Die Bibel


1 Mosebok 3



1 Men ormen var listigare än alla andra markens djur som HERREN Gud hade gjort; och han sade till kvinnan: »Skulle då Gud hava sagt: 'I skolen icke äta av något träd i lustgården'?»

2 Kvinnan svarade ormen: »Vi få äta av frukten på de andra träden i lustgården,

3 men om frukten på det träd som står mitt i lustgården har Gud sagt: 'I skolen icke äta därav, ej heller komma därvid, på det att I icke mån .'»

4 Då sade ormen till kvinnan: »Ingalunda skolen I ;

5 men Gud vet, att när I äten därav, skola edra ögon öppnas, så att I bliven såsom Gud och förstån vad gott och ont är.»

6 Och kvinnan såg att trädet var gott att äta av, och att det var en lust för ögonen, och att det var ett ljuvligt träd, eftersom man därav fick förstånd, och hon tog av dess frukt och åt; och hon gav jämväl åt sin man, som var med henne, och han åt.

7 Då öppnades bådas ögon, och de blevo varse att de voro nakna; och de fäste ihop fikonlöv och bundo omkring sig.

8 Och de hörde HERREN Gud vandra i lustgården, när dagen begynte svalkas; då gömde sig mannen med sin hustru för HERREN Guds ansikte bland träden i lustgården.

9 Men HERREN Gud kallade på mannen och sade till honom: »Var är du?»

10 Han svarade: »Jag hörde dig i lustgården; då blev jag förskräckt, eftersom jag är naken; därför gömde jag mig.»

11 Då sade han: »Vem har låtit dig förstå att du är naken? Har du icke ätit av det träd som jag förbjöd dig att äta av?»

12 Mannen svarade: »Kvinnan som du har givit mig till att vara med mig, hon gav mig av trädet, så att jag åt

13 Då sade HERREN Gud till kvinnan: »Vad är det du har gjort!» Kvinnan svarade: »Ormen bedrog mig, så att jag åt

14 Då sade HERREN Gud till ormen: »Eftersom du har gjort detta, vare du förbannad bland alla djur, boskapsdjur och vilda djur. På din buk skall du gå, och stoft skall du äta i alla dina livsdagar.

15 Och jag skall sätta fiendskap mellan dig och kvinnan, och mellan din säd och hennes säd. Denna skall söndertrampa ditt huvud, och du skall stinga den i hälen.»

16 Och till kvinnan sade han: »Jag skall låta dig utstå mycken vedermöda, när du bliver havande; med smärta skall du föda dina barn. Men till din man skall din åtrå vara, och han skall råda över dig.»

17 Och till Adam sade han: »Eftersom du lyssnade till din hustrus ord och åt av det träd om vilket jag hade bjudit dig och sagt: 'Du skall icke äta därav', därför vare marken förbannad för din skull. Med vedermöda skall du nära dig av den i alla dina livsdagar;

18 törne och tistel skall den bära åt dig, men markens örter skola vara din föda.

19 I ditt anletes svett skall du äta ditt bröd, till dess du vänder åter till jorden; ty av den är du tagen. Ty du är stoft, och till stoft skall du åter varda.»

20 Och mannen gav sin hustru namnet Eva, ty hon blev en moder åt allt levande.

21 Och HERREN Gud gjorde åt Adam och hans hustru kläder av skinn och satte på dem.

22 Och HERREN Gud sade: »Se, mannen har blivit såsom en av oss, så att han förstår vad gott och ont är. Må han nu icke räcka ut sin hand och taga jämväl av livets träd och äta, och så leva evinnerligen

23 Och HERREN Gud förvisade honom ur Edens lustgård, för att han skulle bruka jorden, varav han var tagen.

24 Och han drev ut mannen, och satte öster om Edens lustgård keruberna jämte det ljungande svärdets lågor, för att bevaka vägen till livets träd.


Aus Swedenborgs Werken


True Christianity #380

studieren Sie diesen Abschnitt

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380. (b) Illegitimate faith is all faith that departs from the one and only true faith. Illegitimate faith exists in people who climb up some other way and view the Lord not as God but only as a human being. All faith that departs from the one true faith is illegitimate. This is self-evident. Given that only one faith is true, it follows that any faith that departs from it is not true. The marriage between the Lord and the church generates everything that is good and that is true in the church. Everything that is essentially goodwill and essentially faith comes from that marriage. Any goodwill and faith that are not from that marriage come from an illegitimate bed, not a legitimate one. They come from either a polygamous marriage bed or an adulterous one. Every faith that acknowledges the Lord and yet adopts false and heretical beliefs comes from a polygamous bed.

