Die Bibel


1 Mosebok 19



1 Och de två änglarna kommo om aftonen till Sodom, och Lot satt då i Sodoms port. När Lot fick se dem, stod han upp och gick emot dem och föll ned till jorden på sitt ansikte

2 och sade: »I herrar, tagen härbärge i eder tjänares hus och stannen där över natten, och tvån edra fötter; sedan kunnen I i morgon bittida fortsätta eder färd.» De svarade: »Nej, vi vilja stanna på gatan över natten.»

3 Men han bad dem så enträget, att de togo härbärge hos honom och kommo in i hans hus. Och han tillredde en måltid åt dem och bakade osyrat bröd, och de åto.

4 Men innan de hade lagt sig, omringades huset av männen i staden, Sodoms män, både unga och gamla, allt folket, så många de voro.

5 Dessa kallade på Lot och sade till honom: »Var äro de män som hava kommit till dig i natt? För dem ut till oss, så att vi få känna dem.»

6 Då gick Lot ut till dem i porten och stängde dörren efter sig

7 och sade: »Mina bröder, gören icke så illa.

8 Se, jag har två döttrar, som ännu icke veta av någon man. Dem vill jag föra ut till eder, så kunnen I göra med dem vad I finnen för gott. Gören allenast icke något mot dessa män, eftersom de nu hava gått in under skuggan av mitt tak.»

9 Men de svarade: »Bort med dig!» Och de sade ytterligare: »Denne, en ensam man, har kommit hit och bor här såsom främling, och han vill dock ständigt upphäva sig som domare. Men nu skola vi göra dig mer ont än dem.» Och de trängde med våld in på mannen Lot och stormade fram för att spränga dörren.

10 Då räckte männen ut sina händer och togo Lot in till sig i huset och stängde dörren.

11 Och de män som stodo utanför husets port slogo de med blindhet, både små och stora, så att de förgäves sökte finna porten.

12 Och männen sade till Lot: »Har du någon mer här, någon måg, eller några söner eller döttrar, eller någon annan som tillhör dig i staden, så för dem bort ifrån detta ställe.

13 Ty vi skola fördärva detta ställe; ropet från dem har blivit så stort inför HERREN, att HERREN har utsänt oss till att fördärva dem.»

14 Då gick Lot ut och talade till sina mågar, som skulle få hans döttrar, och sade: »Stån upp och gån bort ifrån detta ställe; ty HERREN skall fördärva staden.» Men hans mågar menade att han skämtade.

15 När nu morgonrodnaden gick upp, manade änglarna på Lot och sade: »Stå upp och tag med dig din hustru och dina båda döttrar, som du har hos dig, på det att du icke må förgås genom stadens missgärning

16 Och då han ännu dröjde, togo männen honom vid handen jämte hans hustru och hans båda döttrar, ty HERREN ville skona honom; och de förde honom ut, och när de voro utanför staden, släppte de honom.

17 Och medan de förde dem ut, sade den ene: »Fly för ditt livs skull; se dig icke tillbaka, och dröj ingenstädes på Slätten. Fly undan till bergen, så att du icke förgås.»

18 Men Lot sade till dem: »Ack nej, Herre.

19 Se, din tjänare har ju funnit nåd för dina ögon, och stor är den barmhärtighet som du gör med mig, då du vill rädda mitt liv; men jag förmår icke fly undan till bergen; jag rädes att olyckan hinner mig, så att jag omkommer.

20 Se, staden därborta ligger helt nära, och det är lätt att fly dit, och den är liten; låt mig fly undan dit -- den är ju så liten -- på det att jag må bliva vid liv.»

21 Då svarade han honom: »Välan, jag skall ock häri göra dig till viljes; jag skall icke omstörta den stad som du talar om.

22 Men skynda att fly undan dit; ty jag kan intet göra, förrän du har kommit dit.» Därav fick staden namnet Soar .

23 Då nu solen hade gått upp över jorden och Lot hade kommit till Soar,

24 lät HERREN svavel och eld regna från himmelen, från HERREN, över Sodom och Gomorra;

25 och han omstörtade dessa städer med hela Slätten och alla dem som bodde i städerna och det som växte på marken.

26 Och Lots hustru, som följde efter honom, såg sig tillbaka; då blev hon en saltstod.

27 Och när Abraham bittida följande morgon gick till den plats där han hade stått inför HERREN,

28 och blickade ned över Sodom och Gomorra och över hela Slättlandet, då fick han se en rök stiga upp från landet, lik röken från en smältugn.

