

Was die Bibel sagt über... Wer ist gerettet?

Durch John Odhner (maschinell übersetzt in Deutsch)

Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, aerial view

Es gibt eine gemeinsame Tendenz bei Menschen, negative Urteile über andere Menschen zu fällen. In den Gymnasien zeigt sich diese Tendenz in Cliquen. Einige wenige beliebte Kinder kommen in eine Gruppe und beginnen allmählich zu glauben, dass sie besser sind als andere, weil sie besser gemocht werden. Kinder, die nicht "in" sind, können zu Objekten des Mitleids, der Verachtung oder sogar grausamer Witze werden. Auf die eine oder andere Weise beurteilt die Clique die anderen auf subtile Weise als eine niedrigere Klasse von Menschen.

Die gleiche Tendenz, auf andere herabzusehen, zeigt sich in verschiedenen Religionen. Einige religiöse Gruppen werden so egozentrisch, dass sie glauben, dass niemand mit einem anderen Glauben in den Himmel kommen kann. Im Extremfall ist diese Art von Haltung weitaus grausamer als die versnobten Teenager-Cliquen.

Die Lehren der Bibel sind ein ziemlicher Kontrast dazu. Zunächst einmal sagt uns Gottes Wort, dass wir Menschen nicht als "gerettet" oder "Sünder" bezeichnen sollten. sagte Jesus,

"Richtet nicht, dass ihr nicht verurteilt werdet. Warum schaust du auf den Fleck im Auge deines Bruders, aber nicht auf das Brett in deinem eigenen Auge? (Matthaeus 7:1, 3)

Der Jünger Jakobus drückte es so aus: "Es gibt einen Gesetzgeber, der in der Lage ist, zu retten und zu zerstören. Wer sind Sie, dass Sie über andere urteilen?" (Jakobus 4:1)

Als der Herr auf der Erde war, herrschte eine urteilende Haltung unter den Führern der Kirche vor. Viele dachten, wenn der Messias käme, würde er die Juden retten, und nicht andere. Als Jesus kam, verurteilten sie ihn, weil er mit Nichtjuden und Juden gleichermaßen verkehrte.

Jesus hat diese Art von Haltung entmutigt. Einmal sprach er mit einigen Menschen, die "auf sich selbst vertrauten", dass sie gerettet seien, und andere nicht. Er bat sie, zwei Gebete in Betracht zu ziehen: "Gott, ich danke dir, dass ich nicht wie andere Männer bin" und "Gott, sei mir gnädig, ein Sünder! Jesus lobte den Mann, der dachte, er sei ein Sünder. (Lukas 18:9-14)

Es ist besser, sich selbst als Sünder zu betrachten, als zu glauben, dass man gerettet ist.

Vielleicht erinnern Sie sich auch an das Gleichnis vom barmherzigen Samariter, der anhielt, um dem Verwundeten am Straßenrand zu helfen. Auch wenn dieser Samariter (aus jüdischer Sicht) "falschen" Glauben hatte, sagte Jesus, dass der Samariter als Nächster geliebt werden sollte, weil er ein guter Mensch war. Tatsächlich sagte er, dass eine Person, die das ewige Leben will, wie dieser Samariter sein sollte (Lukas 10:29-37), obwohl der Samariter weder Christ noch Jude war. Jesus sah - und sieht - was im Herzen eines Menschen ist, nicht nur, welcher Kirche er angehört.

Die Bibel sagt deutlich, dass die Art und Weise, wie ein Mensch lebt, und nicht nur, was er glaubt, darüber entscheidet, ob er in den Himmel kommt oder nicht. Jesus sagte: "Nicht jeder, der zu mir sagt: 'Herr, Herr', wird in das Himmelreich kommen, sondern der, der den Willen meines Vaters im Himmel tut. (Matthaeus 7:21)

Auch hier gilt: "Er soll jeden nach seinen Werken belohnen. (Matthaeus 16:27)

"Diejenigen, die Gutes getan haben", sagt er, "werden zur Auferstehung des Lebens gehen, und diejenigen, die Böses getan haben, zur Auferstehung der Verdammnis". (Johannes 5:29)

Da das Leben eines Menschen, nicht nur sein Glaube, sein ewiges Los bestimmt, sagte Jesus voraus, dass viele Christen nicht gerettet werden würden, weil sie ein schlechtes Leben geführt hatten.

