

Числа 23



1 И отправились сыны Израилевы, и остановились на равнинахъ Моава, по ту сторону Іордана, противъ Іерихона.

2 Валакъ, сынъ Сепфоровъ, видјлъ все, что сдјлалъ Израиль Аморреямъ;

3 и весьма боялись Моавитяне народа сего, потому что онъ былъ многочисленъ, и ужасались Моавитяне сыновъ Израилевыхъ.

4 И сказали Моавитяне старјйшинамъ Мадіамскимъ: этотъ народъ појдаетъ теперь все вокругъ насъ, какъ волъ појдаетъ траву въ полј. Валакъ же, сынъ Сепфоровъ, былъ царемъ Моавитянъ въ то время.

5 И послалъ онъ пословъ къ Валааму, сыну Веорову, въ Пефоръ, который на рјкј Евфратј, въ землю сыновъ народа его, чтобы позватъ его, и велјлъ сказать: вотъ народъ вышелъ изъ Египта, вотъ онъ покрылъ лице земли, и живетъ подлј меня.

6 Итакъ, приди, прокляни мнј народъ сей, ибо онъ сильнје меня: можетъ быть, я тогда могу поразить его и выгоню изъ земли. Я знаю, что кого ты благословишь, тотъ благословенъ, и кого ты проклянешь, тотъ проклятъ.

7 И пошли старјйшины Моавитскіе и старјйшины Мадіамскіе съ подарками въ рукахъ, и пришли къ Валааму, и пересказали ему слова Валаковы.

8 И сказалъ онъ имъ: переночуйте здјсь ночь и дамъ вамъ отвјтъ, какъ скажетъ мнј Господь. И старјйшины Моавитскіе остались у Валаама.

9 И пришелъ Богъ къ Валааму, и сказалъ: какіе это люди у тебя?

10 Валаамъ сказалъ Богу: Валакъ, сынъ Сепфоровъ, царь Моавитскій прислалъ ко мнј сказать:

11 вотъ народъ вышелъ изъ Египта и покрылъ лице земли, итакъ приди, прокляни мнј его: можетъ быть, я тогда могу сразиться съ нимъ и выгоню его.

12 Богъ сказалъ Валааму: не ходи съ ними, не проклинай народа сего, ибо онъ благословенъ.

13 И всталъ Валаамъ поутру, и сказалъ князьямъ Валаковымъ: подите въ землю вашу, ибо не хочетъ Господь позволить мнј идти съ вами.

14 И встали князья Моавитскіе и пришли къ Валаку, и сказали: не согласился Валаамъ идти съ нами.

15 Валакъ послалъ еще князей, болје и знаменитје тјхъ.

16 И пришли они къ Валааму, и сказали ему: такъ говоритъ Валакъ, сынъ Сепфоровъ: не откажись придти ко мнј.

17 Я окажу тебј великое почтеніе и сдјлаю все, что ни скажешь мнј. Приди, прокляни мнј народъ сей.

18 Валаамъ въ отвјтъ на сіе сказалъ рабамъ Валаковымъ: хотя бы Валакъ давалъ мнј полный свой домъ серебра и золота, не могу преступить повелјнія Господа, Бога моего, и сдјлать что либо малое или великое.

19 Впрочемъ останьтесь здјсь и вы на ночь, и я узнаю, что опять скажетъ мнј Господь.

20 И пришелъ Богъ къ Валааму ночью, и сказалъ ему: если люди сіи пришли звать тебя, встань, поди съ ними; но только дјлай то, что я буду говорить тебј.

21 Валаамъ всталъ по утру, осјдлалъ ослицу свою и пошелъ съ князьями Моавитскими.

22 И воспылалъ гнјвъ Божій за то, что онъ пошелъ, и сталъ Ангелъ Господень на дорогј, чтобы воспретить ему. Онъ јхалъ на ослицј своей и съ нимъ два слуги его.

23 И увидјла ослица Ангела Господня, стоящаго на дорогј съ обнаженнымъ мечемъ въ рукј, и своротила ослица съ дороги, и пошла на поле; а Валаамъ сталъ бить ослицу, чтобы возвратить ее на дорогу.

24 И сталъ Ангелъ Господень на узкой дорогј, между двумя виноградниками, гдј съ одной стороны заборъ, и съ другой стороны заборъ.

