Die Bibel


Postanak 24



1 Abraham bijaše već ostario, zašao u godine, Jahve je Abrahama blagoslovio u svemu.

2 Abraham prozbori svome najstarijem sluzi u kući, pod čijom je upravom bilo sve njegovo: "Stavi svoju ruku pod moje stegno

3 da te zakunem Jahvom, Bogom neba i Bogom zemlje, da mome sinu nećeš nabaviti za ženu ni jednu od kćeri Kanaanaca, među kojima boravim,

4 nego ćeš otići u moj rodni kraj i dobaviti ženu mom sinu Izaku."

5 A sluga mu reče: "A što ako žena ne htjedne za mnom ići u ovu zemlju? Hoću li ja onda odvesti tvoga sina u zemlju iz koje si ti došao?"

6 Abraham mu odgovori: "Dobro pripazi da onamo ne vodiš moga sina!

7 Jahve, Bog nebesa, koji me odveo iz kuće moga oca i rodnog kraja i koji mi je pod zakletvom obećao: 'Tvome ću potomstvu dati ovu zemlju', pred tobom će poslati svog anđela, i odande ćeš ti dovesti ženu mome sinu.

8 A ako žena ne bude htjela za tobom poći, ti ćeš biti oslobođen od ove moje zakletve; ali moga sina onamo ne vodi!"

9 Tako sluga stavi svoju ruku pod stegno Abrahamu, svom gospodaru, te mu se zakune.

10 Sluga opremi deset gospodarevih deva, ponese sa sobom svakog blaga svoga gospodara pa se zaputi u Aram Naharajim, u Nahorov grad.

11 Pusti deve da poliježu izvan grada, pokraj studenca. Bijaše večer, kad žene izlaze da crpu vodu.

12 Onda reče: "Oh, Jahve, Bože moga gospodara Abrahama, molim te, iziđi mi danas u susret i mome gospodaru Abrahamu milost iskaži!

13 Evo me kraj studenca, a kćeri onih iz grada dolaze crpsti vodu;

14 pa neka djevojka kojoj ja rečem: 'Molim te, spusti svoj vrč da se napijem', a ona odgovori: 'Pij! I deve ću ti napojiti', bude ona koju si odredio za svoga slugu Izaka. Tako ću saznati da si iskazao milost mome gospodaru."

15 Tek što on izreče svoje, gle, dođe Rebeka, kći Betuelova; taj Betuel bijaše sin Milke, žene Abrahamova brata Nahora. Dođe ona s krčagom na ramenu.

16 Djevojka je bila krasna, djevica koju muškarac nije dirnuo. Siđe ona k vrelu, napuni krčag i eto je opet gore.

17 Sluga joj potrča u susret i reče: "Daj mi malo vode iz svog vrča!"

18 "Pij, gospodine!" - odgovori ona. Brzo spusti krčag na ruku i dade mu piti.

19 Kad je njega napojila, reče: "Nalit ću i tvojim devama da se napoje."

20 Izlivši brzo krčag u korito, otrča natrag zdencu da ponovo zahvaća, i tako nali svim njegovim devama.

21 Čovjek ju je šutke motrio ne bi li saznao je li Jahve njegov put uspješno priveo kraju ili nije.

22 Kad su deve prestale piti, čovjek izvadi viticu od zlata, tešku pol šekela, i stavi je na njezine nosnice, a na ruke joj stavi dvije zlatne narukvice, teške deset šekela.

23 Zatim reče: "Kaži mi čija si kći. Ima li u kući tvoga oca mjesta za nas da prenoćimo?"

24 Ona mu odgovori: "Ja sam kći Betuela, koga je Milka rodila Nahoru."

25 Još mu doda: "Ima slame i p§iće kod nas u obilju, a i mjesta za prenoćište."

26 Čovjek se onda duboko nakloni te iskaže poštovanje Jahvi

27 i progovori: "Neka je blagoslovljen Jahve, Bog moga gospodara Abrahama, što nije uskratio svoju ljubav i svoju vjernost mome gospodaru. Mene je Jahve vodio pravim putem, u kuću brata moga gospodara."