"Viele werden an jenem Tag zu mir sagen: 'Herr, Herr, haben wir nicht in Deinem Namen geweissagt, in Deinem Namen Dämonen ausgetrieben und in Deinem Namen viele Wunder vollbracht? Und dann werde ich ihnen erklären: 'Ich habe euch nie gekannt: Geht von Mir weg, ihr, die ihr die Gesetzlosigkeit praktiziert! (Matthaeus 27:22-23, Lukas 13:25-27)

Ein Grund, warum ein Nicht-Christ gerettet werden kann, ist, dass er seinen Nächsten lieben kann. Wer seinen Nächsten aufrichtig liebt, liebt auch Christus, auch wenn er es vielleicht nicht erkennt. Jesus sagte: "Was ihr einem der Geringsten unter diesen Meinen Brüdern gedient habt, das habt ihr Mir angetan". (Matthaeus 25:40)

Der Glaube an Jesus ist ohne Nächstenliebe bedeutungslos.

"Obwohl ich allen Glauben habe, so dass ich Berge versetzen könnte, aber keine Liebe habe, bin ich nichts." (1 Korinther 13:2)

Echte Liebe hingegen ist ein Zeichen dafür, dass ein Mensch den Herrn in seinem Herzen kennt, unabhängig von der Religion, zu der er sich äußerlich bekennt.

"Die Liebe glaubt alle Dinge." (1 Korinther 13:7)

"Wer Gutes tut, ist von Gott, aber wer Böses tut, hat Gott nicht gesehen. (3 Johannes 1:11)

"Lasst uns einander lieben, denn die Liebe ist von Gott, und jeder, der liebt, ist von Gott geboren und kennt Gott. Gott ist Liebe, und wer in der Liebe bleibt, bleibt in Gott, und Gott in ihm". (1 Johannes 4:7-11)


Einige christliche Kirchen lehren dies: Nur Christen sind gerettet.

Was die Bibel tatsächlich sagt (und was die Neue Christliche Kirche lehrt): Gute Menschen aus allen Religionen werden gerettet.

Einige Referenzen aus Lehren für die Neue Christliche Kirche : Himmel und Hölle 318-328, Die göttliche Vorsehung 326

Mit der Erlaubnis von John Odhner, dem Autor dieser sehr nützlichen Website: http://whatthebiblesays.info/Introduction.html

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The "Big Spiritual Questions" videos are produced by the General Church of the New Jerusalem. Link: newchurch.org

Aus Swedenborgs Werken


Himmel und Hölle #318

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Die allgemeine Meinung geht dahin, daß die außerhalb der Kirche Geborenen, die Nicht-Christen oder Heiden, die Seligkeit deshalb nicht erlangen können, weil sie das Wort nicht haben, somit nichts vom Herrn wissen und ohne den Herrn kein Heil sei. Aber auch sie werden gerettet, wie man schon deshalb wissen könnte, weil die Barmherzigkeit des Herrn allumfassend ist, das heißt sich auf alle Menschen erstreckt. Sie werden ja auch ebenso als Menschen geboren wie die Angehörigen der Kirche, die vergleichsweise wenige sind, und schließlich ist es nicht ihre Schuld, daß sie nichts vom Herrn wissen. Wer nur aus einer einigermaßen erleuchteten Vernunft heraus denkt, kann erkennen, daß kein Mensch für die Hölle geboren wird; denn der Herr ist die Liebe selbst, und Seine Liebe besteht darin, alle erretten zu wollen. Daher hat er auch Vorsorge getroffen, daß alle Menschen eine Religion haben und durch sie Anerkennung des Göttlichen und ein inneres Leben. In Übereinstimmung mit der Religion leben, heißt nämlich innerlich leben, da der Mensch dann seinen Blick auf das Göttliche richtet. Soweit er dies tut, blickt er nicht auf die Welt, sondern zieht sich von ihr zurück, das heißt vom weltlichen Leben, das äußerlich ist 1 .


