

阿摩司書 5



1 以色列家啊,要我為你們所作的哀歌

2 以色列民(原文是處女)跌倒,不得再起;躺在地上,無人攙扶。

3 耶和華如此以色列家的城發出一兵的,只剩一;發出一的,只剩個。

4 耶和華以色列家如此:你們要尋求我,就必存活。

5 不要往伯特利尋求,不要進入吉甲,不要過到別是巴;因為吉甲必被擄掠,伯特利也必歸於無有。

6 尋求耶和華,就必存活,免得他在約瑟家像發出,在伯特利焚燒,無人撲滅。

7 你們這使公平變為茵蔯、將公丟棄於的,

8 尋求那造昴星和參星,使死蔭變為晨光,使白日變為黑夜,命水來澆在上的─耶和華是他的名;

9 他使力強的忽遭滅亡,以致保障遭遇毀壞。

10 你們怨恨那在城門口責備人的,憎惡那正直話的。

11 你們踐踏貧民,向他們勒索麥子;你們用鑿過的石頭建造房屋,卻不得在其內;栽種美好的葡萄園,卻不得所出的酒。

12 知道你們的罪過何等多,你們的惡何等大。你們苦待人,收受賄賂,在城門口屈枉窮乏人。

13 所以通達人見這樣的時勢必靜默不言,因為時勢真惡。

14 你們要求善,不要求惡,就必存活。這樣,耶和華─萬軍之必照你們所的與你們同在。

15 要惡惡善,在城門口秉公行義;或者耶和華─萬軍之向約瑟的餘民施恩。

16 耶和華─萬軍之如此:在一切寬闊處必有哀號的聲音;在各街市上必有人:哀哉!哀哉!又必農夫來哭號,善唱哀歌的來舉哀。

17 在各葡萄園必有哀號的聲音,因為我必從你中間經過。這是耶和華的。

18 想望耶和華日子來到的有禍了!你們為何想望耶和華的日子呢?那日黑暗沒有明,

19 景況好像躲避獅子遇見,或是進房屋,就被咬。

20 耶和華的日子不是黑暗沒有明麼?不是幽毫無輝麼?

21 我厭惡你們的節期,也不喜悅你們的嚴肅會。

22 你們雖然向我獻燔祭和素祭,我卻不悅納,也不顧你們用肥畜獻的平安祭;

23 要使你們歌唱的聲音遠離我,因為我不你們彈琴的響聲。

24 惟願公平如大滾滾,使公如江滔滔。

25 以色列家啊,你們在曠野四十年,豈是將祭物和供物獻給我呢?

26 你們抬著為自己所造之摩洛的帳幕和偶像的龕,並你們的

27 所以我要把你們擄到大馬色以外。這是耶和華、名為萬軍之的。




如申命记 28



1 你若留意耶和華─你的話,謹守遵行他的一切誡命,就是我今日所吩咐你的,他必使你超乎下萬民之上。

2 你若耶和華─你的話,這以下的福必追隨你,臨到你身上:

3 你在城裡必蒙福,在田間也必蒙福。

4 你身所生的,地所產的,牲畜所下的,以及牛犢、羔,都必蒙福。

5 你的筐子和你的摶麵盆都必蒙福。

6 你出也蒙福,入也蒙福。

7 仇敵起來攻擊你,耶和華必使他們在你面前被你殺敗;他們從來攻擊你,必從逃跑

8 在你倉房裡,並你所辦的一切事上,耶和華所命的福必臨到你。耶和華─你也要在所你的上賜福與你。

9 你若謹守耶和華─你誡命,遵行他的道,他必照著向你所起的誓立你作為自己的聖民。

10 天下萬民見你歸在耶和華的名下,就要懼你。

11 你在耶和華向你列祖起誓應許賜你的地上,他必使你身所生的,牲畜所下的,地所產的,都綽綽有

12 耶和華必為你開上的府,按時降在你的上。在你裡所辦的一切事上賜福與你。你必許多國民,卻不至向他們貸。

13 你若耶和華─你誡命,就是我今日所吩咐你的,謹守遵行,不偏左右,也不隨從事奉別耶和華就必使你作首不作尾,但居上不居

14 a

15 你若不耶和華─你的話,不謹守遵行他的一切誡命律例,就是我今日所吩咐你的,這以下的咒詛都必追隨你,臨到你身上:

