

Метью 10



1 І, прикликавши дванайцять учеників своїх, дав їм власть над нечистими духами, щоб виганяли їх, і сцїляли всяку болїсть і всяку неміч.

2 На ймя ж дванайцять апостолів були: первий Симон, що прозвано Петром, та Андрій брат його; Яков Заведеїв, та Иоан брат його;

3 Филип, та Вартоломей; Тома, та Маттей митник: Яков Алфеїв, та Леввій, на прізвище Тадей;

4 Симон Хананець, та Юда Іскариотський, що й зрадив Його.

5 Сих дванайцятьох послав Ісус, і наказав їм, глаголючи: Не йдїть шляхом поган, і не ввіходьте в город Самаряньский;

6 а раднїщ ійдїть до загублених овечок дому Ізраїлевого,

7 а ходячи проповідуйте, глаголючи: Царство небесне наближилось.

8 Сцїляйте недужих, очищайте прокажених, воскрешайте мертвих, виганяйте біси; дармо прийняли, дармо й давайте.

9 Не беріть собі нї золота, нї срібла, нї грошей у череси ваші,

10 анї торбини на дорогу, анї двох одежин, нї обувя, нї палиці: бо робітник достоєн харчі своєї.

11 І в який город чи село ввійдете, роспитайте, хто там є достойний; там і пробувайте, аж поки вийдете.

12 А як увійдете в яку господу, витайте її, кажучи: Мир сїй господі.

13 І, коли господа достойна, нехай упокій ваш зійде на неї. Коли ж вона недостойна, то нехай упокій ваш вернеть ся до вас.

14 А хто вас не прийме й не слухати ме словес ваших, то, виходячи з такого дому чи города того, отрусіть і порох із ніг ваших.

15 Істинно глаголю вам: Легше буде землї Содомській та Гоморській суднього дня, нїж городові тому.

16 Оце я посилаю вас, як овечок між вовки; тим бувайте мудрі, як вужі, та тихі, як голуби.

17 Та й стережіть ся людей: бо вони видавати муть вас у судові зборища, й в школах своїх бити вас будуть;

18 і водити муть вас перед старших та перед царів за мене, на сьвідкуваннє їм і поганам.

19 Як же видавати муть вас, не дбайте про те, як і що вам казати; бо дасть ся вам того часу, що вам казати.

20 Не ви бо промовляти мете, а дух Отця вашого промовляти ме в вас.

21 Видавати ж ме брат брата на смерть, і батько дитину, і вставати муть діти на родителїв, і вбивати муть їх.

22 І ненавидіти муть вас усі за ймя моє; хто ж видержить до кінця, той спасеть ся.

23 Коли ж вас гонити муть у тому городї, втікайте в инший: істинно бо глаголю вам: Не перейдете ще городів Ізраїлевих, доки Син чоловічий прийде.

24 Ученик не старший од учителя свого, анї слуга од пана свого.

25 Доволі з ученика, коли буде, як учитель його, а слуга, як пан його. Коли господаря дому названо Вельзевулом, то як більше домашніх його?

26 Тим же то не лякайтесь їх: нема бо нїчого закритого, що не відкриєть ся, анї захованого, що не виявить ся.

27 Що я кажу вам потемки, кажіть повидну; й що чуєте на ухо, проповідуйте на домах.

28 І не лякайтесь тих, що вбивають тіло, душі ж не здолїють убити; а лякайтесь більше того, хто зможе погубити і душу й тіло в пеклї.

29 Хиба не два горобці продають ся за шага? а нї один з них не впаде на землю без Отця вашого.

30 У вас же і все волоссє на голові перелїчене.

31 Оце же не лякайтесь: ви дорожчі многих горобців.

32 От же всякий, хто мене визнавати ме перед людьми, того й я визнавати му перед Отцем моїм, що на небі.

33 А хто відречеть ся мене перед людьми, того й я відречусь перед Отцем моїм, що на небі.

34 Не думайте, що я прийшов послати впокій на землю; не прийшов я послати впокій, а меч.

