Die Bibel


تكوين 17



1 ولما كان ابرام ابن تسع وتسعين سنة ظهر الرب لابرام وقال له انا الله القدير. سر امامي وكن كاملا.

2 فاجعل عهدي بيني وبينك واكثرك كثيرا جدا.

3 فسقط ابرام على وجهه. وتكلم الله معه قائلا.

4 اما انا فهوذا عهدي معك وتكون ابا لجمهور من الامم.

5 فلا يدعى اسمك بعد ابرام بل يكون اسمك ابراهيم. لاني اجعلك ابا لجمهور من الامم.

6 وأثمرك كثيرا جدا واجعلك امما. وملوك منك يخرجون.

7 واقيم عهدي بيني وبينك وبين نسلك من بعدك في اجيالهم عهدا ابديا. لاكون الها لك ولنسلك من بعدك.

8 واعطي لك ولنسلك من بعدك ارض غربتك كل ارض كنعان ملكا ابديا. واكون الههم

9 وقال الله لابراهيم واما انت فتحفظ عهدي. انت ونسلك من بعدك في اجيالهم.

10 هذا هو عهدي الذي تحفظونه بيني وبينكم وبين نسلك من بعدك. يختن منكم كل ذكر.

11 فتختنون في لحم غرلتكم. فيكون علامة عهد بيني وبينكم.

12 ابن ثمانية ايام يختن منكم كل ذكر في اجيالكم. وليد البيت والمبتاع بفضة من كل ابن غريب ليس من نسلك.

13 يختن ختانا وليد بيتك والمبتاع بفضتك. فيكون عهدي في لحمكم عهدا ابديا.

14 واما الذكر الاغلف الذي لا يختن في لحم غرلته فتقطع تلك النفس من شعبها. انه قد نكث عهدي

15 وقال الله لابراهيم ساراي امرأتك لا تدعو اسمها ساراي بل اسمها سارة.

16 واباركها واعطيك ايضا منها ابنا. اباركها فتكون امما وملوك شعوب منها يكونون.

17 فسقط ابراهيم على وجهه وضحك. وقال في قلبه هل يولد لابن مئة سنة وهل تلد سارة وهي بنت تسعين سنة

18 وقال ابراهيم لله ليت اسماعيل يعيش امامك.

19 فقال الله بل سارة امرأتك تلد لك ابنا وتدعو اسمه اسحق. واقيم عهدي معه عهدا ابديا لنسله من بعده.

20 واما اسماعيل فقد سمعت لك فيه. ها انا اباركه وأثمره واكثره كثيرا جدا. اثني عشر رئيسا يلد واجعله امة كبيرة.

21 ولكن عهدي اقيمه مع اسحق الذي تلده لك سارة في هذا الوقت في السنة الآتية.

22 فلما فرغ من الكلام معه صعد الله عن ابراهيم

23 فاخذ ابراهيم اسماعيل ابنه وجميع ولدان بيته وجميع المبتاعين بفضته كل ذكر من اهل بيت ابراهيم وختن لحم غرلتهم في ذلك اليوم عينه كما كلمه الله.

24 وكان ابراهيم ابن تسع وتسعين سنة حين ختن في لحم غرلته.

25 وكان اسماعيل ابنه ابن ثلاث عشرة سنة حين ختن في لحم غرلته.

26 في ذلك اليوم عينه ختن ابراهيم واسماعيل ابنه.

27 وكل رجال بيته ولدان البيت والمبتاعين بالفضة من ابن الغريب ختنوا معه


Aus Swedenborgs Werken


Arcana Coelestia #2813

studieren Sie diesen Abschnitt

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2813. And bound Isaac his son. That this signifies the state of the Divine rational thus about to undergo as to truth the last degrees of temptation, is evident from the signification of “binding,” and also of “Isaac his son.” That to “bind” is to put on the state for undergoing the last degrees of temptation, is evident from the fact that he who is in a state of temptation is no otherwise than as bound or chained. That “Isaac the son” is the Lord’s Divine rational, here as to truth, may be seen above (n. 2802, 2803). All the genuine rational consists of good and truth. The Lord’s Divine rational as to good could not suffer, or undergo temptations; for no genius or spirit inducing temptations can come near to Good Divine, as it is above all attempt at temptation. But Truth Divine bound was what could be tempted; for there are fallacies, and still more falsities, which break in upon and thus tempt it; for concerning Truth Divine some idea can be formed, but not concerning Good Divine except by those who have perception, and are celestial angels. It was Truth Divine which was no longer acknowledged when the Lord came into the world, and therefore it was that from which the Lord underwent and endured temptations. Truth Divine in the Lord is what is called the “Son of man,” but Good Divine is what is called the “Son of God.” Of the “Son of man” the Lord says many times that He was to suffer, but never of the Son of God. That He says this of the Son of man, or of Truth Divine, is evident in Matthew:

Behold we go up to Jerusalem, and the Son of man shall be delivered, unto the chief priests and scribes, and they shall condemn Him, and shall deliver Him unto the Gentiles to mock and to scourge, and to crucify (Matthew 20:18-19).