1. Die Heiden können ebensowohl selig werden wie die Christen Himmlische Geheimnisse 932, 1032, 1059, 2284, 2589, 2590, 3778, 4190, 4197. Vom Los der Heiden und der Völker außerhalb der Kirche im andern Leben, Nr. 2589-2604. Die Kirche ist im besondern da, wo das Wort und durch dieses der Herr bekannt ist, Nr. 3857, 10761. Da geboren zu sein, wo man das Wort und den Herrn kennt, genügt allein nicht; ein Leben der Nächstenliebe und des Glaubens ist nötig, Nr. 6637, 10143, 10153, 10578, 10645, 10829. Die Kirche des Herrn ist bei allen auf der ganzen Erde, die im Guten leben nach ihrer Religion und das Göttliche anerkennen, sie werden vom Herrn angenommen und kommen in den Himmel, Nr. 2589-2604, 2861, 2863, 3263, 4197, 6700, 9256.

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Aus Swedenborgs Werken


Apocalypse Explained #175

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175. I will give him power over the nations, signifies over the evils within him, which will then be scattered by the Lord. This is evident from the signification of "nations," as being evils (of which presently); and from the signification of "giving power over them," as being that these (the evils) will then be dispersed by the Lord. "To have power," in reference to "over the nations," means to scatter in reference to evils; thus there is an adaptation of words to their subjects. It is said that evils will be scattered by the Lord, for the Lord scatters evils by means of truths. He first discovers them to man by means of truths, and when man acknowledges the evils, the Lord scatters them. (That the Lord alone does this, see The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 200.) "Nations and peoples" are often mentioned in the Word, and those who know nothing of the spiritual or internal sense of the Word, believe that peoples and nations are to be understood. But "peoples" mean those who are in truths, or in the contrary sense those who are in falsities, and "nations" those who are in goods, or in the contrary sense, those who are in evils. And as such are meant by "peoples" and by "nations," so abstractly from persons "peoples" mean truths or falsities, and "nations" goods and evils; for the true spiritual sense is abstracted from persons, spaces, times, and like things, that are proper to nature.

[2] With these the natural sense of the Word, which is the sense of its letter, is at one; and the sense that is at one with these serves as a basis to the sense that is apart from them. For all things that are in nature are ultimates of Divine order, and the Divine does not rest in the middle, but flows down even to its ultimates, and there subsists. From this it is that the Word in the letter is such as it is, and unless it were such it would not serve as a basis for the wisdom of angels who are spiritual. It can be seen from this how mistaken those are who despise the Word on account of its style. "Nations" signify those who are in good, and in the abstract, goods, because men who lived in ancient times were divided into nations, families, and houses; and they then loved each other mutually; and the father of a nation loved the whole nation which was from him; thus the good of love reigned among them. For this reason "nations" signified goods. But when men came into the opposite state, which took place in the following ages when empires were established, then "nations" signified evils. (See further on this subject in the small work on The Earths in the Universe 49, 90, 173, 174.)

[3] That "nations" in the Word signify either goods or evils, and "people" either truths or falsities, can be seen from the following passages. In Isaiah:

Nations shall walk to Thy light, and kings to the brightness of Thy rising. Then shalt Thou see and flow together, and Thine heart shall be enlarged, because the multitude of the sea is converted unto Thee, the army of the nations come unto Thee; Thy gates shall be opened continually, they shall not be shut by day and by night, that men may bring unto Thee the army of the nations, and their kings shall be brought; for the nation or kingdom that will not serve Thee shall perish; and the nations by wasting shall be wasted. Thou shalt suck the milk of nations, even the breasts of kings shalt Thou suck. The little one shall become a thousand, and the few a numerous nation (Isaiah 60:3, 5, 11-12, 16, 22).

Here the Lord is treated of; and by "nations" all who are in the good of love to Him are meant, and by "kings" all who are in the truths of faith in Him. From this it is manifest who are meant by the "nations" that "shall walk to Thy light;" and by "the army of the nations that shall be brought;" also, who are meant by "the kings" that "shall walk to the brightness of Thy rising;" and by "the kings of the nations" that "shall be brought;" also, what is meant by "Thou shalt suck the milk of nations and the breasts of kings" ("milk" is the delight of the good of love, likewise "breasts," for milk is from them). The multiplication of truth and the fructification of good are described by the "little one shall become a thousand, and the few a numerous nation." But by "the nations that shall be wasted" are meant all that are in evils, and also the evils themselves.