28 Djevojka otrča i sve ovo ispripovjedi u kući svoje majke.

29 A Rebeka imala brata komu bijaše ime Laban. Laban se požuri van, k čovjeku kod studenca.

30 Čim je vidio nosnu viticu i narukvice na rukama svoje sestre te čuo kako je njegova sestra Rebeka rekla: "Ovako mi je čovjek govorio", on pođe onome koji je još stajao kod deva na studencu.

31 Reče on: "Hajde unutra, blagoslovljeni od Jahve! Što stojiš vani kad sam ja spremio kuću i mjesto za deve."

32 Tako čovjek uđe u kuću. Rastovare deve i dadu im slame i p§iće, a njemu i ljudima koji su ga pratili donesu vode da operu noge.

33 Ali kad su preda nj stavili hranu, reče: "Neću jesti dok ne kažem što imam kazati." A Laban mu reče: "Onda kazuj!"

34 "Ja sam sluga Abrahamov", poče on.

35 "Jahve je uvelike blagoslovio moga gospodara te je postao bogat. Nadavao mu je ovaca i goveda, srebra i zlata, sluga i sluškinja, deva i magaradi.

36 Sara, žena moga gospodara, rodi mu sina pošto je ostarjela, i on mu ustupi sve svoje.

37 Potom mene moj gospodar zakune rekavši: 'Nemoj uzeti za ženu mome sinu djevojku Kanaanku, u zemlji u kojoj boravim kao stranac,

38 nego otiđi k obitelji moga oca, k mojoj rodbini, da nađeš ženu mome sinu.'

39 A ja rekoh svome gospodaru: 'A što ako žena za mnom ne pođe?'

40 On mi odgovori: 'Jahve, pred čijim sam licem hodio, poslat će s tobom svog anđela i tvoje će putovanje dovesti k cilju, a ti ćeš naći ženu mome sinu od moje rodbine, od obitelji moga oca.

41 Jedino ćeš ovako biti oslobođen moje zakletve: ako dođeš k mojoj rodbini, i oni te odbiju, od moje si zakletve oslobođen.'

42 Danas dođoh na studenac i rekoh: 'Jahve, Bože moga gospodara Abrahama, ako si voljan da uspješno završim putovanje što sam ga poduzeo,

43 ja, evo, stojim kraj studenca, a djevojka koja dođe vodu crpsti i ja joj rečem: Daj mi da se napijem malo vode iz tvog vrča! -

44 i koja mi kaže: Pij ti, a i tvojim ću devama zahvatiti! - ona neka bude žena koju je Jahve odredio sinu moga gospodara.'

45 Tek što sam ja završio govor u sebi, kad se, evo, pojavi Rebeka s vrčem na ramenu; siđe k izvoru i zahvati. Ja joj rekoh: 'Daj mi da se napijem!'

46 Ona brzo spusti vrč i odvrati: 'Pij! A napojit ću i tvoje deve.' Tako sam se ja napio, a ona napoji i moje deve.

47 Pitao sam je: 'Čija si kći?' Odgovorila je: 'Kći sam Betuela, koga je Nahoru rodila Milka.' Tada joj stavim viticu na nos a narukvice na ruke.

48 Duboko se naklonim i štovanje Jahvi iskažem te blagoslovim Jahvu, Boga gospodara moga, koji me vodio pravim putem da uzmem kćer brata moga gospodara njegovu sinu.

49 A sad, ako kanite iskazati ljubav i vjernost mome gospodaru, recite mi; ako li ne, to mi kažite, tako da mogu krenuti bilo desno bilo lijevo."

