internal be made pure and clean by such a washing. But because all the forms of ritual of that Church meant internal things that are celestial and spiritual, so it was with this form; that is to say, it meant the cleanliness of external worship, which is clean when internal worship is present within it. This explains why their lavers were made of bronze, and also the large laver which was called 'the bronze sea', together with the ten smaller ones made of bronze around Solomon's temple, 1 Kings 7:23, 38. They were made of bronze because 'bronze' represented good present in external worship, which is the same as natural good. Regarding this meaning of bronze, see 425, 1551.

[13] Similarly representative was the prohibition that no man among Aaron's descendants who had a broken foot or a broken hand should draw near to offer fire-offerings to Jehovah, Leviticus 21:19, 21. 'Broken feet and hands' represented those people whose external worship was perverted.

[14] That 'feet' means natural things is also evident from various other places in the Prophets, as in these prophetical utterances in Moses,

Blessed above sons be Asher; let him be acceptable among his brothers, and dipping his foot in oil. Your shoes will be iron and bronze. Deuteronomy 33:24-25.

These words will not be understood by anybody unless he knows what the meaning of oil, foot, iron, bronze, and shoe are in the internal sense. 'Foot' is the natural; 'shoe' the still lower natural, such as that which is connected with the senses and the body, see 1748; 'oil' is the celestial, 886; 'iron' natural truth, 425, 426; and 'bronze' natural good, 425, 1551. From these places it is evident what these words embody.

[15] In Nahum,

The way of Jehovah is in storm and tempest, and the clouds are the dust of His feet. Nahum 1:3.

Here 'the dust of the feet' means the natural and bodily things with man which give rise to clouds. The same is also meant by these words in David,

Jehovah bowed the heavens and came down, and thick darkness was under His feet. Psalms 18:9.

[16] When goods and truths of faith are perverted by natural light, as people call it, it is described in the Word as the feet and hoofs of a beast which trouble waters and trample on food, as in Ezekiel,

You have come forth into the rivers, and have troubled the waters with your feet and trampled their rivers. I will destroy all its beasts from over many waters, and the foot of man will not trouble them any longer, nor will the hoofs of beast. Ezekiel 32:2, 13.

This refers to Egypt, which meant forms of knowledge, as shown in 1164, 1165, 1462. Thus by 'feet and hoofs which trouble the rivers and water' are meant facts gained from sensory and from natural things, on the basis of which people reason about the arcana of faith and do not believe anything until they grasp it by this method. This amounts to not believing at all, for the more such people go on reasoning, the less believing they are; see what is said in 128-130, 215, 232, 233, 1072, 1385. From all these quotations it is now evident that 'feet' in the Word means natural things. But what further meaning 'feet' may have is evident from the context in which the expression occurs.


1. A Hebrew word for a particular kind of precious stone, probably a beryl.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.