16 你在城裡必受咒詛,在田間也必受咒詛。

17 你的筐子和你的摶麵盆都必受咒詛。

18 你身所生的,地所產的,以及牛犢、羔,都必受咒詛。

19 你出也受咒詛,入也受咒詛。

20 耶和華因你行惡離棄他,必在你裡所辦的一切事上,使咒詛、擾亂、責罰臨到你,直到你被毀滅,速速的滅亡。

21 耶和華必使瘟疫貼在你身上,直到他將你從所進去得為業的地上滅絕。

22 耶和華要用癆病、熱病、火症、瘧疾、刀、旱風(或作:乾旱)、霉爛攻擊你。這都要追趕你,直到你滅亡。

23 上的要變為銅,腳要變為

24 耶和華要使那降在你上的變為塵沙,從臨在你身上,直到你滅亡

25 耶和華必使你敗在仇敵面前,你從去攻擊他們,必從逃跑。你必在天下萬國中拋來拋去。

26 你的屍首必給空中的飛上的走作食物,並無人鬨趕。

27 耶和華必用埃及人並痔、牛皮癬與疥攻擊你,使你不能醫治。

28 耶和華必用癲狂、眼瞎、心驚攻擊你。

29 你必在間摸索,好像瞎子在暗中摸索一樣。你所行的必不亨通,時常遭遇欺壓、搶奪,無人搭

30 你聘定了妻,別必與他同房;你建造房屋,不得在其內;你栽種葡萄園,也不得用其中的果子。

31 你的牛在你眼前宰了,你必不得他的肉;你的在你眼前被搶奪,不得歸還;你的歸了仇敵,無人搭

32 你的兒女必歸與別國的民;你的眼目終日切望,甚至失明,你中無力拯救。

33 你的土產和你勞碌得來的,必被你所不認識的國民盡。你時常被欺負,受壓制,

34 甚至你因眼中所見的,必致瘋

35 耶和華必攻擊你,使你膝上腿上,從掌到頭頂,長毒無法醫治。

36 耶和華必將你和你所立的王領到你和你列祖素不認識的國去;在那裡你必事奉石頭

37 你在耶和華領你到的各國中,要令人驚駭、笑談、譏誚。

38 你帶到田間的種子雖多,收進來的卻少,因為被蝗蟲吃了。

39 你栽種、修理葡萄園,卻不得收葡萄,也不得葡萄酒,因為被吃了

40 你全境有橄欖樹,卻不得其抹身,因為樹上的橄欖不熟自落了。

41 你生兒養女,卻不算是你的,因為必被擄去。

42 你所有的樹木和你地裡的出產必被蝗蟲所吃。

43 在你中間寄居的,必漸漸上升,比你而又;你必漸漸下降,低而又低。

44 他必給你,你卻不能給他;他必作首,你必作尾。

45 這一切咒詛必追隨你,趕上你,直到你滅亡;因為你不耶和華─你的話,不遵守他所吩咐的誡命律例。

46 這些咒詛必在你和你後裔的身上成為異蹟奇事,直到永遠

47 因為你富有的時候,不歡心樂意的事奉耶和華─你的

48 所以你必在飢餓、乾渴、赤露、缺乏之中事奉耶和華所打發來攻擊你的仇敵。他必把軛加在你的頸項上,直到將你滅絕。

49 耶和華要從遠方、極帶一國的民,如飛來攻擊你。這民的言語,你不懂得。

50 這民的面貌凶惡,不顧恤年老的,也不恩待年少的。

51 他們必牲畜所下的和你地土所產的,直到你滅亡。你的五穀、新酒,和油,以及牛犢、羔,都不給你留下,直到將你滅絕。

52 他們必將你困在你各}城裡,直到你所倚靠、大堅固的城牆都被攻塌。他們必將你困在耶和華─你所賜你遍的各城裡。

53 你在仇敵圍困窘迫之中,必你本身所生的,就是耶和華─你所賜你的兒女之

54 你們中間,柔弱嬌嫩的必惡眼看他弟兄和他中的妻,並他的兒女;

