Die Bibel


Genesis 19



1 De to Engle kom nu til Sodoma ved Aftenstid. Lot sad i Sodomas Port, og da han fik Øje på dem, stod han op og gik dem i Møde, bøjede sig til Jorden

2 og sagde: "Kære Herrer, tag dog ind og overnat i eders Træls Hus og tvæt eders Fødder; i Morgen tidlig kan I drage videre!" Men de sagde: "Nej, vi vil overnatte på Gaden."

3 Da nødte han dem stærkt, og de tog ind i hans Hus; derpå tilberedte han dem et Måltid og bagte usyrede Kager, og de spiste.

4 Men endnu før de havde lagt sig, stimlede Byens Folk, Indbyggerne i Sodoma, sammen omkring Huset, både gamle og unge, alle uden Undtagelse,

5 og de råbte til Lot: "Hvor er de Mænd, der kom til dig i Nat kom herud med dem, for at vi kan stille vor Lyst på dem!"

6 Da gik Lot ud til dem i Porten, men Døren lukkede han efter sig.

7 Og han sagde: "Gør dog ikke noget ondt, mine Brødre!

8 Se, jeg har to Døtre, der ikke har kendt Mand; dem vil jeg bringe ud til eder, og med dem kan I gøre, hvad I lyster; men disse Mænd må I ikke gøre noget, siden de nu engang er kommet ind under mit Tags Skygge!"

9 Men de sagde: "Bort med dig! Her er den ene Mand kommet og bor som fremmed, og nu vil han spille Dommer! Kom, lad os handle værre med ham end med dem!" Og de trængte ind på Manden, på Lot, og nærmede sig Døren for at sprænge den.

10 Da rakte Mændene Hånden ud og trak Lot ind til sig og lukkede Døren;

11 men Mændene uden for Porten til Huset slog de med Blindhed, både store og små, så de forgæves søgte at finde Porten.

12 Derpå sagde Mændene til Lot: "Hvem der ellers hører dig til her, dine Svigersønner, dine Sønner og Døtre, alle, som hører dig til i Byen, må du føre bort fra dette Sted;

13 thi vi står i Begreb med at ødelægge Stedet her, fordi Skriget over dem er blevet så stort for HE EN, at HE EN har sendt os for at ødelægge dem."

14 Da gik Lot ud og sagde til sine Svigersønner, der skulde ægte hans Døtre: "Stå op, gå bort herfra, thi HE EN vil ødelægge Byen!" Men hans Svigersønner troede, at han drev Spøg med dem.

15 Da Morgenen så gryede, skyndede Englene på Lot og sagde: "Tag din Hustru og dine to Døtre, som bor hos dig, og drag bort, for at du ikke skal rives bort ved Byens Syndeslkyld!"

16 Og da han tøvede, greb Mændene ham,.hans Hustru og hans to Døtre ved Hånden, thi HE EN vilde skåne ham, og de førte ham bort og bragte ham i Sikkerhed uden for Byen.

17 Og idet de førte dem uden for Byen, sagde de: "Det gælder dit Liv! Se dig ikke tilbage og stands ikke nogensteds i Jordanegnen, men red dig op i Bjergene, for at du ikke skal omkomme!"

18 Men Lot sagde til dem: "Ak nej, Herre!

19 Din Træl har jo fundet Nåde for dine Øjne, og du har vist mig stor Godhed og frelst mit Liv; men jeg kan ikke nå op i Bjergene og undfly Ulykken; den indhenter mig så jeg mister Livet.

20 Se, den By der er nær nok til at jeg kan flygte derhen; den betyder jo ikke stort, lad mig redde mig derhen, den betyder jo ikke stort, og mit Liv er frelst!"

21 Da svarede han: "Også i det Stykke har jeg bønhørt dig; jeg vil ikke ødelægge den By, du nævner;

22 men red dig hurtigt derhen, thi jeg kan intet gøre, før du når derhen!" Derfor kaldte man Byen Zoar.

