

耶利米书 51

पढाई करना


1 耶和华如此:我必使毁灭的刮起,攻击巴比伦和在立加米的人。

2 我要打发外邦人来到巴比伦,簸扬他,使他的空虚。在他遭祸的日子,他们要周围攻击他。

3 的,要向拉的和贯甲挺身的射箭。不要怜惜他的少年人;要灭尽他的全军。

4 他们必在迦勒底人被杀仆倒,在巴比伦的街上被刺透。

5 以色列犹大虽然境内充满违背以色列圣者的罪,却没有被他的─万军之耶和华丢弃。

6 你们要从巴比伦中逃奔,各自己的性命!不要陷在他的罪孽中一同灭亡;因为这是耶和华报仇的时候,他必向巴比伦施行报应。

7 巴比伦素来是耶和华中的杯,使天下沉;万国了他的酒就颠狂了。

8 巴比伦忽然倾覆毁坏;要为他哀号;为止他的疼痛,拿乳香或者可以治好。

9 我们想医治巴比伦,他却没有治好。离开他罢!我们归回本国;因为他受的审判通於上,达到穹苍。

10 耶和华已经彰显我们的公罢!我们可以在锡安报告耶和华我们的作为。

11 你们要磨尖了箭头,抓住盾牌。耶和华定意攻击巴比伦,将他毁灭,所以激动了玛代君的心;因这是耶和华报仇,就是为自己的殿报仇。

12 你们要竖立大旗,攻击巴比伦的城墙,要坚固瞭望台,派定守望的设下埋伏,

13 住在众水之上多有财宝的啊,你的结局到了!你贪婪之量满了!

14 万军之耶和华指着自己起誓说:我必使敌人充满你,像蚂蚱一样;他们必呐喊攻击你。

15 耶和华用能力创造大,用智慧建立世界,用聪明铺张穹苍。

16 他一发声,空中便有多水激动;他使云雾从极上腾。他造电随而闪,从他府中带出来。

17 各人都成了畜类,毫无知识。各银匠都因他的偶像羞愧;他所铸的偶像本是虚假的,其中并无气息,

18 都是虚无的,是迷惑人的工作,到追讨的时候,必被除灭。

19 雅各的分不像这些,因他是造作万有的;以色列也是他产业的支派。万军之耶和华是他的名。

20 你是我争战的斧子和打仗的兵器;我要用你打碎列国,用你毁灭列邦;

21 用你打碎和骑的;用你打碎战车和坐在其上的;

22 用你打碎男人女人;用你打碎老年和少年;用你打碎壮丁和处女;