25 Ослица, увидјвъ Ангела Господня, прижалась къ стјнј, и прижала ногу Валаамову къ стјнј; и онъ опять сталъ бить ее.

26 Ангелъ Господень опять перешелъ и сталъ на тјсномъ мјстј, гдј некуда своротить ни направо, ни налјво.

27 Ослица, увидјвъ Ангела Господня, упала подъ Валаамомъ, и воспылалъ гнјвъ Валаама, и сталъ онъ бить ослицу жезломъ.

28 И отверзъ Господь уста ослицы, и она сказала Валааму: что я тебј сдјлала, что ты бьешь меня вотъ уже третій разъ?

29 Валаамъ сказалъ ослицј: за то, что ты ругаешься надо мною; если бы у меня въ рукј былъ мечъ, то я теперь же убилъ бы тебя.

30 Ослица же сказала Валааму: не я ли твоя ослица, на которой ты јздилъ сначала до сего дня? Имјла ли я привычку такъ поступать съ тобою? Онъ сказалъ: нјтъ. [ (Numbers 23:31) И открылъ Господь глаза Валааму, и увидјлъ онъ Ангела Господня стоящаго на дорогј съ обнаженнымъ мечемъ въ рукј, и преклонился, и палъ на лице свое. ] [ (Numbers 23:32) И сказалъ ему Ангелъ Господень: за что ты билъ ослицу твою вотъ уже три раза? Я вышелъ, чтобы воспретить тебј, потому что путь твой непрямъ предо мною. ] [ (Numbers 23:33) И ослица, видјвъ меня, своротила отъ меня вотъ уже три раза. Еслибы она не своротила отъ меня, то я тебя убилъ бы, а ее оставилъ бы живою. ] [ (Numbers 23:34) И сказалъ Валаамъ Ангелу Господню: согрјшилъ я, потому что не зналъ, что ты стоишь противъ меня на дорогј; итакъ, если это непріятно въ очахъ твоихъ, то я возвращусь. ] [ (Numbers 23:35) И сказалъ Ангелъ Господень Валааму: поди съ людьми сими, толъко говори то, что я буду говорить тебј. И пошелъ Валаамъ съ князьями Валаковыми. ] [ (Numbers 23:36) Валакъ, услышавъ, что идетъ Валаамъ, вышелъ на встрјчу ему въ городъ Моавитскій, который на предјлахъ Арнона, который на самыхъ предјлахъ. ] [ (Numbers 23:37) И сказалъ Валакъ Валааму: не посылалъ ли я къ тебј звать тебя? Почему ты не шелъ ко мнј? Неужели я въ самомъ дјлј не могу почтить тебя? ] [ (Numbers 23:38) И сказалъ Валаамъ Валаку: вотъ, я и пришелъ къ тебј, но могу ли я что сказать? Что вложитъ Богъ во уста мои, то и буду говорить. ] [ (Numbers 23:39) И пошелъ Валаамъ съ Валакомъ и пришли въ Киріаѕ-Хуцоѕъ. ] [ (Numbers 23:40) И закололъ Валакъ воловъ и овецъ и послалъ Валааму и князьямъ, которые съ нимъ. ] [ (Numbers 23:41) На другой день Валакъ взялъ Валаама и возвелъ его на высоты Вааловы, чтобъ онъ увидјлъ оттуда часть парода. ]


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Arcana Coelestia # 8273

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8273. 'Jehovah is a man of war' means that the Lord provides protection against all evils and falsities, which come from the hells. This is clear from the meaning of 'a man of war' as one who fights against falsities and evils, that is, against the hells, and overcomes them, at this point one who provides a person protection against them. For as shown already, the Lord alone fights on behalf of a person and protects him when he is under attack from the hells; He does so constantly, especially in temptations, which are spiritual conflicts. The Lord is called 'a man of war', primarily because when He was in the world He fought alone, that is, all by Himself, against the hells, which at that time were for the most part open. They were attacking and attempting to bring under their control all without exception who were entering the next life. The reason why the devil's crew, that is, the hells, were prowling around in that way then was that the Divine passing through heaven, which was the Divine Human before the Lord's Coming, was not powerful enough to oppose the evils and falsities which had increased so enormously. Therefore the Divine was pleased to take upon Himself a Human Form and make it Divine. At the same time - through the conflicts to which He allowed Himself to be subjected - He cast the devil's crew into the hells, shut them in there, and made them subject to the heavens; also at the same time He restored the heavens themselves to order. These conflicts are the primary reason for calling the Lord 'a man of war'. And after them, when He had thereby conquered the hells and made Himself righteousness, He has been called such because with Divine power He provides people protection, doing so constantly, and especially in the conflicts brought by temptations.

