Divine Love and Wisdom (Dole translation)

Ceci est une traduction de: De Divino Amore et de Divina Sapientia by Swedenborg, Emanuel

Traduit en English


This philosophically oriented work explains how God working from Divine Love through Divine Wisdom created the universe in its spiritual dimensions and then in its physical dimensions.

À propos de cette traduction:

God works from Divine Love through Divine Wisdom to create the universe - first in its spiritual dimensions and then in its physical dimensions.

Date de création: 2003

Crédit: Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.

Droit d'auteur: Swedenborg Foundation

Copyright by the Swedenborg Foundation, West Chester, Pennsylvania. All rights reserved.

Licence: Used with permission - Voir les conditions

Obtenu à partir de: https://swedenborg.com/

Données de publication:

Publié: 2003 en West Chester, PA, USA par Swedenborg Foundation

Citation suggérée:

Divine Love and Wisdom. Translated. West Chester, PA, USA: Swedenborg Foundation, 2003. Retrieved from: newchristianbiblestudy.org
