

5 Mosebok 32



1 Lyssnen, I himlar, ty jag vill tala; och jorden höre min muns ord.

2 Såsom regnet drype min lära, såsom daggen flöde mitt tal, såsom rikligt regn på grönska och såsom en regnskur på gräsets brodd.

3 Ty HERRENS namn vill jag förkunna; ja, given ära åt vår Gud.

4 Vår klippa -- ostraffliga äro hans gärningar, ty alla hans vägar äro rätta. En trofast Gud och utan svek, rättfärdig och rättvis är han.

5 De åter handlade illa mot honom; de voro icke hans barn, utan en skam för Israel, det vrånga och avoga släktet!

6 Är det så du lönar HERREN, du dåraktiga och ovisa folk? Är han då icke din fader, som skapade dig? Han danade ju dig och beredde dig.

7 Tänk på de dagar som fordom voro; akta på förgångna släktens år. Fråga din fader, han skall förkunna dig det, dina äldste, de skola säga dig det.

8 När den Högste gav arvslotter åt folken, när han fördelade människors barn, då utstakade han gränserna för folken efter antalet av Israels barn.

9 Ty HERRENS folk är hans del, Jakob är hans arvedels lott.

10 Han fann honom i öknens land, i ödsligheten, där ökendjuren tjöto. Då tog han honom i sitt beskärm och sin vård, han bevarade honom såsom sin ögonsten.

11 Likasom en örn lockar sin avkomma ut till flykt och svävar upp ovanför sina ungar, så bredde han ut sina vingar och tog honom och bar honom på sina fjädrar.

12 HERREN allena ledsagade honom, och ingen främmande gud jämte honom.

13 Han förde honom fram över landets höjder och lät honom äta av markens gröda; han lät honom suga honung ur hälleberget och olja ur den hårda klippan.

14 Gräddmjölk av kor, söt mjölk av får, fett av lamm fick du ock, vädurar från Basan och bockar, därtill fetaste märg av vete; och av druvors blod drack du vin.

15 Då blev Jesurun fet och istadig; du blev fet och tjock och stinn. Han övergav Gud, sin skapare, och föraktade sin frälsnings klippa.

16 Ja, de retade honom genom sina främmande gudar, med styggelser förtörnade de honom.

17 De offrade åt onda andar, skengudar, åt gudar som de förut icke kände, nya, som nyss hade kommit till, och som edra fäder ej fruktade för.

18 Din klippa, som hade fött dig, övergav du, du glömde Gud, som hade givit dig livet.

19 När HERREN såg detta, förkastade han dem, ty han förtörnades på sina söner och döttrar.

20 Han sade: »Jag vill fördölja mitt ansikte för dem, jag vill se vilket slut de få; ty ett förvänt släkte äro de, barn i vilka ingen trohet är.

21 De hava retat mig med gudar som icke äro gudar, förtörnat mig med de fåfängligheter de dyrka; därför skall jag reta dem med ett folk som icke är ett folk, med ett dåraktigt hednafolk skall jag förtörna dem.

22 Ty eld lågar fram ur min näsa, och den brinner ända till dödsrikets djup; den förtär jorden med dess gröda och förbränner bergens grundvalar.

23 Jag skall hopa olyckor över dem, alla mina pilar skall jag avskjuta på dem.

24 De skola utsugas av hunger och förtäras av feberglöd, av farsoter som bittert pina; jag skall sända över dem vilddjurs tänder och stoftkrälande ormars gift.

25 Ute skall svärdet förgöra deras barn, och inomhus skall förskräckelsen göra det: ynglingar såväl som jungfrur, spenabarn tillsammans med gråhårsmän.

26 Jag skulle säga: 'Jag vill blåsa bort dem, göra slut på deras åminnelse bland människor',

27 om jag icke fruktade att deras fiender då skulle vålla mig grämelse, att deras ovänner skulle misstyda det, att de skulle säga: 'Vår hand var så stark, det var icke HERREN som gjorde allt detta.'»

28 Ty ett rådlöst folk äro de, och förstånd finnes icke i dem.

29 Vore de visa, så skulle de begripa detta, de skulle första vilket slut de måste få.

30 Huru kunde en jaga tusen framför sig och två driva tiotusen på flykten, om icke deras klippa hade sålt dem, och om icke HERREN hade prisgivit dem?

31 Ty de andras klippa är icke såsom vår klippa; våra fiender kunna själva döma därom.

32 Ty av Sodoms vinträd är deras ett skott, det stammar från Gomorras fält; deras druvor äro giftiga druvor, deras klasar hava bitter smak.