23 用你打碎牧人和他的群畜;用你打碎农夫和他一对牛;用你打碎省长和副省长。

24 耶和华:我必在你们眼前报复巴比伦人和迦勒底居民在锡安所行的诸恶。

25 耶和华:你这行毁灭的哪,就是毁灭天下的,我与你反对。我必向你伸,将你从岩滚下去,使你成为烧毁的

26 人必不从你那里取石头为房角,也不取石头根基;你必永远荒凉。这是耶和华的。

27 要在境内竖立大旗,在各国中吹角,使列国预备攻击巴比伦,将亚拉腊、米尼、亚实基拿各国招来攻击他;又派军长来攻击他,使马匹上来如蚂蚱,

28 使列国和玛代君,与省长和副省长,并他们所管全之人,都预备攻击他。

29 必震动而瘠苦;因耶和华向巴比伦所定的旨意成立了,使巴比伦之荒凉,无人居住

30 巴比伦的勇士止息争战,藏在坚垒之中。他们的勇力衰尽,好像妇女一样。巴比伦的处有火着起,门闩都折断了。

31 通报的要彼此相遇,送信的要互相迎接,报告巴比伦王说:城的四方被攻取了,

32 渡口被占据了,苇塘被烧了,兵丁也惊慌了。

33 万军之耶和华以色列的如此:巴比伦城(原文作女子)好像踹谷的禾场;再过片时,收割他的时候就到了。

34 以色列人说:巴比伦王尼布甲尼撒灭我,压碎我,使我成为空虚的器皿。他像大鱼将我吞下,用我的美物充满他的肚腹,又将我赶出去。

35 锡安的居民:巴比伦以强暴待我,损害我的身体,愿这罪归给他。耶路撒冷人要:愿流我们血的罪归到迦勒底居民

36 所以,耶和华如此:我必为你伸冤,为你报仇;我必使巴比伦的枯竭,使他的泉源乾涸。

37 巴比伦必成为乱,为野狗的处,令人惊骇、嗤笑,并且无人居住

38 他们要像少壮狮子咆哮,像小狮子吼叫。

39 他们火热的时候,我必为他们设摆酒席,使他们沉醉,好叫他们快乐,睡了长觉,永不醒起。这是耶和华的。

40 我必使他们像羊羔、像公绵羊和公山羊到宰杀之地。

41 示沙克(就是巴比伦)何竟被攻取,天下所称赞的何竟被占据?巴比伦在列国中何竟变为荒场?

42 水涨起,漫过巴比伦;他被许多浪遮盖。

43 他的城邑变为荒场、旱、沙漠,无居住,无经过之

44 我必刑罚巴比伦的彼勒,使他吐出所吞的。万民必不再流归他那里;巴比伦的城墙也必坍塌了。

45 我的民哪,你们要从其中出去!各自己,躲避耶和华的烈怒。

46 你们不要心惊胆怯,也不要因境内所见的风声惧;因为这年有风声传;那年也有风声传,境内有强暴的事,官长攻击官长。

47 日子将到,我必刑罚巴比伦雕刻的偶像。他全必然抱愧;他被杀的人必在其中仆倒。

48 那时,和其中所有的,必因巴比伦欢呼,因为行毁灭的要从北方到他那里。这是耶和华的。

49 巴比伦怎样使以色列被杀的人仆倒,照样他全被杀的人也必在巴比伦仆倒。

50 你们躲避刀的要快走,不要站住!要在远方记念耶和华,心中追想耶路撒冷

51 我们见辱骂就蒙羞,满面惭愧,因为外邦人进入耶和华殿的圣所。

52 耶和华:日子将到,我必刑罚巴比伦雕刻的偶像,通国受伤的人必唉哼。

53 巴比伦虽升到上,虽使他坚固的处更坚固,还有行毁灭的从我这里到他那里。这是耶和华的。

54 有哀号的声音从巴比伦出来;有毁灭的响声从迦勒底人发出。

55 耶和华使巴比伦变为荒场,使其中的声灭绝。仇敌彷佛众水波浪匉訇,响声已经发出。

56 这是行毁灭的临到巴比伦。巴比伦的勇士被捉住,他们的折断了;因为耶和华是施行报应的神,必定施行报应。

57 君王─名为万军之耶和华的:我必使巴比伦的首领、智慧人、省长、副省长,和勇士都沉醉,使他们睡了长觉,永不醒起。

58 万军之耶和华如此:巴比伦宽阔的城墙必全然倾倒;他大的城必被焚烧。众民所劳碌的必致虚空;列国所劳碌的被焚烧,他们都必困乏。

59 犹大王西底家在位第四年,上巴比伦去的时候,玛西雅的孙子、尼利亚的儿子西莱雅与王同去(西莱雅是王宫的大臣),先知耶利米吩咐他。

60 耶利米切要临到巴比伦的灾祸,就是论到巴比伦的上。

61 耶利米对西莱雅:你到了巴比伦务要念这书上的

62 耶和华啊,你曾论到这地方:要剪除,甚至连人带牲畜没有在这里居住的,必永远荒凉。

63 你念完了这,就把一块石头拴在上,扔在伯拉中,

64 :巴比伦因耶和华所要降与他的灾祸,必如此沉下去,不再兴起,人民也必困乏。耶利米到此为止。


स्वीडनबॉर्ग के कार्यों से


Apocalypse Revealed #537

इस मार्ग का अध्ययन करें

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537. Behold, a great, fiery red dragon. This symbolizes people in the Protestant Reformed Church who make God three entities and the Lord two, and who divorce charity from faith, making faith saving and not at the same time charity.

These are the people meant by the dragon here and in the following verses. For they are antagonistic to the two essential elements of the New Church, namely, that God is one in essence and person, in whom is the Trinity, and that that God is the Lord; moreover, that charity and faith are one, like an essence and its form, and that only those people possess charity and faith who live in accordance with the Ten Commandments, which teach that evils are not to be done. To the extent anyone does not do evils then, by refraining from them as sins against God, to the same extent he does goods which are goods of charity and believes truths that are truths of faith.

