La Biblia


Ezékiel 48



1 Ezek a nemzetségek nevei: az északi határon a Hetlóntól Hamáthig vezetõ út mentén Haczar-Énonig Damaskus határán, észak felé, Hamát mentén, és pedig legyen az övé a keleti [és] nyugoti oldal: Dán, egy [rész;]

2 És Dán határa mellett a keleti oldaltól a nyugoti oldalig: Áser, egy [rész;]

3 És Áser határa mellett a keleti oldaltól a nyugoti oldalig: Nafthali, egy [rész;]

4 És Nafthali határa mellett a keleti oldaltól a nyugoti oldalig: Manasse, egy [rész;]

5 És Manasse határa mellett a keleti oldaltól a nyugoti oldalig: Efraim, egy [rész;]

6 És Efraim határa mellett a keleti oldaltól a nyugoti oldalig: Rúben, egy [rész;]

7 És Rúben határa mellett a keleti oldaltól a nyugoti oldalig: Júda, egy [rész;]

8 És Júda határa mellett a keleti oldaltól a nyugoti oldalig legyen a szent áldozat, melyet [az Úrnak] szenteltek: huszonötezer [sing] széles és olyan hosszú, mint egy-egy rész a keleti oldaltól a nyugoti oldalig; és a szenthely annak közepette legyen;

9 A szent áldozat, melyet az Úrnak szenteltek, huszonötezer [sing] hosszú és tízezer [sing] széles legyen;

10 És ezeké legyen ez a szent áldozat: a papoké északra huszonötezer [sing] és nyugotra tízezer [sing] szélesség és keletre tízezer [sing] szélesség és délre huszonötezer [sing] hosszúság, és az Úr szenthelye annak közepette legyen:

11 A papoké, a kik megszenteltettek a Sádók fiai közül, a kik szolgálatomban foglalatosak voltak, a kik nem tévelyedtek el, mikor Izráel fiai eltévelyedtek, mint a hogy eltévelyedtek volt a Léviták.

12 Övék legyen ez, mint egy áldozati rész a föld áldozatából, mint igen szentséges, a Léviták határán.

13 A Lévitáké pedig legyen a papok határa mentén huszonötezer [sing] hosszúság és tízezer szélesség; az egész hosszúság legyen huszonötezer és a szélesség tízezer.

14 És semmit abból el ne adjanak, se el ne cseréljék, se [másra] át ne szálljon a földnek e zsengéje, mert az Úrnak szenteltetett.

15 És az ötezer [sing,] mely a szélességben megmaradt a huszonötezernek mentén, közhely a város számára, mint lakóhely és tágasság, és legyen a város annak a közepében.

16 És ezek legyenek annak méretei: az északi oldalon négyezerötszáz [sing] és a déli oldalon négyezerötszáz és a keleti oldalon négyezerötszáz és a nyugoti oldalon négyezerötszáz.

17 És a város alatt legyen tágasság észak felé kétszázötven [sing] és dél felé kétszázötven és keletre kétszázötven és nyugotra kétszázötven.

18 A mi pedig megmaradt a hosszaságban a szent áldozat mentén, tízezer keletre és tízezer nyugotra, az ott maradjon a szent áldozat mentén, és legyen annak termése a város szántóvetõinek eledele.

19 És a ki szántóvetõ a városban, mívelje azt Izráelnek minden nemzetségébõl.

20 Az egész huszonötezer [sing] szent áldozatot huszonötezer [sing] négyszögben adjátok szent ajándékul a város tulajdonával együtt.

21 A mi pedig megmaradt, a fejedelemé lészen; a szent áldozatnak és a város tulajdonának mind a két oldalán, szemben a huszonötezer [sing] szent áldozattal a keleti határig és nyugot felé szemben a huszonötezer [sing]gel [egészen] a nyugoti határig lészen, a [kiosztott] részek mentén, a fejedelemé; és legyen a szent áldozat és a ház szenthelye annak közepette.

22 És a Léviták tulajdonától és a város tulajdonától fogva, mely közepében van annak, a mi a fejedelemé, a Júda határa és Benjámin határa között a fejedelemé legyen.

23 És a többi nemzetségek: a keleti oldaltól a nyugoti oldalig: Benjámin, egy [rész].

24 És Benjámin határán a keleti oldaltól a nyugoti oldalig: Simeon, egy [rész].

25 És Simeon határán a keleti oldaltól a nyugoti oldalig: Issakhár, egy [rész].

26 És Issakhár határán a keleti oldaltól a nyugoti oldalig: Zebulon, egy [rész].

27 És Zebulon határán a keleti oldaltól a nyugoti oldalig: Gád, egy [rész].

28 És Gád határán a déli oldalon dél felé, legyen a határ Támártól a versengések vizéig Kádesben, a patak felé a nagy-tengerig.

29 Ez a föld, melyet sorsvetéssel örökségül eloszszatok Izráel nemzetségei közt, és ezek azoknak részei, ezt mondja az Úr Isten.