33 Deras vin är drakars etter, huggormars gruvligaste gift.

34 Ja, sådant ligger förvarat hos mig, förseglat i mina förrådshus.

35 Min är hämnden och vedergällningen, sparad till den tid då deras fot skall vackla. Ty nära är deras ofärds dag, och vad dem väntar kommer med hast.

36 Ty HERREN skall skaffa rätt åt sitt folk, och över sina tjänare skall han förbarma sig, när han ser att deras kraft är borta, och att det är ute med alla och envar.

37 Då skall han fråga: Var äro nu deras gudar, klippan till vilken de togo sin tillflykt?

38 Var äro de som åto deras slaktoffers fett och drucko deras drickoffers vin? Må de stå upp och hjälpa eder, må de vara edert beskärm.

39 Sen nu att jag allena är det, och att ingen Gud finnes jämte mig. Jag dödar, och jag gör levande, jag har slagit, men jag helar ock. Ingen finnes, som kan rädda ur min hand.

40 Se, jag lyfter min hand upp mot himmelen, jag säger: Så sant jag lever evinnerligen:

41 när jag har vässt mitt ljungande svärd och min hand tager till att skipa rätt, då skall jag utkräva hämnd av mina ovänner och vedergällning av dem som hata mig.

42 Jag skall låta mina pilar bliva druckna av blod, och mitt svärd skall mätta sig av kött, av de slagnas och fångnas blod, av fiendehövdingars huvuden.

43 Jublen, I hedningar, över hans folk, ty han hämnas sina tjänares blod, han utkräver hämnd av sina ovänner och bringar försoning för sitt land, för sitt folk.

44 Och Mose kom med Hosea, Nuns son, och föredrog hela denna sång inför folket.

45 Och när Mose hade föredragit alltsammans till slut för hela Israel,

46 sade han till dem: »Akten på alla de ord som jag i dag gör till vittnen mot eder, så att I given edra barn befallning om dem, att de skola hålla alla denna lags ord och göra efter dem.

47 Ty det är icke ett tomt ord, som ej angår eder, utan det gäller edert liv; och genom detta ord skolen I länge leva i det land dit I nu dragen över Jordan, för att taga det i besittning.»

48 Och HERREN talade till Mose på denna samma dag och sade:

49 »Stig upp här på Abarimberget, på berget Nebo i Moabs land, gent emot Jeriko, så skall du få se Kanaans land, som jag vill giva åt Israels barn till besittning.

50 Och du skall där på berget, dit du stiger upp, och du skall samlas till dina fäder, likasom din broder Aron dog på berget Hor och blev samlad till sina fäder;

51 detta därför att I handladen trolöst mot mig bland Israels barn vid Meribas vatten vid Kades, i öknen Sin, i det att I icke höllen mig helig bland Israels barn.

52 Mitt framför dig skall du se landet; men du skall icke komma dit, in i det land som jag vill giva åt Israels barn


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Arcana Coelestia # 10283

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10283. 'It shall not be poured onto the flesh of a person' means no imparting [of what is the Lord's] to a person's proprium or self. This is clear from the meaning of 'the flesh of a person' as his proprium, dealt with below; and from the meaning of 'pouring onto' as imparting to. For 'pouring' has a similar meaning to 'touching'; but 'pouring' is used in connection with liquids, namely oil, wine, and water, and 'pouring out' in connection with Divine, heavenly, and spiritual realities, whereas 'touching' is used in connection with dry substances and with bodily things. For the meaning of 'touching' as imparting, see 10130. From this it follows that 'the anointing oil shall not be poured onto the flesh of a person' means that there is no imparting of the Divine Good of the Lord's Divine Love to a person's proprium or self, because a person's proprium is nothing but evil and the Lord's Divine Good cannot be imparted to what is evil.

A person's proprium or self is nothing but evil, see 210, 215, 694, 731, 874-876, 987, 1023, 1024, 1047, 5660, 5786, 8480.

[2] One part of the human proprium belongs to the will and the other part to the understanding; the will part consists of evil, and the understanding part of falsity arising from this. The former - the will part of the proprium - is meant by human flesh, and the understanding part by the blood of that flesh. The truth of this is clear from the following places: In Matthew,

Jesus said, Blessed are you, Simon, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven. Matthew 16:17.

It is plainly evident that 'flesh' here, and also 'blood', means the human proprium or self.

[3] In John,

As many as received Him, to them He gave power to be sons of God, who were born, not of blood 1 , nor of the will of the flesh, but of God. John 1:12-13.

