Die Bibel


1 Mózes 25



1 Ábrahám pedig ismét võn magának feleséget, kinek neve Ketúráh vala.

2 És az szûlé néki Zimránt, Joksánt, Médánt, Midiánt, Isbákot és Suakhot.

3 Joksán pedig nemzé Sébát, és Dédánt. Dédánnak pedig fiai valának: Assurim, Letúsim és Leummim.

4 S Midiánnak fiai: Éfah, Éfer, Hánok, Abida és Eldaah: Mind ezek Ketúráhnak fiai.

5 Valamije pedig Ábrahámnak vala, mindazt Izsáknak adta vala.

6 Az ágyasok fiainak pedig, a kik Ábraháméi valának, ada Ábrahám ajándékokat, és elküldé azokat az õ fia mellõl, Izsák mellõl még éltében napkelet felé, napkeleti tartományba.

7 S ezek Ábrahám élete esztendeinek napjai, melyeket élt: száz hetvenöt esztendõ.

8 És kimúlék és meghala Ábrahám, vénségben, öregen és betelve az [élettel], és takaríttaték az õ népéhez.

9 És eltemeték õt Izsák és Ismáel az õ fiai a Makpelá barlangjában, Efronnak, a Khitteus Czohár fiának mezejében, mely Mamré átellenében van.

10 Abban a mezõben, melyet Ábrahám a Khéth fiaitól vett vala: ott temettetett el Ábrahám és az õ felesége Sára.

11 Lõn pedig Ábrahám halála után, megáldá Isten az õ fiát Izsákot; Izsák pedig lakozék a Lakhai Rói forrásánál.

12 Ezek pedig Ábrahám fiának Ismáelnek nemzetségei, a kit az Égyiptombeli Hágár a Sára szolgálója szûlt vala Ábrahámnak.

13 Ezek az Ismáel fiainak nevei, nevök s nemzetségök szerint: Ismáelnek elsõszülötte Nebájót, azután Kédar, Adbeél és Mibszám.

14 És Misma, Dúmah és Massza.

15 Hadar, Théma, Jetúr, Náfis és Kedmah.

16 Ezek az Ismáel fiai, és ezek azoknak nevei udvaraikban, falvaikban; tizenkét fejedelem az õ nemzetségök szerint.

17 Ezek pedig az Ismáel életének esztendei: száz harminczkét esztendõ. És kimúlék és meghala, és takaríttaték az õ népéhez.

18 Lakoztak pedig Havilától fogva Súrig, a mely Égyiptom átellenében van, a merre Assiriába mennek. Minden atyjafiával szemben esett az õ [lakása].

19 Ezek pedig Izsáknak az Ábrahám fiának nemzetségei: Ábrahám nemzé Izsákot.

20 Izsák pedig negyven esztendõs vala, a mikor feleségûl vette Rebekát a Siriából való Bethuélnek leányát, Mésopotámiából, a Siriából való Lábánnak húgát.

21 És könyörge Izsák az Úrnak az õ feleségéért, mivelhogy magtalan vala, és az Úr meghallgatá õt: és teherbe esék Rebeka, az õ felesége.

22 Tusakodnak vala pedig a fiak az õ méhében. Akkor monda: Ha így van, miért vagyok én így? Elméne azért, hogy megkérdezze az Urat.

23 És monda az Úr õnéki: Két nemzetség van a te méhedben; és két nép válik ki a te belsõdbõl, egyik nép a másik népnél erõsebb lesz, és a nagyobbik szolgál a kisebbiknek.

24 És betelének az õ szülésének napjai, és ímé kettõsök valának az õ méhében.

25 És kijöve az elsõ; vereses vala, mindenestõl szõrös, mint egy lazsnak; azért nevezék nevét Ézsaúnak.

26 Azután kijöve az õ atyjafia, kezével Ézsaú sarkába fogódzva; azért nevezék nevét Jákóbnak. Izsák pedig hatvan esztendõs vala, a mikor ezek születének.

27 És felnevekedének a gyermekek, és Ézsaú vadászathoz értõ mezei ember vala; Jákób pedig szelíd ember, sátorban lakozó.

28 Szereti vala azért Izsák Ézsaút, mert szájaíze szerint vala a vad; Rebeka pedig szereti vala Jákóbot.

29 Jákób egyszer valami fõzeléket fõze, és Ézsaú megjövén elfáradva a mezõrõl,

30 Monda Ézsaú Jákóbnak: Engedd, hogy ehessem a veres ételbõl, mert fáradt vagyok. Ezért nevezék nevét Edomnak.

31 Jákób pedig monda: Add el hát nékem azonnal a te elsõszülöttségedet.

32 És monda Ézsaú; Ímé én halni járok, mire való hát nékem az én elsõszülöttségem?