35 Бо прийшов я, щоб поставити чоловіка різно проти батька його, й дочку проти матери її, й невістку проти свекрухи її.

36 І будуть ворогами чоловікові домашні його.

37 Хто любить батька або матір більш мене, недостоєн мене; й хто любить сина або дочку більш мене, недостоєн мене.

38 І хто не візьме хреста свого, й не пійде слідом за мною, недостоея мене.

39 Хто б знайшов душу свою, погубить її; а хто б згубив душу свою задля мене, знайде її.

40 Хто приймав вас, мене приймає; а хто приймав мене, приймає Того, хто послав мене.

41 Хто приймає пророка в імя пророка, одержить нагороду пророчу; й хто приймав праведника в імя праведника, одержить нагороду праведничу.

42 І хто напоїть одного з сих малих тільки чашею холодної води, в імя ученика, істино глаголю вам: Не втеряє нагороди своєї.


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Apocalypse Explained # 893

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893. Verse 12. Here is the patience of the saints, signifies the persecutions and temptations of those who are not in that faith, but in charity. This is evident from the signification of "patience," as being temptations (See above, n. 813). That persecutions also are meant will be seen below. Also from the signification of "saints" as being those who are in truths from good (See n. 204, thus who are in charity, for these are in truths from good; they are in faith also; but they know that charity and faith act as one, like good and truth, or like will and understanding, or like affection and thought; and because these act as one, faith with them is charity; for whatever comes into the thought from charity, since it is of charity, is in its essence charity, although as to its existence it is called faith. For nothing can exist in the thought except what is from some affection and thus belongs to affection, for this is like the esse, and thus is the life and soul of thought. It is similar with charity and faith; from which it follows that there can be no faith except from charity, also that the faith is altogether such as the charity is. (But more about this elsewhere.)

[2] The persecutions of those who are in charity by those who are in faith separated from charity are not such at this day as cause them to be banished and cast out from the assemblages of the Christian world, but only to be reviled and condemned by those who are in faith alone. For no one can be banished and cast out in any kingdom who lives well, and who declares that to live well is necessary to salvation, since this is in complete agreement with the Word, and since everyone sees from rational light that he ought to live well; and yet such are condemned by those who are in faith alone as not saved because of merit in good works, and because such works are not good because they are from self, and for other reasons by which they confirm justification and salvation by faith alone. This is more evident with those who belong to the Moravian sect, who above all others are defenders of faith separated, and who condemn those who in their life give thought to doing good from religion as not being alive but utterly dead, and declare that all such are cast out of heaven. Those who do not belong to that sect, but to churches where works are rejected as means of salvation, do not thus blaspheme although they think wrongly about such, especially those who confirm themselves in many ways by writings or by preachings or by reasonings in the doctrine of justification by faith alone. These persecutions are what are here meant by "patience," and also in chapter 12 of Revelation by:

The dragon standing before the woman who was about to bring forth, that when she brought forth he might devour her offspring; and afterwards he persecuted the woman, and cast out after her, out of his mouth, water as a river, that he might cause her to be swallowed up by the river; also the dragon was angry against the woman, and went away to make war with the remnant of her seed who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ (Revelation 12:4, 15, 17).

Also what is said about the beast (Revelation 13:5-7, 15). That such suffer persecutions on account of their acknowledgment and confession of the Divine Human in the Lord will be seen in what follows.

[3] But in respect to temptations, which are also meant here by "patience," there are spiritual temptations which those undergo who receive genuine charity from the Lord; for such must fight against the evils that are in every man from birth, and some must fight against the falsities that they have imbibed from childhood from masters and preachers respecting faith alone. These falsities and evils are removed by the combats of temptations. This is what is meant by the "cross" in the following passages:

Jesus said, He that doth not take up his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me (Matthew 10:38; Luke 14:27).

Jesus said to His disciples, If anyone will come after Me let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Me (Matthew 16:24; Mark 8:34; Luke 9:23).