23 Da Solen steg op over Landet og Lot var nået til Zoar,

24 lod HE EN Svovl og Ild regne over Sodoma og Gomorra fra HE EN, fra Himmelen;

25 og han ødelagde disse Byer og hele Jordanegnen og alle Byernes Indbyggere og Landets Afgrøde.

26 Men hans Hustru, som gik efter ham, så sig tilbage og blev til en Saltstøtte.

27 Næste Morgen, da Abraham gik hen til det Sted, hvor han havde stået hos HE EN,

28 og vendte sit Blik mod Sodoma og Gomorra og hele Jordanegnen. så han øg stige til Vejrs fra Landet som øgen fra en Smelteovn.

29 Da Gud tilintetgjorde Jordanegnens Byer, kom han Abraham i Hu og førte Lot ud af Ødelæggelsen, som han lod komme over de Byer, Lot boede i.

30 Men Lot drog op fra Zoar og slog sig ned i Bjergene med sine Døtre, thi han turde ikke blive i Zoar; og han boede i en Hule med sine to Døtre.

31 Da sagde den ældste til den yngste: "Vor Fader er gammel, og der findes ingen Mænd her i Landet, som kunde komme til os på vanlig Vis.

32 Kom, lad os give vor Fader Vin at drikke og ligge hos ham for at få Afkom ved vor Fader!"

33 De gav ham da Vin at drikke samme Nat; og den ældste lagde sig hos sin Fader, og han sansede hverken, at hun lagde sig, eller at hun stod op.

34 Næste Dag sagde den ældste til den yngste: "Jeg lå i Går Nat hos min Fader; nu vil vi også give ham Vin at drikke i Nat, og gå du så ind og læg dig hos ham, for at vi kan få Afkom ved vor Fader!"

35 Så gav de atter den Nat deres Fader Vin at drikke, og den yngste lagde sig hos ham, og han sansede hverken, at hun lagde sig, eller at hun stod op.

36 Således blev begge Lots Døtre frugtsommelige ved deres Fader;

37 og den ældste fødte en Søn, som hun kaldte Moab; han er Moabs Stamfader den Dag i Dag.

38 Ligeså fødte den yngste en Søn, som hun kaldte Ben Ammi; han er Ammoniternes Stamfader den Dag i Dag.


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Aus Swedenborgs Werken


Arcana Coelestia #2405

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2405. When the dawn arose. That this signifies when the Lord’s kingdom is approaching, is evident from the signification in the Word of the “dawn” or “morning.” As in this chapter the subject treated of is the successive states of the church, that which is done in the evening is first treated of, next that which is done in the night, and there now follows that which is done in the morning twilight, and presently that which is done after the sun is gone forth. The twilight is here expressed by “when the dawn arose,” and it denotes the time when the upright are being separated from the evil; which separation is treated of in this verse, and as far as verse 22, by Lot together with his wife and daughters being led out and saved. That separation precedes Judgment is evident from the Lord’s words in Matthew:

Before Him shall be gathered all nations, and He shall separate them one from another, as the shepherd separateth the sheep from the goats (Matthew 25:32).

[2] This time or state is called in the Word the “dawn,” because the Lord then comes; or what is the same, His kingdom then approaches. The case is similar with the good, for at such a time there shines out with them a semblance of the morning twilight or dawn; and therefore in the Word the advent of the Lord is compared to the “morning,” and is also called the “morning.” As in Hosea:

After two days Jehovah will revive us, on the third day He will raise us up, and we shall live before Him; and we shall know, and we shall follow on to know Jehovah; His going forth is as the dawn (Hosea 6:2-3

“Two days” denotes the time and state which precedes; the “third day” denotes the Judgment, or the advent of the Lord, and therefore the approach of His kingdom (n. 720, 901), which advent or approach is compared to the “dawn.”