33 És monda Jákób: Esküdjél meg hát nékem azonnal, és megesküvék néki és eladá az õ elsõszülöttségét Jákóbnak.

34 S akkor Jákób ada Ézsaúnak kenyeret, és fõtt lencsét, és evék és ivék, és felkele és elméne. Így veté meg Ézsaú az elsõszülöttséget.


Aus Swedenborgs Werken


Arcana Coelestia #3318

studieren Sie diesen Abschnitt

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3318. 'And he was weary' means a state of conflict. This becomes clear from the meaning of 'weary' or weariness as the state following conflict. Here however, because the subject is a state of conflict in which good and truth within the natural man are joined together, the state of conflict itself is meant. As regards 'weary' here meaning a state of conflict, this is not apparent except from the train of thought in the internal sense, and in particular from the fact that without conflicts, or what amounts to the same, without temptations, good is unable to be joined to truth in the natural man.

[2] So that the nature of this state may be known - though only as man experiences it - let a brief statement be made regarding it. Man is nothing other than an organ or vessel which receives life from the Lord, for man does not live of himself, 290, 1954, 2021, 2536, 2706, 2886-2889, 3001. The life flowing in with man from the Lord comes from His Divine Love. This Love, that is, the life from it, flows in and applies itself to the vessels that are in man's rational and that are in his natural. On account of the hereditary evil into which man is born, and on account of the evil of his own doing which man acquires to himself, these vessels with him are set the wrong way round for receiving that life. But insofar as it is possible for this inflowing life to do so, it resets those vessels to receive it. These vessels within the rational man and within his natural are such as are called truths. In themselves they are nothing else than perceptions of the variations in form possessed by those vessels and of the changes of state which in different ways give rise to those variations, which are produced in the most delicate of organic substances, and in ways that defy description, 2487. Good itself, which possesses life from the Lord, that is, which is life, is that which flows in and resets them.

[3] When therefore those vessels, varying in the forms they take, are set and turned, as has been stated, the wrong way round for inflowing life, they clearly have to be re-positioned to receive that life, that is, to be controlled by it. This cannot possibly be effected as long as the person remains in that condition into which he was born or which he has brought upon himself. Indeed at that time they are unsubmissive because they resolutely withstand and harden themselves against the heavenly order governing the way that life acts. Indeed the good which moves them, and to which they are subservient, is that which stems from self-love and love of the world. From the dull warmth it contains that good makes these vessels what they are. Consequently before they can be made submissive and capable of receiving any of the life that belongs to the Lord's love, they have to be softened. The only ways that such softening can be achieved is by temptations, for temptations take away the things that constitute self-love and contempt for others in comparison with oneself, consequently that constitute self-glory, and also hatred and revenge on account of that. When therefore they have to some extent been subdued and mellowed by means of temptations those vessels start to become yielding and compliant to the life which belongs to the Lord's love and which is constantly flowing in with man.

[4] From this point onwards good, first of all in the rational man and then in the natural, starts to be joined to the truths there, for as has been stated, truths are nothing else than perceptions of the variations in form which are determined by the states that are changing all the time - those perceptions being a product of the life that is flowing in. This is the reason why a person is regenerated, that is, is made new, by means of temptations, or what amounts to the same, by means of spiritual conflicts, and after that receives an inward disposition different from before, that is to say, becomes gentle, humble, single-minded, and contrite at heart. From these considerations one may now see the use served by temptations, which is that good from the Lord may not only flow in but also render the vessels subservient and so join itself to them. For truths are the recipient vessels of good, see 1496, 1832, 1900, 2063, 2261, 2269. Here therefore, since the subject is the joining together of good and truth in the natural man, and since the first stage of that conjunction comes about through the conflicts brought about by temptations, 'he was weary' clearly means a state of conflict.

[5] As for the Lord however, who is the subject here in the highest sense, He so imposed Divine order on everything within Himself by means of the very severe conflicts that went with temptations that nothing remained of the human He had derived from the mother, 1444, 1573, 2159, 2574, 2649, 3036, so that He was not made new as any other human being but was made altogether Divine. For man, who is made new through regeneration, nevertheless retains within himself the inclination towards evil; indeed he retains the evil itself but is withheld from it by the influx of the life that is the life of the Lord's love, and by an extremely powerful force. But the Lord cast out completely everything evil that was His by heredity from the mother and made Himself Divine, doing so even as to the vessels, that is, as to the truths. This is what in the Word is called Glorification.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.