29 Så skedde då, att när Gud fördärvade städerna på Slätten, tänkte han på Abraham och lät Lot komma undan omstörtningen, då han omstörtade städerna där Lot hade bott.

30 Och Lot drog upp från Soar till bergsbygden och bodde där med sina båda döttrar, ty han fruktade för att bo kvar i Soar; och han bodde med sina båda döttrar i en grotta.

31 Då sade den äldre till den yngre: »Vår fader är gammal, och ingen man finnes i landet, som kan gå in till oss efter all världens sedvänja.

32 Kom, låt oss giva vår fader vin att dricka och lägga oss hos honom, för att vi må skaffa oss livsfrukt genom vår fader

33 Så gåvo de sin fader vin att dricka den natten, och den äldre gick in och lade sig hos sin fader, och han märkte icke när hon lade sig, ej heller när hon stod upp.

34 Dagen därefter sade den äldre till den yngre: »Se, jag låg i natt hos min fader; låt oss också denna natt giva honom vin att dricka, och gå du in och lägg dig hos honom, för att vi må skaffa oss livsfrukt genom vår fader

35 Så gåvo de också den natten sin fader vin att dricka; och den yngre gick och lade sig hos honom, och han märkte icke när hon lade sig, ej heller när hon stod upp.

36 Så blevo Lots båda döttrar havande genom sin fader.

37 Och den äldre födde en son, och hon gav honom namnet Moab; från honom härstamma moabiterna ända till denna dag.

38 Den yngre födde ock en son, och hon gav honom namnet Ben-Ammi; från honom härstamma Ammons barn ända till denna dag.


Aus Swedenborgs Werken


Arcana Coelestia #2466

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2466. That the things now set forth are signified in the internal sense, can be confirmed, and indeed as to each word; but most of them have been confirmed before, and besides, they are such as do violence to our ideas and give offense to chaste ears. From the summary explication we can see that by the things in question there is described the origin of such a religion as is signified in the Word by “Moab” and the “son of Ammon.” The nature of this religion will be told hereafter, where Moab and the son of Ammon are treated of. That it is adulterated good and falsified truth, is evident. The adulterations of good and the falsifications of truth are commonly described in the Word by “adulteries” and “whoredoms,” and are also so called, the reason of which is based on the fact that good and truth form a marriage with each other (n. 1904, 2173); nay, incredible as it may appear to most, it is from this marriage as from its genuine origin that there comes the sanctity of marriages on earth, and also the laws of marriages given in the Word.

[2] For the case is this: When celestial and spiritual things descend out of heaven into a lower sphere, they are there turned in the most perfect manner into some likeness of marriages, and this from the correspondence that exists between spiritual and natural things (concerning which correspondence of the Lord’s Divine mercy elsewhere). But when they are perverted in the lower sphere, as is done where evil genii and evil spirits are present, the same are then turned into such things as belong to adulteries and whoredoms. Hence it is that contaminations of good and perversions of truth are described in the Word by adulteries and whoredoms, and are also so named, as is very evident from the following passages in Ezekiel:

Thou didst commit whoredom because of thy name, and pouredst out thy whoredoms on everyone that passed by; thou didst take of thy garments and madest for thee high places decked with diverse colors, and didst commit whoredom upon them; thou didst take the vessels of thy adornment of My gold and of My silver, which I had given thee, and madest for thee images of a male, and didst commit whoredom with them; thou hast taken thy sons and thy daughters, whom thou hast borne unto Me, and these hast thou sacrificed unto them. Was there but little of thy whoredoms? Thou hast committed whoredom with the sons of Egypt, thy neighbors, great of flesh and hast multiplied thy whoredom to provoke Me to anger; thou hast committed whoredom with the sons of Asshur, and hast committed whoredom with them, and wast not satisfied; and thou hast multiplied thy whoredom even unto the land of traffic, unto Chaldea; and yet thou wast not satisfied therewith (Ezekiel 16:15-17, 20, 26, 28-29, etc.),

[3] where Jerusalem is treated of, by which is here signified the church perverted in respect to truths. Everyone can see that all these things have quite different meanings. That something of the church that has been perverted is called “whoredom” is quite evident; the “garments” here mentioned denote the truths that are being perverted; the falsities thence derived, which are worshiped, are the “high places decked with divers colors,” with which there was whoredom. (That “garments” denote truths may be seen above, n. 1073; and that “high places” denote worship, n. 796.)