[4] In the same:

Behold I will lift up My hand towards the nations, and set up Mine ensign towards the peoples, that they may bring thy sons in the bosom, and carry thy daughters upon the shoulder; and kings shall be thy nourishers and the chief women thy sucklers; with the face to the earth shall they bow down to thee (Isaiah 49:22, 23).

Here also the Lord is treated of, and those who shall worship and adore Him. To "lift up His hand towards the nations, and His ensign towards the peoples, " 1 is to join to Himself all who are in the goods of love and in truths therefrom; of these it is said that "they shall bring thy sons in the bosom, and carry thy daughters upon the shoulder;" "sons" are the affections of truth, and "daughters" the affections of good (See above, n. 166). And of these it is said that their "kings shall be thy nourishers, and the chief women thy sucklers." "Kings" are truths themselves, "chief women" are the goods thereof; and as man is regenerated by both of these, and also nourished, it is said that they shall be "nourishers" and "sucklers." (That man is regenerated by means of truths and a life according to them, see in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 23, 24, 27, 186.) This is the internal sense of these words; without that sense who could understand them?

[5] In the same:

Jehovah said, Behold I spread out upon Jerusalem peace as a river, and as a torrent the glory of the nations, that ye may suck. He will come to gather all nations and tongues, that they may come and see My glory. They shall declare My glory among the nations; then shall they bring your brethren out of all nations, as a gift to Jehovah, upon horses and upon the chariot, to the mountain of My holiness (Isaiah 66:12, 18-20).

Here "Jerusalem" is the Lord's church in the heavens and on the earth; it is said the church in the heavens, for the church is there also (See in the work on Heaven and Hell 221-227). By "nations and tongues" all who are in the goods of love and in truths therefrom are meant. It is said that "they shall bring out of all nations a gift to Jehovah, upon horses and upon the chariot;" "a gift to Jehovah" is worship from the good of love; "horses and chariots" are intellectuals and doctrinals, for these are the source and foundation of worship. (That this is what "horses and chariots" signify, see The White Horse 1-5.)

[6] In the same:

It shall be in that day that a Root of Jesse, which shall stand for a sign of the people, the nations shall seek (Isaiah 11:10). "The root of Jesse" is the Lord; "to stand for a sign of the people" means that it may be seen by those who are in truths; "the nations which shall seek," are those who are in the good of love. It is believed that "nations" here mean the nations that are to approach and acknowledge the Lord, from which is to be the church that is called the church of the Gentiles; but these are not meant by "nation" but all who are in love to the Lord and faith in Him, whether within the church or out of it (See in the work on Heaven and Hell 308, 318-328).

[7] In the same:

A strong people shall honor Thee, the city of the powerful nations shall fear thee (Isaiah 25:3).

In the same:

Open ye the gates, that the righteous nation may enter in. Thou hast increased the nation, O Jehovah, Thou hast increased the nation, Thou art glorified (Isaiah 26:2, 15).

In the same:

Come near, ye nations, to hear; and hearken, ye peoples (Isaiah 34:1).

In the same:

I, Jehovah, have called thee in righteousness, for a covenant to the people, for a light of the nations (Isaiah 42:6).

In Jeremiah:

The nations shall bless themselves in Him, and in Him shall they glory (Jeremiah 4:2).

In the same:

Who will not fear Thee, O king of nations? and in all their kingdom there is none like unto Thee (Jeremiah 10:7).

In Daniel:

I was seeing in the night visions, and behold with the clouds of heaven One like the Son of man. And there was given Him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom; and all peoples, nations, and tongues shall worship Him (Daniel 7:13, 14).

In David:

The peoples shall give thanks unto Thee, O God; all the peoples shall give thanks unto Thee. Let the nations be glad and sing for joy; for Thou shalt judge the peoples with equity, and shalt lead the nations upon the earth (Psalms 67:3, 4).

In the same:

That I may see the good of Thy chosen, and be glad in the joy of Thy nations (Psalms 106:5).

In Revelation:

The glory and honor of the nations shall be brought into the New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:26).