55 甚至在你受仇敵圍困窘迫的城中,他要兒女的,不肯分他的親人,因為他無所剩。

56 你們中間,柔弱嬌嫩的婦人,是因嬌嫩柔弱不肯把的,必惡眼看他中的丈夫和他的兒女。

57 他兩腿中間出來的嬰孩與他所要生的兒女,他因缺乏一切就要在你受仇敵圍困窘迫的城中將他們暗暗地吃了

58 上所律法的一切是叫你敬畏耶和華─你可榮可畏的名。你若不謹守遵行,耶和華就必將奇災,就是至大至長的災,至重至久的病,加在你和你後裔的身上,

59 a

60 也必使你所懼怕、埃及人的病都臨到你,貼在你身上,

61 又必將沒有在這律法上的各樣疾病、災殃降在你身上,直到你滅亡。

62 你們先前雖然像上的那樣多,卻因不耶和華─你的話,所剩的人數就稀少了。

63 先前耶和華怎樣喜悅善待你們,使你們眾多,也要照樣喜悅毀滅你們,使你們滅亡;並且你們從所要進去得的地上必被拔除。

64 耶和華必使你們分散在萬民中,從這邊到那邊,你必在那裡事奉你和你列祖素不認識、石頭

65 在那些國中,你必不得安逸,也不得落之地;耶和華卻使你在那裡中跳動,眼目失明,精神消耗。

66 你的性命必懸懸無定;你晝夜恐懼,自料性命難保。

67 你因心裡所恐懼的,眼中所見的,早晨,巴不得到晚上才好;晚上,巴不得到早晨才好。

68 耶和華必使你坐埃及去,走我曾告訴你不得再見的;在那裡你必己身與仇敵作奴婢,卻無人買。


Iz Swedenborgovih djela


Apocalypse Explained #519

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519. Verse 11. And the name of the star is called Wormwood, signifies truth mixed with the falsity of evil. This is evident from the signification of "name," as meaning what the state is, and what the thing is (See above, n. 148); from the signification of "star," here "a great star burning as a lamp," as being the truth of the Word falsified by self-love; and from the signification of "wormwood," as being truth mixed with the falsity of evil. This is signified by "wormwood" because of its bitterness, and bitterness springs from what is sweet mixed with the opposite unsweet; therefore "bitterness" like that of wormwood and gall means in the spiritual sense truth mixed with the falsity that is the opposite of truth, which is the falsity of evil; for savor and taste signify the affection of knowing and of becoming wise, therefore what is savory signifies the delightfulness and pleasantness of wisdom; and "delicacies," because they are savory, signify the truths of wisdom. (That this is from correspondence see Arcana Coelestia 3502, 3536, 3589, 4791-4805.) That "wormwood" and "gall" from their bitterness, signify truth mixed with the falsity of evil is evident also from what follows in this verse; for it is said that "many men died of the waters because they were made bitter," which signifies that through truths falsified all such perished in respect to spiritual life; for truths are what make the spiritual life, while falsities of evil extinguish it; and when truths are mixed with falsities of evil they are no longer true but falsified; and truths falsified are in themselves falsities.

[2] Such falsities were with the Jewish nation; but among the upright Gentiles they were falsities of another kind; these falsities are signified by the "vinegar," but the former by "the gall and wine mingled with myrrh," in the Gospels:

When they were come unto a place called Golgotha, they gave Jesus vinegar mingled with gall; but when He had tasted He would not drink. When He had been crucified, one of them running and taking a sponge and filling it with vinegar, and putting it on a reed gave Him to drink (Matthew 27:33-34, 48; Mark 15:23, 36).

After this, Jesus knowing that all things were now finished, that the Scripture might be fulfilled said, I thirst. And there had been placed a vessel full of vinegar; and they filled a sponge and placed it upon hyssop and put it to His mouth. And when He had received the vinegar He said, It is finished (John 20:28-30).

Each and every thing that is related in the Gospels respecting the Lord's passion, signifies in the spiritual sense, the state of the church at that time in relation to the Lord and the Word; for the Lord was the Word because He was Divine truth; and as the Jews had treated the Word, or Divine truth, so they treated the Lord (respecting which see above, n. 64, 195). Their giving to the Lord "vinegar mingled with gall," which was also called "wine mingled with myrrh," signified the quality of the Divine truth from the Word with the Jewish nation, namely, that it was mingled with the falsity of evil, and thus altogether falsified and adulterated, therefore He would not drink it. But that afterwards "they gave the Lord vinegar in a sponge and placed it upon hyssop" signified the kind of falsity there was among the upright Gentiles, which was falsity from ignorance of the truth, in which there was something good and useful; because this falsity is accepted by the Lord He drank this vinegar; the "hyssop" upon which they placed it signifies the purification of the falsity; that the Lord said "I thirst," signifies Divine spiritual thirst, which is for Divine truth and good in the church, by which the human race is saved. (Respecting the falsity of evil, what it was with the Jewish nation, and the falsity of ignorance in which there is good, what this was with the upright Gentiles, see The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 21.)

