What can we learn from James?

This is the original text of: What can we learn from James?, by Todd Beiswenger


This week we do an overview of James' life. What we see is that James is concerned with "heart" issues, that is he wants us to have love in our heart for our fellow people. During the early part of his life we hear him say things that he doesn't understand God's kingdom, but by the end of his life he finally gets it, and shares the wisdom gained through experience.

Created or translated by: Todd Beiswenger

Date of creation: 2016

Credit: Thanks to the Rev. Todd Beiswenger and the Hurstville New Church, NSW, Australia.

Copyright: Copyright by the author

Copyright by the author. All rights reserved.

License: Used with permission - see terms

Obtained from: http://hurstvillenewchurch.com

Suggested Citation:

What can we learn from James?. Retrieved from: newchristianbiblestudy.org
