Die Bibel


1 Mose 30



1 Und als ahel sah, daß sie dem Jakob nicht gebar, da beneidete ahel ihre Schwester und sprach zu Jakob: Gib mir Kinder! Und wenn nicht, so sterbe ich.

2 Da entbrannte der Zorn Jakobs wider ahel, und er sprach: Bin ich an Gottes Statt, der dir die Leibesfrucht versagt hat?

3 Und sie sprach: Siehe, da ist meine Magd Bilha; gehe zu ihr ein, daß sie auf meine Knie (Vergl. Kap. 50,23; uth 4,16. 17.; Hiob 3,12) gebäre und auch ich aus ihr erbaut werde. (Siehe die Anmerkung zu Kap. 16,2)

4 Und sie gab ihm ihre Magd Bilha zum Weibe; und Jakob ging zu ihr ein.

5 Und Bilha ward schwanger und gebar Jakob einen Sohn.

6 Da sprach ahel: Gott hat mir echt verschafft und auch auf meine Stimme gehört und mir einen Sohn gegeben! Darum gab sie ihm den Namen Dan. ( ichter; einer, der echt verschaft)

7 Und Bilha, die Magd ahels, ward wiederum schwanger und gebar dem Jakob einen zweiten Sohn.

8 Da sprach ahel: Kämpfe Gottes habe ich mit meiner Schwester gekämpft, habe auch obsiegt! Und sie gab ihm den Namen Naphtali. (Mein Kampf)

9 Und als Lea sah, daß sie aufhörte zu gebären, da nahm sie ihre Magd Silpa und gab sie Jakob zum Weibe.

10 Und Silpa, die Magd Leas, gebar dem Jakob einen Sohn.

11 Da sprach Lea: Zum Glück! (Nach and L.: Glück ist gekommen) Und sie gab ihm den Namen Gad. (Glück)

12 Und Silpa, die Magd Leas, gebar dem Jakob einen zweiten Sohn.

13 Da sprach Lea: Zu meiner Glückseligkeit! Denn glückselig preisen mich die Töchter. Und sie gab ihm den Namen Aser. (Glückselig)

14 Und uben ging aus in den Tagen der Weizenernte und fand Dudaim auf dem Felde; und er brachte sie seiner Mutter Lea. Und ahel sprach zu Lea: Gib mir doch von den Dudaim (Liebesäpfel, Alraunen) deines Sohnes.

15 Und sie sprach zu ihr: Ist es zu wenig, daß du meinen Mann genommen hast, daß du auch die Dudaim meines Sohnes nehmen willst? Da sprach ahel: So mag er denn diese Nacht bei dir liegen für die Dudaim deines Sohnes.

16 Und als Jakob am Abend vom Felde kam, da ging Lea hinaus, ihm entgegen, und sprach: Zu mir sollst du eingehen, denn ich habe dich gewißlich gedungen um die Dudaim meines Sohnes. Und er lag bei ihr in selbiger Nacht.

17 Und Gott hörte auf Lea, und sie ward schwanger und gebar dem Jakob einen fünften Sohn.

18 Da sprach Lea: Gott hat mir meinen Lohn gegeben, daß ich meine Magd meinem Manne gegeben habe! Und sie gab ihm den Namen Issaschar. (H. Issakar: er bringt Lohn; od. es gibt Lohn)

19 Und Lea ward wiederum schwanger und gebar dem Jakob einen sechsten Sohn.

20 Da sprach Lea: Mir hat Gott ein schönes Geschenk geschenkt; diesmal wird mein Mann bei mir wohnen, denn ich habe ihm sechs Söhne geboren! Und sie gab ihm den Namen Sebulon. (Wohnung)

21 Und danach gebar sie eine Tochter und gab ihr den Namen Dina. (Gerichtliche Entscheidung)

22 Und Gott gedachte an ahel, und Gott hörte auf sie und öffnete ihren Mutterleib.

23 Und sie ward schwanger und gebar einen Sohn; und sie sprach: Gott hat meine Schmach weggenommen!

24 Und sie gab ihm den Namen Joseph (Er füge hinzu! od. er nimmt (nahm) weg) und sprach: Jehova füge mir einen anderen Sohn hinzu!

25 Und es geschah, als ahel den Joseph geboren hatte, da sprach Jakob zu Laban: Entlaß mich, daß ich an meinen Ort und in mein Land ziehe.