Jesus said to His disciples, Behold the hour is at hand, and the Son of man is delivered into the hands of sinners (Matthew 26:45).

In Mark:

Jesus began to teach them that the Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected by the elders, and the chief priests, and the scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise again (Mark 8:31).

It is written of the Son of man, that He shall suffer many things, and be set at nought. And the Son of man shall be delivered into the hands of men, and they shall kill Him; but when He is killed He shall rise again on the third day (Mark 9:12, 31).

Behold we go up to Jerusalem, and the Son of man shall be delivered unto the chief priests and the scribes, and they shall condemn Him to death, and shall deliver Him unto the Gentiles, and they shall mock Him, and shall spit upon Him, and shall kill Him, and the third day He shall rise again (Mark 10:33-34).

The hour is come; behold the Son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners (Mark 14:41).

In Luke:

The Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and the third day rise again (Luke 9:22, 44).

We go up to Jerusalem, where all the things that are written by the prophets concerning the Son of man shall be accomplished; He shall be delivered up unto the Gentiles, and shall be mocked, and shamefully entreated, and spit upon, and they shall scourge and kill Him, and the third day He shall rise again (Luke 18:31-33).

The angel said to the women, Remember what He spake unto you when He was yet in Galilee, saying that the Son of man must be delivered up into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again (Luke 24:6-7).

[2] In all these places by the “son of man” is meant the Lord as to Truth Divine, or as to the Word in its internal sense, which was rejected by the chief priests and scribes, was shamefully entreated, scourged, spit upon, and crucified, as may be clearly evident from the fact that the Jews applied and arrogated everything to themselves according to the letter, and were not willing to know anything about the spiritual sense of the Word, and about the heavenly kingdom, believing that the Messiah was to come to raise up their kingdom above all the kingdoms of the earth, as they also believe at this day. Hence it is manifest that it was Truth Divine which was rejected by them, shamefully treated, scourged, and crucified. Whether you say Truth Divine, or the Lord as to Truth Divine, it is the same; for the Lord is the Truth itself, as He is the Word itself (n. 2011, 2016, 2533 at the end).

[3] The Lord’s rising again on the third day also involves that Truth Divine, or the Word as to the internal sense, as it was understood by the Ancient Church, will be revived in the consummation of the age, which is also the “third day” (n. 1825, 2788); on which account it is said that the Son of man (that is, Truth Divine) will then appear (Matthew 24:30, 37, 39, 44; Mark 13:26; Luke 17:22, 24-26, 30; 21:27, 36).

[4] That the “Son of man” is the Lord as to Truth Divine, is evident from the passages adduced, and further from the following.

In Matthew:

He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man, the field is the world. In the consummation of the age the Son of man shall send forth His angels, and they shall gather out of His kingdom all things that offend (Matthew 13:37, 41-42); where the “good seed” is the truth; the “world” is men; “He that soweth the seed” is the Son of man; and the “things that offend” are falsities.

In John:

The multitude said, We have heard out of the Law that the Christ abideth forever; and how sayest Thou that the Son of man must be lifted up? Who is this Son of man ? Jesus answered them, A little while is the Light with you; walk while ye have the Light, that darkness overtake you not; for he that walketh in the darkness knoweth not whither he goeth. While ye have the Light, believe in the Light, that ye may become the sons of Light (John 12:34-35); where, when they asked who the Son of man is, Jesus answered concerning the Light, which is the Truth, and that He is the Light or Truth in which they should believe. (As regards the Light which is from the Lord, and which is the Divine Truth, see above, n. 1053, 1521, 1529-1531, 1619-1632)

[5] But that the Son of God, or the Lord as to Good in His Human Divine could not be tempted, as was said above, this is manifest also from the Lord’s answer to the tempter, in the Evangelists:

The tempter said, If Thou art the Son of God cast Thyself down; for it is written, He shall give His angels charge concerning Thee, lest haply Thou dash Thy foot against a stone. Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God (Matthew 4:6-7Luke 4:9-12).

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.