In Isaiah:

Ye shall be called priests of Jehovah; ministers of your 2 God, it shall be said to you. Ye shall eat the wealth of the nations, and in their glory shall ye glory (Isaiah 61:6).

In the Lamentations:

The breath of our nostrils, the Anointed of Jehovah, was taken in their pits; of whom we had said, In His shadow we shall live among the nations (Lamentations 4:20).

In these passages, by "nations" all who are in love to the Lord, whether within the church where the Word is or outside it, are meant.

[8] That by "nations" in a contrary sense those who are in evils are meant, and in the abstract, evils themselves, can be seen from the following passages. In Jeremiah:

I will bring a nation upon you from far, it is a mighty nation; it is a nation of an age, a nation whose tongue thou shalt not know. It shall eat up thy harvest and thy bread; it shall eat up thy sons and thy daughters; it shall eat up thy vine and thy fig-tree; it shall impoverish the cities with the sword (Jeremiah 5:15, 17).

The vastation of the church is here treated of; and by "nation" is meant the evil that will consummate it; it is therefore said, that "it shall eat up the harvest and the bread," "the sons and daughters," "the vine and the fig-tree," and "shall impoverish the cities with the sword;" by which all the goods of love and the truths of faith are signified; by "harvest" a state of the reception of truth from good (See Arcana Coelestia 9295); by "bread" the good of love (See in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 218); by "sons and daughters" the affections of truth and good (See above, n. 166); by "vine" the internal church, thus the internal things of the church (See Arcana Coelestia 1069, 5113, 6376, 9277); by "fig-tree" the external church, thus the external things of the church (Arcana Coelestia 5113); by "cities" doctrines (Arcana Coelestia 402, 2449, 2712, 2943, 3216, 4492, 4493); by "sword" falsity destroying (See above, n. 73, 131). From this it can be seen that by "nations" is signified the evil that destroys all these.

[9] In the same:

Behold I lay stumbling-blocks before this people, that they may stumble upon them, the fathers and the sons together. Behold, a people cometh from the land of the north, and a great nation from the sides of the earth. They have no compassion, their voice roareth like the sea, and they ride upon horses (Jeremiah 6:21-23).

Here also "nation" means evil, and "peoples" falsities, "the stumbling-blocks upon which the fathers and the sons stumble" are the perversions of good and truth ("fathers" are goods, and "sons" truths therefrom). It is said, "a people from the land of the north, and a nation from the sides of the earth," for the "north" signifies falsity from evil, and "the sides of the earth" signify what is outside of the church, thus evils remote from the goods of the church. "To roar like the sea, and to ride upon horses," is to persuade by fallacies of the senses, and by reasonings therefrom.

[10] In Ezekiel:

The land is full of the judgment of bloods, and the city is full of violence, wherefore I will bring the worst of the nations, that they may occupy their houses; the king shall mourn, and the prince shall be clothed with stupor (Ezekiel 7:23-24, 27).

The "land" is the church; "full of the judgment of bloods" is to be in falsities that destroy goods; "city" is doctrine; "full of violence" is to use force against the good of charity; "the worst of the nations" are direful falsities from evil; "to occupy their houses" is to possess their minds; "the king who shall mourn" is the truth of the church; "the prince who shall be clothed with stupor," is subservient truth. (That the "land" is the church, see Arcana Coelestia 662, 1066, 1068, 1262, 1413, 1607, 2928, 3355, 4447, 4535, 5577, 8011, 9325, 9643; that "bloods" are falsities destroying good, n. 374, 1005, 4735, 5476, 9127; that "city" is doctrine, n. 2268, 2449, 2451, 2712, 2943, 3216, 4492, 4493; that "violence" is using force against the good of charity, n. 6353; that "houses" are the things of man that belong to his mind, n. 710, 2231, 2233, 2559, 3128, 3538, 4973, 5023, 6690, 7353, 7848, 7910, 7929, 9150; that "the king who shall mourn" is the truth of the church, see above n. 31.)

[11] In David:

Jehovah bringeth the counsel of the nations to naught, He overthroweth the thoughts of the peoples (Psalms 33:10).