[2] The truth that the Lord alone, all by Himself, fought against the hells and overcame them is presented in the following way in Isaiah,

Judgement is cast away backwards, and justice stands afar off, for truth has stumbled in the street, and uprightness cannot come in; while truth has been removed, and he who retreats from evil is insane. Jehovah saw, and it was evil in His eyes that there was no judgement. And He saw that there was no man (vir), and wondered that there was no intercessor therefore His own arm brought salvation to Him, and His righteousness lifted Him up. Consequently He put on righteousness as a breastplate, and a helmet of salvation upon His head. Isaiah 59:14-17.

This describes conditions at that time in both worlds and declares that the Lord all by Himself, alone, re-established things that were in a state of collapse. The like is stated elsewhere in the same prophet,

Who is this who comes from Edom, with spattered clothes from Bozra, He that is glorious in His apparel, marching in the vast numbers of His strength? I who speak in righteousness, mighty to save. I have trodden the winepress alone, and from the peoples not a man (vir) was with Me. Consequently their victory 1 has been sprinkled on My clothes. For the day of vengeance was in My heart, and the year of My redeemed had come. I had looked around, but there was no helper, and I wondered, but there was no one to uphold; therefore My own arm brought salvation to Me. Isaiah 63:1-5.

These quotations make it clear that when in the world, the Lord fought alone against the hells and overcame them.

[3] So far as conflicts with and victories over the hells are concerned, the truth is that anyone who overcomes them once does so for evermore; for through victory he gains power over them, since in the same measure he consolidates within himself, and makes his own, the good of love and the truth of faith against which the hells afterwards do not dare to attempt anything. When He was in the world the Lord allowed Himself to endure conflicts brought by temptations from all the hells, and through those conflicts He made Divine the Human within Him and at the same time reduced the hells to a state of obedience for evermore, see 1663, 1668, 1690, 1692, 1737, 1813, 1820, 2776, 2786, 2795, 2803, 2814, 2816, 4287. So it is that the Lord alone has power over the hells for ever, and with Divine power fights on behalf of a person. This now explains why the Lord is called 'a man of war' and also 'a mighty man', as again in Isaiah,

Jehovah will go forth as a mighty man, as a man of wars He will arouse zeal; He will prevail over His enemies. Isaiah 42:13.

And in David,

Who is this King of glory? Jehovah strong and a mighty man, Jehovah a mighty man of war. Who is this King of glory? Jehovah Zebaoth (Jehovah of Hosts or Armies). Psalms 24:8, 10.

[4] Wherever 'war' is mentioned in the Word, spiritual war against falsities and evils - or what amounts to the same thing, against the devil, that is, the hells - is meant in the internal sense, 1664, 2686. The wars or battles which the Lord fought against the hells are the subject in the internal sense both in the historical sections of the Word and in its prophetical parts; and no less the subject are the Lord's wars or battles fought on behalf of man. With the Ancients, with whom the Lord's Church existed, there also existed a Word, having both a historical section and a prophetical part, which is not extant at the present day. Its historical section was called The Book of the Wars of Jehovah and its prophetical part The Utterances. That Word is referred to in Moses, Numbers 21:14, 27. The fact that the expression used in Numbers 21:27 means prophetical utterances is evident from the meaning the expression is given at Numbers 23:7, 18; 24:3, 15. The Wars of Jehovah in that Word meant the Lord's battles against and His victories over the hells when He was in the world. They also meant the battles fought after that, and the everlasting victories won by Him, on behalf of man, the Church, and His kingdom. The hells desire constantly to puff themselves up, for they yearn only to dominate; but they are kept in check by the Lord alone. Their attempts to exert themselves are seen as bubbles boiling up or as a person arching his back. But every time they attempt such a thing a large number of them are cast further down.

Poznámky pod čarou:

1. i.e. blood

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.