

Числа 27



1 Послј сего пораженія сказалъ Господь Моисею и Елеазару, сыну Аарона, священнику:

2 сочтите все общество сыновъ Израилевыхъ отъ двадцати лјтъ и выше по ихъ поколјніямъ, всјхъ ходящихъ на войну у Израиля.

3 И говорилъ имъ Моисей и Елеазаръ священникъ на равнинахъ Моавитскихъ у Іордана противъ Іерихона, и сказалъ,

4 отъ двадцати лјтъ и выше, какъ повелјлъ Господь Моисею и сынамъ Израилевымъ, вышедшимъ изъ земли Египетской.

5 Рувимъ, первенецъ Израиля. Сыны Рувима: Ханохъ, отъ него племя Ханохово, отъ Фаллу племя Фаллуево.

6 Отъ Хецрона племя Хецроново, отъ Харми племя Харміево.

7 Вотъ племена Рувимовы; и вошло ихъ въ перепись сорокъ три тысячи семь сотъ тридцать.

8 Сыны Фаллуя: Еліавъ.

9 Сыны Еліава: Немуилъ, Даѕанъ и Авирамъ, вызванные изъ общества, которые воспротивились Моисею и Аарону вмјстј съ сообщниками Корея, когда сіи воспротивились Господу.

10 И разверзла земля уста свои и поглотила ихъ и Корея, вмјстј съ ними и умерли сообщники ихъ, когда огнь пожралъ двјсти пятьдесятъ человјкъ, и чрезъ то сдјлались примјромъ.

11 Но сыны Кореевы не умерли.

12 Сыны Семеона по племенамъ ихъ: отъ Немуила племя Немуилово, отъ Іамина племя Іаминово, отъ Іахина племя Іахиново.

13 Отъ Зары племя Зариново, отъ Саула племя Саулово.

14 Вотъ племена Семеоновы. Въ нихъ двадцать двј тысячи двјсти.

15 Сыны Гада по племенамъ ихъ: отъ Цефона племя Цефоново, отъ Хаггія племя Хаггіево, отъ Шунія племя Шуніево.

16 Отъ Ознія племя Озніево, отъ Ерія племя Еріево.

17 Отъ Арода племя Ародово, отъ Арелія племя Ареліево.

18 Вотъ племена сыновъ Гадовыхъ. Вошло ихъ въ перепись сорокъ тысячъ пять сотъ.

19 Сыны Іуды: Иръ и Онанъ; но Иръ и Онанъ умерли въ землј Ханаанской.

20 И были сыны Іуды по племенамъ ихъ: отъ Шелы племя Шелино, отъ Фареса племя Фаресово, отъ Зары племя Зарино.

21 И были сыны Фаресовы: отъ Есрома племя Есромово, отъ Хамула племя Хамулово.

22 Вотъ племена Іудины. Вошло ихъ въ перепись семьдесятъ шесть тысячъ пять сотъ.