A faith that acknowledges three lords over one church comes from an adulterous bed. It is like a single woman who is promiscuous; or like a married woman who has a husband but rents herself out overnight to two other men, and when she sleeps with them she calls each of them her husband. Therefore these types of faith are called illegitimate.

In many passages the Lord calls people with these types of belief "adulterers. " He also means people like this when he mentions thieves and robbers in John:

Truly I say to you, those who do not enter through the door to the sheepfold but instead climb up some other way are thieves and robbers. I am the door. Anyone who enters through me will be saved. (John 10:1, 9)

Coming into "the sheepfold" is coming into the church and also coming into heaven. It means coming into heaven because heaven and the church are one. Nothing else constitutes heaven except the church in the spiritual world. Therefore just as the Lord is the bridegroom and husband of the church, he is also the bridegroom and husband of heaven.

[2] To test and find out whether a given faith is a legitimate or an illegitimate offspring, one can use the three indications presented just above: acknowledgment that the Lord is the Son of God; acknowledgment that he is the God of heaven and earth; and acknowledgment that he is one with the Father. The more a given faith departs from these essentials, the more illegitimate it is.

People who view the Lord not as God but only as a human being have a faith that is both illegitimate and adulterous. This is obvious from two atrocious heresies, the Arian heresy and the Socinian heresy, which have been anathematized by and cut off from the Christian church because they deny the Lord's divinity and climb up another way. I am afraid that these abominations lie hidden in the general spirit of people in the church.

Astounding to say, the more that people believe they have better scholarship and judgment than others, the more readily they latch onto, and adopt as their own, ideas that the Lord is human but not divine and that because he is human he could not be divine. When people adopt these ideas as their own, they join the club of Arians and Socinians who in the spiritual world are in hell.

[3] The reason for this general spirit among people in the church today is that all of us have a spirit who is allied with us. Without that spirit we could not think analytically, rationally, or spiritually. Without those types of thinking we would be brute animals, not human beings. We all invite to ourselves a spirit who is similar to the desire in our will and the consequent perception in our intellect. If we develop good desires through truths from the Word and through living by those truths, we connect an angel from heaven to ourselves. On the other hand, if we develop evil desires through convincing ourselves of false beliefs and through living an evil life, we connect spirits from hell to ourselves. Once these evil spirits are connected to us, we increasingly develop a kind of sibling relationship with satans. Then we become more and more convinced of falsities that are against the truths in the Word and more and more hardened in an Arian and Socinian loathing for the Lord, because no satan can stand to hear any truth from the Word or to say the name Jesus. If satans hear these things, they turn into furies running around and uttering blasphemy. Then if light from heaven flows in they throw themselves headfirst into caves, into their own pitch darkness. In those places they have a light like that of night birds in the dark or like that of cats in basements when they are chasing mice. This is how all people who deny the Lord's divinity and the Word's holiness in their heart and in their faith turn out after death. Their inner self has this nature no matter how well their outer self does impressions and pretends to be Christian. I know this is true, because I have seen it and heard it.

[4] There are people who honor the Lord as their Redeemer and Savior with their mouth and lips alone but view him in their heart and spirit as a mere human being. In every case, when these people speak and teach, their mouth is like a jar full of honey but their heart is like a jar full of bile. Their words are like pastries but their thoughts are like poisoned wine. They themselves are like cake rolls with little worms inside. If they are priests, they are like pirates at sea who fly the flag of a peaceful country, but when a nearby ship signals to them as allies, they replace that flag with a pirate flag and capture the ship and its passengers.

They are also like serpents of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil who approach you as if they were angels of light. They hold apples in their hand from that tree that have been painted with deep red colors as if they were plucked from the tree of life. They offer them and say, "God knows that on the day you eat these, your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil" (Genesis 3:5). When you eat, you follow the serpent into some underworld and you make your home with it. All around that underworld there are satans who ate the apples of Arius and Socinus.

People like this are also meant by the person who came [to the wedding] but was not dressed in a wedding garment and was thrown into outer darkness (Matthew 22:11-13). The wedding garment is faith that the Lord is the Son of God, is the God of heaven and earth, and is one with the Father.

People who honor the Lord with only their mouth and their lips, while in heart and spirit they regard him as a mere human being, and who reveal their thoughts and convince others to believe those thoughts are spiritual murderers. The worst of them are spiritual cannibals. Human life comes from love and faith in the Lord. If this essential ingredient of faith and love is removed - the recognition that the Lord is the human God and the divine Human - our life becomes death; its removal kills and devours us the way a wolf kills and devours a lamb.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.