50 Tada odgovore Laban i Betuel: "Od Jahve to dolazi; mi tu ne možemo reći ni da ni ne.

51 Rebeka je, eto, pred tobom: uzmi je pa idi, neka bude ženom sinu tvoga gospodara, kako je Jahve rekao."

52 Kad Abrahamov sluga ču njihov pristanak, do zemlje se nakloni Jahvi.

53 Sluga zatim izvadi srebrnih i zlatnih predmeta te haljina i dade ih Rebeki, a dade darova i njezinu bratu i majci.

54 Tada jedoše i piše on i ljudi koji su bili s njim i provedoše noć. Kad su ujutro ustali, on reče: "Pustite me da se vratim svome gospodaru!"

55 A njezin brat i majka odgovore: "Neka djevojka ostane s nama još desetak dana, pa poslije toga pođi!"

56 On im reče: "Ne zadržavajte me kad je Jahve moje putovanje uspješno kraju priveo. Pustite me da se vratim svome gospodaru!"

57 Oni odgovore: "Pozovimo djevojku i upitajmo što ona misli!"

58 Dozovu Rebeku pa je upitaju: "Hoćeš li poći s ovim čovjekom?" Ona odgovori: "Hoću."

59 I tako otpreme svoju sestru Rebeku i njezinu dojilju s Abrahamovim slugom i njegovim ljudima.

60 Blagoslove Rebeku i reknu joj: "Sejo naša, budi mati nebrojenim tisućama, a dušmana svojih vrata potomci ti zaposjeli!"

61 Onda se diže Rebeka i njezine dvorkinje, zajahaše deve te pođoše za čovjekom. Tako sluga preuze Rebeku i ode.

62 Izak se vratio iz blizine Beer Lahaj Roja; živio je, naime, u kraju Negeba.

63 U predvečerje iziđe Izak da se poljem prošeta; diže oči i ugleda deve gdje dolaze.

64 Kad Rebeka, podigavši svoje oči, opazi Izaka, sjaha s deve

65 pa zapita slugu: "Tko je onaj čovjek što poljem ide nama u susret?" A sluga odgovori: "Ono je moj gospodar." Nato ona uze koprenu te se pokri.

66 Sluga ispriča Izaku sve što je učinio.

67 Tada Izak uvede Rebeku u svoj šator i uze je sebi za ženu. U ljubavi prema njoj Izak je nalazio utjehu nakon smrti svoje majke.


Aus Swedenborgs Werken


Arcana Coelestia #4818

studieren Sie diesen Abschnitt

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4818. And Judah saw there a daughter of a man, a Canaanite. That this signifies the affection of evil from the falsity of evil, is evident from the signification of a “daughter,” as being the affection of good (n. 2362), and in the opposite sense the affection of evil (n. 3024); and from the signification of a “man,” as being one who is intelligent, and in the abstract sense truth, but in the opposite sense one who is not intelligent, and falsity, as just above (n. 4816); and from the signification of a “Canaanite,” as being evil (n. 1573, 1574). From this it is evident that by a “daughter of a man a Canaanite” is signified evil which is from the falsity of evil. What evil from the falsity of evil is, will be shown below.

[2] Here something must first be said about the origins of the tribe of Judah, for they are described in this chapter. There are three origins of this tribe, or of the Jewish nation-one from Shelah, the son of Judah, by his Canaanite wife; another from Perez, and the third from Zerah, the sons of Judah by Tamar his daughter-in-law. That the whole Jewish nation was from these three sons of Judah is evident from the enumeration of the sons and grandsons of Jacob who came with him into Egypt (Genesis 46:12); and also from their classification according to families, in Moses:

The sons of Judah according to their families were: of Shelah, the family of the Shelanites; of Perez, the family of the Perezites; of Zerah, the family of the Zerahites (Numbers 26:20; 1 Chron. 4:21);

this shows what the origin of that nation was, namely, that one third of them was from the Canaanite mother, and that two thirds of them were from the daughter-in-law; consequently that all were from an illegitimate connection, for marriages with the daughters of the Canaanites were strictly forbidden (as is evident from Genesis 24:3; Exodus 34:16; Deuteronomy 7:3; 1 Kings 11:2; Ezra 9:1-15 10:1-44 d to lie with one’s daughter-in-law was a capital offense, as is evident in Moses:

If a man lie with his daughter-in-law, both of them shall surely be put to death; they have wrought confusion; their bloods shall be upon them (Leviticus 20:12).