[3] "Gall" and "vinegar" have a like signification in David:

They gave me gall for My food; and in my thirst they gave Me vinegar to drink. Let their table before them become a snare; and for retributions let there be a lure. Let their eyes be darkened that they see not; and make their loins continually to falter (Psalms 69:21-23).

Here "gall," "vinegar," and "thirst," have a similar signification as above, since this is said of the Lord; the "table that shall be to them for a snare," signifies going astray in respect to every truth of doctrine from the Word, for "table" has reference to all spiritual food, and spiritual food is everything of doctrine from the Word; the "eyes that will be darkened that they see not," signify the understanding of truth; the "loins that will be made to falter," signify the will of good, and its marriage with the understanding of truth; "loins" have the same signification in other parts of the Word.

[4] In Lamentations:

He hath filled me with bitterness, he hath made me drunken with wormwood. Therefore I said, My victory hath perished, and my hope from Jehovah. Remember my misery and my lament, the wormwood and the hemlock (Lamentations 3:15, 18, 19).

This, too, is said of the Lord. That the Lord found nothing but falsities and falsified truths in the church that then existed among the Jews is signified by "He hath filled me with bitterness, and hath made me drunken with wormwood," "wormwood" meaning the falsity of evil mixed with truths, thus what is falsified; the Lord's combat with the hells, and His hopelessness of ever bringing back the Jewish nation to a reception and acknowledgment of truths is signified by "My victory hath perished, and my hope from Jehovah; remember my misery and my lament, the wormwood and the hemlock;" for the spirits who are in the falsities of evil and yet in truths from the sense of the letter of the Word make longer resistance before they are subjugated and cast down into hell, and for the reason that through truths they have communication with heaven, and this communication and consequent conjunction must be broken and removed before they are cast down; this involves despair as to victory, such as the Lord experienced upon the cross when He said "I thirst," and they gave Him vinegar.

[5] In Jeremiah:

Jehovah our God hath cut us off and hath given us waters of gall to drink (Jeremiah 8:14).

In the same:

Behold, I will feed them, this people, with wormwood, and make them to drink waters of gall; and I will scatter them among the nations; and I will send the sword after them until I shall have consumed them (Jeremiah 9:15, 16).

In the same:

Behold, I will feed them with wormwood, and make them drink waters of gall; for from the prophets of Jerusalem hypocrisy hath gone forth into all the land (Jeremiah 23:15).

This, too, is said of the Jewish nation, which in a thousand ways perverted the Word, falsified its truth, and adulterated its good; "wormwood" signifies the evil of falsity, and "waters of gall" the falsity of evil, both mixed with the truths and goods of the Word. That from themselves and from their heart they were in evils and falsities from evils is signified by "Jehovah will feed them with wormwood, and make them to drink waters of gall;" for evil and falsity are attributed to Jehovah, that is, to the Lord, as in many passages elsewhere, and yet they are of man himself; the reasons for this have often been given above. "The hypocrisy that went forth from the prophets of Jerusalem" signifies such mingling of falsity and truth, for they spoke truths while they taught falsities; they spoke truths when they spoke from the Word, and they taught falsities when they taught from themselves and their doctrine; their destruction by the evils of falsity and by the falsities of evil is signified by "I will scatter them among the nations, and I will send the sword after them;" "to scatter among the nations" signifying to destroy by the evils of falsity, and "to send the sword after them" signifying to destroy by the falsities of evil. (That "nations" signify evils see above, n. 175, 331; and that "sword" signifies the combat of truth against falsity, and the combat of falsity against truth, and its destruction, see also above, n. 131, 367.)

[6] In Amos:

Behold, Jehovah will smite the great house with gaps and the little house with clefts. Shall horses run upon the rock? Shall one plow with oxen? For ye have turned judgment into gall, and the fruit of righteousness into wormwood (Amos 6:11, 12).

In the same:

They turn judgment into wormwood, and thrust down righteousness to the earth (Amos 5:7).