"Nations" mean those who are in evils, and "peoples" those who are in falsities; and because both are signified, it is said that "Jehovah bringeth the counsel of the nations to naught, and overthroweth the thoughts of the peoples," which are two expressions, as it were, of one thing, yet they are distinct in the internal sense, in which "nations" signify one thing, and "peoples" another.

[12] In Luke:

Then they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led captive among all nations, and at length Jerusalem shall be trodden down by the nations, until the time of the nations be fulfilled. Then there shall be signs in sun, moon, and stars, and upon the earth anguish of nations, the sea and the waves roaring (Luke 21:24-25).

The consummation of the age is here treated of, which is the last time of the church, when there is no longer any faith because there is no charity, or no truth because there is no good. This is here described by correspondences: "to fall by the edge of the sword" is to be destroyed by falsities; "to be led captive among all nations" is to be possessed by evils of every kind; "Jerusalem, which shall be trodden down," is the church; the "sun" is love to the Lord; the "moon" faith in Him; the "stars" the knowledges of good and truth; the "signs" in them mean that these are to perish; "the sea and the waves that shall roar" are fallacies and reasonings therefrom.

[13] In Matthew:

Nation shall rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. And they shall deliver you unto affliction, and ye shall be hated of all the nations for My name's sake (Matthew 24:7, 9; Luke 21:10, 11).

These things also were said by the Lord respecting the last time of the church; and by "nation shall rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom" is signified that there will be conflicts of evils and falsities among themselves; by "famines and pestilences" are signified the failure and wasting of truths; by "earthquakes" the perversion of the church; by "being hated of all nations" is signified to be hated by all who are in evil; "the name of the Lord," for the sake of which they shall be hated, signifies all things of love and faith whereby the Lord is worshiped (See above, n. 102, 135).

[14] In Ezekiel:

Behold Asshur a cedar in Lebanon. He has become high, and his branches have been multiplied. In his branches have all the fowl of the heavens built their nests, and under his branches all the beasts of the field have brought forth, and in his shade have dwelt all great nations. But his heart is lifted up in his height; therefore I will give him into the hand of the strong one of the nations, strangers shall cut him off, the violent of the nations, and they shall cast him down; whence all peoples of the earth have gone down from his shadow, and have abandoned him (Ezekiel 31:3, 5, 6, 10-12).

These things no one can understand unless he has a knowledge of the spiritual or internal sense of the Word. He will believe them to be mere comparisons, in which there is no spiritual signification; when yet all the particulars therein signify things of heaven and the church; therefore they shall be explained briefly. "Asshur" is the rational of the man of the church which is illustrated; this is called "a cedar in Lebanon," because a "cedar" has the same signification as "Asshur," specifically truth from good in the rational; and "Lebanon" is the mind where the rational resides, because there were cedars in Lebanon.

By "his branches that were multiplied" are meant truths therefrom; "the fowl of the heavens that built their nests in his branches" are the affections of truth; and "the beasts of the field that brought forth under his branches" are the affections of good; the "great nations that dwelt in his shade" are the goods of love; "his heart lifted up in his height" is the love of self; "to be given into the hands of the strong one of the nations," and "to be cast down by the violent of the nations," means that evils from that love will destroy goods and truths; "the peoples of the earth that went down from his shadow and abandoned him" are all truths of the church. From this it is manifest that "nations" signify goods, and in the contrary sense evils; by "the nations that dwelt in his shade," goods; and by "the nations that cut him off, and cast him down," evils. (See, moreover, what is said and shown about nations and their signification in Arcana Coelestia, namely, that by "nations" in the Word are meant those who are in good, and consequently goods themselves, n. 1059, 1159, 1258, 1260, 1416, 1849, 6005; "the assembly of the nations," truths and goods, n. 4574, 7830; "the holy nation," the spiritual kingdom, n. 9255, 9256; when it is said "nation and people," by "nation" those who are in celestial good are meant, and by "people" those who are in spiritual good, n. 10288. That by "nations," especially the nations of the land of Canaan, evils and falsities of every kind are meant, n. 1059, 1205, 1868, 6306, 8054, 8317, 9320, 9327).


1. The Latin has "kings" for "peoples," but see text as quoted just before.

2. Hebrew: "our," as also found in Apocalypse Explained 155, 1115, Arcana Coelestia 9809; but in Apocalypse Revealed 128 we find "your."

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.