30 És ezek a város külsõ részei: Az északi oldalon négyezerötszáz [sing] mérték.

31 És a város kapui, Izráel nemzetségeinek nevei szerint, három kapu északra: Rúben kapuja egy, Júda kapuja egy, Lévi kapuja egy.

32 És a keleti oldalon négyezerötszáz [sing] és három kapu: József kapuja egy, Benjámin kapuja egy, Dán kapuja egy.

33 És a déli oldalon is négyezerötszáz [sing] mérték és három kapu: Simeon kapuja egy, Issakhár kapuja egy, Zebulon kapuja egy.

34 A nyugoti oldalon négyezerötszáz [sing] három kapuval: Gád kapuja egy, Áser kapuja egy, Nafthali kapuja egy:

35 Köröskörül tizennyolcezer [sing;] és a város neve ama naptól fogva: Ott [lakik] az Úr!


De obras de Swedenborg


Apocalypse Explained #438

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438. Verse 6. Of the tribe of Asher twelve thousand sealed, signifies charity towards the neighbor, and that all who are in it are in heaven and come into heaven. This is evident from the signification of "the tribe of Asher," as being the spiritual affection which is charity (of which presently); and from the signification of "twelve thousand sealed," as being those who are in heaven and who come into heaven (as above, n. 433). That "the tribe of Asher" signifies love towards the neighbor, which is called charity, will be made clear from what follows, and is also clear from this, that the twelve tribes taken together represented heaven and the church, and therefore signify these in the Word, and that each tribe represented, and thence signifies, some universal essential that is a constituent of heaven and the church. Heaven and the church are constituted, in general, of three universal essentials, namely, love to the Lord, charity towards the neighbor, and the obedience of faith; love to the Lord is signified by the first three tribes, Judah, Reuben, and Gad (as was shown above); charity towards the neighbor is signified by these three tribes, Asher, Naphtali, and Manasseh; while the obedience of faith is signified by the three tribes next named, Simeon, Levi, and Issachar; the conjunction of all of these with the Lord is signified by the last three tribes, Zebulun, Joseph, and Benjamin. This, in brief, is the signification of all these tribes named in this order, for their signification is determined by the order in which they are named (as has been said and shown above, n. 431, 435, 436).

[2] Furthermore, the "sealed" mean those who have been separated from the evil and received into heaven; and the first three tribes mean those who have been received into the highest or third heaven, in which all are in love to the Lord; the three tribes next named, which are now under consideration, mean those who have been received into the middle or second heaven, in which all are in charity towards the neighbor; while the three tribes that next follow mean those who have been received into the lowest or first heaven, where those are who are in the obedience that is called the obedience of faith; and the last three tribes mean the reception of all these into the three heavens by the Lord; for there are three heavens, distinguished from one another according to the degrees of the good of love. From all this it can first be seen that this second class of tribes, that is, the three tribes, Asher, Naphtali, and Manasseh, mean those who are in charity towards the neighbor; "the tribe of Asher" meaning charity towards the neighbor; "Naphtali" the regeneration of those who are in that charity, and "Manasseh" their good of life.

[3] But what "Asher" signifies in the Lord's kingdom, that is, in the church, shall first be told. "Asher" signifies the blessedness of spiritual affections, and thence spiritual affection itself; and as spiritual affection is what is called love towards the neighbor or charity, so "Asher" here signifies charity; consequently the "twelve thousand" of that tribe here signify all who are in charity, and are thus in the second or middle heaven. That Asher was so called from what is blessed or from blessedness is evident both from the meaning of the word in Hebrew and also from what was said of him by Leah the wife of Jacob, when he was born, which is the following:

Zilpah, Leah's maidservant, bare Jacob a second son. And Leah said, In my blessedness, for the daughters will call me blessed; and she called his name Asher (Genesis 30:12, 13).

"The daughters who should call her blessed" signify the spiritual affections of truth, which constitute the church, from which is every internal blessedness that is heavenly, in which blessedness those are who are in charity towards the neighbor, for charity towards the neighbor is the spiritual affection of truth (as was just said above); and the spiritual affection of truth is to love truth in its essence, that is, to love truth because it is truth; moreover, the neighbor, in the spiritual sense, is nothing else than good and truth, and charity is love for this (as can be seen from what is said and shown in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem, on Love towards the Neighbor, which is called Charity, n84-107. The rest of the passage may be seen explained in Arcana Coelestia 3936-3939).

[4] That "Asher" signified blessedness which is of love and charity is further evident from the blessing of Asher by Israel his father:

From Asher his bread is fat, and he shall yield the delicacies of a king (Genesis 49:20).

"From Asher" signifies from celestial and spiritual affections, which are those of love to the Lord and of charity towards the neighbor; "his bread is fat," signifies delight from good; "and he shall yield the delicacies of a king" signifies pleasure from truth. (This is further explained in Arcana Coelestia 6408-6410.)

