

Числа 36



1 И говорилъ Господь Моисею на равнинахъ Моавитскихъ у Іордана насупротивъ Іерихона, и сказалъ:

2 дай повелјніе сынамъ Израилевымъ, чтобъ они изъ удјловъ владјнія своего дали левитамъ города для жительства, и предмјстія городовъ со всјхъ сторонъ дайте левитамъ.

3 Города будутъ имъ для жительства, и предмјстія ихъ будутъ для скота ихъ, и для имјнія ихъ, и для всјхъ животныхъ ихъ.

4 Предмјстія городовъ, которыя вы должиы дать левитамъ, отъ стјны города должны простираться на тысячу локтей во всј стороны.

5 И отмјрьте внј города къ восточной сторонј двј тысячи локтей, и къ южной сторонј двј тысячи локтей, и къ морю двј тысячи локтей, и къ сјверной сторонј двј тысячи локтей, а посрединј городь: таковы будутъ предмјстія городовъ ихъ.

6 Изъ городовъ, которые вы дадите левитамъ, шесть городовъ для убјжища, въ которые вы позволите бјгать убійцј; и сверхъ ихъ дайте сорокъ два города.

7 Итакъ всјхъ городовъ, которые вы должны датъ левитамъ, будетъ сорокъ восемь городовъ, съ предмјстіями ихъ.

8 И когда будете давать города изъ владјнія сыновъ Израилевыхъ: тогда изъ большаго дайте болје, изъ малаго менје; смотря по удјлу, какой кто получитъ, долженъ онъ дать изъ городовъ своихъ левитамъ.

9 И говорилъ Господь Моисею, и сказалъ:

10 объяви сынамъ Израилевымъ, и скажи имъ: когда вы перейдете за Іорданъ въ землю Ханаанскую,

11 выберите себј города, которые бы были у васъ городами для убјжища, куда могъ бы убјжатъ убійца, убившій человјка по ошибкј.

12 И будутъ у васъ города сіи убјжищемъ отъ родственника мстящаго, чтобы не былъ умерщвленъ убившій, прежде нежели предстанетъ на судъ предъ общество.

13 Городовъ для убјжища, которые должны вы дать, должно быть у васъ шесть городовъ. [ (Numbers 36:14) Три города дайте по сю сторону Іордана, и три города дайте въ землј Ханаанской, чтобъ они были городами убјжищными. ] [ (Numbers 36:15) Для сыновъ Израилевыхъ и для пришельца для поселенца, поселившагося у васъ, будуть сій шесть городовъ убјжищами, чтобъ убјгалъ туда всякой убившій человјка по ошибкј. ] [ (Numbers 36:16) Если кто ударитъ кого желјзнымъ орудіемъ, такъ что тотъ умретъ, то онъ убійца: такого убійцу должно предать смерти. ] [ (Numbers 36:17) И если кто ударитъ кого изъ руки камнемъ, отъ котораго можно умереть, такъ что тотъ умретъ; то онъ убійца: такого убійцу должно предать смерти. ] [ (Numbers 36:18) Или если деревяннымъ какимъ орудіемъ, отъ котораго можно умереть, ударитъ изъ руки, такъ что тотъ умретъ, то онъ убійца: такого убійцу должно предать смерти. ] [ (Numbers 36:19) Родственникъ, мстящій за кровь, самъ можетъ умертвить такого убійцу; лишь только встрјтитъ его, самъ можетъ умертвить его. ] [ (Numbers 36:20) Если кто толкнетъ кого по ненависти, или съ умысломъ броситъ на него что-нибудь, такъ что тотъ умретъ, ] [ (Numbers 36:21) или по враждј ударитъ его рукою, такъ что тотъ умретъ, то ударившаго должно предать смерти, онъ убійца: родственникъ, мстящій за кровь можетъ умертвить такого убійцу, лишь только встрјтитъ его. ] [ (Numbers 36:22) Если же онъ толкнетъ его нечаянно, безъ вражды, или броситъ на него что-нибудь безъ умысла, ] [ (Numbers 36:23) или какой-нибудь камень, отъ котораго можно умереть, не видя уронитъ на него, такъ что тотъ умретъ, и притомъ если онъ не былъ врагъ ему и не искалъ ему зла: ] [ (Numbers 36:24) то общество должно произвести судъ между убійцею и родственникомъ, мстящимъ за кровь, по симъ постановленіямъ. ] [ (Numbers 36:25) И должно общество спасти убійцу отъ руки родственника, мстящаго за кровь, и должно возвратить его общество въ городъ убјжища его, куда онъ убјжалъ, чтобь онъ жилъ тамъ до смерти великаго священника, который помазанъ священнымъ елеемъ. ] [ (Numbers 36:26) Если же убійца выдеть за предјлъ города убјжища своего, въ который онъ убјжалъ, ] [ (Numbers 36:27) и найдетъ его родственникъ, мстящій за кровь, внј предјловъ города убјжища его, и убьетъ убійцу сего родственникъ, мстящій за кровь: то не будетъ на немъ вины кровопролитія. ] [ (Numbers 36:28) Ибо онъ долженъ жить въ городј убјжища своего до смерти великаго священника, и по смерти великаго священника долженъ возвратиться убійца въ землю владјнія своего. ] [ (Numbers 36:29) Да будетъ сіе у васъ постановлено въ законъ, въ роды ваши, во всјхъ жилищахъ вашихъ. ] [ (Numbers 36:30) Если кто убьетъ человјка, то убійцу должно убить по свидјтельству свидјтелей: но одного свидјтеля свидјтельство недостаточно, чтобы приговорить къ смерти. ] [ (Numbers 36:31) Не берите выкупа за душу убійцы, который повиненъ смерти, но его должно предать смерти. ] [ (Numbers 36:32) И не берите выкупа за убјжавшаго въ городъ убјжища, чтобъ ему позволить жить въ землј своей прежде смерти священника. ] [ (Numbers 36:33) Не оскверняйте земли, на которой вы находитесь, потому что кровь оскверняетъ землю, и земля не иначе очищается отъ пролитой на ней крови, какь кровію пролившаго ее. ] [ (Numbers 36:34) Не должно осквернять землю, на которой вы жительствуете, среди которой обитаю Я: ибо Я Господь обитаю среди сыновъ Израилевыхъ. ]






