Die Bibel


Gênesis 3



1 Ora, a serpente era o mais astuto de todos os animais do campo, que o Senhor Deus tinha feito. E esta disse à mulher: É assim que Deus disse: Não comereis de toda árvore do jardim?

2 Respondeu a mulher à serpente: Do fruto das árvores do jardim podemos comer,

3 mas do fruto da árvore que está no meio do jardim, disse Deus: Não comereis dele, nem nele tocareis, para que não morrais.

4 Disse a serpente à mulher: Certamente não morrereis.

5 Porque Deus sabe que no dia em que comerdes desse fruto, vossos olhos se abrirão, e sereis como Deus, conhecendo o bem e o mal.

6 Então, vendo a mulher que aquela árvore era boa para se comer, e agradável aos olhos, e árvore desejável para dar entendimento, tomou do seu fruto, comeu, e deu a seu marido, e ele também comeu.

7 Então foram abertos os olhos de ambos, e conheceram que estavam nus; pelo que coseram folhas de figueira, e fizeram para si aventais.

8 E, ouvindo a voz do Senhor Deus, que passeava no jardim à tardinha, esconderam-se o homem e sua mulher da presença do Senhor Deus, entre as árvores do jardim.

9 Mas chamou o Senhor Deus ao homem, e perguntou-lhe: Onde estás?

10 Respondeu-lhe o homem: Ouvi a tua voz no jardim e tive medo, porque estava nu; e escondi-me.

11 Deus perguntou-lhe mais: Quem te mostrou que estavas nu? Comeste da árvore de que te ordenei que não comesses?

12 Ao que respondeu o homem: A mulher que me deste por companheira deu-me a árvore, e eu comi.

13 Perguntou o Senhor Deus à mulher: Que é isto que fizeste? Respondeu a mulher: A serpente enganou-me, e eu comi.

14 Então o Senhor Deus disse à serpente: Porquanto fizeste isso, maldita serás tu dentre todos os animais domésticos, e dentre todos os animais do campo; sobre o teu ventre andarás, e pó comerás todos os dias da tua vida.

15 Porei inimizade entre ti e a mulher, e entre a tua descendência e a sua descendência; esta te ferirá a cabeça, e tu lhe ferirás o calcanhar.

16 E à mulher disse: Multiplicarei grandemente a dor da tua conceição; em dor darás à luz filhos; e o teu desejo será para o teu marido, e ele te dominará.

17 E ao homem disse: Porquanto deste ouvidos à voz de tua mulher, e comeste da árvore de que te ordenei dizendo: Não comerás dela; maldita é a terra por tua causa; em fadiga comerás dela todos os dias da tua vida.

18 Ela te produzirá espinhos e abrolhos; e comerás das ervas do campo.

19 Do suor do teu rosto comerás o teu pão, até que tornes à terra, porque dela foste tomado; porquanto és pó, e ao pó tornarás.

20 Chamou Adão à sua mulher Eva, porque era a mãe de todos os viventes.

21 E o Senhor Deus fez túnicas de peles para Adão e sua mulher, e os vestiu.

22 Então disse o Senhor Deus: Eis que o homem se tem tornado como um de nós, conhecendo o bem e o mal. Ora, não suceda que estenda a sua mão, e tome também da árvore da vida, e coma e viva eternamente.

23 O Senhor Deus, pois, o lançou fora do jardim do Éden para lavrar a terra, de que fora tomado.

24 E havendo lançado fora o homem, pôs ao oriente do jardim do Éden os querubins, e uma espada flamejante que se volvia por todos os lados, para guardar o caminho da árvore da vida.


Aus Swedenborgs Werken


True Christian Religion #279

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279. The third experience.

Seven years ago, when I was collecting the passages which Moses wrote drawing on the two books called The Wars of Jehovah and The Utterances (Numbers 21), some angels were present who told me that those books were the ancient Word; its historical parts are called The Wars of Jehovah, the prophetical parts The Utterances. They said that this Word was still preserved in heaven and was used by the ancients there, whose Word it had been when they were in the world. The ancients, among whom this Word is still in use in heaven, were in part from the land of Canaan and the neighbouring countries, for instance, Syria, Mesopotamia, Arabia, Chaldaea, Assyria, Egypt, Sidon, Tyre and Niniveh. The inhabitants of all these kingdoms had a representative form of worship, and thus a knowledge of correspondences. The wisdom of those times came from that knowledge, which endowed them with inward perception and communication with the heavens. Those who knew the correspondences of that Word were called wise and intelligent, and in later times soothsayers and sorcerers.

[2] But because that Word was full of the sort of correspondences which conveyed celestial and spiritual ideas distantly, so that many people began to falsify it, therefore by the Lord's Divine providence in course of time it vanished, and another Word was given written by correspondences not so distant; this was done through the prophets among the Children of Israel. This Word retains many place names, not only in the land of Canaan, but also in the adjacent parts of Asia; all of these meant matters concerning the church and its states. But these meanings were taken over from the ancient Word. That was the reason why Abram was ordered to go into that land, and his descendants through Jacob were brought into it.

[3] I am allowed to report this new piece of information about the ancient Word, which was in Asia before the Israelite Word existed. It is still preserved there among the peoples who live in Great Tartary. I have spoken with spirits and angels in the spiritual world who came from there. They said that they possess the Word, and have done so from ancient times; and they conduct their Divine worship in accordance with that Word. It is composed purely of correspondences. They said that it also contains the book of Jashar mentioned in Joshua (Joshua 10:12-13), and in the Second Book of Samuel (2 Samuel 1:17-18); they also have the books called The Wars of Jehovah and The Utterances, which are mentioned by Moses (Numbers 21:14-15, 27-30). When I read in their presence the words which Moses took from this source, they looked to see whether they were there, and they found them. This made it clear to me that they still have the ancient Word. During our conversation they mentioned that they worship Jehovah, some of them as an invisible God, and some as visible.

[4] They went on to say that they do not allow foreigners to enter their territory, except the Chinese, with whom they have peaceful relations, because the Chinese Emperor comes from there. 1 They added that they are so populous that they do not believe any region in all the world is more so. This too is plausible when one considers the wall so many miles long, which the Chinese in former times constructed as a defence against invasion by them.

Moreover I was told by angels that the first chapters of Genesis, dealing with creation, Adam and Eve, the Garden of Eden, their sons and descendants down to the flood, as well as Noah and his sons, are also found in that Word, and were copied from it by Moses. Angels and spirits from Great Tartary are to be seen in the southern quarter towards the east. They are separated from others by living on a higher level. They do not allow anyone from Christian countries to visit them, and if any do go up, they put them under guard to prevent them leaving. The reason for this isolation is that they possess a different Word.


1. This may refer to the Yuan dynasty (13th-14th centuries) who were of Mongol origin; but perhaps the reference is to the non-Chinese Manchu dynasty who ruled China from 1644.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.