26 Gib mir meine Weiber und meine Kinder, um welche ich dir gedient habe, daß ich hinziehe; denn du kennst ja meinen Dienst, den ich dir gedient habe.

27 Und Laban sprach zu ihm: Wenn ich doch Gnade gefunden habe in deinen Augen…! Ich habe gespürt, daß Jehova mich um deinetwillen gesegnet hat.

28 Und er sprach: Bestimme mir deinen Lohn, und ich will ihn geben.

29 Da sprach er zu ihm: Du weißt ja, wie ich dir gedient habe und was dein Vieh bei mir geworden ist.

30 Denn wenig war, was du vor mir hattest, und es hat sich ausgebreitet zu einer Menge, und Jehova hat dich gesegnet auf jedem meiner Tritte; und nun, wann soll ich auch für mein Haus schaffen?

31 Und er sprach: Was soll ich dir geben? Und Jakob sprach: Du sollst mir gar nichts geben; wenn du mir dieses tust, so will ich wiederum deine Herde (Eig. dein Kleinvieh; so auch v 32. 36) weiden und hüten:

32 Ich will heute durch deine ganze Herde gehen und daraus absondern jedes gesprenkelte und gefleckte Tier und jedes dunkelfarbige Tier unter den Schafen, und das Gefleckte und Gesprenkelte unter den Ziegen; und das sei mein Lohn.

33 Und meine Gerechtigkeit wird für mich zeugen (Eig. wider mich, d. h. die Gerechtigkeit Jakobs wird gleichsam als seine Gegenpartei auftreten und bezeugen, daß er nichts gestohlen hat) am morgenden Tage, (d. h. in Zukunft) wenn sie wegen meines Lohnes vor dich kommt; (O. wenn du kommst wegen meines Lohnes vor dir) alles, was nicht gesprenkelt und gefleckt ist unter den Ziegen und dunkelfarbig unter den Schafen, das sei gestohlen bei mir.

34 Und Laban sprach: Siehe, es geschehe nach deinem Worte!

35 Und er sonderte an selbigem Tage die gestreiften und gefleckten Böcke ab und alle gesprenkelten und gefleckten Ziegen, alles, woran Weißes war, und alles Dunkelfarbige unter den Schafen, und gab sie in die Hand seiner Söhne.

36 Und er setzte einen Weg von drei Tagereisen zwischen sich und Jakob; und Jakob weidete die übrige Herde Labans.

37 Und Jakob nahm sich frische Stäbe von Weißpappel, Mandelbaum und Platane und schälte weiße Streifen daran, indem er das weiße entblößte, das an den Stäben war.

38 Und er legte die Stäbe, die er geschält hatte, in die Tränkrinnen, in die Wassertränken, wohin die Herde zu trinken kam, vor die Herde hin; und sie wurde brünstig, wenn sie zu trinken kam.

39 Und die Herde wurde brünstig vor den Stäben, und die Herde gebar gestreifte, gesprenkelte und gefleckte.

40 Und Jakob schied die Lämmer aus, und er richtete das Gesicht der Herde auf das Gestreifte und alles Dunkelfarbige in der Herde Labans; und so machte er sich Herden besonders und tat sie nicht zu der Herde Labans.

41 Und es geschah, so oft das kräftige Vieh brünstig wurde, dann legte Jakob die Stäbe vor die Augen der Herde in die Tränkrinnen, damit sie bei den Stäben brünstig würden;

42 wenn aber das Vieh schwächlich war, legte er sie nicht hin. Also wurden die schwächlichen dem Laban und die kräftigen dem Jakob.