Hands in the Bible represent power, the force with which things are put into action. To be specific, they represent the power of spiritual good -- which is the love of others and serving others -- expressed through spiritual truth -- which is an understanding and knowledge of what it is to love and serve others. This is in contrast to the feet, which represent power on the natural level, and a “rod,” which represents the power of the hand passed down into external or natural ideas. In a few cases in the Bible, hands also represent communication and a drawing together. This is true when people lift their hands to heaven or to Jehovah, and also when the Lord touches children or touches people to heal them.

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Arcana Coelestia # 10023

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10023. 'And Aaron and his sons shall lay their hands on the head of the young bull' means a representative sign of the reception of goodness and truth in the natural or external man. This is clear from the meaning of 'laying hands on' as transmitting what is one's own to another, the reason why reception too is meant being that what is transmitted is received by another; from the meaning of 'the head' as the whole, dealt with in 10011; and from the meaning of 'the young bull' as the good of innocence and charity in the external or natural man, dealt with in 9391, 10021. The reason why 'laying the hand on' means transmission and reception is that by 'the hands' is meant power and since this power is the capacity to act, whatever resides with a person, thus the entire person engaged in action, is also meant by 'the hands', see the places referred to in 10019; and by 'laying on' is meant transmission on the part of the one who lays them on and reception on the part of the person on whom or thing on which they are laid. From this it is evident what 'laying the hand on' meant among the ancients, namely the transmission and transference of whatever thing it was that they had in mind, and also the reception of it by another, whether it was power, obedience, blessing, or testimony.

[2] The fact that 'laying the hand on' meant power is clear from the following places in Moses,

Jehovah told Moses to lay his hand on Joshua and to set him before Eleazar the priest in front of the whole congregation, and thereby place some of his glory on him, that all the congregation might be obedient to him. Numbers 27:18-20.

'Laying his hand on' here, it is evident, means a transmission and transference of power that Moses had, and the reception of it by Joshua. Therefore it says that he would thereby put some of his glory on him.

[3] In the same author,

It was commanded, when the Levites were to be purified and the priestly function under Aaron was to be assigned to them, that two young bulls together with a minchah should be brought forward, and that Aaron should bring the Levites before Jehovah. And the children of Israel were to lay their hands on the Levites, and the Levites were to lay their hands on the heads of the young bulls, one of which was to be offered as a sacrifice, the other as a burnt offering. And in this way were they to separate the Levites from among the children of Israel, and the Levites would be Jehovah's. Numbers 8:7-14.

The laying of hands on the Levites by the children of Israel was a sign of the transference of power to the Levites to minister on their behalf, and a sign of the reception of that power by the Levites, thus a sign of the separation of the Levites. And the laying of hands on the heads of the young bulls by the Levites was a sign of the transference of that power to Jehovah, that is, the Lord. This is why it says that in that way were they to be separated from among the children of Israel and were to be Jehovah's.