23 Сыны Иссахаровы по племенамъ ихъ: отъ Ѕолы племя Ѕолино, отъ Фувы племя Фувино. [ (Numbers 27:24) Отъ Іашува племя Іашувино, отъ Шимрона племя Шимроново. ] [ (Numbers 27:25) Вотъ племена Иссахаровы. Вошло ихъ въ перепись шестьдесятъ четыре тысячи триста. ] [ (Numbers 27:26) Сыны Завулона по племенамъ ихъ: отъ Середа племя Середово, отъ Елона племя Елоново, отъ Іахлеила племя Іахлеилово. ] [ (Numbers 27:27) Вотъ племена Завулоновы. Вошло ихъ въ перепись шестьдесятъ тысячъ пять сотъ. ] [ (Numbers 27:28) Сыны Іосифа по племенамъ ихъ: Манассія и Ефремъ. ] [ (Numbers 27:29) Сыны Манассіи: отъ Махира племя Махирово, отъ Махира родился Галаадъ, отъ Галаада племя Галаадово. ] [ (Numbers 27:30) Вотъ сыны Галаадовы: отъ Іезера племя Іезерово, отъ Хелека племя Хелеково, ] [ (Numbers 27:31) отъ Азреила племя Азреилово, отъ Шехема племя Шехемово, ] [ (Numbers 27:32) отъ Шемиды племя Шемидино, отъ Хефера племя Хеферово. ] [ (Numbers 27:33) Отъ Салпаада, сына Хеферова, не было сыновъ, а только дочери. Имя дочерей Салпаадовыхъ: Махла, Ноа, Хогла, Милха и Ѕирца. ] [ (Numbers 27:34) Вотъ племена Манассіины. Вошло ихъ въ перепись пятьдесятъ двј тысячи семь сотъ. ] [ (Numbers 27:35) Вотъ сыны Ефремовы по племенамъ ихъ: отъ Шутелы племя Шутелино, отъ Бехера племя Бехерово, отъ Тахана племя Таханово. ] [ (Numbers 27:36) И вотъ сыны Шутелы: отъ Арана племя Араново. ] [ (Numbers 27:37) Вотъ племена сыновъ Ефремовыхъ. Вошло ихъ въ перепись тридцать двј тысячи пять сотъ. Вотъ сыны Іосифовы по племенамъ ихъ. ] [ (Numbers 27:38) Сыны Веніамина по племенамъ ихъ: отъ Белы племя Белино, отъ Ашбела племя Ашбелово, отъ Ахирама племя Ахирамово, ] [ (Numbers 27:39) отъ Шефуфама племя Шефуфамово, отъ Хуфама племя Хуфамово. ] [ (Numbers 27:40) И были сыны Белы Ардъ и Нааманъ, итакъ племя Ардово; отъ Наамана племя Нааманово. ] [ (Numbers 27:41) Вотъ сыны Веніамииа по племенамъ ихъ: вошло ихъ въ перепись сорокъ пять тысячъ шесть сотъ. ] [ (Numbers 27:42) Вотъ сыны Дановы по племенамъ ихъ: отъ Шухама племя Шухамово. Вотъ семейства Дановы по племенамъ ихъ. ] [ (Numbers 27:43) И всјхъ племенъ Шухама вошло въ перепись шестьдесятъ четыре тысячи четыреста. ] [ (Numbers 27:44) Сыны Асировы по племенамъ ихъ: отъ Имны племя Имнино, отъ Ишвы племя Ишвино, отъ Веріи племя Веріино. ] [ (Numbers 27:45) Отъ сыновъ Веріи: отъ Хевера племя Хеверово, отъ Малхіила племя Малхіилово. ] [ (Numbers 27:46) Имя дочери Асировой Сара. ] [ (Numbers 27:47) Вотъ племя сыновъ Асировыхъ: вошло ихъ въ перепись пятьдесятъ три тысячи четыреста. ] [ (Numbers 27:48) Сыны Нефѕалима по племенамъ ихъ: отъ Іахцеила племя Іахцеилово, отъ Гунія племя Гуніево, ] [ (Numbers 27:49) отъ Іецера племя Іецерово, отъ Шеллема племя Шеллемово. ] [ (Numbers 27:50) Вотъ племена Нефѕалимовы по племенамъ ихъ: вошло ихъ въ перепись сорокъ пять тысячъ четыреста. ] [ (Numbers 27:51) Вотъ число вошедшихъ въ перепись сыновъ Израилевыхъ: шесть сотъ одна тысяча семьсотъ тридцать. ] [ (Numbers 27:52) И говорилъ Господь Моисею, и сказалъ: ] [ (Numbers 27:53) симъ въ удјлъ должно раздјлить землю по числу именъ. ] [ (Numbers 27:54) Кто многочисленнје, тјмъ дай въ удјлъ болје, а кто малочисленнје, тјмъ дай удјлъ менје; каждому должно дать удјлъ соразмјрно съ числомъ вошедшихъ въ перепись. ] [ (Numbers 27:55) По жребію должно раздјлить землю, по именамъ колјнъ отцевъ ихъ должны они получить удјлы. ] [ (Numbers 27:56) По жребію должно раздјлить имъ удјлы ихъ, какъ многолюднымъ, такъ и малолюднымъ. ] [ (Numbers 27:57) Сіи суть вошедшіе въ перепись левиты по племенамъ ихъ: отъ Гирсона племя Гирсоново, отъ Кааѕа племя Кааѕово, отъ Мерари племя Мерарино. ] [ (Numbers 27:58) Вотъ племена Левіины: племя Ливніево, племя Хевроново, племя Махліево, племя Мушіево, племя Кореево. Отъ Кааѕа родился Амралъ. ] [ (Numbers 27:59) Имя жены Амрамовой Іохаведъ, дочь Левіина, которую родила жена Левіина въ Египтј, а она Амраму родила Аарона и Моисея и Маріамь, сестру ихъ. ] [ (Numbers 27:60) И родились у Аарона Надавъ и Авіудъ, Елеазаръ и Иѕагіаръ. ] [ (Numbers 27:61) Но Надавъ и Авіудъ умерли, когда принесли чуждый огнь предъ Господа. ] [ (Numbers 27:62) И вошло ихъ въ перепись двадцать три тысячи всјхъ мужескаго пола отъ мјсяца и выше. Ибо они не были внесены въ перепись между сынами Израилевыми; потому что не дано имъ удјла среди сыновъ Израилевыхъ. ] [ (Numbers 27:63) Вотъ внесенные въ перепись Моисеемъ и Елеазаромъ священникомъ, которые дјлали перепись сынамъ Израилевымъ на равнинахъ Моавитскихъ у Іордана, противъ Іерихона. ] [ (Numbers 27:64) Въ числј ихъ не было ни одного человјка изъ внесенныхъ въ перепись Моисеемъ и Аарономъ священникомъ, которые дјлали перепись сынамъ Израилевымъ въ пустынј Синайской. ] [ (Numbers 27:65) Поелику Господь сказалъ имъ: умрутъ они, умрутъ въ пустынј; и не осталось изъ нихъ ни одного человјка, кромј Халева, сына Іефоніина, и Іисуса, сына Навина. ]