[3] In Samuel:

The God of Israel is as the light of the morning, the sun riseth, a morning without clouds; from the brightness, from the rain, there is a growth from the earth (2 Samuel 23:4).

The “God of Israel” denotes the Lord; for no other God of Israel was meant in that church, and He was represented in each and all things of it.

In Joel:

The day of Jehovah cometh, for it is nigh at hand; a day of darkness and of thick darkness, a day of cloud and obscurity; as the dawn spread upon the mountains (Joel 2:1-2).

Here also the Lord’s advent and His kingdom are treated of; it is said a “day of darkness and of thick darkness,” because the good are then being separated from the evil, as here Lot from the men of Sodom; and after the good have been separated, the evil perish.

[4] That the Lord’s advent or the approach of His kingdom, is not merely compared to the “morning,” but is actually called the “morning,” may be seen in Daniel:

A holy one said, How long shall be the vision, the continual sacrifice, and the transgression that maketh waste? He said unto me, Until evening and morning, two thousand three hundred, then shall the holy one be justified. The vision of the evening and the morning which hath been told is truth (Daniel 8:13-14, 26).

“morning” here manifestly denotes the Lord’s advent.

In David:

Thy people are willing offerings in the day of thy strength, in honors of holiness, from the womb of the dawn thou hast the dew of thy youth 1 (Psalms 110:3).

In this whole Psalm the subject treated of is the Lord, and His victories in temptations, which are the “day of His strength,” and the “honors of His holiness;” “from the womb of the dawn,” denotes Himself, thus the Divine love from which He fought.

[5] In Zephaniah:

Jehovah in the midst of her is righteous, He will not do perversity; in the morning, in the morning will He give judgment for light (Zeph. 3:5).

The “morning” denotes the time and state of Judgment, which is the same as that of the Lord’s advent; and this is the same as the approach of His kingdom.

[6] Because the “morning” signified these things, in order that the same might be represented, it was commanded that:

Aaron and his sons should light up the lamp, and should order it from evening until morning before Jehovah (Exodus 27:21).

The “evening” here denotes the twilight before the morning (n. 2323). In like manner it was commanded that the fire upon the altar should be kindled every morning (Leviticus 6:5); also that nothing of the paschal lamb and of the sanctified things of the sacrifices should be left till the morning (Exodus 12:10; 23:18; 34:25; Leviticus 22:29-30; Numbers 9:12); by which was signified that when the Lord came, sacrifices should cease.

[7] In a general sense it is called “morning” both when the dawn appears, and when the sun rises; and in this latter case “morning” denotes the Judgment as it concerns both the good and the evil, as in this chapter:

The sun was gone forth upon the earth, and Lot came unto Zoar; and Jehovah caused it to rain upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire (Genesis 19:23-24).

In like manner insofar as regards the Judgment upon the evil; in David:

In the mornings will I destroy all the wicked of the land, to cut off from the city of Jehovah all the workers of iniquity (Psalms 101:8).

And in Jeremiah:

Let that man be as the cities which Jehovah overthrew, and He repenteth not; and let him hear a cry in the morning (Jeremiah 20:16).

As in the proper sense the “morning” signifies the Lord, His advent, and thus the approach of His kingdom, it is evident what it signifies besides, namely, the rise of a new church (for this is the Lord’s kingdom on earth), and this both in general and in particular, and even in the least particular; in general, when any church on the globe is being raised up anew; in particular, when a man is being regenerated, and being made new (for then the Lord’s kingdom is arising in him, and he is becoming a church); and in the least particular, whenever the good of love and faith is working in him; for in this consists the advent of the Lord. Hence the Lord’s resurrection on the third day in the morning (Mark 16:2, 9; Luke 24:1; John 20:1) involves all these things (even in the particular and the least particular) in regard to His rising again in the minds of the regenerate every day, and even every moment.


1. Nativitatis; but juventutis elsewhere, as T.C.R. 764. [Rotch ed.]

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.