Ezekiel 2 - A Tour of the Temple

Das ist der Originaltext: Ezekiel 2 - A Tour of the Temple von Todd Beiswenger


God does not always require us to operate solely on faith. In fact, at times, He will lay out very clear evidence for the wrongdoings of humanity. As God calls Ezekiel to be a prophet, we see that God lays out the case against Jerusalem, and that what they thought was hidden from God was in fact well known by Him.

Erstellt oder übersetzt von: Todd Beiswenger

Erstelldatum: 2019

Kredit/Anerkennung: Thanks to the Rev. Todd Beiswenger and the Hurstville New Church, NSW, Australia.

Urheberrecht: Copyright by the author

Copyright by the author. All rights reserved.

Lizenz: Used with permission - Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen

Erhalten von: http://hurstvillenewchurch.com

Empfohlene Zitierweise:

Ezekiel 2 - A Tour of the Temple. Retrieved from: newchristianbiblestudy.org
