

Brojevi 30



1 I kaza Mojsije sinovima Izrailjevim sve što zapovedi Gospod.

2 I reče Mojsije knezovima od plemena sinova Izrailjevih govoreći: Ovo je zapovedio Gospod.

3 Kad koji čovek učini zavet Gospodu, ili se zakune vezavši se dušom svojom, neka ne pogazi reči svoje, nego neka učini sve što izađe iz usta njegovih.

4 A kad žena učini zavet Gospodu ili se veže u mladosti svojoj, dokle je u kući oca svog,

5 I čuje otac njen za zavet njen ili kako se vezala dušom svojom, pa joj otac ne reče ništa, onda da su tvrdi svi zaveti njeni, i sve čim je vezala dušu svoju da je tvrdo.

6 Ako li otac njen poreče to onaj dan kad čuje, zaveti njeni i čim je god vezala dušu svoju, ništa da nije tvrdo; i Gospod će joj oprostiti, jer otac njen poreče.

7 Ako li se uda pa ima na sebi zavet ili izreče šta na usta svoja čim bi se vezala,

8 A muž njen čuvši ne reče joj ništa onaj dan kad čuje, onda da su tvrdi zaveti njeni, i tvrdo da je sve čim je vezala dušu svoju.

9 Ako li muž njen kad čuje onaj dan poreče, ukida se zavet koji je bio na njoj ili što je izrekla na usta svoja te se vezala; i Gospod će joj oprostiti.

10 A zavet koji učini udovica ili puštenica, i sve čim veže dušu svoju, da joj je tvrdo.

11 Ali ako bude u kući muža svog učinila zavet i za šta vezala dušu svoju zakletvom,

12 I muž njen čuvši oćuti i ne poreče, tada da su tvrdi svi zaveti njeni, i da je tvrdo sve za šta je vezala dušu svoju.

13 Ako li to poreče muž njen onaj dan kad čuje, svaki zavet koji bi izašao iz usta njenih i sve čim bi vezala dušu svoju da nije tvrdo; muž je njen porekao, i Gospod će joj oprostiti.

14 Svaki zavet i sve za šta bi se vezala zakletvom da muči dušu svoju, muž njen potvrđuje i ukida.

15 Ako bi muž njen od dana do dana ćutao, onda potvrđuje sve zavete njene i sve za šta bi se vezala; potvrđuje, jer joj ne poreče u onaj dan kad ču.

16 Ako li poreče pošto čuje, sam će nositi greh njen.

17 Ovo su naredbe, koje zapovedi Gospod Mojsiju za muža i ženu, za oca i kćer u mladosti njenoj, dokle je u kući oca svog.






At the inmost level, the story of Moses -- like all of the Bible -- is about the Lord and his spiritual development during his human life as Jesus. Moses's role represents establishing forms of worship and to make the people obedient. As such, his primary representation is "the Law of God," the rules God gave the people of Israel to follow in order to represent spiritual things. This can be interpreted narrowly as the Ten Commandments, more broadly as the books of Moses, or most broadly as the entire Bible. Fittingly, his spiritual meaning is complex and important, and evolves throughout the course of his life. To understand it, it helps to understand the meaning of the events in which he was involved. At a more basic level, Moses's story deals with the establishment of the third church to serve as a container of knowledge of the Lord. The first such church -- the Most Ancient Church, represented by Adam and centered on love of the Lord -- had fallen prey to human pride and was destroyed. The second -- the Ancient Church, represented by Noah and the generations that followed him -- was centered on love of the neighbor, wisdom from the Lord and knowledge of the correspondences between natural and spiritual things. It fell prey to the pride of intelligence, however -- represented by the Tower of Babel -- and at the time of Moses was in scattered pockets that were sliding into idolatry. On an external level, of course, Moses led the people of Israel out of Egypt through 40 years in the wilderness to the border of the homeland God had promised them. Along the way, he established and codified their religious system, and oversaw the creation of its most holy objects. Those rules and the forms of worship they created were given as containers for deeper ideas about the Lord, deeper truth, and at some points -- especially when he was first leading his people away from Egypt, a time before the rules had been written down -- Moses takes on the deeper representation of Divine Truth itself, truth from the Lord. At other times -- especially after Mount Sinai -- he has a less exalted meaning, representing the people of Israel themselves due to his position as their leader. Through Moses the Lord established a third church, one more external than its predecessors but one that could preserve knowledge of the Lord and could, through worship that represented spiritual things, make it possible for the Bible to be written and passed to future generations.