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Arcana Coelestia # 878

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878. And he put forth his hand and took her, and brought her in unto him into the ark. That this signifies his own power, and that he did what was good and thought what was true from himself, is evident from the signification of “hand” as being power, and thus here his own power from which he did these things. For to “put forth his hand and take the dove and bring her in to himself” is to apply and attribute to himself the truth meant by the “dove.” That by “hand” is signified power, also authority [potestas], and the derivative self-confidence, is evident from many passages in the Word, as in Isaiah:

I will visit upon the fruit of the greatness of heart of the king of Assyria, because he hath said, By the strength of my hand I have done it and by my wisdom, for I am intelligent (Isaiah 10:12-13),where “hand” manifestly denotes his own strength to which he attributed what he did, and this was the cause of the visitation upon him. Again:

Moab shall spread forth his hands in the midst of him, as he that swimmeth spreadeth forth his hands to swim, and he shall lay low his pride together with the cataracts of his hands (Isaiah 25:11); where “hands” denote man’s own power, from regarding himself as above others, thus from pride.

[2] Again:

Their inhabitants were short of hand, they were dismayed and put to shame (Isaiah 37:27);

“short of hand” meaning of no power. Again:

Shall the clay say to the potter, What makest thou? or thy work, He hath no hands? (Isaiah 45:9).

Here “he hath no hands” means that he has no power.

In Ezekiel:

The king shall mourn, and the prince shall be clothed with stupefaction, and the hands of the people of the land shall be troubled (Ezekiel 7:27),

where “hands” denote power.

In Micah:

Woe to them that devise iniquity, and work evil upon their beds; when the morning is light they practice it, because their hand is their god (Micah 2:1),

where “hand” denotes their own power in which they trust as their god.

In Zechariah:

Woe to the worthless shepherd that leaveth the flock; the sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye; his arm shall be clean dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened (Zechariah 11:17).

[3] Because “hands” signify powers, man’s evils and falsities are continually called in the Word “the works of his hands.” Evils are from the Own of man’s will, falsities are from the Own of his understanding. That this is the source of evils and falsities is evident enough from the nature of man’s Own, which is nothing but evil and falsity (as may be seen above, n. 39, 41, 141, 150, 154, 210, 215). As “hands” in general signify power, “hands” are many times in the Word attributed to Jehovah, or the Lord, and then by “hands” is understood in the internal sense Omnipotence, as in Isaiah:

Jehovah, Thy hand is lifted up (Isaiah 26:11),

denoting the Divine power. Again:

Jehovah stretched out His hand, all are consumed (Isaiah 31:3),

Concerning the work of My hands command ye Me; My hands have stretched out the heavens and all their army have I commanded (Isaiah 45:11-12),

denoting the Divine power. The regenerate are often called in the Word “the work of the hands of Jehovah.” In the same

Mine hand hath laid the foundation of the earth, and My right hand hath measured the heavens with the palm (Isaiah 48:13), where “hand” and “right hand” denote omnipotence.

[4] Again:

Is My hand shortened at all that it cannot redeem? or have I no power to deliver? (Isaiah 1:2),

denoting the Divine power.

In Jeremiah:

Thou hast made the heaven and the earth by Thy great power and by Thy stretched out arm; and didst bring forth Thy people Israel out of the land of Egypt with signs, and with wonders, and with a strong hand, and with a stretched-out arm (Jeremiah 32:17, 21),

denoting the Divine power; “power” being named in the seventeenth verse [Genesis 8:17], and “hand” in the twenty-first. That Israel was brought out of Egypt with “a strong hand and with a “stretched-out arm” is often said.