The “vessels of adornment of gold and silver which I had given,” denote the knowledges of good and truth from the Word by which they confirm falsities; and when these appear as truths, they are called “images of a male” with which whoredom was committed. (That the “vessels of adornment of gold and silver,” denote the knowledges of good and truth, is evident from the signification of “gold,” as being good, n. 113, 1551, 1552; and of “silver” as being truth, n. 1551, 2048; and that the “images of a male” signify that they appear as truths may be seen above, n. 2046.) That the “sons and daughters” which they bore and sacrificed to them denote the truths and goods which they have perverted, is evident from the signification of “sons and daughters” (see n. 489-491, 533, 2362). That to “commit whoredom with the sons of Egypt,” denotes to pervert these truths and goods by means of memory-knowledges is evident from the signification of “Egypt” as being memory-knowledge (n. 1164, 1165, 1186, 1462). That to “commit whoredom with the sons of Asshur,” denotes to pervert them by reasonings, is evident from the signification of “Asshur,” as being reasoning (n. 119, 1186). That to “multiply whoredom even unto the land of Chaldea,” denotes to pervert them even to the profanation of truth, which is “Chaldea” (n. 1368). All this makes clear what is the nature of the internal sense of the Word in the very sense of the letter.

[4] In like manner elsewhere in the same Prophet:

Two women, the daughters of one mother, committed whoredom in Egypt; they committed whoredom in their youth; Samaria is Oholah, Jerusalem is Oholibah. Oholah committed whoredom under Me, and she doted on her lovers, the Assyrians her neighbors, she bestowed her whoredoms upon them, the choice of all the sons of Asshur; she hath not forsaken her whoredoms from Egypt, for they lay with her in her youth. Oholibah corrupted her love more than she, and her whoredoms more than the whoredoms of her sister; she doted upon the sons of Asshur; she added to her whoredoms, and saw the images of the Chaldeans, she doted upon them at the view of her eyes; the sons of Babel came to her into the bed of loves (Ezekiel 23:2-5, 7-8, 11-12, 14, 16, etc.).

“Samaria” denotes the church which is in the affection of truth, and “Jerusalem” that which is in the affection of good; whose “whoredoms with the Egyptians,” and “with the sons of Asshur,” denote perversions of good and truth by means of memory-knowledges and reasonings, by which falsities are confirmed, as is evident from the signification of “Egypt” (n. 1164, 1165, 1186, 1462); and of “Asshur” (n. 119, 1186). That this was done even to profane worship, which in respect to truth is “Chaldea” (n. 1368); and in respect to good is the “sons of Babel” (n. 1182, 1326).

[5] In Isaiah:

And it shall come to pass at the end of seventy years that Jehovah will visit Tyre, and she shall return to her harlot hire, and shall commit whoredom with all the kingdoms of the earth (Isaiah 23:17).

It is the vaunting of what is false that is signified by the “harlot hire” and the “whoredom” of Tyre. That “Tyre” denotes the knowledges of truth may be seen above (n. 1201); and also that the “kingdoms” with which the whoredom was committed denote truths (n. 1672).

[6] In Jeremiah:

Thou hast committed whoredom with many companions; and return again unto Me. Lift up thine eyes unto the hills, and see; where hast thou not been debauched? Upon the ways hast thou sat for them as an Arab in the wilderness, and thou hast profaned the land with thy whoredoms and with thy wickedness (Jeremiah 3:1-2).

To “commit whoredoms” and to “profane the land with whoredoms” denote to pervert and falsify the truths of the church (that the “land” denotes the church see above, n. 662, 1066, 1067).

[7] Again:

By the voice of her whoredom she hath profaned the land, she hath committed adultery with stone and with wood (Jeremiah 3:9);

to “commit adultery with stone and with wood,” denotes to pervert the truths and goods of external worship (that “stone” is such truth may be seen above, n. 643, 1298; and that “wood” is such good, n. 643).

[8] Again:

Because they have wrought folly in Israel, and have committed adultery with the wives of their fellows, and have spoken a word in My name that is false, which I commanded them not (Jeremiah 29:23);

to “commit adultery with the wives of their fellows,” is to teach falsity as from them.

[9] Again:

In the prophets of Jerusalem I have seen a horrible thing, in committing adultery and walking in falsehood (Jeremiah 23:14); where to “commit adultery” regards good which is contaminated; and to “walk in falsehood” regards truth which is perverted. Again:

I have seen thine abominations; thine adulteries, and thy neighings, the foulness of thy whoredom upon the hills in the field. Woe unto thee, O Jerusalem, thou wilt not be made clean; how long shall it yet be? (Jeremiah 13:27).

[10] In Hosea:

Whoredom, and wine, and new wine, have taken possession of the heart. My people inquireth of wood, and the staff thereof will declare it; for the spirit of whoredom hath led them astray, and they have committed whoredom from under their God; they sacrifice upon the tops of the mountains, and burn incense upon the hills, under the oak, the poplar, and the terebinth [robore]; therefore your daughters commit whoredom, and your daughters-in-law commit adultery; shall I not visit upon your daughters because they commit whoredom, and upon your daughters-in-law because they commit adultery? For they divide with whores, and sacrifice with prostitutes (Hos. 4:11-14).

What each of these things signifies in the internal sense can be seen from the signification of “wine,” as being falsity; of “new wine,” as being the evil thence derived; of the “wood that is inquired of,” as being the good of the delight of some cupidity; of the “staff that will declare,” as being the imaginary power of their understanding; also of the “mountains” and the “hills,” as being the loves of self and of the world; of the “oak, the poplar, and the terebinth,” as being so many gross perceptions thence derived in which they trust; of “daughters” and the “daughters-in-law” as being such affections; all of which show what is here signified by “whoredoms,” “adulteries,” and “harlots.”

[11] In the same:

O Israel, thou hast committed whoredom over thy God, thou hast loved harlot hire upon all the corn floors (Hos. 9:1);

“harlot hire” denotes the vaunting of what is false.

In Moses:

Lest thou make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land, and they commit whoredom after their gods, and sacrifice unto their gods; and one call thee, and thou eat of his sacrifices, and thou take of his daughters for thy sons, and his daughters commit whoredom after their gods, and make thy sons commit whoredom after their gods (Exodus 34:15-16).

In the same:

I will cut off all that commit whoredom after him, committing whoredom after Molech, from the midst of their people; and the soul that turneth unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto the soothsayers, to commit whoredom after them, I will set My face against that soul, and will cut him off from the midst of his people (Leviticus 20:5-6

In the same:

Your sons shall be shepherds in the wilderness forty years, and shall bear your whoredoms, until your bodies be consumed in the wilderness (Numbers 14:33).

In the same:

Remember all the precepts of Jehovah, and do them, that ye seek not after your own heart, and your own eyes, after which ye do commit whoredom (Numbers 15:39).

[12] And still more plainly in John:

An angel said, Come hither, I will show thee the judgment of the great harlot that sitteth upon many waters, with whom the kings of the earth have committed whoredom, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her whoredom (Revelation 17:1-2).

The “great harlot” denotes those who are in profane worship; the “many waters” upon which she sits, are knowledges (n. 28, 739); the “kings of the earth” who have committed whoredom with her, are the truths of the church (n. 1672, 2015, 2069); the “wine” with which they were made drunk, is falsity (n. 1071, 1072). Because “wine” and “drunkenness” signify these things, it is said of the daughters of Lot, that they made their father drink wine (verses 32-33, 35).

[13] In the same:

Babylon hath made all nations drink of the wine of the fury of her whoredom, and the kings of the earth have committed whoredom with her (Revelation 18:3).

“Babylon” or “Babel” denotes a worship the externals of which appear holy, while the interiors are profane (n. 1182, 1295, 1326); the “nations that she makes to drink,” are the goods which are being profaned (n. 1259, 1260, 1416, 1849); the “kings” who committed whoredom with her, are truths (n. 1672, 2015, 2069). In the same:

True and just are the judgments of the Lord God, for He hath judged the great harlot, who corrupted the earth with her whoredom (Revelation 19:2); where the “earth” denotes the church (n. 566, 662, 1066, 1068, 2117, 2118).

[14] As “whoredoms” signify such things, and “daughters” signify affections, it was therefore forbidden so severely that the daughter of a priest should commit whoredom; concerning which we read in Moses:

The daughter of a priest, having begun to commit whoredom, she is profaning her father, she shall be burned with fire (Leviticus 21:9).

It was also commanded that they should not bring the hire of a harlot into the house of Jehovah, because it is an abomination (Deuteronomy 23:18). And for the same reason there was such an inquisitorial process concerning a wife whose husband had conceived a suspicion of adultery (Numbers 5:12-31), in which instance each and all things have relation to the adulterations of good. Moreover in the Word many different kinds of adulteries and whoredoms are spoken of, and still more varieties. This kind which is here described by Lot’s daughters lying with their father, is what is called “Moab” and the “son of Ammon,” now to be explained.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.