43 Und der Mann breitete sich sehr, sehr aus, und er bekam viele Herden, und Mägde und Knechte, und Kamele und Esel.


Aus Swedenborgs Werken


Arcana Coelestia #3862

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3862. It has been shown above (n. 3858) that the “twelve tribes” signified all things of truth and good, or of faith and love; and as the sons of Jacob from whom the tribes were named are now treated of one by one, therefore another arcanum is here to be opened, namely, what is involved in them. That all celestial and spiritual heat, or love and charity, is perceived in external form in heaven as a flaming from the sun; and that all celestial and spiritual light, or faith, in the external form in heaven appears as light from the sun; also, that this celestial and spiritual heat has within it wisdom; and that the light therefrom has within it intelligence, and this because they are from the Lord, who is there the sun, may be seen above (n. 1053, 1521-1533, 1619-1632, 2441, 2495, 2776, 3138, 3167, 3190, 3195, 3222-3223, 3338-3339, 3341, 3413, 3485, 3636, 3643). From this it is evident that all good is from the heat which is from the Lord as a sun; and that all truth is from the light therefrom; and it is further evident that all affections, which are of love or good, are variations of that celestial and spiritual heat which is from the Lord, and that thence come the changes of state; and that all thoughts, which are of faith or truth, are variegations of that celestial and spiritual light which is from the Lord, and that thence comes intelligence. In this heat and light are all the angels in heaven, and their affections and thoughts are from no other source, and are nothing else. This is manifest from their speech, which in consequence of this origin consists of variegations or modifications of heavenly light, within which there is heavenly heat, and is therefore also unutterable, and so various and full as to be beyond comprehension (n. 3342, 3344, 3345).

[2] In order that these things might be exhibited representatively in the world, such names were given to the several sons of Jacob as would signify the universals of good and truth, or of love and faith, thus universals in respect to the variations of celestial and spiritual heat, and as to the variegations of the derivative light. The very order of these universals is that which determines the flame and its derivative resplendence. When the order begins from love, everything which follows thence in genuine order appears flaming; but when the order begins from faith, everything which follows in genuine order appears lucid; but with every difference according to the things which follow. But if the order in which they follow is not genuine, everything appears obscure, with every difference. Concerning this order and the difference thence resulting, of the Lord’s Divine mercy something shall be said hereafter. This explains how it was that the Lord gave answers by the Urim and Thummim, and that according to the state of the matter in question they received answers by means of lights and their radiance from the precious and pellucid stones, on which were inscribed the names of the twelve tribes; for as before said, on the names were inscribed the universals of love and faith in the Lord’s kingdom, consequently the universals of flame and light whereby the things of love and faith are represented in heaven.

[3] It may therefore be first confirmed from the Word that the order in which the names of the tribes are mentioned is various in the Word, and this in accordance with the state of the subject treated of; and that from this it may be known that the answers from the Lord given by the Urim and Thummim were shinings forth of light according to the state of the matter in question from order; for all the light of heaven varies according to the states of the subject; and the states of the subject vary according to the order of good and truth. But what of truth and good is signified by each son of Jacob, will be seen from the explication; namely, that by “Reuben” is signified faith from the Lord; by “Simeon” faith of the will which is from the Lord; by “Levi” spiritual love or charity; by “Judah” the Divine of love and the Lord’s celestial kingdom. What is signified by the eight remaining sons, will be stated in the following chapter. Their order according to birth is what is here described, which is as follows: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, Benjamin (see verses 32-35 of this chapter, and verses 6, 8, 11, 13, 18, 20, 24 of chapter 30, and verse 18 of chapter 35). This order is according to the state of the subject here treated of, which is the regeneration of man; for in this case the commencement is from the truth of faith, which is “Reuben;” and progression is thence made to willing what is true, which is “Simeon;” and thence to charity, which is “Levi;” thus to the Lord, who in the supreme sense is represented by Judah. That spiritual conception and birth, or regeneration, proceeds from what is external to what is internal, was stated above (n. 3860); that is, from the truth of faith to the good of love.

[4] Previous to Jacob’s coming to his father Isaac, in Mamre (Kiriath-arba), the twelve sons are named in the following order: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, Benjamin, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher (Genesis 35:23-26); in which enumeration the sons born of Leah and Rachel are named first, and last those born of the handmaids, and this according to the state of the subject there treated of. They are enumerated in a still different order when they journeyed and came to Egypt (Genesis 46:9-19); and in another order when they were blessed by Jacob, at that time Israel, before his death (Genesis 49:3-27); and in another when they were blessed by Moses (Deuteronomy 33:6-24). They were in the following order when they encamped around the tent of assembly: to the east, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun; to the south, Reuben, Simeon, Gad; to the west, Ephraim, Manasseh, Benjamin; to the north, Dan, Asher, Naphtali (Numbers 2). In what order they stood for blessing the people on Mount Gerizim and for cursing on Mount Ebal, may be seen in Deuteronomy 27:12-13. When the princes chosen from each tribe were sent to explore the land, they are enumerated in this order: Reuben, Simeon, Judah, Issachar, Ephraim, Benjamin, Zebulun, Joseph or Manasseh, Dan, Asher, Naphtali, Gad (Numbers 13:4-16). But the princes who were to give the land for inheritance are enumerated in another order (Numbers 34:19-29). In what order the lot was cast and came forth when the land was given for inheritance, may be seen in Joshua 13 to 19.

