Conjugial Love #180

Po Emanuel Swedenborg

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180. (21) The states produced by this love are innocence, peace, tranquillity, inmost friendship, complete trust, a mutual desire of the mind and heart to do the other every good; also, as a result of all these, bliss, felicity, delight, pleasure, and, owing to an eternal enjoyment of states like this, the happiness of heaven. All of these states are inherent in conjugial love and consequently spring from it, and the reason is that conjugial love originates from the marriage between goodness and truth, and this marriage comes from the Lord. Moreover, it is the nature of love to will to share with another, indeed, to confer joys upon another whom it loves from the heart, and to seek its own joys in return from doing so; and this being the case, infinitely more, therefore, does the Divine love in the Lord will to confer joys upon mankind, whom He created to be recipients of both the love and the wisdom emanating from Him. Because He created them to receive these attributes - men to receive wisdom, women to receive love for the wisdom of men - therefore on the deepest levels He infused into people conjugial love, to which he could impart all kinds of bliss, felicity, delight and pleasure, states which, together with life, emanate and flow in solely from the Lord's Divine love through His Divine wisdom. Consequently they flow into people who are in a state of truly conjugial love, because they alone are receptive of them.

We list these states as innocence, peace, tranquillity, inmost friendship, complete trust, and a mutual desire of the mind and heart to do the other every good, since innocence and peace have to do with the soul, tranquillity has to do with the mind, inmost friendship has to do with the breast, complete trust has to do with the heart, and a mutual desire of the mind and heart to do the other every good has to do with the body as a result of these.

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Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.