In Ezekiel:

Thus saith the Lord Jehovih, In the day when I chose Israel, and lifted up Mine hand unto the seed of the house of Jacob, and made My self known unto them in the land of Egypt; I lifted up Mine hand unto them, to bring them forth out of the land of Egypt (Ezekiel 20:5-6, 23).

In Moses: Israel saw the great hand which Jehovah executed upon the Egyptians (Exodus 14:31).

[5] That by “hand” is signified power is now plainly manifest from these passages. Indeed “hand” was so significant of power that it became also its representative, as is evident from the miracles that were done in Egypt, when Moses was commanded to stretch forth his rod, or hand, and so they were done; as in Exodus:

Moses stretched forth his rod toward heaven, and Jehovah rained hail upon the land of Egypt (Exodus 9:22-23);

Moses stretched forth his hand toward heaven, and there was a thick darkness (Exodus 10:21-22);

Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and Jehovah made the sea dry land; and Moses stretched forth his hand over the sea, and the sea returned (Exodus 14:21, 27).

No one with mental capacity for right thinking can believe that there was any such power in the hand or rod of Moses, but because the lifting up and stretching forth of the hand signified the Divine power, it became a representative in the Jewish Church.

[6] It was similar when Joshua stretched out his javelin, as in Joshua:

And Jehovah said unto Joshua, Stretch out the javelin that is in thy hand toward Ai; for I will give it into thine hand; and Joshua stretched out the javelin that was in his hand toward the city, and they entered into the city and took it for Joshua drew not back his hand, wherewith he stretched out the javelin, until he had devoted all the inhabitants of Ai (Joshua 8:18, 26).From this it is also evident how the case is with the representatives that were the externals of the Jewish Church; and also how it is with the Word: that the things in its external sense do not appear to be representative of the Lord and His kingdom, as here the stretching forth of the hand, and likewise all the other things, which bear no appearance of being representative while the mind is fixed only on the historic details of the letter. It is evident also how far the Jews had fallen away from a true understanding of the Word and of the rites of the church, while making all worship consist in externals only, even to the extent of attributing power to the rod of Moses and the javelin of Joshua, when yet there was no more power in them than in wood. But because the omnipotence of the Lord was signified, and this was understood in heaven when they stretched forth their hand or rod, the signs and miracles followed.

[7] So too it was when Moses on the top of the hill held up his hands, and Joshua prevailed; and when he let down his hands, and Joshua was overcome; and therefore they stayed up his hands (Exodus 17:9-13). Thus it was that hands were laid upon those who were being consecrated, as on the Levites by the people (Numbers 8:9-10, 12), and on Joshua by Moses, when he was substituted in his place (Numbers 27:18, 23), in order that power might so be given. Hence also come the rites still observed of inauguration and benediction by the laying on of hands. To what extent the hand signified and represented power, is evident from what is said in the Word concerning Uzzah and Jeroboam. Concerning Uzzah it is said that he put forth (his hand) to the ark of God, and took hold of it, and therefore he died (2 Samuel 6:6-7). The “ark” represented the Lord, thus all that is holy and celestial. Uzzah’s putting forth (his hand) to the ark, represented man’s own power, or what is his own; and as this is profane, the word “hand” is understood, but is not expressed in the original, lest it should be perceived by the angels that such a profane thing had touched what is holy.

[8] And because Uzzah put it forth, he died. Concerning Jeroboam it is said: And it came to pass, when the king heard the saying of the man of God, which he cried against the altar, that Jeroboam put forth his hand from the altar, saying, Lay hold on him; and his hand which he put forth against him, dried up, so that he could not draw it back again to him; and he said unto the man of God, Intreat now the faces of Jehovah thy God, and pray for me, that my hand may be restored me again; and the man of God intreated the faces of Jehovah, and the king’s hand was restored him again, and became as it was before (1 Kings 13:4-6).

Here in like manner by “putting forth the hand” is signified man’s own power, or his Own, which is profane, and that it wished to violate what is holy by putting forth the hand against the man of God; wherefore the hand was dried up; but as Jeroboam was an idolater and therefore could not commit profanation, his hand was restored. That the “hand” signifies and represents power, is evident from the representatives in the world of spirits, where a naked arm sometimes comes into view, in which there is strength enough to crush one’s bones and squeeze their inmost marrow to nothing, causing such terror as to melt the heart; and in fact this strength is actually in it.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.