

Бытие 3



1 Змей был хитрее всех зверей полевых, которых создал Господь Бог. И сказал Змей жене: подлинно ли сказал Бог: не ешьте ни от какого дерева в раю?

2 И сказала жена змею: плоды с дерев мы можем есть,

3 только плодов дерева, которое среди рая, сказал Бог, не ешьте их и не прикасайтесь к ним, чтобы вам не умереть.

4 И сказал змей жене: нет, не умрете,

5 но знает Бог, что в день, в который вы вкусите их, откроются глаза ваши, и вы будете, как боги, знающие добро и зло.

6 И увидела жена, что дерево хорошо для пищи, и что оно приятно дляглаз и вожделенно, потому что дает знание; и взяла плодов его и ела; и дала также мужу своему, и он ел.

7 И открылись глаза у них обоих, и узнали они, что наги, и сшили смоковные листья, и сделали себе опоясания.

8 И услышали голос Господа Бога, ходящего в раю во время прохлады дня; и скрылся Адам и жена его от лица Господа Бога между деревьями рая.

9 И воззвал Господь Бог к Адаму и сказал ему: где ты?

10 Он сказал: голос Твой я услышал в раю, и убоялся, потому что я наг, и скрылся.

11 И сказал: кто сказал тебе, что ты наг? не ел ли ты от дерева, с которого Я запретил тебе есть?

12 Адам сказал: жена, которую Ты мне дал, она дала мне от дерева, и я ел.

13 И сказал Господь Бог жене: что ты это сделала? Жена сказала: змей обольстил меня, и я ела.

14 И сказал Господь Бог змею: за то, что ты сделал это, проклят ты пред всеми скотами и пред всеми зверями полевыми; ты будешь ходить на чреве твоем, и будешь есть прах во все днижизни твоей;

15 и вражду положу между тобою и между женою, и между семенем твоим и между семенем ее; оно будет поражать тебя в голову, а ты будешь жалить его в пяту.

16 Жене сказал: умножая умножу скорбь твою в беременности твоей; в болезни будешь рождать детей; и к мужу твоему влечение твое, и он будет господствовать над тобою.

17 Адаму же сказал: за то, что ты послушал голоса жены твоей и ел от дерева, о котором Я заповедал тебе, сказав: не ешь от него, проклята земля за тебя; со скорбью будешь питаться от нее во все дни жизни твоей;

18 терния и волчцы произрастит она тебе; и будешь питаться полевою травою;

19 в поте лица твоего будешь есть хлеб, доколе не возвратишься в землю, из которой ты взят, ибо прах ты и в прах возвратишься.

20 И нарек Адам имя жене своей: Ева, ибо она стала матерью всех живущих.

21 И сделал Господь Бог Адаму и жене его одежды кожаные и одел их.

22 И сказал Господь Бог: вот, Адам стал как один из Нас, зная добро и зло; и теперь как бы не простер он руки своей, и не взял также от дерева жизни, и не вкусил, и не стал жить вечно.

23 И выслал его Господь Бог из сада Едемского, чтобы возделывать землю, из которой он взят.

24 И изгнал Адама, и поставил на востоке у сада Едемского Херувима и пламенный меч обращающийся, чтобы охранять путь к дереву жизни.


Ze Swedenborgových děl


True Christianity # 508

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508. The sixth memorable occurrence. One day there appeared to me a magnificent temple, square in form. The roof was shaped like a crown - it arched upward and was elevated all around. The walls were continuous windows of crystal clear glass. The door was made of a pearly substance. On the southwest side of the interior there was a large raised pulpit, on top of which, to the right, the Word lay open, surrounded by a sphere of light so bright that it engulfed the whole raised area of the pulpit and made it shine. In the middle of the temple there was a sanctuary, with a veil at the front of it that was now lifted up. There an angel guardian, made out of gold, stood with a sword moving this way and that in its hand.

[2] Once I had looked carefully at all of these items, the meaning of each one flowed into my meditation. The temple means the new church. The door made of a pearly substance means our entry into the new church. The crystal clear windows mean the truths that enlighten the new church. The pulpit means its priesthood and preaching. The Word that lay open on the pulpit, lighting up the raised area of it, indicates that the Word's inner meaning, which is spiritual, has been revealed. The sanctuary in the middle of the temple means the partnership between the new church and the heaven of angels. The angel guardian made out of gold, standing in the sanctuary, means the literal meaning of the Word. The sword moving back and forth in its hand means that the literal sense can be turned this way and that, provided the purpose is to apply it to some truth. The fact that the veil in front of the angel guardian was lifted up means that the Word has now been opened to view.

[3] Later on, as I came closer to the building, I saw an inscription above the door: Now It Is Allowed, which means that we are now allowed to use our intellect to explore the mysteries of faith.

Seeing this inscription brought to my mind how extremely dangerous it is to use our intellect to explore any dogma of faith that was constructed by a self-serving mindset and therefore consists of falsities. It is even worse to use statements from the Word to support such dogmas. Doing so shuts down our intellect at its highest level, and gradually shuts it down at lower levels as well, to the point where theological teachings become disgusting to us and are finally obliterated, the way writing on paper is eaten away by worms or wool clothing is consumed by moths. Then the only way in which our intellect still functions is in dealing with political issues that affect our life in the region where we live, with civic issues that affect our jobs, and with domestic issues that relate to our homes. In these arenas we continually embrace the material world and love it for the alluring pleasures it offers, the way idolaters carry their golden effigy close to their heart.

[4] The dogmas of the Christian churches of today have been constructed not from the Word but under a self-serving mindset; as a result they consist of falsities. These dogmas have also been supported by certain statements in the Word. Therefore in the Lord's divine providence the Word was taken away from the Roman Catholic laity; and although the Word was opened up for Protestants, they closed it by their widespread assertion that the intellect has to be held under obedience to their faith.

[5] In the new church, however, the opposite happens. In this church, we are allowed to use our intellect to explore and penetrate all the church's mysteries and also to use the Word to support what we find. The reason this is allowed is that the teachings of the new church are continuous truths revealed by the Lord through the Word. Rational arguments that support these truths cause the intellect to open up more and more at its highest level and to be elevated into the light that the angels in heaven enjoy. That light is essentially truth. In that light, acknowledgment of the Lord as the God of heaven and earth shines in its glory. This is the meaning of the inscription Now It Is Allowed over the door to the temple, and the meaning of the fact that the sanctuary veil in front of the angel guardian was lifted up. It is a principle of the new church, you see, that falsities shut down the intellect but truths open it up.

[6] Afterward I saw someone like a young child overhead, holding a piece of paper in his hand. As he came nearer to me, he grew into a person of medium height. He was an angel from the third heaven, where all the inhabitants appear from a distance like little children. When he was in my presence, he handed me the piece of paper. Because it was written in the curved letters they use in that heaven, however, I handed it back and asked that they express the meaning of the message in words adapted to the ideas in my thinking. He replied, "What is written there is this: 'From now on, explore the mysteries of the Word, which was formerly closed up. All of its individual truths are mirrors that reflect the Lord. '"

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.