

Второзаконие 32



1 Внимай, небо, я буду говорить; и слушай, земля, слова уст моих.

2 Польется как дождь учение мое, как роса речь моя, как мелкий дождь на зелень, как ливень на траву.

3 Имя Господа прославляю; воздайте славу Богу нашему.

4 Он твердыня; совершенны дела Его, и все пути Его праведны; Бог верен, и нет неправды в Нем ; Он праведен и истинен;

5 но они развратились пред Ним, они не дети Его по своим порокам, род строптивый и развращенный.

6 Сие ли воздаете вы Господу, народ глупый и несмысленный? не Он ли Отец твой, Который усвоил тебя, создал тебя и устроил тебя?

7 Вспомни дни древние, помысли о летах прежних родов; спроси отца твоего, и он возвестит тебе, старцев твоих, и они скажут тебе.

8 Когда Всевышний давал уделы народам и расселял сынов человеческих, тогда поставил пределы народов по числу сынов Израилевых;

9 ибо часть Господа народ Его, Иаков наследственный удел Его.

10 Он нашел его в пустыне, в степи печальной и дикой, ограждал его, смотрел за ним, хранил его, как зеницу ока Своего;

11 как орел вызывает гнездо свое, носится над птенцами своими, распростирает крылья свои, берет их и носит их на перьях своих,

12 так Господь один водил его, и не было с Ним чужого бога.

13 Он вознес его на высоту земли и кормил произведениями полей, и питал его медом из камня и елеем из твердой скалы,

14 маслом коровьим и молоком овечьим, и туком агнцев и овнов Васанских и козлов, и тучною пшеницею, и ты пил вино, кровь виноградных ягод.

15 И утучнел Израиль, и стал упрям; утучнел, отолстел и разжирел; и оставил он Бога, создавшего его, и презрел твердыню спасения своего.

16 Богами чуждыми они раздражили Его и мерзостями разгневали Его:

17 приносили жертвы бесам, а не Богу, богам, которых онине знали, новым, которые пришли от соседей и о которых не помышляли отцы ваши.

18 А Заступника, родившего тебя, ты забыл, и не помнил Бога, создавшего тебя.

19 Господь увидел, и в негодовании пренебрег сынов Своих и дочерейСвоих,

20 и сказал: сокрою лице Мое от них и увижу, какой будет конецих; ибо они род развращенный; дети, в которых нет верности;

21 они раздражили Меня не богом, суетными своими огорчили Меня: и Я раздражу их не народом, народом бессмысленным огорчу их;

22 ибо огонь возгорелся во гневе Моем, жжет до ада преисподнего, ипоядает землю и произведения ее, и попаляет основания гор;

23 соберу на них бедствия и истощу на них стрелы Мои:

24 будут истощены голодом, истреблены горячкою и лютою заразою; и пошлю на них зубы зверей и яд ползающих по земле;

25 извне будет губить их меч, а в домах ужас – и юношу, и девицу, и грудного младенца, и покрытого сединоюстарца.

26 Я сказал бы: рассею их и изглажу из среды людей память о них;

27 но отложил это ради озлобления врагов, чтобы враги его не возомнили и не сказали: наша рука высока, и не Господь сделал все сие.

28 Ибо они народ, потерявший рассудок, и нет в них смысла.

29 О, если бы они рассудили, подумали о сем, уразумели, что с ними будет!

30 Как бы мог один преследовать тысячу и двое прогонять тьму, если бы Заступник их не предал их, и Господь не отдал их!

31 Ибо заступник их не таков, как наш Заступник; сами враги наши судьи в том.

32 Ибо виноград их от виноградной лозы Содомской и с полей Гоморрских;ягоды их ягоды ядовитые, грозды их горькие;

33 вино их яд драконов и гибельная отрава аспидов.

34 Не сокрыто ли это у Меня? не запечатано ли в хранилищах Моих?

35 У Меня отмщение и воздаяние, когда поколеблется нога их; ибо близок день погибели их, скоро наступит уготованное для них.

36 Но Господь будет судить народ Свой и над рабамиСвоими умилосердится, когда Он увидит, что рука их ослабела, и не стало ни заключенных, ни оставшихся вне .

37 Тогда скажет Господь : где боги их, твердыня, на которую они надеялись,

38 которые ели тук жертв их и пили вино возлияний их? пустьони восстанут и помогут вам, пусть будут для вас покровом!

39 Видите ныне, что это Я, Я – и нет Бога, кроме Меня: Я умерщвляю и оживляю, Я поражаю и Я исцеляю, и никто не избавит от руки Моей.

