

约书亚记 5



1 约但河西亚摩利人的诸和靠迦南人的诸耶和华以色列人前面使约但河的乾了,等到我们过去,他们的心因以色列人的缘故就消化了,不再有胆气。

2 那时,耶和华吩咐约书亚:你制造火石刀,第二以色列人割礼

3 约书亚就制造了火石刀,在除皮山那里给以色列人割礼

4 约书亚行割礼的缘故,是因为从埃及出来的众民,就是一切能打仗的男丁,出了埃及以後,都旷野上。

5 因为出来的众民都受过割礼;惟独出埃及以後、在旷野上所生的众民都没有受过割礼

6 以色列人旷野走了四十年,等到国民,就是出埃及的兵丁,都消灭了,因为他们没有耶和华的话。耶和华曾向他们起誓,必不容他们耶和华向他们列祖起誓、应许赐我们,就是流奶与蜜之

7 他们的子孙,就是耶和华所兴起来接续他们的,都没有受过割礼;因为在上没有给他们行割礼,约书亚这才给他们行了。

8 国民都受完了割礼,就住在中自己的地方,等到痊愈了。

9 耶和华对约书亚:我今日将埃及的羞辱从你们身上辊去了。因此,那地方吉甲吉甲就是辊的意思),直到今日。

10 以色列人吉甲安营。正十四晚上,在耶利哥平原逾越节

11 逾越节的次日,他们就吃了的出产;正当那日无酵饼和烘的谷。

12 他们吃了的出产,第二日吗哪就止住了,以色列人也不再有吗哪了。那一年,他们却迦南的出产。

13 约书亚靠近耶利哥的时候,举目观,不料,有一个里有拔出来的刀,对面站立。约书亚到他那里,问他:你是帮助我们呢,是帮助我们敌人呢?

14 他回答:不是的,我是要作耶和华军队的元帅。约书亚就俯伏在下拜,:我有甚麽话吩咐仆人

15 耶和华军队的元帅对约书亚:把你上的鞋脱下来,因为你所站的地方的。约书亚就照着行了。






Water is the basis of life, the essential ingredient in all drinks, and in the form of rivers, lakes and oceans supports life in myriad ways. The spiritual meaning of water is similarly basic: It represents truth in general, the ideas and concepts that guide us to do good things in our lives. In a more specific sense, it represents truth at its simplest level: the ideas we learn from the Bible and simply believe. Swedenborg refers to this as “natural” truth or “truths of faith.” They are not things we have explored, figured out or confirmed through life; rather they are things that we accept to be true because we’ve been told they are true. Like water, these ideas flow to us from other sources. And like water, they are ever-changing; to build something permanent we might look to the more permanent ideas represented by stones. But water is crucial to life, and so are these accepted ideas. Water can also, of course, be threatening. Rivers, lakes and oceans are inherently dangerous, and flooding was an ever greater threat in Biblical times than it is now. These aspects represent the opposite meaning – water as falsity, twisted ideas which support evil and can overwhelm and destroy us if we’re not careful.

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