'Blood' here means falsities that come out of the understanding part of the human proprium, and 'the will of the flesh' evils that spring from the will part of it. For the meaning of 'blood' as falsity arising from evil, thus what is in the understanding part of the proprium as a result of what is in the will part, see 4735, 9127.

[4] In Isaiah,

I will feed your oppressors with their flesh and they will be drunk with their blood as with new wine. Isaiah 49:26.

'Feeding them with their flesh' and 'making them drunk with their blood' stands for filling them up with evil and the falsity of evil, thus with what is of the proprium or what is one's own; for both the evil and the falsity come out of the proprium.

[5] In Jeremiah,

Cursed is the man (homo) who trusts in man (homo) and makes flesh his arm. Jeremiah 17:5.

'Trusting in man and making flesh his arm' means trusting in oneself and one's proprium.

[6] In Isaiah,

The people have become as fuel for the fire. If any of them cuts down on the right he will be hungry, and if any eats on the left they will not be satisfied. Each will eat the flesh of his own arm 2 ; Manasseh [will eat] Ephraim, and Ephraim Manasseh. Isaiah 9:19-21.

'Fuel for the fire' means making the evils or desires of self-love and love of the world one's own, 'being hungry' and 'not being satisfied' mean not accepting the good or the truth of faith, and 'the flesh of his arm' means both parts of the human proprium, 'Manasseh' meaning evil in the will, 'Ephraim' falsity in the understanding, and 'eating' making one's own.

'Fire' means the evils or desires of self-love and love of the world, see 5071, 5215, 6314, 6832, 7324, 7575, 9141.

The reason why 'being hungry' and 'not being satisfied' mean not accepting the good or the truth of faith is that 'hunger' or famine and 'thirst' mean desolation with regard to goodness and truth, 5360, 5376, 6110, 7102, 8568(end).

'The right' means good from which truth emanates, and 'the left' truth through which good comes, 10061; consequently 'being hungry if any of them cuts down on the right, and not being satisfied if any eats on the left' means that no matter how much instruction they may receive about goodness and truth they will not accept them.

[7] 'Manasseh' means good in the will, 5351, 5353, 5354(end), 6222, 6234, 6238, 6267, and 'Ephraim' truth in the understanding, 3969, 5354, 6222, 6234, 6238, 6267, so that in the contrary sense 'Manasseh' means evil in the will and 'Ephraim' falsity in the understanding, since almost everything in the Word also has a contrary meaning.

'Eating' means making one's own, 3168, 3513(end), 3596, 4745, from which it is evident what 'eating the flesh of his own arm' means, namely making evil and falsity originating in the proprium one's own.

The expression 'flesh of the arm' is used because 'the arm', like 'the hand', means the powers present in a person, in which he puts his trust, see in the places referred to in 10019.

[8] In Zechariah,

I said, I will not feed you. Let the one that is dying die; [the sheep] that are left will eat, every one the flesh of another. Zechariah 11:9.

'Not feeding' stands for not teaching and reforming, 'dying' for loss of spiritual life, and 'eating the flesh of another' for making evils originating in the proprium of another one's own.

[9] In Ezekiel,

Jerusalem committed whoredom with the sons of Egypt, her neighbours, the great in flesh. Ezekiel 16:26.

'Jerusalem' stands for the perverted Church, 'committing whoredom with the sons of Egypt, the great in flesh' for falsifying the Church's truths by means of factual knowledge which begins in the natural man alone, thus by means of factual knowledge based on sensory evidence.

'Jerusalem' means the Church, see 402, 2117, 3654, in this instance the Church when it has been perverted.

'Committing whoredom' means falsifying truths, 2466, 2729, 8904.

'Sons' means truths, or else falsities, 1147, 3373, 4257, 9807.

'Egypt' means factual knowledge, in either [a good or a bad] sense, see in the places referred to in 9340, and also the natural, in the places referred to in 9391.

Consequently the words 'the great in flesh' describe people who, relying on sensory evidence, reason and draw conclusions about the Church's truths. Those who do this lay hold of falsities as truths, for to rely on sensory evidence to reason and draw conclusions about anything is to rely on the illusions of the bodily senses. People therefore who are ruled by their senses are meant by 'the great in flesh'; for their own bodily perceptions govern their thinking.

[10] In Isaiah,

Egypt is man (homo) and not God, and his horses are flesh, but not spirit. Isaiah 31:3.

Here also 'Egypt' stands for factual knowledge, 'his horses' for a power of understanding consisting of this. That power is called 'flesh, not spirit' when people use what is their own and not God's to draw conclusions.