40 Я подъемлю к небесам руку Мою и говорю: живу Я во век!

41 Когда изострю сверкающий меч Мой, и рука Моя приимет суд, то отмщу врагам Моим и ненавидящим Меня воздам;

42 упою стрелы Мои кровью, и меч Мой насытится плотью, кровью убитых и пленных, головами начальников врага.

43 Веселитесь, язычники, с народом Его; ибо Он отмстит за кровь рабов Своих, и воздаст мщение врагам Своим, и очистит землю Свою и народ Свой!

44 И пришел Моисей к народу и изрек все слова песни сей вслух народа, он и Иисус, сын Навин.

45 Когда Моисей изрек все слова сии всему Израилю,

46 тогда сказал им: положите на сердце ваше все слова, которые я объявил вам сегодня, и завещевайте их детям своим, чтобы они старались исполнять все слова закона сего;

47 ибо это не пустое для вас, но это жизнь ваша, и чрез это вы долгое время пробудете на той земле, в которую вы идете чрез Иордан, чтоб овладеть ею.

48 И говорил Господь Моисею в тот же самый день и сказал:

49 взойди на сию гору Аварим, на гору Нево, которая в земле Моавитской, против Иерихона, и посмотри на землю Ханаанскую, которую я даю вовладение сынам Израилевым;

50 и умри на горе, на которую ты взойдешь, и приложись к народу твоему,как умер Аарон, брат твой, на горе Ор, и приложился к народу своему,

51 за то, что вы согрешили против Меня среди сынов Израилевых при водах Меривы в Кадесе, в пустыне Син, за то, что не явили святости Моей среди сынов Израилевых;

52 пред собою ты увидишь землю, а не войдешь туда, в землю, которую Я даю сынам Израилевым.


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Apocalypse Explained # 618

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618. And it shall make thy belly bitter.- That this signifies that it was interiorly undelightful, because exteriorly adulterated, is evident from the signification of being bitter, or of bitterness, as denoting undelightfulness from adulterated truth, of which we shall speak presently; and from the signification of the belly, as denoting that which is interior. The reason why the belly denotes that which is interior, is, that after these words it is said, that "in the mouth it shall be sweet as honey," and by the mouth is meant that which is exterior, for what is received into the mouth, is masticated and passes into the belly, and thus goes from the exterior to the interior, for it enters into the viscera of man. But concerning the signification of belly, we shall speak presently. The reason why bitter or bitterness signifies that which is undelightful from adulterated truth, and that therefore to make bitter signifies to render undelightful, is, that what is sweet becomes bitter, and thus undelightful, by admixture with anything offensive, thence comes the bitterness of wormwood, gall, and myrrh. Now because "sweet" signifies what is delightful from the good of truth, and the truth of good, therefore "bitter" signifies what is undelightful from adulterated truth. What is undelightful is not perceived and felt by any man in the natural world as bitter, but by spirits and angels in the spiritual world, for all adulterated good of truth, when turned with them into taste, is sensitively perceived as bitter. For spirits and angels have taste equally as men, but the taste of spirits and angels flows from a spiritual origin, whereas that of men is from a natural origin. The bitter taste with spirits is from the adulterated truth of good, but, with men, from the mixture of the sweet with the offensive. The sensation of bitterness with John was also from a spiritual origin, for he was then in the spirit, otherwise he could not have eaten the little book. By adulterated truth is signified the truth of good applied to evil and mingled with its falsity, which is the case when the truths of the sense of the letter of the Word, are applied to filthy loves, and thus mingled with evils. This is the undelightfulness here signified by the bitterness of the belly.

[2] The signification of what is interior in the Word, that is, of the interior things of the Word, shall be briefly explained. The interior things of the Word are those contained in its internal or spiritual sense; these are genuine truths; to these correspond the exterior truths of the Word, which are those in the external or natural sense, called the sense of the letter and literal sense. When the exterior things of the Word, or the truths of the Word in the sense of the letter or literal sense, are falsified and adulterated, then the interior truths of the Word are falsified and adulterated. When therefore man applies the Word in the sense of the letter to the evils of his earthly loves, then it becomes undelightful to the angels, who are in the internal or spiritual sense, and this undelightfulness is like the undelightfulness of what is bitter. It is evident from these things, that by the little book shall be bitter, and shall make thy belly bitter, is signified, that the Word was interiorly undelightful; but the undelightfulness of which we have just treated is spiritual undelightfulness. But spiritual-natural undelightfulness, which is also here signified by bitterness, arises from the fact that the truth of doctrine, which is collected interiorly from the sense of the letter of the Word, and is called its literal sense, is undelightful to those who are in the falsities of evil. For the subject here treated of is the understanding of the Word by the men of the church at its end, when they are, for the most part, in falsities from evil; and then the falsities of evil, confirmed from the sense of the letter of the Word, are delightful to them, but truths confirmed from the literal sense of the Word are undelightful. This also is the signification of the little book being in the mouth sweet as honey, but making the belly bitter.