[5] When in Ezekiel the boundaries of the new or holy land which the tribes were to inherit are described, they are mentioned in this order: Dan, Asher, Naphtali, Manasseh, Ephraim, Reuben, Judah, Benjamin, Simeon, Issachar, Zebulun, Gad, all from the corner eastward to the corner of the sea or west, except Gad, who was at the corner of the south, toward the south (48:2-8, 23-26); and when treating of the gates of the new or holy city, they are mentioned in this order: toward the north three gates, of Reuben, Judah, and Levi; toward the east three gates, of Joseph, Benjamin, and Dan; toward the south three gates, of Simeon, Issachar, and Zebulun; toward the west three gates, of Gad, Asher, and Naphtali (Ezekiel 48:31-34). The order of those who were sealed, twelve thousand out of every tribe, may be seen in Revelation 7:5-8. In all these passages the enumeration of the tribes is altogether according to the state of the specific subject that is being treated of, to which the order corresponds; this state being seen from the things that precede and that follow.

[6] What was the order of the precious stones in the Urim and Thummim is mentioned and described in the Word, but to what tribe each stone corresponded is not mentioned, for the stones represented all things of light from celestial flame, that is, all things of truth from good, or all things of faith from love; and because they had this representation, heavenly light itself shone through in a miraculous manner in accordance with the state of the subject concerning which there was question and answer, being glowing and shining for an affirmative of what was good and true, together with variegations of colors according to the differences of the state of that which was good and true; just as takes place in heaven, where all celestial and spiritual things are expressed by means of lights and their differences, and this in a manner ineffable and altogether incomprehensible by man; for as before shown within heavenly light there is life from the Lord, consequently wisdom and intelligence, and therefore in the differences of the light there is everything that belongs to the life of truth, that is, everything that belongs to wisdom and intelligence; and in the differences of the flame and of its glowing and resplendence, there is everything that belongs to the life of good and to the life of truth from good, or to love to the Lord and the derivative faith.

Such were the Urim and Thummim that were on the breastplate of the ephod and on the heart of Aaron, as is also evident from the fact that the words “Urim and Thummim” mean “Lights and Perfections,” and that the breastplate, on which they were placed, was called the “breastplate of judgment,” because “judgment” is intelligence and wisdom (n. 2235). The reason why this was on Aaron’s heart, was that by the “heart” is signified the Divine love (see above, n. 3635, and at the end of this chapter). Hence those precious stones were in settings of gold, for in the internal sense “gold” is the good of love (n. 113, 1551, 1552); and “precious stone,” the truth that is transparent from good (n. 114).

[7] Concerning the Urim and Thummim we read in Moses:

Thou shalt make a breastplate of judgment, a work of designing, like the work of the ephod thou shalt make it, of gold, of blue, and of crimson, and of scarlet double-dyed, and of fine twined linen, shalt thou make it. Foursquare it shall be doubled, and thou shalt set in it settings of stone, four rows of stone shall there be; sockets of gold shall there be in their settings. And the stones shall be according to the names of the sons of Israel, twelve according to their names; the engravings of a signet, everyone according to his name, they shall be for the twelve tribes (Exodus 28:15-17, 20; 39:8-14).

The stones that were to be in each row are also there designated. And further:

The breastplate shall not depart from off the ephod; and Aaron shall bear the names of the sons of Israel in the breastplate upon his heart, when he goeth in unto the holy place, for a memorial before Jehovah continually. And thou shalt put in the breastplate of judgment the Urim and the Thummim; and they shall be upon Aaron’s heart when he goeth in before Jehovah; and Aaron shall bear the judgment of the sons of Israel upon his heart before Jehovah continually (Exodus 28:28-30; Leviticus 8:7-8).

That Jehovah or the Lord was inquired of and gave answers by means of the Urim, may be seen in Moses:

Jehovah said unto Moses, Take thee Joshua the son of Nun, and thou shalt put of thy glory upon him, that all the congregation of the sons of Israel may obey. He shall stand before Eleazar the priest, and he shall inquire for him in the judgment of the Urim before Jehovah (Numbers 27:18, 20-21).

And in Samuel:

Saul inquired of Jehovah, and Jehovah answered him not, neither by dreams, nor by Urim, nor by prophets (1 Samuel 28:6).

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.