By 'horses' is meant the power of understanding, see 2761, 2762, 3217, 5321, 6534, and by 'the horses of Egypt' factual knowledge supplied from a perverted understanding, 6125, 8146, 8148.

[11] The fact that 'flesh' means a person's proprium or selfhood, or what amounts to the same thing, his own evil will, is clear in Moses, where the subject is the Israelite people's desire for flesh to eat, described as follows,

The rabble who were in the midst of the people had a strong craving and said, Who will feed us with flesh? Jehovah said, Tomorrow you will eat flesh. Not for one day will you eat it, nor for two days, nor for five days, nor for ten days, nor for twenty days, [but] for a whole month. And a wind set out from Jehovah, and it cut off the quails from the sea and sent them down 3 over the camp, about two cubits above the surface of the land. The people rose up that whole day, and the whole night, and the whole of the next day, and gathered them and spread them out all around the camp. The flesh was still between their teeth, before it could be swallowed, and Jehovah's anger flared up against the people, and He struck the people with an extremely great plague. So he called the name of the place The Graves of Craving. Numbers 11:4, 18-20, 31-34.

[12] The fact that 'flesh' meant that nation's proprium becomes clear from every detail in these verses; for unless this had been meant what evil could there have been in their desire for flesh, especially as flesh had been promised them on a previous occasion, Exodus 16:12? But since it meant the proprium, thus an evil will, which that nation possessed in greater measure than other nations, it says - when they desired flesh - that they 'had a strong craving', on account of which they were struck with a great plague, and on account of which the place where they were buried was called The Graves of Craving. Whether you speak of an evil will or of craving, it amounts to the same thing, for an evil will consists in craving. The human proprium has no desire for anything apart from what belongs to itself; it has no desire for anything that concerns the neighbour or anything that concerns God, unless this is beneficial to itself. Since that nation was like this it says that they would eat flesh not for one day, not for two, not for five, nor for ten, nor for twenty, but for a whole month, meaning that this nation would be like that forever (for 'a whole month' means forever); and for the same reason it says that while the flesh was still between their teeth, before it could be swallowed, they were struck with a great plague. For by 'teeth' the bodily level of the proprium, the lowest of a person's mind, is meant, 4424(end), 5565-5568, 9062. The fact that this nation was like this may be seen in the places referred to in 9380, and in the Song of Moses, at Deuteronomy 32:20, 22-26, 28, 32-34.

[13] In the Word spirit is set in contrast to flesh, for 'spirit' means life from the Lord and 'flesh' life from man, as in John,

It is the Spirit which bestows life, the flesh does not profit anything. The words that I speak to you, they are spirit and they are life. John 6:63.

From this it is clear that 'spirit' means life from the Lord, which is the life of love to Him and faith in Him, received from Him, and that 'flesh' means life from man, thus his selfhood. This is why it says 'the flesh does not profit anything'. Something similar is meant elsewhere in John,

That which has been born from the flesh is flesh, but that which has been born from the spirit is spirit. John 3:6.

In David,

God remembered that they were flesh; a spirit which would pass away would not come back. Psalms 78:39.

[14] Since 'flesh' in reference to man means his proprium, which consists of the evil of self-love and love of the world, it is evident what 'flesh' means when used in reference to the Lord, namely His Proprium, which consists of the Divine Good of Divine Love. This is what 'the Lord's flesh' means in John,

The bread which I will give you is My flesh. Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you will have no life in you. Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life; for My flesh is truly food and My blood is truly drink. John 6:51, 53-55.

'The flesh' of the Lord means the Divine Good of His Divine Love, and 'the blood' the Divine Truth emanating from that Divine Good, so that they are similar in meaning to the bread and wine in the Holy Supper; and those Divine Realities are His own, present within His Divine Human, see 1001, 3813, 4735, 6978, 7317, 7326, 7850, 9127, 9393, 10026, 10033, 10152. Also, the sacrifices represented forms of good that originate in the Lord, and therefore the flesh of those sacrifices meant forms of good, 10040, 10079. Furthermore, various places in the Word use the expression 'all flesh', by which every human being should be understood, as in Genesis 6:12-13, 17, 19; Isaiah 40:5-6; 49:26; 66:16, 23-24; Jeremiah 25:31; 32:27; 45:5; Ezekiel 20:48; 21:4-5; and elsewhere.

Poznámky pod čarou:

1. literally, bloods

2. literally, they will eat, a man (vir) the flesh of his own arm

3. Reading demisit (sent down) for dimisit (allowed to depart)

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.