[4] In the same author,

After the children of Israel had confessed their sins Aaron was to lay both his hands on the head of the live he-goat Asasel, and he was to confess over it all the iniquities of the children of Israel, and all their sins; and he was to put them on the goat's head, and send it into the wilderness. Leviticus 16:21.

Laying hands on the he-goat, it is self-evident, meant the transmission and transference of all the iniquities and sins of the children of Israel onto that goat, and its reception of them, 'the wilderness' into which the goat was sent being hell. Leviticus 24:14 required that the witnesses and all who had heard should lay their hands on him who was to be stoned. This action was a sign that the witness borne by them had been transmitted and transferred to him, and once it was received he was delivered up to death.

[5] In the same author,

A person who brings from the herd or from the flock a burnt offering as a gift to Jehovah shall lay his hand on the head of the burnt offering; then it will be received with pleasure from him, to make expiation for him. Leviticus 1:2-4.

The hand had in like manner to be laid on the head of a gift offered as a sacrifice, Leviticus 3:1-2, 8, 13. A priest was required to do the same thing if he had sinned, and so were the elders, or the whole congregation, and also a leader if he had sinned; and any ordinary person 1 was required to do the same thing if he had sinned, Leviticus 4:4, 15, 24, 29. Laying their hands on the burnt offering or on the sacrifice was a sign of all the worship of the one presenting the offering. That is to say, it was a sign of the acknowledgement of sins, confession, and consequent purification, and a sign of the implantation of goodness and truth, thus of being joined to the Lord, all of which was brought about by transmission, transference, and reception. By transference and reception that which is meant by 'bearing iniquities', dealt with in 9937, 9938, should be understood.

[6] Since the laying-on of hands was a sign of transmission, transference, and reception, one may recognize what the laying-on of hands means in Matthew,

A ruler came to Jesus and said, My daughter has just died, but come and lay Your hand on her and she will live. Jesus went in, took her hand, and the girl arose. Matthew 9:18-19, 25.

In Mark,

Jesus laid hands on the blind man's eyes, and he was restored. Mark 8:25.

In the same gospel,

They brought a deaf man to Jesus, that He might lay His hand on him. Taking him aside from the people He put His finger into his ears and touched his tongue, and his powers of hearing were opened. Mark 7:32-33, 35.

In Luke,

There was a woman bent right over owing to a spirit of infirmity. Jesus laid His hands on her, and immediately she was made straight 2 . Luke 13:11, 13.

In Mark,

Jesus laid hands on the weak and healed them. Mark 6:5.

[7] In these places it is evident that when the Lord laid His hand on people, and also when He touched them, the meaning was the transmission and reception of Divine power. The fact that these things are meant is perfectly clear in Mark,

A certain woman came behind and touched Jesus' garment, saying, If I touch merely His garment I shall be healed. And immediately she was healed of the affliction. And Jesus perceived within Himself that power had gone out of Him. Mark 5:27-30.

In Luke,

The woman, touching Jesus' garment, was healed. Jesus said, Someone touched Me, for I perceived power going out from Me. Luke 8:44, 46.

And in the same gospel,

The entire crowd sought to touch Jesus, because power went out from Him and healed them all. Luke 6:19.

[8] From this it is evident what 'touching with the hand' and 'touching with the finger' mean, and also what the following words in the same gospel mean,

Jesus came and touched the coffin in which the dead man was; and the bearers stood still. Then He said, Young man, I say to you, Arise. And the dead man sat up and began to speak. Luke 7:14-15.

It is also evident what laying His hands on children and young children means. Laying them on children is described in Matthew,

Children were brought to Jesus that He might lay His hands on them. Jesus said, Let the children be and do not forbid them to come to Me; of such is the kingdom of heaven. And He laid His hands on them. Matthew 19:13-15.

And laying His hands on young children is spoken of in Mark,

Jesus took the young children up in His arms, and put His hands on them, and blessed them. Mark 10:16.

This laying of His hand on children and on young children likewise means the transmission and reception of Divine power, enabling a person's interiors to be healed, which is salvation.

[9] The meaning of touch by the use of the hands has its origin in representatives in the next life. People there whose states of life are dissimilar appear far removed from one another, whereas those whose states of life are similar appear living in association with one another; and those who touch one another there transmit their state of life to another. If this is done by the use of the hands the whole of their life is transmitted, for as stated above, by the hands, by virtue of their correspondence, is meant power, which is a human being's capacity to act, thus whatever resides with a person. Such representatives occur in the world of spirits, but they do so as a result of influx from heaven, where only the ties associating people as to affections for goodness and truth are perceived.

Poznámky pod čarou:

1. literally, every soul

2. The Latin means He healed [her], but the Greek, also what appears in Swedenborg's rough draft, means she was made straight.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.