[5] "Asher" has a similar significance in Moses' blessing, namely, the delight of the affection of truth from the Word; the blessing is this:

Of Asher he said, Blessed above sons be Asher; let him be acceptable unto his brethren, and let him dip his foot in oil; thy shoe is iron and brass; and as the days so thy fame (Deuteronomy 33:24, 25).

Moses' blessing of the sons of Israel contains arcana respecting the Word; and "Asher," who is the one last mentioned there signifies the spiritual affection of truth from the Word; therefore it is said, "Blessed above sons be Asher, let him be acceptable to his brethren," "sons" signifying truths, and "brethren" the church from truths; and "blessed" and "acceptable" are predicated of the affection of truths. The good of love, from which are the truths of the Word in the sense of the letter, is signified by "dipping his foot in oil;" "foot" signifies truth in ultimates, which is the truth of the sense of the letter of the Word, and "oil" signifies the good of love. That the ultimate of the Word is natural truth and good is signified by "thy shoe is iron and brass;" natural truth is signified by "iron," and natural good by "brass," and the ultimate by "shoe." That the Word is to endure to eternity is signified by "as the days so thy fame." (That "iron" signifies natural truth, see above, n. 176; that "brass" signifies natural good, n. 70; and that "shoe" signifies the ultimate of the natural, which is the sensual, see Arcana Coelestia 1748, 2162, 6844)

[6] Because "Asher" signifies the delight of affections, such as those have who are in truths from the sense of the letter:

That tribe encamped, together with the tribe of Dan and the tribe of Naphtali, to the north (Numbers 2:25-31).

The encampments of the sons of Israel in the wilderness represented the arrangements of the angelic societies in the heavens (See above, n. 431), and there to the north are the dwelling places of those who, from the good of charity, are in the affection of spiritual knowledges.

[7] That "Asher" signifies spiritual blessedness, which is blessedness from love and charity, can be seen in Ezekiel, where the new land and the new city are treated of, and that land is distributed as an inheritance among all the tribes of Israel; and to the city twelve gates are assigned, one for each tribe. The inheritance of Asher is there described in chapter Ezekiel 48:1-3, and the gates in these words:

The corner towards the sea four thousand and five hundred; 1 the gates of the city three; one gate of Gad, one gate of Asher, one gate of Naphtali. Round about eighteen thousand; and the name of the city from that day, Jehovah-is-there (verses 34, 35).

The "land" that was to be distributed for an inheritance signifies the church; the "sons of Israel" among whom it was to be distributed, signify all truths from good in the complex that belong to the church; the "city" signifies the doctrine of truth from good of love, therefore it is called Jehovah shammah, or "Jehovah-is-there;" the "gates" signify introductory truths, which are doctrinals; the number "four thousand and five hundred" signifies all truths from good, and "eighteen thousand" all the truths of doctrine encompassing and defending. This makes clear not only that each and all things there mentioned, even to the numbers, signify the things of the church, but also that no tribe of Israel is there meant, each tribe named standing for some universal essential of the church. It is evident, moreover, that "Asher" here signifies the spiritual affection of truth, which makes one with charity towards the neighbor. (That "Asher" signifies eternity in the highest sense, in the internal sense the felicity of life from blessedness of affections that are of love and charity, and in the external sense natural delight therefrom, see in Arcana Coelestia 3938, 3939, 6408.)

Notas a pie de página:

1. The photolithograph has "five hundred and four thousand" for "four thousand and five hundred."

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.

De obras de Swedenborg


Arcana Coelestia #3342

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3342. Furthermore spirits and angels communicate everything to others by means of representatives. By means of wonderful variations of light and shade they bring their own thoughts in a vivid way before the internal sight and at the same time before the external sight of the one with whom they are communicating, and subtly introduce those thoughts by effecting appropriate changes in his affectional state. The representations manifested in their communications with others are not like those described already, but they are produced without delay and in an instant, together with the ideas conveyed in their communications. It is like a lengthy description of something, accompanied at the same time by the presentation before the eyes of a visual image of that thing. For amazing as it is, by means of varying kinds of images that are quite beyond man's comprehension any spiritual reality at all can be set forth in representative form in which inwardly there are things that go with the perception of truth, and still more inwardly those that go with the perception of good.

[2] Such things also exist within man - for man is a spirit clothed with the body - as becomes clear from the fact that when anything spoken that is perceived by the ear rises up towards the more interior parts, it passes into mental images not unlike those of visual objects, and from these into conceptual ideas, and in this way one comes to perceive the sense of the words. Anyone who reflects on these matters properly may recognize from them that within him there is his spirit, which is his internal man, and also that he has this kind of ability to communicate following his separation from the body, for the same ability exists with him though this is not evident to him in his lifetime because of the obscurity, indeed the thick darkness brought about by earthly, physical, and worldly things.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.