"Jehovah will smite the great house with gaps, and the little house with clefts," signifies much perversion and falsification of truth with the learned, and some with the unlearned, a "great house" signifying a learned man, and a "little house" an unlearned man; "gaps" signify truths destroyed by falsities, and "clefts" the same, but in a less degree; that the understanding of truth and the will of good are not possible where there is the falsity of evil, is signified by "Shall horses run upon the rock? Shall one plow with oxen?;" "horses running" meaning the understanding of truth, and "plowing with oxen" the will of good. That this is because truths were falsified and the goods of the Word were adulterated is signified by, "For ye have turned judgment into gall, and the fruit of righteousness into wormwood," "judgment" signifying the truth of the Word, and "the fruit of righteousness" its good.

[7] That the quality of the sons of Jacob, who were called Israelites and Jews, was such, is plainly declared by Moses in his song, in which they are described in these words:

Their vine is of the vine of Sodom and of the fields of Gomorrah; their grapes are grapes of gall, they have clusters of bitterness. Their wine is the poison of dragons, and the cruel gall of asps (Deuteronomy 32:32, 33).

"Vine" signifies the church, and this is said to be "of the vine of Sodom and of the fields of Gomorrah" because "Sodom" signifies all evils springing from the love of self, and "Gomorrah" all the falsities of those evils; "grapes" signify the goods of the church, and "clusters" the truths of the church. That instead of the goods of the church they had the worst evils and falsities mingled with truths is signified by "their grapes are grapes of gall, they have clusters of bitterness;" "wine" signifies the truth and good of faith; that this with them was external, in which was evil from the interior, is signified by "their wine is the poison of dragons, and the cruel gall of asps." (That the sons of Jacob were such, although there was a church among them, may be seen in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 248.)

[8] That "gall" and "wormwood" signify evil and falsity mingled with good and truth, is further evident from these words in Moses:

Lest there be among you man or woman, or family or tribe, whose heart looketh back this day from with Jehovah our God, to go to serve the gods of the nations; lest there be among you a root bearing gall and wormwood (Deuteronomy 29:18).

Here, too, "gall" and "wormwood" signify the mingling of good and truth with evil and falsity, which is done when other gods are worshiped with the heart, and Jehovah only with the lips; then the external sounds like good and appears like truth, but the internal is evil and falsity; and when the interiors are evils and falsities, and the exteriors are goods and truths, there is a mingling of the two, and then the good becomes gall, and the truth becomes wormwood. It is similar when man in his heart hates the neighbor and denies the truths of the church, and yet outwardly avows charity towards the neighbor and professes the truths of the church; there is then in him "a root bearing gall and wormwood," for he lets in evils and falsities from the interior, and mixes them with the goods and truths that he displays in the externals.

[9] In Job:

Though evil shall have been sweet in his mouth, though he shall have hidden it under his tongue; though he shall have spared it and not forsaken it but shall keep it within his mouth, his bread in his bowels shall be changed, it shall be the gall of asps in the midst of him; he hath swallowed riches and he shall vomit them up again, God shall cast them out of his belly. He shall suck the poison of asps, the viper's tongue shall slay him (Job 20:12-16).

Thus is described the hypocrisy from which man speaks things holy and stimulates good affections, while inwardly he denies and blasphemes. What is within is described by "he hides evil under his tongue, and keeps it within his mouth." That consequently good is infected with evil and is cast out, is signified by "his bread in his bowels shall be changed, it shall be the gall of asps in the midst;" "bread" meaning the good of love, "in the bowels" is inwardly, and "the gall of asps" means good mingled with evil. That truth also is cast out by falsity is signified by "he hath swallowed riches and he shall vomit them up again, God shall cast them out of his belly;" this falsity is meant by "the poison of asps."

[10] It is to be known that good and evil, and the truth of good and the falsity of evil, are mingled when evil and falsity are in man's spirit while good and truth are in the deeds and speech of his body. But what is in the spirit of man, that is, what is interior, acts into that which belongs to the body or what is exterior; for it flows in and causes the exterior, which appears to be good and true, nevertheless to be bitter like gall and wormwood, although before men it seems to be sweet. And because the good and truth of their mouth and speech are such, therefore when man after death becomes a spirit the good is separated from the evil and the falsity from the truth, and good and truth are taken away, and thus the spirit becomes his own evil and falsity. But it must be known that this mingling of good and evil and of truth and falsity is not the profanation of good and truth; profanation occurs only with those who have first received truth and good in heart and faith, and afterwards in heart and faith deny them.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.