

2. Samuelova 9



1 I reče David: Ima li jošte ko da je ostao od doma Saulovog? Da mu učinim milost radi Jonatana.

2 A beše jedan sluga doma Saulovog, po imenu Siva; i dozvaše ga k Davidu. I reče mu car: Jesi li ti Siva? A on reče: Ja sam, sluga tvoj.

3 A car reče: Ima li jošte ko od doma Saulovog da mu učinim milost Božiju? A Siva reče caru: Još ima sin Jonatanov, hrom na nogu.

4 I reče mu car: Gde je? A Siva reče caru: Eno ga u domu Mahira sina Amilovog u Lodevaru.

5 Tada posla car David da ga dovedu iz Lodevara iz doma Mahira sina Amilovog.

6 A kad dođe k Davidu Mefivostej sin Jonatana sina Saulovog, pade na lice svoje i pokloni se. A David reče: Mefivosteju! A on reče: Evo sluge tvog.

7 A David mu reče: Ne boj se; jer ću ti učiniti milost Jonatana radi oca tvog, daću ti natrag sve njive Saula oca tvog; a ti ćeš svagda jesti za mojim stolom.

8 A on se pokloni i reče: Ko sam ja sluga tvoj, te si pogledao na mrtvog psa kao što sam ja?

9 I car dozva Sivu slugu Saulovog, i reče mu: Šta je god bilo Saulovo i svega doma njegovog, dao sam sinu tvog gospodara.

10 Radi mu dakle zemlju ti i sinovi tvoji i sluge tvoje, i donosi da sin gospodara tvog ima hleb da jede; ali Mefivostej sin gospodara tvog ješće svagda za mojim stolom. Siva pak imaše petnaest sinova i dvadeset sluga.

11 I reče Siva caru: Kako je car gospodar moj zapovedio sluzi svom, sve će činiti sluga tvoj. Ali Mefivostej, reče car, ješće za mojim stolom kao carski sin.

12 A Mefivostej imaše malog sina, kome ime beše Miha; a svi koji življahu u domu Sivinom behu sluge Mefivostejeve.

13 A Mefivostej seđaše u Jerusalimu, jer svagda jeđaše za carevim stolom, a beše hrom na obe noge.





David and Jonathan, by Rembrandt

Jonathan is the son of Saul, the first king of Israel and the heir to the throne. But he also is the friend of David, the shepherd, who has been secretly anointed by Samuel to be king after Saul. (1 Samuel 16:11-13) While you might think this would cause enmity and anger in Jonathan, it does not. Jonathan  "loved him as his own soul" (I Samuel 18:3-4).  Saul, however, has ambivalent feelings. At first he seems to love David, but later tries to kill him. Eventually both Saul and Jonathan are killed in a battle against the Philistines. Jonathan, as the son of one and the friend of the other, seems to represent something in between, those parts of the literal sense where the internal sense is clearly presented. Such places are for example, the Ten Commandments, Deuteronomy 30:11-19, Micah 6:8, the Two Great Commandments, plus many others.

(Odkazy: 1 Samuel 3, 18; Micah 6)