[3] That bitter signifies adulterated truth of good, is evident also from the Word where bitter is mentioned, as in the following places.

Thus in Isaiah:

"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink" (5:20, 22).

That good and truth adulterated are here signified by bitter, is evident, for it is said, "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light and light for darkness," by which are signified the adulteration of good, and the falsification of truth. For good is adulterated when good is called evil and evil good, and truth is falsified when darkness is put for light and light for darkness, darkness denoting falsities, and light denoting truths. It is therefore evident from these things that similar things are signified by putting bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter, also by its being said, "Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink;" by them that are mighty to drink wine are signified those who adulterate the truth of the Word, and by men of strength to mingle strong drink, are signified those who falsify it, wine and strong drink denoting the truths of the Word, and mighty men, and men of strength, those who excel in ingenuity and skill in adulterating them.

[4] Again, in the same prophet:

"The new wine (mustum) mourneth, the vine languisheth, all the merry-hearted do sigh. They shall not drink wine (vinum) with a song; strong drink shall be bitter to them that drink it" (24:7, 9).

Here, by the new wine, which shall mourn, and by the vine which shall languish, is signified the truth of the Word and of the church, which is destroyed, new wine denoting the truth of the Word, and the vine, the truth of the doctrine of the church. By, all the merry-hearted do sigh, and by, they shall not drink wine with a song, is signified, that internal blessedness of mind and happiness of heart will perish, because the truth of spiritual good is destroyed. Strong drink shall be bitter to them that drink it, signifies that the truth of good will be undelightful by its falsification and adulteration.

[5] It is said in Moses, that the waters of Marah, which they could not drink because of their bitterness, were healed by wood cast into them (Exodus 15:23, 25). The waters of Marah which they could not drink because of their bitterness, represented truths adulterated; for waters signify truths, and bitterness signifies adulteration. The healing of the waters by the wood which was cast into them, represented the good of love and of life shaking off falsity and opening truth, and thus restoring it. For all truth is adulterated from evil of life and of love, therefore it is opened and restored by the good of love and of life, because all truth is of good, and the good of love is like fire, from which truth appears in the light.

[6] The same thing was signified by the pottage into which the sons of the prophets cast bitter gourds, or grapes of the field, which Elisha healed by casting in fine flour (2 Kings 4:38-41). By the pottage into which they cast bitter gourds, is signified the Word falsified; and by the fine flour which was cast in, by which it was healed, is signified truth from good; for truth which is from good dissipates the falsities which produce falsification.

[7] Since the sons of Jacob perverted all the truths of the Word, and by application to themselves and to their earthly loves, falsified and adulterated them, it is therefore said of them in the song of Moses, that their vine was as the vine of Sodom and of the fields of Gomorrah, and their grapes, grapes of gall, and clusters of bitternesses (Deuteronomy 32:32).

By a vine is signified the church as to truth, consequently also the truth of the church; and by grapes are signified goods thence, which are the goods of charity, and by clusters, the goods of faith; hence it is evident that by clusters of bitternesses are signified adulterated goods of faith.

[8] Again, it is said that waters of the curse were to be given to a woman accused by her husband of adultery; if she were guilty, those waters would become bitternesses in her, and her belly would swell and her thigh fall away (Num. 5:12-29).

The marriage of a man (vir) and wife signifies the marriage of truth and good, for love truly conjugial descends from that spiritual marriage. Adultery therefore signifies the conjunction of falsity and evil, and this was the reason why, if she were guilty, the water became bitternesses, which signifies the adulteration of good. And because the belly signified conjugial love, like the womb, and also the thigh, therefore the belly swelled and the thigh fell away, which, in the spiritual sense, signifies that the conjugial [principle] perished, or spiritual and natural conjugial love itself, the womb or belly signifying that spiritual conjugial love, and the thigh the natural conjugial love. From these things it is evident that bitter and bitterness, in general, signify the falsification and adulteration of truth and good, and that the various species thereof are signified by gall, wormwood, myrrh, wild grapes, bitter gourds, and many other things.

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Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.