[2] Everyone who considers it can see that people who make God three entities and the Lord two, and who divorce charity from faith, making faith saving and not at the same time charity, are antagonistic to these two essential elements of the New Church.

When we say that they make God three entities and the Lord two, we mean people who think of three persons as three gods and distinguish the Lord's humanity from His Divinity. Who, moreover, entertains any other thought, or can entertain any other thought, when he prays in accordance with the formal expression of his faith "that God the Father may send the Holy Spirit for His Son's sake"? Does he not pray to God the Father as one God, for the sake of the Son as another, concerning the Holy Spirit as a third?

It is apparent from this that even though someone intellectually may make the three persons one God, still he distinguishes between them, which is to say that he pictures them as three Gods when he prays these words. The same formal expression of his faith also makes the Lord two entities, since one thinks then only of the Lord's humanity and not at the same time of His Divinity; for the phrase, "for His Son's sake," means for the sake of His humanity that suffered the cross.

From this it can now be seen just who those are who are meant by the dragon which attempted to devour the woman's child, and which, because of the child, afterward pursued the woman into the wilderness.

[3] The dragon is called great because, with the exception of some people here and there who do not believe in the same way regarding the Trinity and faith, all the Protestant Reformed churches distinguish God into three persons and make faith alone saving. People who distinguish God into three persons and cling to this statement in the Athanasian Creed, "There is one Person of the Father, another of the Son, and another of the Holy Spirit," and also to this, "The Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God" - these people, I say, cannot make one God out of three. They can indeed say they are one God, but they cannot think it.

By the same token people who think of the Lord's Divinity from eternity as a second person in the Godhead, and of His humanity in time as being like the humanity of any other person, cannot help but make the Lord two entities, despite the statement in the Athanasian Creed that His Divinity and humanity are one person, united like soul and body.

[4] The dragon is called fiery red because a fiery red color symbolizes falsity arising from the evils attendant on lusts, which is a falsity of hell.

Now because these two fundamental doctrinal tenets in the Protestant Reformed churches are false, and falsities destroy the church, inasmuch as they take away its truths and goods, therefore they were represented by the dragon. That is because a dragon in the Word symbolizes the destruction of the church, as can be seen from the following passages:

I will make Jerusalem a heap of ruins, a habitation of dragons; and I will turn the cities of Judah into a wasteland... (Jeremiah 9:11)

Behold..., there has come... a great tumult out of the north country, to turn the cities of Judah into a wasteland, a habitation of dragons. (Jeremiah 10:22)

Hazor shall be a habitation of dragons, a desolation forever. (Jeremiah 49:33)

...that it may be a habitation of dragons, a courtyard for the offspring of owls. (Isaiah 34:13)

In the habitation of dragons, her couch... (Isaiah 35:7)

I will go stripped and naked; I will make a wailing like dragons, and a mourning like the offspring of owls. (Micah 1:8)

...I cried out for help. I am a brother of dragons, and a companion of the offspring of the screech owl. (Job 30:28-29)

The iyyim 1 will reply in her palaces, and dragons in her... temples. (Isaiah 13:22)

Let Babylon be a heap, a habitation of dragons, as a hissing and an astonishment... (Jeremiah 51:37)

You have crushed us in the place of dragons, and covered us with the shadow of death. (Psalms 44:18-19)

I have made (Esau's) mountains a wasteland, and his inheritance one for dragons of the wilderness. (Malachi 1:3)

And so on elsewhere, as in Isaiah 43:20, Jeremiah 14:6, Psalms 91:13-14, Deuteronomy 32:33.

[5] The dragon here means people who are caught up in faith alone and who reject works of the Law as not saving, and I have had this attested several times by personal experience in the spiritual world. I have seen many thousands of such people assembled into companies, and at a distance then they looked like a dragon with a long tail, which seemed to be covered with thorn-like spikes, symbolizing falsities.

I also once saw a still bigger dragon, which arched its back and extended its tail up to the sky in an effort to draw down the stars from there.

I thus had it visually shown to me that these and no others are the people meant by the dragon.


1. A Hebrew word אִיִּים, appearing only three times in the Old Testament (Isaiah 13:22; 34:14

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Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.