

Izlazak 31



1 I reče Gospod Mojsiju govoreći:

2 Gle, pozvah po imenu Veseleila sina Urije sina Orovog od plemena Judinog.

3 I napunih ga Duha Svetog, mudrosti i razuma i znanja i svake veštine,

4 Da vešto izmišlja kako se šta može načiniti od zlata i od srebra i od bronze,

5 Da ume rezati kamenje i ukivati, da ume tesati drvo, i svaki posao raditi.

6 I evo udružih s njim Elijava, sina Ahisamahovog od plemena Danovog, i svakom veštom čoveku u srce dadoh veštinu da izrade sve što sam ti zapovedio.

7 Šator od sastanka, i kovčeg za svedočanstvo i zaklopac na nj, i sve sprave u šatoru,

8 I sto i sprave njegove, i svećnjak čisti sa svim spravama njegovim, i oltar kadioni,

9 I oltar za žrtvu paljenicu sa svim spravama njegovim, i umivaonicu i podnožje njeno,

10 I haljine službene i svete haljine Aronu svešteniku i haljine sinovima njegovim, da vrše službu svešteničku,

11 I ulje pomazanja, i kad mirisni za svetinju. Sve neka načine onako kako sam ti zapovedio.

12 I reče Gospod Mojsiju govoreći:

13 A ti kaži sinovima Izrailjevim i reci: Ali subote moje čuvajte, jer je znak između mene i vas od kolena do kolena, da znate da sam ja Gospod koji vas posvećujem.

14 Čuvajte dakle subotu, jer vam je sveta; ko bi je oskvrnio, da se pogubi; jer ko bi god radio kakav posao u nju, istrebiće se ona duša iz naroda svog.

15 Šest dana neka se radi; a sedmi je dan subota, odmor, svet Gospodu; ko bi god radio posao u dan subotni, da se pogubi.

16 Zato će čuvati sinovi Izrailjevi subotu praznujući subotu od kolena do kolena zavetom večnim.

17 To je znak između mene i sinova Izrailjevih doveka; jer je za šest dana stvorio Gospod nebo i zemlju, a u sedmi dan počinu i odmori se.

18 I izgovorivši ovo Mojsiju na gori Sinajskoj, dade mu dve ploče svedočanstva, ploče kamene pisane prstom Božijim.





by Caleb Kerr

The heart means love. A good heart means love to the Lord and to the neighbor, while a hard or stony heart means the love of self or the world -- riches and things. When the psalmist asks the Lord to search his heart, he wants the Lord to see what it is that he loves. And we are what we love. What we eat may form our earthly body, but it's only temporary, what we love forms our spiritual body, beautiful or ugly as we have chosen. It's interesting to note that the first multi-cellular motion of our embryo is the pulsating that starts in a twist of blood vessel that is to become our heart, and the last motion of our natural body is our heartbeat. It is there for all of our natural life. And of course there is a beating heart in our spiritual bodies when we come to put them on.



The Lord

The Ascension, by Benjamin West

The Bible refers to the Lord in many different ways seemingly interchangeably. Understood in the internal sense, though, there are important differences. To some degree, the meanings all start with "Jehovah," which is the Lord's actual name. It represents the perfect, eternal, infinite love which is the Lord's actual essence. As such it also represents the good will that flows from the Lord to us and His desire for us to be good. "God," meanwhile, represents the wisdom of the Lord and the true knowledge and understanding He offers to us. The term "the Lord" is very close in meaning to "Jehovah," and in many cases is interchangeable (indeed, translators have a tendency to go back and forth). When the two are used together, though, "the Lord" refers to the power of the Lord's goodness, the force it brings, whereas "Jehovah" represents the goodness itself. In the New Testament, the name "Jehovah" is never used; the term "the Lord" replaces it completely. There are two reasons for that. First, the Jews of the day considered the name "Jehovah" too holy to speak or write. Second, they would not have been able to grasp the idea that the Lord -- who was among them in human form at the time -- was in fact Jehovah Himself. This does ultimately lead to a difference in the two terms by the end of the Bible. Thought of as "Jehovah," the Lord is the ultimate human form and has the potential for assuming a physical human body; thought of as "the Lord" He actually has that human body, rendered divine by the events of his physical life.