Gesprekken Met Engelen (Janssens vertaling)

This is a translation of: Colloquia cum Angelis, by Swedenborg, Emanuel

The original work was not published by its author.

Translated into Nederlands


In these notes, Swedenborg recounts a few conversations he had with angels during some of his spiritual experiences.

About this translation:

In deze aantekeningen vertelt Swedenborg over enkele gesprekken die hij met engelen had tijdens enkele van zijn spirituele ervaringen.

Date of creation: 2018

Credit: Published by Swedenborg Boekhuis.

Copyright: Swedenborg Boekhuis NL

All rights reserved by the publisher.

License: Used with permission - see terms

Obtained from:

Suggested Citation:

Gesprekken Met Engelen. [Written in 1766, not published by the author.] Translated. Retrieved from:
