Die Bibel


Gênesis 9



1 Abençoou Deus a Noé e a seus filhos, e disse-lhes: Frutificai e multiplicai-vos, e enchei a terra.

2 Terão medo e pavor de vós todo animal da terra, toda ave do céu, tudo o que se move sobre a terra e todos os peixes do mar; nas vossas mãos são entregues.

3 Tudo quanto se move e vive vos servirá de mantimento, bem como a erva verde; tudo vos tenho dado.

4 A carne, porém, com sua vida, isto é, com seu sangue, não comereis.

5 Certamente requererei o vosso sangue, o sangue das vossas vidas; de todo animal o requererei; como também do homem, sim, da mão do irmão de cada um requererei a vida do homem.

6 Quem derramar sangue de homem, pelo homem terá o seu sangue derramado; porque Deus fez o homem à sua imagem.

7 Mas vós frutificai, e multiplicai-vos; povoai abundantemente a terra, e multiplicai-vos nela.

8 Disse também Deus a Noé, e a seus filhos com ele:

9 Eis que eu estabeleço o meu pacto convosco e com a vossa descendência depois de vós,

10 e com todo ser vivente que convosco está: com as aves, com o gado e com todo animal da terra; com todos os que saíram da arca, sim, com todo animal da terra.

11 Sim, estabeleço o meu pacto convosco; não será mais destruída toda a carne pelas águas do dilúvio; e não haverá mais dilúvio, para destruir a terra.

12 E disse Deus: Este é o sinal do pacto que firmo entre mim e vós e todo ser vivente que está convosco, por gerações perpétuas:

13 O meu arco tenho posto nas nuvens, e ele será por sinal de haver um pacto entre mim e a terra.

14 E acontecerá que, quando eu trouxer nuvens sobre a terra, e aparecer o arco nas nuvens,

15 então me lembrarei do meu pacto, que está entre mim e vós e todo ser vivente de toda a carne; e as águas não se tornarão mais em dilúvio para destruir toda a carne.

16 O arco estará nas nuvens, e olharei para ele a fim de me lembrar do pacto perpétuo entre Deus e todo ser vivente de toda a carne que está sobre a terra.

17 Disse Deus a Noé ainda: Esse é o sinal do pacto que tenho estabelecido entre mim e toda a carne que está sobre a terra.

18 Ora, os filhos de Noé, que saíram da arca, foram Sem, Cão e Jafé; e Cão é o pai de Canaã.

19 Estes três foram os filhos de Noé; e destes foi povoada toda a terra.

20 E começou Noé a cultivar a terra e plantou uma vinha.

21 Bebeu do vinho, e embriagou-se; e achava-se nu dentro da sua tenda.

22 E Cão, pai de Canaã, viu a nudez de seu pai, e o contou a seus dois irmãos que estavam fora.

23 Então tomaram Sem e Jafé uma capa, e puseram-na sobre os seus ombros, e andando virados para trás, cobriram a nudez de seu pai, tendo os rostos virados, de maneira que não viram a nudez de seu pai.

24 Despertado que foi Noé do seu vinho, soube o que seu filho mais moço lhe fizera;

25 e disse: Maldito seja Canaã; servo dos servos será de seus irmãos.

26 Disse mais: Bendito seja o Senhor, o Deus de Sem; e seja-lhe Canaã por servo.

27 Alargue Deus a Jafé, e habite Jafé nas tendas de Sem; e seja-lhe Canaã por servo.

28 Viveu Noé, depois do dilúvio, trezentos e cinqüenta anos.

29 E foram todos os dias de Noé novecentos e cinqüenta anos; e morreu.


Aus Swedenborgs Werken


Coronis (An Appendix to True Christian Religion) #35

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35. Since the Churches in the Christian world, both the Roman Catholic Church and those separated from it, which are named after their leaders, Luther, Melancthon and Calvin, trace all sin from Adam and his transgression, it is permissible to subjoin here something about the sources whence evils are inherited; for these sources are as many as there are fathers and mothers in the world. That inclinations, aptitudes and propensities to various evils are derived from these, is clear as daylight from the testimony of experience, and also from the assent of reason. Who does not know, from the collective testimony of experience, that there is a general likeness of dispositions, and hence of manners and features, from parents in children and children's children, even to indefinite posterity? Who cannot thence infer that original sins are from them? The notion suggested to every one, when he looks at the countenances and manners of brothers and relatives in families, causes him to know and acknowledge this.

[2] What reason, then, is there for deducing the origin of all evils from Adam and his seed? Is there not equal reason for deducing it from parents? Does not the germ of these similarly propagate itself? To deduce the tendencies from which, and according to which, the spiritual forms of the minds of all men n the universe exist, from Adam's seed alone, would be exactly like deriving birds of every species from one egg, also beasts of very nature from one seed, and trees of every kind of fruit from one root. Is there not an infinite variety of men? one like a sheep, another like a wolf? one like a kid, another like a panther? one like a gentle cob harnessed to a carriage, another like an untamable wild ass before it? one like a playful calf, another like a voracious tiger? and so on. Whence has each his peculiar disposition but from his father and his mother? Why, then, from Adam? - by whom, however, is described in a representative type the first Church of this earth, as has been already shown? Would not this be like tracing from one stock, deeply hidden in the earth, a plantation of trees of every appearance and use, and from a single plant shrubs of every value? Would that not also be like extracting light from the obscurity of the ages and of histories, and like unravelling the thread of a riddle that is without an answer? Why not rather derive them from Noah,

Who walked with God (Gen. 6:9),


Whom God blessed (Gen. 9:1),

and from whom with his three sons alone surviving

The whole earth was overspread (Gen. 9:19)?

Would not the hereditary qualities of the generations from Adam be thus extirpated, as if drowned by a flood?

[3] But, my friend, I will lay bare the true source of sins. Every evil is conceived of the devil as a father and is born of atheistical faith as a mother; and, on the other hand, every good is conceived of the Lord as a father and is born, as of a mother, of saving faith in Him. The generations of all goods in their infinite varieties with men, are from no other origin than from the marriage of the Lord and the Church; and, on the contrary, the generations of all evils in their varieties with them, are from no other origin than from the union of the devil with the community of the profane. Who does not know, or may not know, that a man must be regenerated by the Lord, that is, be created anew, and that, so far as this takes place, so far he is in goods? Hence this follows: that, in so far as a man is unwilling to be generated anew, or created anew, so far he takes up and retains the evils implanted in him from his parents. This is what lies concealed in the first precept of the Decalogue:

I am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the sons, upon the third and upon the fourth generation of them that hold Me in hatred, and showing mercy unto thousands who love Me and keep My commandments (Exod. 20:5-6; Deut. 5:9-10).

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.