Divine Providence #148

By Emanuel Swedenborg

Study this Passage

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148. Beyond this, we all want to be free. We want to get rid of nonfreedom or servitude. As children subject to teachers, we want to be on our own and therefore free. The same holds true for every servant subject to a master and every maid subject to a mistress. Every young woman wants to leave her parents' house and marry so that she can function freely in her own household. Every young man who is intending to have a job, go into business, or hold some office wants to be set free throughout his apprenticeship so that he can make his own decisions. All the people who decide to go into service in order to gain their freedom are compelling themselves; and when they compel themselves they are acting freely and rationally. This comes from an inner freedom though, and from its point of view the outer freedom looks like servitude.

This needs to be included to reinforce the point that self-compulsion is not inconsistent with rationality and freedom.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.