Judah’s referring this deed with his daughter-in-law to the levirate law in which an ordinance is made regarding the brother, but by no means regarding the father (as appears from verse 26 of this chapter), implies that his sons by Tamar should be acknowledged as the sons of Er his firstborn, who was born of the Canaanite mother, and who was evil in the eyes of Jehovah, and was therefore caused to die (verse 7); for those who were born first to the husband’s brother were not his by whom they were conceived, but his whose seed they raised up, as is evident fromDeuteronomy 25:5-6, and also from verses 8 and 9 of this chapter. Moreover, those who were born of Tamar were born of fornication; for Judah thought when he went unto her that she was a harlot (verses 15-16, 21). This shows whence and of what quality was the origin of the Jewish nation, and that they spoke falsely when they said, “We were not born of fornication” (John 8:41).

[3] What this origin involves and represents is plain from what follows, namely, that their interiors were of such a quality, or had such an origin. Judah’s marrying a Canaanite involves an origin from the evil which is from the falsity of evil, for this is signified in the internal sense by “a daughter of a man, a Canaanite;” his lying with his daughter-in-law involves and represents damnation from falsified truth from evil, for everywhere in the Word whoredom signifies the falsification of truth (n. 3708). Evil from the falsity of evil is evil of life from false doctrine which has been hatched by the evil of the love of self (that is, by those who are in this evil), and confirmed by the sense of the letter of the Word. Such is the origin of evil with the Jewish nation, and such is its origin with some in the Christian world, especially with those who in the Word are meant by Babylon. This evil is of such a nature that it closes every way to the internal man, insomuch that nothing of conscience can be formed therein; for the evil which a person does from false doctrine, he believes to be good, because he believes it to be true; and therefore he does it freely and with delight, as allowable. Thus heaven is so closed to him that it cannot be opened.

[4] The quality of this evil may be shown by an example. With those who from the evil of the love of self believe that Jehovah has chosen a single nation only, and that all the rest of mankind are relatively slaves, and so vile that they may be killed at pleasure or be cruelly treated—as the Jewish nation believed, and at this day the Babylonish nation also believes—and confirm this belief from the sense of the letter of the Word, then whatever evil they do from this false doctrine and others built upon this as a foundation, is evil from the falsity of evil, and destroys the internal man, preventing any conscience from ever being formed therein. These are they spoken of in the Word who are said to be “in bloods,” for they are in cruel rage against the whole human race which does not adore their articles of faith, and thus themselves, and does not offer its gifts upon their altars.

[5] Take another example: with those who from the evil of the love of self and of the world believe that there must be someone as the Lord’s vicar on earth, who has the power of opening and shutting heaven, and thus of ruling over the minds and consciences of all, and who confirm this falsity from the sense of the letter of the Word, whatever of evil they do from this belief is evil from the falsity of evil, which in like manner destroys the internal man with those who from this evil claim for themselves this power, and in this way rule; and this evil is destructive to such a degree that they no longer know what the internal man is, nor that anyone has conscience, consequently they no longer believe that there is any life after death, nor that there is a heaven or a hell, no matter how they may speak of these things.

[6] This evil, as regards its quality, cannot be distinguished by men in the world from other evils, but in the other life it is known by the angels as in clear day; for evils and falsities are manifest in that life as to their distinctions of quality and origin, which are innumerable; and according to the genera and species of these also are the distinctions of the hells. Concerning these innumerable differences man knows scarcely anything; he merely believes that evil exists, but what its quality is he does not know, and this for the sole reason that he does not know what good is, and this because he does not know what charity is; for if he had known the good of charity he would have known also the opposites or evils, with their distinctions.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.