In these passages the "cross" means temptations, and "to follow the Lord" means to acknowledge His Divine and to do His commandments. That this is the meaning of "following the Lord" may be seen above (n. 864). The "cross" means temptations because the evils and the falsities therefrom that cling to man from his birth infest and thus torment those who are natural when they are becoming spiritual. And as those evils and their falsities that infest and torment can be dispersed only by temptations, temptations are signified by the "cross." Therefore the Lord says, that "they must deny themselves and take up their cross," that is, that they must reject what is their own, "their cross" meaning what is man's own [proprium], against which he must fight.

[4] Again:

Jesus spake to the rich man who asked Him what he should do to inherit eternal life. Jesus said to him, Thou knowest the commandments: Thou shalt not commit adultery; Thou shalt not kill; Thou shalt not steal; Thou shalt not bear false witness; Thou shalt not defraud; Honor thy father and mother. He answered and said unto Him, All these things have I observed from my youth. Jesus looked upon him and loved him; yet He said unto him, One thing thou lackest; go, sell whatsoever thou hast and give to the poor; so shalt thou have treasure in the heavens; and come, follow Me, taking up the cross (Mark 10:17-21).

Here "to follow the Lord and to take up the cross" have the same signification as above, namely, to acknowledge the Lord's Divine, and the Lord as the God of heaven and earth; for without that acknowledgment no one can abstain from evils and do good except from self and as meritorious good, for the good that is good in itself and that is not meritorious good is solely from the Lord; consequently he cannot be saved unless the Lord is acknowledged, and it is acknowledged that all good is from Him. And yet before anyone can act from the Lord he must undergo temptations, for the reason that the internal of man, by which he is conjoined with heaven, is opened by means of temptations. And because no one can do the commandments apart from the Lord, therefore the Lord said, "Yet one thing thou lackest; sell all that thou hast and follow Me, taking up the cross;" that is, the Lord must be acknowledged and temptations must be endured. That "he should sell all that he had and give to the poor" signifies in the spiritual sense that he should alienate and cast away from himself what is his own [proprium], thus it has the same signification as "denying oneself" in the passages quoted above; and "to give to the poor" signifies in the spiritual sense to do the works of charity. The Lord said this to him because he was rich; and "riches" signify in the spiritual sense the knowledges of good and truth, and with this man, who was a Jew, the knowledges of evil and falsity, since they were traditions. From this it can be seen that the Lord, here as elsewhere, spake by correspondences.

[5] Again, temptations are signified by the "cup" of which they were to drink:

Jesus said unto James and John, Ye know not what ye ask. Are ye able to drink the cup that I drink, and to be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with? They said unto Him, We are able. And Jesus said to them, The cup that I drink ye shall indeed drink, and with the baptism that I am baptized with shall ye be baptized; but to sit on My right hand or on My left is not Mine to give, but for whom it hath been prepared (Mark 10:38-40).

"To drink the cup that the Lord drank" has the same signification that the "cross" has above, namely, to undergo temptations; and "the baptism with which the Lord was baptized" signifies to be regenerated by temptations. But between the cup which the Lord drank and the cup which they are to drink there is the same difference as between the temptations of the Lord and the temptations of men. The temptations of the Lord were most grievous, and against all the hells; for the Lord subjugated all the hells by means of the temptations admitted into Himself; but the temptations of men are against evils and falsities that are from the hells with them, and in these the Lord and not man himself fights, except against certain painful feelings. There is a like difference between the baptism with which the Lord was baptized and the baptism with which men are baptized as there is between glorification and regeneration. By means of temptations the Lord glorified His Human by His own power, but men are regenerated, not by their own power but by the Lord; for "baptism" signifies to be regenerated by temptations, but the Lord's baptism signifies the glorification of His Human by temptations. (That "baptism" signifies regeneration and also temptations may be seen in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem, n.187-193 seq.; and that the Lord glorified His Human and made it Divine, as He regenerates man and makes him spiritual, may be seen in the Arcana Coelestia 1725, 1729, 1733, 3318, 3381, 3382, 4286.)

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.